Lux's Farewell

Chapter 353 [0349] Nashi Lamei's 1 move

353 Nashilami's next move [0349]
Lux and Eno are enjoying the holiday season.

Karya is reminiscing about the glorious past.

At this time, Ms. Saga, the port governor of Nashilami, is holding a staff meeting on the specific use of some equipment imported from Vazuan.

When Vazuan was rebuilt and Prince Regent Jin Yu was taken out, among the representatives of various city-states, the performance of the representative of Nashilami was undoubtedly the most generous one.

Nashilami, who just made a lot of money from the Noxus, even generously ordered a series of lighting equipment directly, intending to directly light up a city!
As for why the Nasirami people are so generous... it starts with the city's municipal construction.

You must know that there are roughly only three types of public facilities in the style of the Shurima Empire that Kalya has seen along the way, and that Nashiram Americans have worked so hard to preserve until now: water supply and drainage facilities, transportation and road administration facilities, and ancient buildings.

Among them, among the water supply and drainage facilities, most of the water supply facilities have been abandoned.

The water network that relied on the solar disk and the parallel network at the beginning has now dried up. Nashilami can only carry out targeted transformation of the remaining water supply facilities. Naturally, there is no cheap tap water, and only a few water supply pipes are still connected. Water storage tanks supply high-priced water sources to some urban areas.

The drainage facilities are still in good condition due to the proximity of the sea to Nasirami. Unfortunately, the sewage treatment device has almost completely failed. The waste water in the entire city can only be discharged directly into the ocean after simple standing and filtering—good There is not much water that can be used in Nashila America, and there are no high-pollution industries in the local area. Relying on the self-cleaning ability of the ocean, drainage pollution is not yet a problem.

As for the ancient buildings, after years of repairs and repairs, they are like the ship of Theseus. The functions are also completely different, so this part is the purest cosplay.

Therefore, after setting up the sun disc, repairing and restoring the ancient buildings to the extreme, Nashilami wants to continue to carry forward the glory of the Shurima Empire, so working hard on transportation and road management facilities has become the only direction.

To this day, the street scale and vehicle standards of Nasramai still follow the requirements of the original Shurima Empire era, and there are even special berths for many giant beasts on the main road.

The material of the street pavement has always maintained the requirements of the Shurima Empire. The solid rock blocks shaped by the rock elemental mages should be used as the base, and then poured with pitch paint and rolled flat. Brilliant atmosphere!
On both sides of the road, the lighting device of the Shurima Empire - the street lamp, Nashilami, has also been preserved.

However, what is more embarrassing is that even if the craftsmen of Nashilami can perfectly reproduce the shells of these street lamps, the lighting system in them is highly dependent on the energy transmission of the magic net. On the main roads, these magic street lamps are lit with expensive whale oil.

Although it cost a lot of money to purchase lighting devices and follow-up facilities from Vazuan, in fact, the consumption of using whale oil to light street lamps is actually more expensive-don't look at Nashiram, which is close to the sea, but it is on the verge of Valoran In fact, there are no large-scale whale activities in the Strait. If you want to buy whale oil, you must buy it from the old sea dogs in Bilgewater at a high price, and then pay an extra luxury tax when passing through the Piltover Canal. .

Replacing whale oil lighting with Vazuan's new lighting fixtures is simply the cheaper option in the long run.

Moreover, although the effect of whale oil lighting is not bad, compared with the public lighting recorded in the books during the ancient Shurima Empire, it is more or less meaningless.

Although everyone knows that during the Shurima Empire, the means of lighting were not hex technology, but for the traffickers, they don't understand hex technology, but they understand the burning of whale oil. Generally, whale oil is used to inflate gas, or the cosplay of Hex Technology looks more like that.

Therefore, even though the purchase of these devices cost a lot of money, Saga's staff agreed that the money was well spent.

However, on the issue of "which urban area to arrange the new lighting installations", the attitude of the staff is no longer unified.

Some people think that it should be arranged in the aristocratic area to give the best enjoyment to the upper class.

