Lux's Farewell

359 Devil's training [0355]

359 Devil's training [0355]
Due to the wasted time on the tidal flats and the time spent on calming the camels, it was already close to noon when Lux and Ino passed this small-scale team.

Although it was already time for the two of them to rest, considering that the war was about to start, the surroundings of Uzeris might be chaotic after the army unfolded. Lacus and Ino, who didn't want to get involved, continued for a distance to the southwest and waited until Far away from the scout's detection range, he stopped beside a sand dune.

The scorching sun hangs high in the sky, and the high-temperature gravel distorts the air. In this dry and hot weather, even though Lacus and Ino are already very tired, they can only barely sleep.

Almost just closing and opening the eyes, two hours passed.

Ino and Lacus woke up one after another, and after looking at each other, there were wry smiles on their faces.

After shaking off the floating sand on their bodies and using radish to "lure" the dispirited camel, they simply tidied up and set off again. Amid the sound of war drums in the distance, they set foot on the climbing giant The last leg of the journey before the peak.


Even though Kalya had been vaccinated in advance, when Lacus and Ino gradually entered the state of devil training, the two little girls quickly came to the brink of collapse.

The two of you are used to the dim desert, the unbearable heat during the day, the hardships of the long journey, but you are exhausted from the lack of rest and sleep... Neither Lux nor Ino can get used to it now. up.

According to Karya's request, they can only rest for six hours a day.

Among them, the sleepable time is less than three hours—and, because the scheduled sleep time is noon, which is almost the hottest time in the desert, even if it is two hours of sleep, Lacus and Ino will not sleep at all. not good!

A week later, "semi-permanent" smoky makeup appeared on the faces of Lacus and Ino. The two little girls have never been so embarrassed since they entered the desert!
The lack of rest for a long period of time is the second burden on their bodies. What is really frightening is that under the circumstances of lack of rest, the mental state of both of them began to deteriorate rapidly.

Tinnitus and heart palpitations are only the most basic adverse reactions. What's worse, under the long-term pressure, the two developed very serious auditory and visual hallucinations.

Even Lux, who uses light magic, will be deceived by ordinary mirages because of such severe hallucinations and auditory hallucinations-the two people saw a non-existent oasis almost at the same time, and ran wildly for hundreds of yards. It was only after Carya's reminder that he realized the problem.

"This is what you will face when you climb Mount Targon!" Carya made an exception to allow the two of them to stop and rest for a while during the non-rest session. Far beyond the desert, which is only barren, but Targon is deadly."



Lacus and Ino leaned back to back on the camel, the two of them were panting and chewing ice cubes.

"Don't empty your minds. Memories and thinking are the best way to fight against this kind of exhaustion and pain." Carya tried to encourage the two, "Recall the past, think about the summary, and look forward to the future, don't let your heads stop!"

"I'd rather listen to your lecture, Kalya." Lacus moved her throat, swallowing the icy shards in her mouth, "Perhaps you can consider giving me a difficult enough subject?"

"...Lectures are not acceptable, but if it is a magic proposition, it might be a good idea." Carya thought for a moment, and agreed to Lux's request, "Take it as an exercise for your knowledge of magic theory—I No, what about you?"

"I, I can still hold on." Enuo who was suddenly called up suddenly raised his head and shuddered, "You don't need to give me the magic proposition..."

"I don't know much about the bloodline of ice." Since Ino didn't want it, Kalya didn't mean to force it, "If your body and magic power have any special reactions, you must tell me!"

"Now I just feel that my blood is extremely cool." Ino shook his head, "Besides... the mana consumption is a bit high."

Hearing this, Lux reached out and touched Ino's arm in surprise, and was surprised to find that her body temperature seemed to be extremely low—Lax knew that Ino's body temperature was lower than ordinary people, but this But the return was so low that Lacus suspected that there was something wrong with her sense of touch!
"Is this considered to be liquid cooling?" Carya heard this, and his tone relaxed a lot, "It seems that the ice blood is not only resistant to cold, but also can be cooled, which is a good thing. When climbing Mount Targon, the temperature difference between day and night The change in temperature is much higher than it is now, adapting to the temperature is a basic need... Lacus, you can't rely on hugging Ino to adapt to the change in temperature!"

"She's really cool!" Rubbing against Ino who was feeling cold, Lux seemed to cheer up, "I'm so envious, Ice blood..."

"Now that you've had enough rest, let's continue!" Kalya interrupted Lux ​​who was still wanting to continue, "Let's go, let's get used to it as soon as possible, after you accept this stage, the next step is to start the low-mana state Training... Victory is just ahead, let's go!"


Devil training continues.

However, with gradual adaptation and the discovery of a little trick, Lacus and Ino's mental state finally began to recover.

Although the semi-permanent smoky makeup is still there, at least the spirit looks much better.

Based on the magic axioms she had learned, Lux began to try to prove a series of complicated, unorthodox magic principles that were used as theorems.

On the other hand, Yinuo gradually heard the sound of his heart beating and pumping blood during the step-by-step trek. The control and feeling of the body become more and more nuanced...

When the trek without rest and sleep became the norm and the two of them entered the "bottleneck period" again, they had unknowingly reached the midpoint from Uzeris to Narimaja.

Carya, who has been paying attention to the physical and mental state of the two, finally confirmed after a careful evaluation that they can now carry out the last step, the extreme training in a state of lack of magic power.

Therefore, when moving forward, Lux and Ino need to stop and cast spells every hour, let themselves enter a state of lack of magic power, and then set off again.

This kind of training can not only allow the two to get used to the weakness in the state of insufficient magic power, but also allow them to get used to this segmented, section-by-section way of action-this is how they climb section by section when climbing a mountain, every once in a while. Just take a break.

After surviving the first days of devil training, facing the lack of magic power, both Lux and Ino performed quite well. Although the two became more and more depressed, at least they did not appear to be mistaken mirages.

Even as supplies became less and less and the camel's load became lower and lower, the footsteps of the two became brisk in the end, and even the two-hour rest at noon seemed to be a lot more comfortable!
Although they haven't reached Narima Jie yet, in Kalya's view, Lacus and Ino's current state is completely ready to climb Mount Targon!
"Keep your current state of mind, you are about to climb the tallest mountain in Runeterra, and face the majesty of the heavens!" Kalya finally breathed out after reconfirming the state of the two, "Now, my dear students, Let's move forward at full speed, the next stop is Narima Jie, the land of dragon prosperity in Shurima and the city of enlightenment of civilization!"

 Carya's Little Classroom: Blood of the Frozen Bloodline:

  The ice blood is actually hot blood, but compared with ordinary people, the blood of the ice blood has amazing magical adaptability. Ino's "liquid cooling" is actually her unconscious self-control of the body.

  PS. There is another chapter in the evening, but it may be in the second half of the night-finally we will start climbing the mountain!

(End of this chapter)

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