Lux's Farewell

Chapter 356 [0352] Uzeris's black market access system

Chapter 356 [0352] Uzeris's black market access system

Although the aristocratic etiquettes of Shurima and Demacia were not exactly the same, this respectable Mr. Rambaka clearly understood what Kalya wanted Lacus to express.

"This mulberry tea is not good."

The quality of the mulberry tea in the teahouse should have nothing to do with Mr. Rambaka—but the problem is that Rambaka has a kickback agreement with the teahouse.

Respectable people don't talk about money as soon as they meet, which will damage the image of a broker with great powers. Therefore, Rian Baka has set up a "rule". If you want to talk about things, then buy a cup with the highest price. mulberry tea.

On the teahouse side, it is enough for Tiao Sangcha to buy something that looks similar, and the excess profit will be rebate to Ran Baka, which will be regarded as the entrance fee for hiring a broker.

Tuo mulberry tea is unpopular and precious, not only the price is amazing but also the taste is unique, when most people come to look for Ram Baka, they don't have the thought to order a cup for themselves.

Even if they ordered a drink for themselves, they might not be able to drink it.

Therefore, the entrance fee can be said to be elegant and decent in normal times.

As a result, this time... things were awkward.

After Lax invited Rambaka a cup, she took advantage of the opportunity to order a cup for herself, took a sip, and then pushed it away. It was obvious that she found something wrong with the tea.

Seeing this scene, Rambaka quickly realized two things.

First of all, the lady who was looking for her was of extraordinary background and knowledgeable, and she recognized the problem of Tuo Sang tea at a glance. Dealing with her is not easy, but the benefits may be considerable.

Secondly, my own tricks have been completely seen through. In this transaction, I have already fallen into a disadvantaged state as soon as I came out, and even the trust of the other party will be limited.

For Rabaka, Lux's performance is both an opportunity and a challenge.

For this kind of challenge, Rian Baka will feel tricky, but he will not feel ashamed-after all, brokering can be regarded as a profession that sells face.


Although he only smiled politely on his face, Ran Baka thought about a lot of questions in an instant. After restraining his smile, he drank the tea in a gulp, and then simply walked towards Lacus's table. Come.

Ran Baka, who has been a broker for many years, knows very well that negotiating with clients is both cooperation and competition. He can do what he likes in terms of what the client knows and win favor. into the opponent's rhythm.

Become a subordinate dominated by the other party, such a broker can't get the price!
Since Lacus looks full of aristocratic air, the decent Rian Baka will show his cheerful side and solve the problem in a straightforward way!
In just three or two steps, Rambaka had already confirmed the way he would communicate with Lax next, and just bowed his head, the expression on his face changed into a warm and hearty one.

"My dear lady, it's a great honor to meet you, and thank you for your choice." Bowing slightly, Rambaka did not insist on aristocratic elegance, but greeted Lacus in the way of ordinary Uzeris, "There is no decent tea in a remote shop. If it is not to your taste, I also know a few tea merchants who just came from the side of the Shurima River. They have designated good tea in their hands!"

"It's not necessary." Lux maintained the reservedness of a noble lady, raised her face slightly, and showed a perfect smile, but her eyes did not fall on the opponent's eyes at all, "When the war is in chaos, the supply of supplies It’s not a big deal if it doesn’t taste good, and even though Jiama isn’t as smooth and smooth as Tuo Sang tea, at least the taste is close to it... I’m used to drinking Tuo Sang tea, so I’m not used to the natural flavor of Jia Ma.”

While speaking, Ino walked around the table from the left under Karya's instructions, opened a seat for Rambakara, and then retreated smoothly behind Lacus, the whole process was extremely smooth and silent.

"Yeah, it's in chaos." Rian Baka sat down, his tone was still calm, but there was sweat on his back, "Uzeris is a city that never falls, but it's a pity that the boss from Noxus It's because of worry that the situation is so tense..."

Ran Baka originally planned to disrupt the other party's rhythm in a straight-forward way, but he didn't expect that just as he opened his mouth, he even tasted the plants used to pretend to be mulberry tea, which made his words froze suddenly , I can only follow the trend of Lacus's topic, and strive for a chance to reorganize the language for myself.

