Lux's Farewell

Chapter 358 [0354]

Chapter 358 [0354]

Building an ice pier, building an ice ship, and quietly carrying people and things away, this is the best way to leave the city under the current martial law in Uzeris.

However, even if this can avoid Noxian patrols as much as possible, the specific process and steps need to be carefully planned-in case of being discovered, the small sampan of the Noxus Navy may not be able to take Lux What about Ino, but the various health foods they spent a lot of money on may be overturned and fed directly to the offspring of Nagakaporos, which is not worth it.

So, in the next few days, Lacus and Ino will sneak out at night, bypassing the curfew checkpoints and going to the seaside in Beicheng.

Although they almost encountered the patrol team several times, the final result was smooth. After five days of careful observation, Lacus and Ino finally had a relatively clear understanding of the northern area of ​​Uzeris.

First of all, the city of Uzeris is not a square shape, but a trapezoidal shape with a narrow north and a wide south.

The upper base of this trapezoid and the northern edge of the city of Uzeris is a winding coastline that is not straight.

Since most of the coastline along this coastline is a land of jagged cliffs and rocky reefs, Uzeris did not build a city wall in this direction-it is completely unnecessary, and there is no suitable landing area at all except for two piers.

But this kind of natural danger is not a fatal problem for Lux and Eno. After the field trip, Eno thinks that he can find a place where no one is paying attention, build an "ice slide" as a pier, and push the sled Generally, sliding the ice ship carrying people and goods directly into the sea can even save a lot of energy.


Excusing the poor conditions of the hotel, Lacus and Ino checked out during the day, and then led the camel all the way to the north of the city, seeming to plan to change to a hotel near the pier.

However, after arriving in the north of the city, they did not really change to a hotel, but slipped into an unoccupied villa and temporarily settled down here.

The owner of this villa may be a spellcaster. Although there is no one in the house, there are quite clever magic locks on the walls, and ordinary thieves can't get in at all.

However, for Lacus and Ino, this level of magic lock is really not an advanced gadget. In 5 minutes, Lacus can easily get it done without any pressure. .

Although the intention was not to steal, it was considered an intrusion, so that after opening the magic lock and sneaking into the villa, Lux was surprised to find that her back was covered with a fine layer of sweat.

In this villa, Lacus and Ino stayed until dark, and then left quietly, avoiding the patrolling soldiers, and went around to a deserted cliff in the north.

Recently, after getting the Nashiram America to send troops, although the war in Noxus is still in full swing, the Noxus cities such as Kilgove, Groft and Triville on the other side of Uzeris A large amount of defense materials and reserve soldiers were still continuously transported to Uzeris.

Therefore, even at night, the pier in the north of the city is still brightly lit and crowded with people.

Fortunately, the bustle was concentrated at the east and west piers, and the cliff where Lacus and Ino came quietly was only occasionally patrolled by a few soldiers, so it was safe and sound.

After finding a water entry point that had been investigated before, Lux led the camel and retreated to the back, while Ino came to the edge of the cliff, took a deep breath, and pressed his hands on the cliff.

With Yinuo's hands as the center, large expanses of frost began to crystallize and spread, and then turned into an ice bridge and plunged obliquely towards the sea below.

Under the control of Yinuo's precise magic power, the ice bridge stretched forward on one side and widened on the other side. A few minutes later, when Yinuo's face turned pale and his lips began to lose blood, the ice bridge The end of the boat finally reached the surface of the sea.

Ino breathed a sigh of relief, withdrew his red hands, stretched his somewhat swollen arms, and then stepped forward, holding down the ice bridge.

The delicate magic power flowed into the ice bridge again, and the shape of the ice bridge began to undergo slight changes.

The inclined bridge deck has changed from being flat and smooth like a mirror to slightly concave inward, and the shape and curve of the entire bridge body have become more and more smooth - even on the center line of the bridge deck, Yinuo has created a groove , intending to jam itself through it after the manufacture of the ice ship.

At the same time, Lux comforted the camel that felt a little anxious due to the cold, and was on guard carefully to prevent possible patrol soldiers from appearing until Ino completed the bridge and turned around to start making ice ships. , and then he was slightly relieved.

