Lux's Farewell

350 0346 】

Chapter 350 [0346]

Nasus thought it over well, when Azir planted seeds in the world, the number of direct descendants exceeded three digits. After so many years, the number of royal blood has already exceeded the sky, right?
Strength and wisdom are the most perfect combination, so I simply found two children of similar age and good talent, brought them back to the big library, and carefully cultivated them for ten or eight years. The cornerstone of Rhema!
With this in mind, Nasus finally arrived at Vikola smoothly after punishing a few profiteers and clearing up a few nests of sand robbers.

Through the tall arches, Nasus finally entered the city again after a thousand years.

When he took out a copper coin as the entry fee, his eyes subconsciously fell on the lines on the inner side of the arch—Nasus remembered that there was a picture commemorating Empress Wu's liberation of Vikola from a group of heretics. .

Vekola is located in the lower reaches of the Shurima River, which is the only way to Shurima City.

When Nasus was still a teenager, he and Renekton set off from their hometown to Shurima City to take the entrance exam for Shurima University.

Even though thousands of years have passed, Nasus still remembers how he and Renekton first entered Vikola City—at the instigation of a painter, Renekton spent three days of food expenses, and Lakton I watched myself model under this arch for an hour, and finally got a pair of portrait oil paintings.

Although the oil painting was lost long ago when the Shurima Empire was destroyed, Nasus could still clearly remember the appearance of that painting. In the painting, he and Renekton were in high spirits, but the background was a bit blurry because of the haste. Briefly, those delicately embossed backgrounds are not reflected on the canvas, but are replaced by an undulating shadow.

However, even if it was just a shadow on the canvas at that time, it was far clearer than the reality before Nasus's eyes now after the wind and sand eroded.

The relief that was so lifelike back then, now there is only a piece of uneven... undulations.

Seeing this situation, perhaps ordinary bards can't help but write a nostalgic poem, lamenting the erosion of time, but in the eyes of Nasus, it is not time that really erodes everything, but The Fall of Shurima.

After all, the time between the bas-relief and Nasus' first visit to Vekora is actually far longer than the time since the destruction of Shurima.

But when Nasus first came to Vikola, the statue was still as good as new-it's not the long time that really erodes everything, but the lack of maintenance and repairs.

Shaking his head slightly, Nasus no longer thought about it. He strode into the turbulent crowd of Vikola Street, followed the footsteps of pedestrians, and headed for the temple in the east of the city.

It is said that the descendant of the Eagle King opened an altar there to teach, and there is no distinction between teaching and learning.


Without much effort, Nasus found the place where the descendant of the Eagle King was teaching.

In an abandoned temple, countless people were sitting densely in the shade, and in the center of them, a guy covered in bright yellow was dancing and giving a speech.

In order not to reveal his identity, the tall Nasus not only wore a robe, but also wrapped his dark body with linen.

Dressing like this provided him with a lot of convenience. No one wanted to be close to a guy who "may have an infectious skin disease" when he was away from home.

After seeing Nasus's arm wrapped in linen that was voluntarily exposed by the people who were listening to the speech, there were those who despised, those who disliked, and those who sympathized, but no matter what expressions they showed, none of them Exceptionally, a path was opened, allowing Nasus to pass smoothly.

So hardly any words were needed, and Nasus quickly came to the forefront of the crowd.

Squatting in the first row, Nasus could finally inspect the descendant of the Eagle King with peace of mind.

However, before listening to him for 2 minutes, Nasus's brows were already furrowed, and the dog's face (actually the face of a jackal) under the hood also showed "old man, subway, mobile phone.JPG" expression.

how to say.

What this "descendant of the Eagle King" advocates cannot be said to be completely contrary to Azir's political intentions at the beginning, it can only be said to have nothing to do with it.

In the speech, the other party has been emphasizing order, thinking that "there is no order in Shurima, which led to such a situation", does this sound reasonable?
However, when it comes to order itself, the content of his speech is very intriguing.

What is the order that Shurima should have?
For a guy like Nasus who is "quite conservative among the Ascendants", the order of Shurima should be the order of the most glorious time of the Shurima Empire.

