Lux's Farewell

Chapter 351 [0347] Secret technique·repeated horizontal jump

Chapter 351 [0347] Secret technique·repeated horizontal jump
In Vikola, Nasus exposed a guy who faked the identity of the descendant of the Eagle King and set off again, heading north to the town of Gray Rock.

And in Bumang, Lax and Ino also set off again with Karya and Skalash - they failed to buy a camel in the end, so they could only feel sorry for Skalash, who had lost a lot of fat. It's been a while.

Fortunately, after Yu Bumang's two days of recuperation, Scarash's mental state has improved a lot after eating and drinking. In addition, Lacus and Ino are now resting in shifts during the day, riding alone, and then riding alone. On departure, Scarash also seemed to have finally come back to life.

In this way, two people, one Scarash, with Karya and Sefika, finally set off, left Bumang, and headed north to Nashilami.


The journey from Bu Mang to Nashi Lamei can only be described as lackluster.

The reason is also very simple: this is a relatively prosperous business road.

Although there are very few people traveling eastward from Bumang across the Great Sai Desert, there are many caravans going southward from Bumang across the Great Sai Desert to the Shurima River Basin.

As for many caravans heading south from Bumang, the previous stop was Nashi Lamei.

Therefore, although there is no such desert road as when the Shurima Empire was still on the road from Nashilame to Bumang, at least the oases along the way are operated by people.

Even though Lacus and Ino walked in a straight line and skipped many supply points along the way, they still had enough food along the way.

Compared with the previous journey, this section looks like a relatively normal desert journey, and it is a journey that ordinary people can take.

After only five days of walking, Lacus and Ino arrived in Nashiramei very smoothly. What's interesting is that when they arrived here, the whole city seemed to be immersed in a wonderful atmosphere of joy.

There are smiling crowds everywhere on the street, and every house is decorated with lights and festoons. The roads in many commercial areas are even paved with a layer of coarse fabric, sprinkled with red, yellow, and green paint powders. Many children pass by Sometimes I will roll on it excitedly.

Considering that the followers of the giant god Uzeris and the Noxus in the west are fighting, and I heard that the Nasramians are happy with this in Bumang, so Lux's first reaction is that the Nasramians are gloating. .

But... no matter how much you gloat, you won't be able to do this, right?

Lacus, who was full of doubts, raised her own doubts to Kalya.

Hearing Lux's doubts, Kalya couldn't help laughing.

"No, no." He smiled and explained, "Although there may indeed be some regional conflicts between the Nashiramis and the Uzeris, the reason why Nashiramis is so lively now is that they are celebrating Celebrate traditional festivals.”

"Traditional festival?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally became interested. "What festival?"

"Ramus Day!" Kalya seemed to recall some happy past events, and his tone was rarely light, "Ramus is the old god of Shurima, and he was also the target of sweeping away false beliefs, but like Janna, Nashiramos did not choose to forget and give up Ramos, but integrated everything about him into their life and traditional culture, and the annual Ramos Day is an important folk festival for them.”

"Ramos...I've heard the name before." Lux blinked, "Which Shurima travel book is it?"

""Northern Shurima Customs Textual Research", the armored dragon and tortoise chapter, you must remember." Kalya said happily, "It is a book with illustrations, and the author also specially drew the image of Ramos standing—I I remember that because it was the only line drawing in that book, so after you learned how to paint, you added a lot of weird content to it, such as Ramos playing the piano, Ramos dancing..."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Seeing that Kalya started to turn over her dark history again, Lux hurriedly stopped, "I've already remembered, that armadillo with the dragon turtle shell!"

"It seems that you really remembered." Kalya did not continue to expose the black history of Lacus, but changed the topic and said that he returned to Ramos, "You were still young at that time, and I just briefly told you about Lacus. I'm afraid you have already forgotten most of the customs of Shilami Ramos Day, right?"

"I've already remembered a lot - such as rolling all over the floor, I thought it was the children who were naughty at first."

"Rolling all over the floor and imitating Ramos is the highlight of Ramos Day." Carya affirmed, "But now it is Ramos Day tomorrow, and today adults will naturally not roll around casually, only playful children Only then will I take this opportunity to fill the ground with bones."

"So, Ramos is similar to Janna?" Lacus nodded and said, "Then shall we meet him?"

"Ramos is not easy to find." Carya thought for a while, and finally smacked her lips helplessly, "Jana's body is just a wind elf, so after losing her faith, freedom and freedom are all she desires. But Ramos is different. He is an old god in the true sense. Even if no one believes in him, he is still a great existence born in the yellow sand. Therefore, even if the existence of Ramos has been integrated into folk customs, Ramos Still haven't lost the power of demigod."