Soon, the production of the ice boat was also completed. The ice boat made by Ino was not large, but the hull was very deep, and there was a longitudinal protruding slot on the bottom of the boat, which fit perfectly with the bottom of the ice bridge.

At the starting point of the ice bridge, after Ino assembled the boat and the bridge perfectly, Lux led the camel to the ice boat. With Ino waved and removed the fence in front of the boat, the ice boat finally began to move under the action of gravity. Along the ice bridge began to slide down and accelerated.

This was a rather crazy attempt. When the ice ship rushed to the sea along the track of the ice bridge, its speed was already quite astonishing-the moment it entered the water, half of the hull plunged into the sea, and the frightened camel was even more so. Almost flipped overboard.

Fortunately, Yinuo reacted very quickly and temporarily froze the people and camels in the boat without hesitation when entering the sea, thus avoiding the fate of the boat capsizing.

When the boat floated safely and Ino finally lifted the freeze, the camels were no longer panicked—they were completely terrified, and just shivered in the corner of the boat, not even daring to look at Lux's hand radish.

But in any case, the entry into the water was quite successful.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the camel, Ino made two ice paddles and handed one of them to Lux. The two finally rowed the boat hard along the coast.


Neither Lacus nor Ino knew how to row a boat, thanks to Kalya's surprise teaching before, so rowing was slow and inefficient.

However, Lux is still seasick—although the waves near the sea are very small, she is at best a little uncomfortable, but the efficiency of rowing is still greatly reduced.

In the end, after tossing and tossing for half the night, the two of them managed to bypass the northwest corner of Uzeris, found a tidal flat area, and led the camel ashore.

At this time, the long night is coming to an end and the sky is getting brighter. Ino, who has worked hard for a long time, is not only physically exhausted, but also consumes a huge amount of mana. Considering that it is not easy for camels to move forward in this kind of tidal flat, she needs to create an ice road to leave , Ino and Lacus can only rest here for a while.

It wasn't until the sun was three poles that Yinuo almost recovered. He created a frost path on the tidal flat, and two people led the camel and left the tidal flat.

Then, just as they headed south to officially begin their final journey away from Uzeris, a cloud of smoke and dust rose in front of them.

There were people coming, and there were a lot of them.

Lacus and Ino looked at each other, and without any communication, they roughly guessed the identity of this team: If there is no accident, this team should be the Nasirami!
The two of them had encountered the vanguard of the Nashilami army before, and they moved faster in the follow-up, throwing off the Nashilami army—considering that the two of them had been delayed in Uzeris for so long, the Nashilami did indeed It should be here.

But... Judging from the smoke and dust, there should not be many people in this team, and this is the west of Uzeris, a tidal area where formations cannot be arranged. Could it be a feint?
Lacus and Ino's guesses were completely correct.

In fact, the team that came to the west of the city was indeed a feint attack troop—more precisely, it was a large mercenary regiment hired by Saga to make a show of momentum and attract the attention of the defenders.

Sivir's mercenary group is in this team.

When Lux and Ino were wary of passing this team, they also passed Sivir and Cassiopeia again.

However, unlike the previous time in the oasis, this time, the two sides finally went in completely different directions.

Sivir, who took in Cassiopeia, attempted to make a comeback as a mercenary.

Lux and Ino set off for the last stage of training before climbing.

The two characters passing by and drifting away seem to be two curtains that have been drawn to both sides, ushering in a new era of Shurima.

 Carya's Small Classroom, Tidal Flats in the west of Uzeris:
  This extremely low-lying tidal flat area is where many underground water veins enter the sea, thus forming a subsidence area of ​​tidal flats, which is the natural release line in the west of Uzeris, and it is impossible to deploy a large-scale team at all.

  PS. A small piece of skin on the outside of the thigh above the knee of the right leg is numb. After inspection, it is lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis.

  Many people have this problem caused by improper exercise, but my main cause is that I sit for too long every day, and my weight base is getting bigger and bigger...

  While it wasn't a major problem, and it wasn't a serious condition that affected my life, I had to face a harsh reality: I really needed to lose weight.

  Woohoo, there is only one chapter today, woooooo.

(End of this chapter)

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