Some people think that they should replace whale oil lamps and be placed in commercial areas to attract more businessmen.

Some people also said that it should be arranged in civilian areas to absorb more desert vagrants and expand the urban area.

All had their own ideas and their own reasons, and each prepared a solid-sounding speech that clearly stated their opinions.

Saga, who was sitting on the main seat, leaned back on the wide chair with his body center of gravity slightly backward, tilted his head slightly, squinted his eyes, and listened quietly to everyone's thoughts. Will nod.

But from the beginning to the end, Saga's expression did not change in any way, and no one could see any tendency or attitude from her face.

In fact, the aides, who dared not breathe, did not know that at this time their Lady Governor was actually wandering away.

That's right, although she was in a meeting, Ms. Sagar was actually slipping away.

Although the female governor, who is nearly forty years old but still has a charming style, although her right hand is unconsciously stroking her slender thigh under the silk robe, there is no memory of the joy of last night in her head - the reason for her slipping away On the one hand, she doesn't really care where these lighting facilities are placed, and on the other hand, it's because she has been thinking about a big plan recently.

Although people often cannot avoid the think tank under the command of the Maid of the Harbor when they talk about Nash Lame, in fact, unlike what people think of as "a corporal who respects the virtuous and learns from others", Saga is actually a person who has his own ideas. .

Saga has never been afraid to delegate power, not because of her generosity, but because she releases power that she doesn't care about.

Just like now.

Regarding the small problem of where to install the new lighting facilities, she will hold meetings seriously, listen to the opinions of her subordinates humbly, and even directly make decisions based on the final results of everyone's deliberations.

However, on some matters that she considers to be very important, even if all the staff are opposed, she will still fight against all opinions without hesitation—just like the previous decision to turn against Noxus.

At that time, Saga was even ready to fight Noxus at all costs. At her request, the staff and staff collected and calculated a huge amount of data, and estimated the number of Noxus who might land in the early stage. When the opponent makes a slight move, he will take the initiative to attack, and give the Noxus a ruthless attack. It is best to take the opportunity to take Uzeris directly.

However, Uzeris' dopey harbor governor - oh, should be called an orderly officer now - Finn Tang finally realized the problem, and he didn't want Uzeris to be the front line of the battle between Noxus and Shurima , let alone become the cannon fodder of Noxus. With his full mediation and the strategic eastward movement of the Noxus, this war did not start.

(By the way, the "Ramos Appearance" guessed by Karya did not really happen, and the rumors and gossip about Ramos' appearance were actually spread by Saga on his own initiative.)
And whether it's setting up a sun disc or tearing faces with the Noxus, Saga has only one purpose-she wants to be the second Setaka.


Saga is planning a new move of his own.

Carya, who recovered from the state of seeing things and thinking about the country, saw a lot of clues in the details of the city of Nashi Lamei after getting rid of complicated emotions.

Although he didn't know about Saga's specific ambitions, after being led by Lacus to tour around Nasram, Kalya was very sure that the Governor's Excellency probably had a lot of plans.

Even if Lux and Ino just wandered around and didn't take the initiative to go to some sensitive areas (such as city walls and city gates), whether it was the guards maintaining order in the streets or the urban areas that had clearly been professionally planned; The sheer number of city dwellers, as well as the astonishingly large and diverse professional market, fully explain the city's uniqueness.

Although it is different from the vigorous and competing situation of Piltover and Zaun, for those who have not really experienced the period of the Shurima Empire like Kalya, Nashramei is indeed It will give people a feeling of extreme atmosphere and profound heritage.

Even for Lacus and Ino, who were personally taught by Kalya, Nashi Ramey satisfied a lot of imagination about that glorious empire!
This is the case with Lacus and Ino, let alone those desert remnants?

At the beginning, Karya just laughed, but when he smiled, he noticed something was wrong.

If a city, its legal system comes from the Shurima Empire, claims to be the orthodox inheritance of Shurima, its residents are descendants of the people of the Shurima Empire, and the city style is very similar to the Shurima Empire...

