Lux's Farewell

Chapter 357 [0353] Shurima special diet with health care function

Chapter 357 [0353] Shurima special diet with health care function
Although Kalya's tone was quite subtle when he mentioned these "precious ingredients at first sight", his words still made Lacus and Ino a little bit interested in these things.

It’s not that Lacus and Ino are novelty hunters, the main thing is that Kalya’s eloquent words, which seem to have been eaten by him, combined with his subtle tone, always give people a kind of interesting A feeling that is very worth looking forward to.

But this time, Lacus and Ino are lucky, they don't need to wait too long to see the food officially—according to Rabaka, there will be a large-scale black market transaction going on tomorrow. It is suitable for them to "see if there is anything pleasing to the eye first".

The next morning, Lacus and Ino came to an abandoned water station following the path pointed out by Rambaka.

This place used to be the relay station of the water network and energy transmission network in Uzeris during the Shurima Empire. After the sun disc stopped working, energy transmission stopped, and the underground drain gradually dried up, it was gradually abandoned.

It's just that as a semi-underground permanent building, even if it has been abandoned for a long time, the internal structure is also very stable. In addition, it is located on the edge of the southeast corner of the city, and Uzeris has never had the need for urban expansion, so it is usually just so empty.

After repeatedly checking and confirming the token, the guards, who were fully armed and had their heads tightly wrapped, gave up the position in front of the water station gate, and finally signaled for Lacus and Ino to go in.

As for Lacus and Ino, according to Kalya's request, one maintained the aristocratic pride, and the other acted as a dedicated servant, entering the water station one after the other.

Push the door and enter, walk through the front hall, the interior of the water station is unique.

Different from the situation of Naslami who "I don't know what it is for, but I have to keep all the things in the Shurima Empire", the Uzeris obviously don't care much about these things that represent forgiveness. Remnants and witnesses of the glorious past of the Rima Empire.

I don't know what the magic power circuit is, just level it.

The control center is too narrow, and the walls are opened to expand the space.

Objectively speaking, as a black market, the conditions here are really good, remote, unobtrusive, with a large interior space and good privacy.

But considering that this is built on the basis of a multi-functional water station, it is more or less like buying a basket for a pearl, burning a piano and cooking a crane.

Fortunately, Kalya is not someone who likes to dwell on the past. After looking at the black market, his attention is completely on the next big purchase.


The difference between the black market and the ordinary market lies in its inherent secrecy and insecurity. As for the transaction itself, the money is paid and the goods are delivered, so there is not much to pay attention to.

If there is anything unique about it, only tokens that belong to this black market can only be used for transactions here—and considering that there is a 20% discount when converting tokens into various currencies, this kind of token Currency should also be regarded as a means of generating income for the black market itself.

Fortunately, the "black" in the black market itself lacks supervision and secrecy, and there is no intention to deceive people. Lux can completely take a fancy to the product, determine the price, and then exchange currency.

Considering that the two of them sold a scarash in Nashi Lamei before, they should have plenty of money now.

However, being rich in cash does not mean that everything is going well, because what Lux and Eno will buy next is somewhat unpopular.

Although the scale of this underground black market is large, the area dedicated to selling food is not large, and it seems that most of them are semi-finished products. Lacus and Ino even saw the canned magic marsh frog produced in Zaun, and the area in northern Demacia. Special cheese and even spices from Ionia, but none of the food that meets Carya's needs.

"What the hell." Kalya was also quite surprised at this time, "I can't buy the meat of the elemental dragon, but the meat of the dragon lizard is not available? Or is it that the Noxus classifies these things as military supplies? , The battle group is dedicated? Are their soldiers not afraid of nosebleeds every day?"

"We've already turned around." Lacus remained calm on the face, but there was a bit of helplessness in his tone, "It's true that there is no food that meets your requirements, and there will be many Uzeris here soon. There are black market stalls with hard-to-find items, but nothing like what you're asking for..."

"Could it be placed elsewhere." Yinuo whispered, "The black market is so big, maybe their classification habits are different from ours?"

"Where can I get the food—wait, it's really possible!" Kalya's heart suddenly moved, "Go, go to the place where the medicinal materials are sold, maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

After confirming the location with the guard of the black market, Lacus and Ino quickly turned around and came to the place where the medicinal materials were sold.

Then, to the surprise of the two of them, it was filled with all kinds of animals and plants that Karya mentioned and did not mention.