"So he is still protecting the city?"

"Probably." Kalya paused, "You may have forgotten that there is a Shurima travel book, which records some rumors when Uzeris joined Noxus."

"... Most of the time I listen to your lectures carefully!"

"Of course, I don't mean to criticize you." Kalya continued, "But I clearly remember that the travel notes said that Noxus wanted to persuade Uzeris and Nashilami to surrender together."

"But Nashilami refused?"

"That's right, Nasramie refused. It is said that Ramos showed up once at that time and caused a lot of trouble for the Noxus, so that Nassramie can maintain the state of today's success."

"Both the right and the left?" Lux was a little puzzled, "Between who and whom?"

"Between restoring the name of Shurima and obtaining the actual benefits of Noxus." Kalya chuckled, "You may not have paid much attention to this part, but Ino knows more."

"That's right." Ino nodded when he heard the words, "When I was in Besilico, in order to understand Noxus' policies and strategies for Shurima, I searched a lot of information and collected a lot of information. , A considerable part of it is related to Nashi Lamei, this Nashi Lamei's harbor maid Sagar, is really... a very thoughtful person."

It seems that Nashilami's Harbor Maiden made Ino a little speechless. When evaluating her, Ino stumbled for a long time before choking out "very thoughtful", which surprised Lacus.

"To be specific, what does it mean to have an idea?"

"When the Noxus wooed the northern cities of Shurima, they used similar means to Uzeris and Nasramai." Ino explained, "The attitudes are to allow autonomy, provide shelter, and unify in name , Opening up trade and so on, the conditions are actually very loose, in the face of tangible benefits, Uzeris quickly wavered, and the connection with Noxus became deeper and deeper, and eventually became a part of Noxus."

"It's understandable, it's similar to Telishne and Belgun." Lux nodded, "What about Nasramie? Didn't accept the kindness of Noxus? Did he accept the kindness, but still have to accept it? Maintain the orthodoxy of Shurima?"

"It's even more exaggerated than that." Speaking of this, Ino couldn't help rubbing the center of his brows, "This harbor maid fully accepted all the benefits provided by the Noxus, and let the economy of Naslam and Noxus When the Noxians urged her, in order to show her sincerity, she took the initiative to marry the Noxus envoy who was stationed in Nasram at that time."

"Political marriage?"

"Naturally." Ino nodded, "However, this move obviously caused a backlash from the Nashram Americans. In addition, the Uzeris just surrendered, and there are many Shurimans who are unwilling to join Noxus. They all ran to Nashi Lamei, so Nashi Lamei was in a rage for a while."

"Then, Your Excellency the Governor began to jump around repeatedly?"

"Almost." Ino nodded again, "Originally, the Noxians hoped to use marriage to influence her, but it turned out that the Noxian envoy was so fascinated by her that he covered her up everywhere and reported to the The Noxian messages are all about 'in order to maintain the stability of the situation, we have to emphasize to the people that we must maintain Shurima traditions'."

"Has this fooled the Noxians?"

"Of course not, I don't show any practical things, and the Noxian war masons are not vegetarian." Ino shook his head, with a subtle expression on his face, "To show sincerity, this harbor maid The Dorch started 'de-Shurima', but the way she did it was by driving out the titans."

Hearing this, Lux finally understood why Ino's expression was so subtle—the Harbor Maid was a real big fool, the kind who fooled the Noxus into a big wrong.

Relying on the fact that the Noxus did not have a deep understanding of Shurima culture, she chose a "perfect" plan to show her loyalty to Noxus: You see, I put those giant god believers who have their own unique customs They are all expelled. My loyalty to Noxus is a lesson to be learned from the sun and the moon. However, the public sentiment has been turbulent recently. For the sake of stability, I can't just change the flag directly!
Coupled with the fact that the Noxus envoys were sleeping and helping to cover, the Noxus naturally thought that Naslami's surrender was just a matter of finishing, so they maintained their support for Nasram. Shlamme's trade preferences, while happily waiting for this prosperous city on the northern shore of Shurima, second only to Piltover, to fall into the embrace of Noxus.

After all, this is Shurima, not the land of Valoran. If the Noxians want to come across the sea and conquer by force, their own logistical loss will be astonishing. If possible, they also hope that the Nashiram Americans will be more sensible. .

