Lux's Farewell

Chapter 363 [0360]

Chapter 363 [0360]
One step above the snow line, everything in front of you turns into a gray and white color scheme, and the entire Targon Peak is a different world.

Stepping on the thicker and thicker snow, Lux and Ino seemed to feel the coldness of the snow on the ground every step they took—this biting feeling spread from the soles of their feet, making their knees feel colder. Almost lost consciousness.

I can move, but I can't feel it, and I'm completely numb from the cold.

"Step forward, don't stop." Carya can only cheer for them at this time, "Control the body you can still control, drive your stiff and numb parts, keep going, get through this period, everything Everything will change!"

However, despite the pain, Lacus and Ino's mentality is very good, because even for this kind of pain, Karya had been vaccinated before, and they knew it well.

So, when Kalya tried to cheer them up, Lacus not only didn't panic, she even wanted to tell a joke - but just opened her mouth, the howling mountain wind mixed with snow powder blew over, making her choke When the wind caught, I had to stop and cough for a while.

Lux, who was flushed from coughing, had to shut her mouth in embarrassment.

Kalya, who has always been narrow-minded, was rarely quiet at this time. Without Kalya's teasing, Lacus was relieved, but at the same time felt that something was missing, somewhat empty.

Forget it, move on.

As Kalya said, when Lacus and Ino gradually got used to this numbness and learned to control it, pain was no longer their shackles.

Moreover, after stepping above the snow line, the mountains of Targon Peak became even more frightening—large swathes of cliffs were cut like knives and axes. If you want to continue climbing, you must either circle around in a large circle, or Pull your fingers into the gaps in the stone wall and climb with all your strength.

There was no need for Karya to say anything, after Lacus and Ino looked at each other, they chose the latter in an incomparable tacit understanding.

Climbing Mount Targon, they don't want to see the true face of the giant god and dedicate themselves to the sacred; nor is it to visit the peak of Runeterra and see all the mountains at a glance-for Lux and Ino, there is only one goal of this climb , bathe in the brilliance of the heavens as much as possible, and transform yourself.

Reaching the peak is not a goal, but a natural result.

Therefore, although hovering is safe and reliable, it is not their purpose. Self-challenge and self-reform are the real meaning of this trip.

Unfastening the saber from their waists and carrying it behind their backs, Lacus and Ino chose a cliff with a lot of protruding rocks, and started climbing with both hands and feet.


Climbing the ordinary cliffs is actually not a difficult task for Lacus and Ino. One of them has been trained for a long time, and the other has the blood of ice. Although the mere cliffs are not as smooth as walking on the ground, they are still not very stressful.

But if you add "Targon's" before the cliff, the meaning will be completely different.

These mountain winds seem to be able to scrape off a layer of human flesh. Although Lacus and Ino have broken through that layer of numbness, and their feet have gradually recovered part of the consciousness, but at this time, even if they do not go down Look, the body can't help but shiver when the wind blows by.

However, the cliffs of the Giant God Peak are extremely high. Even if they want to rest their feet temporarily, they need to climb a hundred feet high. There are only one or two narrow platforms that allow them to breathe a little bit.

At this time, the time has come to the night.

The starry sky is like washing, and a round of bright moon is in the sky.

The bright moonlight was so bright, as if the entire Mount Targon had been sprinkled with a layer of silver sand. Under such moonlight, Lux and Ino could hardly see whether there was ice floe on a rock or not with their naked eyes. Whether there is snow or not.

Fortunately, for Lacus and Ino, this is not a problem now - when the moonlight shines on them, the fatigue seems to have dissipated a lot, and the climbing speed with the two of them has increased a lot. The movement is even more handy, even if it is really caught on the solid ice, it will not fall off.

When the night was over and the moon was setting, the two of them felt a little tired in a trance. When they were placed on a narrow rock platform and looked down, they were shocked to find that they had climbed the mountain overnight. On the Qianren cliff.

"This... Is this really what we climbed?" Lux glanced at the cliff in front of her, and at her hands that were red from the cold but had regained their instincts, "One night's effort?"

"That's right, we climbed." Ino nodded incredulously, "To be honest, I don't feel so cold now."

"That proves that you have successfully passed the first level." Carya said in a relieved tone, "Go ahead, the next level is the cloud line!"

After breaking through the physical limit of walking in the snow, the journey of Lux and Ino became smooth again.

By noon, the two, who were as agile as apes, had completely crossed the most difficult area above the snow line, and arrived at an area with a relatively gentle slope.

In this area, they finally saw the Huiyang that Kalya spoke of.

Looking at these Hui sheep, which are bigger than cows, leaning against the rock wall and chewing ice cubes, Lacus and Ino, who should go to sleep and have already reached the rest time, still couldn't look away from them for a while. removed from the fur.