Ruled by a leader with both strength and wisdom, supported by a powerful Ascended Legion, and professionals who have experienced study and examination as the cornerstone of all walks of life, this is the order that Shurima should have.

However, in the mouth of this "descendant of the Eagle King", the order of Shurima should be "one line for all ages, with distinct classes, each with a division of labor, and eternal".

None of these four views is shared by Karya.

And even for the conservatives among the Ascended, Nasus could not agree with the concept of "distinct classes and division of labor".

That's right, when the Shurima Empire was backing up, Nasus did contribute a little bit, but the situation at that time was that the empire had just split up, and a lot of work that was maintained and performed by mages and scholars in the past was not done, so Slaves were used—they didn't need to be well educated, they just needed to work.

And now this "descendant of the Eagle King" seems to regard standardized slavery as a cure-all for all diseases!
In all fairness, this kid's eloquence is good. He knows exactly who he is facing in this speech, so he tried his best to exaggerate the freedom and power of free people, small traders and ordinary craftsmen in his words, which would attract everyone's attention from time to time. There was a burst of applause.

But Nasus, who was watching coldly, knew very well that each of his slogans counted as one, and they were all pits that could never come out once they stepped on them!

What "nobles and bureaucrats should be prohibited from engaging in civilian industries and competing for profit with the people", what "should clearly delineate and limit the boundaries of different levels, and especially prohibit slaves from leaving their citizenship", what "should specialize education, internalize it, and make different Vocational education internal solution", no matter which one is singled out, it will lock the present and future of Shurima.

However, under the inducement of the other party, the free people who listened to the speech focused entirely on the relationship between "we have the same relationship with slaves as lords have with slaves" and "the lords should not interfere with the lives of us people". When it comes to issues like this, they didn't realize at all that if these policies were really implemented, they would be highly poisonous wrapped in honey!
Gritting his teeth, Nasus waited until the speech was over. When the crowd swarmed up and began to ask questions, Nasus quickly squeezed into the crowd by relying on his size and being wrapped in linen. ahead.

"You are a descendant of the Eagle King, right?" When it was Nasus' turn, he stroked his cane with one hand and pressed the other on the table in front of this guy, "Azir's descendant? "

"Presumptuous!" Faced with Nasus's behavior of calling Azir directly, the other party raised his eyebrows without hesitation, "Guards—take him out!"

However, before the guards maintaining order appeared, Nasus took the initiative to tear off his hood and his cloak, revealing a jackal face and a dark obsidian-like body.

"Tell me, child." He looked at the other party blankly, and repeated his own question, "You are the descendant of the Eagle King, the descendant of Azir, right?"

After seeing Nasus's true face, the other party was obviously stunned for a moment. He blinked and quickly realized Nasus's identity, and then couldn't help swallowing.

Sweat dripped from his brow, and the eloquence he had just delivered in his speech seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment—he faltered, and at the same time winked at the guards behind Nasus who had been bribed by him with a lot of money.

Unfortunately, most of the guards were aware of the seriousness of the problem, and they pretended to surround the surroundings, but their bodies hesitated. Only two guys with big enough hearts (or no hearts at all) quietly drew their weapons, Stabbed at Nasus, whose back was turned to him.



The standard scimitar sliced ​​through Nasus' vest, drawing two bright streaks of sparks across his sculptural, angular back.

Before he could react from the sluggishness, Nasus swung his cane without looking back. After two bangs, the two stupid guys were already stuck outside the abandoned temple like mud The kind that can't be buckled on the fence.

"Answer me." Nasus asked his own question for the third time, but his tone was as cold as ice, "You are the descendant of the Eagle King, the descendant of Azir, right?"


This golden guy seemed to be hesitating to delay time, but Nasus grabbed him by the back of the neck without hesitation, picked him up like a jackal holding a pup, and stepped forward. Take a big step and walk outside.

The onlookers stepped aside one after another, and followed behind curiously—when the two unlucky bastards tried to sneak attack but were counter-killed, someone had already recognized Nasus's identity, and they all wanted to know what happened next. development of.


After walking out of the temple, Nasus looked up and quickly found his target.