Does that mean that in the eyes of many people, it is the Shurima Empire?

Or, if the city can expand into an empire, is it the next Shurima Empire?

Thinking of this, Kalya finally came to a realization—her previous judgment on Nasramie seemed to have a certain deviation. Nasramey said that Shurima would be revived, but their definition of Shurima seemed to be the same as Karya's cognition is somewhat biased.

To be precise, it seems that the Shurima that Nashilami wants to revive is a high civilization that looks as high as the Shurima Empire, but the core has nothing to do with the Shurima Empire...New Shurima.

How interesting!

It seems that this Ms. Saga is probably quite ambitious!

Of course, Karya doesn't really mind someone being ambitious, even if Nasramami has a good appearance, but it is still far stronger than other cities that Karya has seen all the way.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the whole of Northern Shurima, apart from Vazuan, I am afraid that only Nashilami has the ability and spare money to hold a celebratory festival like Ramos Day.

From a development point of view, Nash Latin America is doing pretty well.

But what makes Kalya more concerned is that he actually wants to know what Nashilami will rely on when the Ionian War ends, the Noxians stop large-scale military procurement, and even start internal strife. What about maintaining your lavish local tyrant spirit?

Where will the ambitions of this Harbor Maid go?

Without the extravagant purchases of the Noxian warbands, there is more commercial competition from Vazuan in the east...

Even at this moment, the trade in Nassim and Latin America is still prosperous, but how long can this prosperity last?

When the merchants' sentiment of rejecting Uzeris gradually subsided, and when Shurima's commercial level gradually returned to normal, could Nashilami go one step further just by relying on the advantage of low-cost labor brought by attracting desert immigrants?

Nasslam has slums.

Judging from their accents, most of the poor here are desert immigrants from other places—although they have become members of Nashilami, Nashilami does not have enough municipal conditions to maintain their relatively decent life.

In other words, Nashilami does not intend to give them a relatively decent life.

Even though the southern city wall is being rebuilt and expanded to continue to increase the area of ​​the urban area, without the power supplied by the solar disc, the urban area of ​​Nashilami has reached its limit.

Vazuan, who was sitting on the canal at the beginning, also experienced this step. As a result, because of the widening gap between the rich and the poor, Vazuan finally became Zaun and Piltover.

And in Nashilami, as long as the harbor stewardess is not stupid, she will never allow the city to split for some reason—and judging from her methods against the Noxus, she obviously does not Silly.

When the Ramos Day parade on the street was over and Lacus and Ino returned to the hotel contentedly, Kalya, who had been silently observing for two days, finally got the answer using the method of elimination.

Nash Latin America is planning a war.

In other words, unless the Nasheramis have a certain magical or technological breakthrough in the dark, which can maintain their continuous development like Hex technology and alchemy rune technology, war is the inevitable thing Nasheramis will face.

At least from Karya's point of view, he couldn't think of anything other than war that could digest the desert remnants attracted by Nashilami's crazy hoarding prestige, what else could keep Nashilami's momentum of continuous development, and what else It can prevent the internal division that Nasslam may face next.

Well, the problem is coming.

If NASCAR was going to start a war, who would it be targeting?
Considering the civil war in Noxus, considering that the Rakkor had conflicts with Noxus due to conscription, and considering the long-standing commercial competition and rivalry between the neighboring city and Uzeris, the answer to this question is ready to come. up.


Carya, who came to this conclusion, finally sighed helplessly.

 Carya's Little Class Ramos Day's Tumbling Contest:
  In Nashi Latin America, there is a very interesting event on Ramos Day, the Ramos Rolling Contest. Participants need to perform forward rolls in the way that Ramos rolls on the prescribed streets sprinkled with paint. A hundred yards away.

  After all runners have finally reached the finish line, the judges will combine their speeds (the faster the better)
  The winner is judged by how much paint is stained on the body (the less the better).

  PS. Today's chapter.

  Ye Yinxiao, Ye Yinxiao, how can you be so lazy... Tomorrow is a million words!
(End of this chapter)

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