It's a pity that Lux, who has a plug-in brain, naturally won't give him time to think slowly.

"Noxians pay attention to strength, as if as long as they can fight, everything will be fine." Lux said calmly, as if she was expounding some truth, "Let them manage Uzeris, and take out their rough tricks at the slightest sign of trouble." The means of control and purchase restrictions are extremely ridiculous."

"Yes, yes, it's extremely ridiculous." Rian Baka could only nod his head, "But after all, it's for city defense."

Saying that, Rambaka spread out his hands, showing a helpless look.

"The city defense can't mess with the rules." Lux shook her head lightly, frowning slightly, "Wouldn't it be that there are no rules if there is no distinction between high and low? If there are no rules, wouldn't that be a disorder of order?"

Ram Bakar blinked.

The logic of what Lux said is actually not strict-in a state of war, even for Urzeris, it is bound to be impossible to maintain a state of distinct classes, or the order in wartime is different from that in peacetime.

But even if he can figure it out in the blink of an eye, it is difficult to speak directly in the blink of an eye.

So, before he could speak, Lux shook her head again, showing a kind-hearted and beautiful look.

"However, this kind of thing has to be measured." She continued to speak as if she had given the city defense army a big face, "The big soldiers have all gone to the city wall, and the order in the city can only be maintained by us spontaneously." gone."

Ran Baka was a little surprised to find that although the other party's words and sentences were completely aristocratic, he couldn't keep up with the other party's rhythm.

Faced with Lux's statement, all he could do was nod mechanically.

"The city gate is strictly guarded. It is not easy to transport items worthy of your status. Jiama has made a mulberry price, so I want it." Lacus seemed to have returned to the question about the tea before, "Mr. Ranbaka is a A decent person can always maintain his dignity, unlike me, who left home suddenly and was caught in a war, so he couldn't even get Jiama."

Ran Baka blinked his eyes, and this time he finally understood what Lacus meant—after talking for a long time, you were just asking me about the black market!

What is breaking the rules, what is maintaining dignity... You just dislike the fact that after the martial law in the city, the basic supplies rationed are not easy to use, and you want to buy some "things worthy of your status" from the black market. Other than that, they are all excuses!

Under Karya's guidance, while maintaining impeccable etiquette, Lacus was slow, but as if unquestionable, she put forward her request in a relatively euphemistic manner without any ambiguity.

However, although Lux made such a big circle, she once said that she was confused, but after understanding her purpose, Rian Baka became warm again.

Is there a black market for uzzelis?

Yes, and it's not small.

Because this city originally belonged to Shurima, and later joined Noxus. Compared with the relaxed Shurima environment, Noxus has a lot more restrictions on business, and the tax rate is also higher. Under such circumstances, part of the resources that used to be in the Uzeris market were transferred underground, forming a black market.

Recently, because of the preparations for war and the blockade of the city, the residents of Uzeris have more and more demand for the black market. Seeing that the war is about to start, who doesn't want to hoard some supplies for war preparation?

However, when they saw that the scale could be expanded, the big shots who presided over the black market chose to keep a low profile as much as possible and tightened the qualifications for entering the market.

This seemingly abnormal austerity, on the one hand, is because the hosts of the black market know very well that war is the most nervous nerve of the Noxus. It's completely smashed.

On the other hand, it is also because the amount of materials circulating in the black market is actually very limited. The Noxus have completely taken over the port. , People who can't spend a few dollars, and the things they want to buy are still out of stock, come in, it's better to just close the door!
As a senior broker, Ran Baka is qualified to recommend new clients, but there are not many places.

And now, even though he didn't even know Lax's identity or her background, when Lax asked for special material channels, Rang Baka still introduced the black market to her without hesitation.

From Rambaka's point of view, this lady is obviously a very valuable customer. Judging from her performance, introducing her to the black market will not cause trouble, and she will make a fortune.

Look at this aristocratic style, look at this accent that seems to be carved into the bone!