In the south, a "solar disc" is under construction. Since the Nasramians have attracted a large number of desert vagrants by making sun discs, and thus achieved amazing prosperity, many cities with good economic strength have begun Various similar buildings were built.

As an important trading city on the banks of the Shurima River, Vikola was unwilling to be outdone. The city lord mobilized a large number of slaves to artificially build a small hill in a deserted area in the south of the city, and planned to erect a sun disc on it. .

For Nasus, this is undoubtedly the best place to tell the truth from the fake.

With the whining guy in his hand, Nasus left the abandoned temple and came to the streets of Vikola.

As a large number of people followed him, the guards of the city were finally completely alarmed. They formed a team and tried to intercept Nasus and evacuate the people.

However, it is difficult for mortals to stop the Ascended.

Considering that these guards are just to maintain order, unlike the two bastards who were doing black hands before, Nasus took some effort and didn't have a crutch, but even if he took some effort, it at least represented Don't come to bed for three to five days.

In this way, Nasus "breaks out of the siege" and comes under the unfinished sun disk.

This golden sun disc seems interesting from a distance, but for Nasus who has personally experienced the ascension ceremony... its imitation can only be described as clumsy.

However, the focus of Nasus's attention now is obviously not the authenticity of this sun disc. He carried the "descendant of the Eagle King" to the scaffolding where the sun disc was built, and asked his own question for the last time. question.

"You are a descendant of the Eagle King, a descendant of Azir, right?"

"I... I am!" The other party closed his eyes, bent his heart, and stiffened his neck, "My family tree clearly records all of this, so there is no need to doubt—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Nasus swung his staff.

Different from his strength when facing the guards before, this time Nasus's action was rare to have a bit of "gentleness". On the disk reflecting the sun's brilliance at noon.

The temperature of the copper sun disc was astonishingly high under the scorching sun. After the blood dripped on it, it made a hissing sound instantly, and it turned into a reddish-brown spot in the blink of an eye.

Nasus narrowed his eyes slightly, scrutinized the spot carefully, felt the flickering wave of magic power, and finally showed a self-deprecating expression on his face.

"What the hell am I expecting..." He lowered his head and sighed in a voice only he could hear, "Be patient, be patient, Nasus, you've been waiting for a long time, it's not too late."

Clearly, this guy is a fake.

Seeing Nasus's reaction, the impostor realized that something was wrong. Just when he was hesitating whether to jump off the scaffolding and escape for his life, Nasus had already collected his mood and grabbed his head.

"Your dirty blood stained the sun disc." Nasus pressed his face on the sun disc, "Although it is just an imitation, at least it is more like your imitation!"

While speaking, Nasus took this guy's face like a rag, and rubbed vigorously on the sun disc until those reddish-brown marks were completely wiped off, then nodded in satisfaction.

A smell of burnt feathers replaced the faint smell of blood. Nasus tore off the bright yellow robe from the guy, dropped him off the scaffolding, and carefully wiped the smell that he had just rubbed with his face. After confirming that there was no trace of disharmony left, he nodded in satisfaction.

Picking up the cane, Nasus heaved a long sigh of relief, and then found a booklet from the bag at his waist. After opening it, he found at the end of the line "Vikola's Descendants of the Eagle King", full of He crossed it regretfully, smacked his lips, and moved his gaze to the next line.

"Let me see what other rumors are there." Nasus jumped off the scaffolding, "Grey Rock Town... there are also descendants of the Eagle King in such a remote place? Forget it, I'd rather believe it... just take it as a drop in To Vazuan."

 Kalya's Little Classroom Shurima Royal Bloodline:
  There is indeed a slight difference between Shurima royal blood and non-royal blood.

  But unlike what people think of as "royal blood is noble and powerful", because of a weak transmigrator, the compatibility of royal blood and magic is actually worse...

  High emotional intelligence: The royal blood is so different that it cannot be imitated at all.

  Low emotional intelligence: It is difficult for royal blood to produce talented spellcasters.

  PS. There is another chapter tonight, the plot on Nasus' side is over, and I will return to Lux's perspective immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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