The soft fur on Huiyang's body is almost as if it is woven by thousands of stars in the sky, each of which exudes dazzling brilliance.

As the mountain wind blew, the long Huiyang wool turned into the sea like a star dome, and turned into a piece of undulating waves brilliantly, making people want to touch it.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Carya said, "At the beginning, I thought about separating the two characteristics of Hui sheep, cultivating one kind of meat-producing sheep, and then cultivating a wool-producing sheep, and finally the meat-producing sheep. It succeeded, but the fur-producing one failed in the end—its hair is of excellent quality, but it is directly related to the radiance of the heavens, and as long as it is caught down the mountain, its fur color will be as dim as an ordinary creature, which is a pity."

"What a magical animal." Lux nodded in admiration, "Speaking of which, is Hui Yang aggressive? It's going to be a lunch break next time, so it won't rush over to me, will it?"

"No, no, Huiyang is actually not very courageous, unless he is forced to rush, he will not take the initiative to attack people." Kalya chuckled, "Even when catching Huiyang, there is only Aatrox The person was arched—it was because the kid was in a hurry, so he grabbed the horns from the front and found a place to rest in the wind, don't worry."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus and Ino nodded at the same time, and both breathed a sigh of relief.


I found a place where the wind was blowing, and I found a place with a large rock gap. Lux and Ino stood side by side, leaning against the rock wall, and soon fell asleep peacefully.

During the deep sleep, neither of them realized that their bodies were undergoing huge changes unconsciously.

Among them, the most direct manifestation is that Lax's long golden hair and Ino's silver-white hair are like Huiyang's hair at this time, overflowing with brilliance like stars.

Of course, on a deeper level, the breathing of Lacus and Ino gradually changed from shortness of breath to calmness, and even gradually became consistent with the reciprocating mountain wind. A feeling of being out of place, as if they lived here and should have rested here.

The saber was tightly embraced by Lacus, and Kalya also clearly felt this change in her.

Lacus and Ino slept soundly, while Kalya needed to re-adjust to the relationship between herself and her little by little. When it shines on Kalya, it will make him feel a burning sensation.

This is a hangover from being infected by the Void.

Ascenders entered the demigods because of the infusion of celestial energy; later they became darkborn because of the erosion of void energy-the most common flesh and blood distortion of darkborn is the repeated conflict between these two powerful energies using the body as the battlefield caused by.

And as the weakest one among the Ascendants, Kalya's severity after being infected by the Void is even more astonishing. The power of the sky and the power of the Void fight back and forth in the body of other dark descendants, and Kalya is simply the one who ascended. The force was pressed with a hammer, which was one of the reasons why he was forced to sleep in the first place.

Now, Karya, who was seriously infected by the void, has come into contact with the energy of the heavens that is transforming Lacus and Ino...

This is much more terrifying than tearing open wounds.

Lux and Ino are climbing Mount Targon and transforming themselves.

In this process, Kalya is also gradually increasing his ability to withstand the power of the heavens.

Kalya couldn't be purified in this way, but she was able to maintain her sanity from being eroded by the void in the pain - he told Lux ​​that when she successfully climbed the peak, she might be able to create an elemental body for herself, But what he didn't tell Lux was what kind of pain Kalya had to go through in order to adapt to this elemental body.

It is not two people who need to climb hard, but three people.

Lux and Ino, who were sleeping, didn't know that Karya, who had been cheering them on, was rolling in pain in their own small world after they finally fell asleep.

The deep-rooted void erosion and the celestial brilliance sprinkled on his body were like strong acids and strong alkalis, repeatedly washing Kalya's already scarred body and soul, making him cry out in pain and silently.

Scenes of the past appeared in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern. When Lacus and Ino woke up, Kalya almost lost consciousness.

Fortunately, Kalya survived in the end—among the ascensioners, the only thing Kalya can praise is his tenacity and unyielding will, which is enough to crush the pain of other people's souls. Kalya can still Take it hard!
"Are you awake?" Karya tried hard to maintain a calm tone, and finally said, "Swipe off the floating snow on your body, let's continue walking, this place is not far from the cloud line."

"Hmm." Lux stretched her waist, her eyes widened in disbelief when she glanced casually to the side, "Wait, there's someone over there!"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Elemental Body:

  With Kalya's current state, if Lux can use pure elements to create a body for him, he can move freely - but the premise is that Kalya can control the erosion of void energy.

  The elemental body will also be eroded by void energy. For example, pure ice, which is regarded as eternal, will also become dangerous and deadly dark ice after being eroded by void energy for a long time.

  If Lux made a light-forged body for Kalya, but Kalya couldn't control her own void erosion, then the light-forged body might become a cracking light...

  PS. There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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