This is my favorite customer!

Lacus and Rambaka "have a good time talking".

From Rambaka, Lacus got the voucher to enter the black market.

The proof is an iron ring inlaid with longan stone - longan stone sounds cool, but in fact it is a relatively cheap gemstone in Shurima. The quality of this longan stone on the ring is ordinary, considering the price If it is, it is barely worth the two cups of tea that Lux just spent.

Reserved to leave an alias, Lacus took Ino back to the hotel smoothly. After returning to her room, the two little girls who were stiff because of role-playing finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'd rather walk fifty miles in the desert than gossip with people with a smirk!" Lux said with a look of lovelessness, "Kalya, besides the black market, there are other Community markets and flea markets, why do we bother to find some black market?"

"You can't buy high-energy food in the community market and flea market that is enough to support you across the desert." Kalya replied calmly, "Although the dry climate of the desert makes the food more difficult to perish, but from here to Narima Jie, this kind of physical exertion cannot be supported by the rations in the community market."

"Wouldn't salt algae and sand potatoes not work?" Lux was still a little puzzled, "Obviously these things are in the daily ration list, as long as you pay a high price, you can always buy them."

"It seems that even after traveling in the desert for so long, you still don't realize what kind of journey you are going to face next." Kalya said helplessly, "After leaving Uzeris, you and Ino need to meet each other every day. Leading a camel on foot for more than eighteen hours, and you need to use magic frequently, putting yourself on the verge of lack of magic power and will collapse-and, before you reach Narima Jie, you need to gain a little weight and store enough Energy to deal with the Targon climb..."

Every time Kalya said a condition, the mouths of Lacus and Ino grew a little bigger. When Kalya finally finished talking about their arrangements from here to Nerima Jie, even though they had already experienced many battles, but Still a little hard to believe my ears.

According to Kalya's request, the next section of the road can only be described as "terrible"!

Devil training?

This is clearly the training of "the devil will show a sympathetic expression when seeing it"!

However, after thinking about it carefully, Lacus and Ino were surprised to find that they might really be able to bear this level of training!
Since entering the desert, Karya has been constantly tightening the conditions for the two of them, from avoiding the noon time at the beginning and advancing like ordinary desert travelers, to advancing day and night reversed; from being able to relax at night to working overtime at night Add some catch-up lessons; from riding a scalash to hiking with a Chalikar on your back...

Compared with when they first entered the desert, Lacus and Ino have fully adapted to the rhythm and way of traveling in the desert!

Next, as long as they leave Uzeris, their rest time will be further shortened, and they will bid farewell to riding and start traveling at night.

After halfway, they need to actively consume magic power to maintain a posture of insufficient magic power, and use magic power to resist the storm on the cliffs of Mount Targon when simulating the summit, and further shorten the rest time. Only at noon every day can a little light sleep for two hours.

And if you want to maintain your weight in this state, you will not lose but increase...

Thinking of this, Lux couldn't help shaking her head: "Are we going to eat dragon meat?"

"The answer is correct." Contrary to her expectations, facing this complaint, Kalya gave an agreeable answer, "The elemental dragon has meat with high magic power and high energy, which is a good choice. Extraordinary animal meat including bait fish, soul-eating sea worms, and Zamora scorpions are also acceptable—it’s really hard to buy such things without going to the black market.”

Hearing this, both Lux and Ino widened their eyes in astonishment.

"Of course, these things may not be easy to buy, but if you take a step back, you can also consider it." Carya continued to say to himself, "Earth dragon lizards, dragon birds, dragon dogs and the like are fine, and some magic plants are also available." You can... trust me, these things may not taste good, but they are really nourishing."

I don't know if it's hallucinations, but when Lacus and Ino heard Kalya say "very nice", their tone was a little...subtle?
 Carya's Small Classroom · Longan Stone:
  This kind of gemstone is also called snake eye stone, because there are often lines similar to snake eyes inside, so it is named after it. The magic function, so although the name is cool, the price is still relatively cheap.

  PS. Continue to recover.

  PSS. There is another chapter, but it may be in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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