Lux's Farewell

Chapter 352 [0348] Carya's Ambition

Chapter 352 [0348] Carya's Ambition
This kind of politician's nonsense is actually not important, and no one really takes him seriously.

But when Ino mentioned this issue at this time, Kalya fell into silence in embarrassment.

It wasn't until Lacus found a hotel that looked good to stay and began to study the next move that Karya spoke again.

"We'll talk about the customs of Ramos Day and the following activities later." Carya said self-consciously, "I think you should learn the stealth technique now, and go directly to kill the brazen person who ruined my reputation tonight." guy."

"Destroy your reputation?" Lux blinked with a smile, "Is it considered to ruin your reputation by treating you as an idol?"

"A little boy who eats soft food says I'm his idol, isn't that ruining my reputation?" Carya said in a delicate tone, "What the hell, am I the kind of person who eats soft food?"

"No one says you are!" Lux said with a serious face, "I guarantee that anyone who knows you will not think so."

"But those who don't know me and know that idiot better will think so!" Carya said every word, "So, I think killing him is a better choice."

"Okay, I know you don't really think so." Lux finally put away her smile, "It's not like this when you're angry."

"It's not entirely a joke." Carya sighed, "Actually, when Ino mentioned this, the first thought I had was to kill that little boy—this kind of simple, rude, direct The way of thinking to solve problems in a natural way, together with the power of corruption, has been rooted in the depths of my soul... Although I will soon realize that it is a joke, but this subconscious reaction is really terrible. "

"...But you can always control yourself, that's enough." Lux said in a relieved tone, "And, aren't you very good at self-dissolution?"

"I'm good at distracting myself?" Kalya froze for a moment, "Is there such a thing?"

"Of course!" Lux and Ino nodded at the same time, "Isn't remembering other people's embarrassing side your favorite way to relieve yourself?"

"You mean I'm narrow-minded?"

"It doesn't mean that."

"I remembered that the two of you made a lot of mistakes in the quiz yesterday. These questions are all important points, and many inferences can be derived later—"

"no, do not want!"

"As your beloved tutor, I am responsible for your studies..."



Kalya is not a devil, so in the end he didn't really give Lacus and Ino a lesson, but allowed their request to go around Nashilami Street.

Now that it's Ramos Day, it's worthwhile to go out to appreciate the customs and customs of Nashramme—and to be honest, Carya is actually very interested in this harbor maid, and he really wants to I know what kind of thoughts are in the heart of this lady governor who repeatedly jumps around, moves skillfully, is flexible and eclectic.

After all, if it’s really just for the sake of wealth, then turning to Noxus seems to have a bright future; and if you want to revive Shurima, it’s a bit wrong to engage in cosplay here with great fanfare; , she also seems to be very firm on religious issues...

Looking at it this way, it becomes a bit intriguing to see what kind of path the Lady Governor of the Harbor wants to take.

Of course, to figure out this question, Kalya’s method is not to ask directly, it is destined to not get an answer - he just needs to follow Lacus and Ino, and carefully observe everything in Nasramei, Reality will give him a clear answer.

The answers to some questions are not asked, but observed and summed up by oneself.

Lacus and Ino took a shower, and excitedly came to the streets of Nasram, and began to enjoy the strong festive atmosphere of Ramos Day here, tasting rare gourmet snacks, while Carya was paying attention to this place. Every detail of the city.

Public facilities are being maintained, even if they don't seem to be particularly well maintained, they are still being maintained and maintained.

Nashilami seems to have avoided the catastrophe of the Darkin War and was not affected by the flames of war. Many public facilities built during the Shurima Empire have been refurbished like the Ship of Theseus, but they can still be restored. See the original foundation.

To Kalya's surprise, these facilities have even been carefully redesigned-you know, because of the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the facilities that relied on the energy provided by the solar disc at the beginning have been shut down, and Nashi As a city with a long history in Latin America, most of its public facilities are powered by solar discs where they are built.

The Nasirami people don't seem to know that the lines on many public facilities are part of the magic power circuit. They may think that they are some kind of decoration, so they use non-magic materials to copy them intact like a gourd. down.

Although this behavior of copying completely seems to reveal the loss of the Nashiram American heritage, after seeing these familiar lines, Carya was only happy in his heart.

Looking at them, Kalya seemed to have returned to the most prosperous time in Shurima thousands of years ago.


Few people know that in the most prosperous era of the Shurima Empire, the underground canals connecting all parts of Shurima were not only water diversions, but also the "underground magic net" of Shurima.

In order to maintain the stable operation of these facilities, A Zhi led a considerable number of professional mages to form the largest business group in the Shurima Empire: Weavers.

Although many people say that the name of this organization comes from Azhi, Karya's favorite student, in fact, the name of the weaver has nothing to do with Azhi.

Because, according to Kalya's vision, these weavers are not only gray workers, but also the main weavers of Shurima's "magic net".

Of course, the function of these magic nets is not to provide people with spell slots and cast spells. Its main purpose is to transport energy.

Adhering to the idea that pulling the wool of the giant god is not considered exploitation, under the auspices of Kalya and the research and development efforts of Shurima University, the energy of the sun disc in Shurima City is continuously absorbed, and then through the magic power that forms the magic net The loop feeds various cities and regions in Shurima.

Why did Shurima people enjoy low-cost public facilities at that time?

Because the sun disc bears everything!
Under careful design, the water diversion pipe and the second network of the magic power circuit are parallel, and the dissipated energy can also be reused to induce water flow, minimizing the loss of magic power during the transportation process...

In Shurima's technology tree at that time, how to make better use of the energy of the solar disc was a very important part.