"Then, she gave the Noxus a very loud slap in the face." Ino shrugged his shoulders and continued, "When the Noxus realized something was wrong, the sun of Naslame The disc has been repaired, and this female governor personally presided over the commemorative ceremony for the ascension to the Martial Empress."

Hearing this, Lux finally couldn't help laughing.

Undoubtedly, Saga, the harbor maid of Nasram, slapped Noxus hard in the face with her own actions. Noxus thought that he could persuade Uzeris to surrender Generally, Nashilami was persuaded to surrender, but the result was that Nashilami took advantage of Noxus, and finally announced in a high-profile manner that he was just playing for fun.

No, it was worse than that. It should be said that he declared in a high-profile manner afterwards that his heart belonged to Shurima forever.

"Can Noxus tolerate this?" Lux asked after laughing enough, "Noxus will definitely send troops!"

"I didn't find out too much about the news about sending troops to attack Naslami." Ino shook his head, "But what is certain is that the Noxus did gather troops in Uzeris, but it seems that Nana There's nothing Schrammy can do about it—maybe it's that Ramos?"


"Later, although Noxus wanted to completely ban trade with Nashilam, the Ionian War began." Ino smiled again, "The Noxus army needs a lot of Shurima specialties To maintain the consumption of the war, so I can only hold my nose to maintain the friendship with Nashi Lamei."

"Why?" Lux was a little puzzled. "At that time, Noxus should have occupied Uzeris, Tellishne, and Belguen, right? How could they still rely on Nashilami?"

"Because Uzeris, Telishne, and Belgün are all traitors!" Ino spread his hands with a look of helplessness, "After the news of the Ionian war spread, the people of Shurima They are all resisting doing business with traitors. Noxians want to buy gemstones used by spellcasters, want to buy large pack animals, want to buy good glue paint...anything that has anything to do with military supplies , it can only be done through Nashilami."

Hearing what Ino said, Lacus finally came to a realization.

Regardless of how much ambiguity Nashilami and Noxus had before, and how close the relationship was in fact, when the sun disc was erected and the harbor maid personally presided over the Setaka Memorial Ceremony, the city still became Representatives of "the most consistent with Shuriman traditions", at least in the eyes of unsuspecting outlanders.

And because of this emotional bias, Nashilami has a huge market advantage in the business competition with Uzeris and Belguen, especially when Noxus is deeply involved in the Ionian War. In the quagmire, when a huge amount of military supplies is required.

The Shurimans did not want to sell war supplies to Uzeris and Belgun, and they did not want the Noxians and traitors to take advantage of them.

Therefore, if Noxus wants to collect enough supplies to support their war, they can only rely on Naslam, a city that slapped their faces.

On the surface, Noxus and Nashilami are incompatible, but in fact, during the Ionian War, most of the military supplies Noxus purchased in Shurima were through the Nashilami market. Purchased.

As a result, a war was fought, and the defeated Noxus was full of internal contradictions, and even now there is a faint tendency to split; just built a spectacle, Nasslam, but filled its own financial deficit, and even the market is quite prosperous; Peart Worf received soft hands for collecting tolls, which caused the relevant personnel of Sun Gate to earn too much and have too much power to speak, which almost delayed the development of Hex Technology.

The distance between Ionia and Nasram America is more than thousands of miles, but the war in Ionia has led to the prosperity of Nasram America.

After Lux sorted out the subtle relationship, she finally had a new understanding of the "universal connection" Kalya had said.

"By the way, there is also the Noxus envoy who married the Maid of the Harbor." Ino suddenly remembered something, and finally couldn't help laughing and said, "When I was in Besilico, I heard that After hearing the news, he seems to have taken an oath to join Shurima, and he seems to have publicly stated during the oath that his idol is the spouse of Empress Ascension, the Prince Regent of Shurima?"

 Carya's Small Classroom Nashilami's special policy:
  Among the many city-states holding high the Shurima flag, Nashilame is undoubtedly the one that has developed very well. Although the core of this city has almost nothing to do with the former Shurima Empire, at least in terms of cosplay , Nashi Lamei did a very good job.

  There was the sun disc, there was the Setaka commemoration ceremony, the belief in the earth giant was excluded, and even slavery was abolished (of course, this was the abolition in name, there were no slaves in Nashiramme, because slaves were not available Nashilami identity, but Nashilami does not refuse Nashilami to use foreign slaves), if Shurima holds a [Shurima Empire Imitation Contest] now, Nashilami will definitely get a good ranking.

  PS. Today's Chapter 2.

(End of this chapter)

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