Some ground dragon lizard meat has been pre-processed, and some have not been pre-processed; in Bilgewater, it is only suitable for sea animals that are thrown into the sea at the slaughter dock. It can be compared with gold; plants with different shapes and rich magic power are sold at high prices with all kinds of fancy names.

Among these plants, many species were even cultivated by Karya and his students—however, the functional descriptions on the advertising signs did not match Karya's understanding of them at all...

"These are all medicinal ingredients?" Lux tried her best to manage her facial expressions, "Or is it that Uzeris' definition of medicinal ingredients is different from ours?"

"It can't be said to be medicinal materials." After a moment of stupefaction, Kalya quickly understood the internal logic of this, "In their view, these things are health care products-people who can come to the black market are either rich or expensive. It’s completely normal to spend money on these things.”

"Health supplements?" It was the first time Lux had heard this phrase. "Food to keep you healthy?"

"It's just an expectation." Karya sighed, "Actually, these are just foods with high energy density and some of the magic power that can be absorbed in them. It is impossible to maintain health, even for ordinary people. It puts a lot of pressure on the body.”

"Is Eating Too Much Stress on Your Body?"

"A pound of beef won't break a person, but a pound of ground dragon lizard meat is already a very unbearable weight for people without professional training." Carya seems to have a good understanding of this problem, "As for a pound of elemental dragon meat, it can not only keep ordinary people from eating for a long time, but also bring them adverse effects such as bleeding from the mouth and nose, stomach pain, and mental excitement. However, considering this adverse effect is In exchange for a big price, no matter how bad the experience is, it will become a status symbol."

"Nobles always have such bad habits." Lacus has a deep understanding of Kalya's words, "You should have seen many such situations, Yinuo, right?"

"In Mithral City...there are indeed some." Ino nodded, "Many nobles add some special ingredients to the tobacco in their homes. They say it's the smell of status, but it actually doesn't smell as good as Scarash. "

"Spiritual emptiness is like this." Carya agreed, "but at least their emptiness provides us with a large enough market-come on, we have to pick and choose."


With Kalya's help, Lacus and Ino were very familiar with the selection of these special ingredients, and many guys who were new faces gave up this idea helplessly.

Especially after seeing that every time Yinuo bought a large piece of meat, he would freeze it on the spot, even if someone moved his mind, he decisively dismissed it at this time.

Who can afford to provoke such a man who freezes half a ground dragon lizard at random?

In the end, Lacus and Ino bought more than 500 pounds of various meats in a "meat and vegetable combination", plus a hundred pounds of various plants (mostly dried naturally), and almost spent all of them selling the scala What, all the balance after buying the camel.

The food is already ready, as long as these ingredients are simply processed, they are enough to support Lacus and Ino from Uzeris all the way to Nerima Jie.

Now, the question comes to how to get out of the city - the current Uzeris is allowed to enter and not allowed to go out, and it is absolutely impossible to get out of the city through formal channels.

It would be fine if there were only Lux and Ino, as long as you pick a section of the city wall with few people, the two of them can easily climb out.

But the problem is that they still have camels to carry, hundreds of pounds of supplies, and Sefikah that need to be tied to the camels' backs-if they want to transport all these out of the city, they don't just find a section of the city wall to climb It used to be such a simple thing.

Fortunately, Karya has already figured out how to deal with this problem.

"Let's go to sea!"

"Sea?" After finally transporting the things back to the hotel, and paying the hotel owner another hush money, Lux asked, "Isn't Uzeris' pier still blocked?"

"The pier is definitely blocked, but the coastline in Uzeris City is very long, and there are always omissions." Kalya was confident, "With Ino here, you can leave here without a boat."

"Do you rely on me to build an ice bridge?" Ino blinked, "It's okay to create an ice surface in a short distance, but if we want to create a sea defense line that can carry us away, bypass the Noxians, and go straight to the outside of the city?" The ice bridge, I'm afraid my magic power is not enough..."

"Be more flexible!" Kalya chuckled, "The ice bridge is too extravagant, we actually only need an ice dock and an ice ship—the magic power consumption for maintaining an ice ship is not that much Bar?"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus and Ino looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"good idea!"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Magic Food:

  Foods with high energy density and residual magical powers require special skills to be accepted by ordinary people, whether they are processed or cooked.

  However, for extraordinary people like Lux and Ino, these things are really great supplements, which can provide them with enough energy and mana recovery.

  PS. Sure enough, the rhythm of staying up late is more suitable for me.

  PSS. The titles of each chapter are getting longer and longer.

(End of this chapter)

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