Why would the people of Shurima never forget the prosperous empire at the time, and why would they still rush to Nashilam after a thousand years because of a false sun disc?
Because that empire was indeed brilliant and great enough.

Imagine if the world is doomsday and the land is reduced to wasteland. When wastelanders hear that there is a city where everything before the doomsday exists, even if it’s just a shell, won’t they flock to it?
Of course, as Karya always emphasizes today, everything has a price.

On the one hand, the efficient use of the solar disc has made the belief in the giant god unstoppable, on the other hand, it has also led to fewer and fewer Ascendants in Shurima, and more and more involution.

(So ​​Karya began to seek alternative energy sources, and wanted to use plants as an intermediary to use the power of Runeterra itself more gently-then, he gradually parted ways with the mainstream, and everyone prefers the sun disc high above. plants are not very interested.)
The solar disk, which was responsible for supplying public facilities throughout Shurima, was even difficult to spare for human ascension in the later stages of the empire.

Ascension is for one person, and the country is shut down for a month. Naturally, everyone is not very happy if they want to ascend again at this time.

Why did the Battle of Icacia break out despite Karya's efforts to mediate and be vigilant?
Because in the eyes of most Shurima, the act of promising Icacia's Ascendant quota and wooing Icacia is robbing convenience from their own hands.

Most of the Shurimans don't want their city to shut down, just to win over a country they can easily occupy by force!

The Shurima people love their empire. Although the empire is not completely just, most of the citizens are proud of being Shurima people.

However, in their view, the way to keep those Icathians honest should not be to select the best among them to join Shurima, and then tolerate Icacia whose customs are completely different from Shurima, but should Directly enter the two Ascendant legions and let them honestly serve as the origin of spices, tobacco and seafood in Shurima!
In this case, even though Carya had reached a consensus with many insightful people in Icathia and planned to make a great alliance in the true sense, the army stationed in Icathia at that time still had nothing to do with the Icathian people. The gun went off - the moment the news came back, Carya suddenly realized that he had lost his rational judgment and stood emotionally on the side of blocking the trend of history...

That's right, even if Kalya couldn't bear it, when he recalled that period of the past, he had to admit that with the size of the Shurima Empire at that time, blindly wanting to talk on an equal footing and solve problems peacefully was to find something for himself. trouble.

Politicians should have great ideals, but not soft-hearted.

As a result of the misfire, the nervous Icathians summoned the Void on the spot, dealing a heavy blow to the Shurima Empire.

What's even more frightening is that a lot of subsequent evidence proves that if Karya hadn't given Icacia too much time... I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to summon the void directly!
In all fairness, after defeating Icacia and erasing the void, Shurima is still a powerful empire, and it has indeed stood on this land for thousands of years, but when Kalya stood on the monolithic fortress, Kalya did have a heart. Keep the will to die.

Fortunately...he survived.

When he reluctantly confessed his funeral, presided over the work for a hundred days, and had to fall into a deep sleep where he didn't know when he would wake up, Kalya had already thought through a lot.

He pulled himself out of the swamp of remorse, barely suppressed the pain in his heart, and rarely regained his calm.

To be honest, as a time traveler, Kalya is not amazingly talented. Even during the establishment of Shurima, he was often just an incompetent eagle-headed military division.

But at the last moment before losing consciousness, he was calm.

Kalya can frankly say that he has done his best in the process of pulling that small tribe together with Setaka and Horok and finally forming a huge empire.

Kalya is not omniscient, and even his talent is more like a bad joke among the Ascendants, but he has brought Shurima a golden age for 1000 years. He can proudly say that he He had sowed the seeds of civilization and prepared for the future. Even if all his achievements in Shurima were lost under the erosion of time, these experiences are at least valuable knowledge.

Therefore, Karya once asked himself, if he did it again, would he continue to work hard?

The answer is yes.

Karya believes that if he does it again, he will be able to do better!

In the later thousands of years, Kalya woke up several times. The first person who woke him up was a grave robber. He came over and gave the tomb robber and collector a happy one on the spot.

It's a pity that the mage who identified Kalya was too novice. According to the standards of the Shurima Empire, he was not even an apprentice, so Kalya didn't wake up for too long before losing consciousness again.

After that, Kalya also woke up intermittently for a period of time, but his host was either out of mind or incapable, and what Kalya could do was extremely limited.

Until the Rune Wars, Karya guided several Demacian ancestors to take refuge in a secret experimental base of his own, where the test objects and rune trees were planted.

Then, aware of the existence of the Protoss, Kalya had to take the initiative to disappear and hide her power.

With the shelter of these trees and the help of the protoss, Demacia was founded.

And Karya, who fell into a deep sleep again, was included in the treasure house of the magic searcher as a "forbidden magic weapon", and did not wake up again until she met the "big battery" Lacus.

Thankfully, Lux is kind-hearted and intelligent. In her, Kalya finally sees hope again.

Lux once asked Kalya if he really wanted to revive Shurima.

Karya didn't give an answer that time.

But in Karya's heart, he always has the answer.

He wants to restore the great kingdom that once was—Shurima or not.

 Carya's Small Classroom Magic Circuit:

  To this day, Lux still doesn't realize how great a discipline the magic circuit Kalya taught her is.

  PS. In the afternoon, the water pipe burst. After tossing for a long time, I went to do nucleic acid again. In addition, the plot itself was written slowly, so... there is only one chapter today, sorry.

  In June, 18 words were updated, which is almost [-] words a day, not too much.

  Next month, work hard to set a goal of 21!

(End of this chapter)

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