Lux's Farewell

Chapter 364 [0361] Power of Demacia and Shield of Demacia

Chapter 364 [0361] Power of Demacia and Shield of Demacia

Walking barefoot on the icy rocks of Targon, Tariq didn't feel much pain—in fact, on the contrary, this pain was the greatest comfort to him.

He started climbing from Kalamanda, climbed over countless peaks, big and small, and now he finally came under Mount Targon. Even though the cold and danger here were far stronger than before, he still had no intention of stopping.

Like Lux, Taric was also a victim of Stonecrown.

Unlike Lux, he didn't have a teacher who taught him how to climb Mount Targon, and he didn't really reach the extraordinary level before climbing the mountain.

For him, it was almost a must-see climb.

However, from the moment Kalamanda set off, Tariq never hesitated in his footsteps.


Tariq was born in a small noble family in Gendel, Demacia. Although his grandfather only had a lord status that could not be passed on to his descendants, he was still considered a respectable person in the local area.

Therefore, Tariq's father, Tariq, can put on a full set of armor, ride a war horse, and join the army and fight when he becomes an adult.

However, unlike his grandfather's generation, when Tarek joined the army, there was no war on the border of Demacia.

As the biggest opponent of Demacia, Noxus is currently mired in the quagmire of the Ionian War, trekking hard, unable to get out, the shift of strategic focus has caused many duchies and city-states in Valoran to be caught between the two They all had to turn their heads to Demacia.

It was against this background that Tarik joined the Demacia army, and after being selected, he became a member of the Fearless Vanguard—and Galen Crownguard was at the same time as Tarik among the recruits.

Therefore, Taric's first mission after joining the army was to "counter the rebellion" with Galen and clean up the nobles of Mithral City.

Later, the situation in Demacia changed suddenly, and Lacus, who had returned to Xiongdu, set off an astonishing wave under the planning of Kalya, involving both the Illuminati and the Council of Nobles.

The whole incident ended at the cost of Lux's voluntary surrender and the punishment of the stone crown, which prevented the Illuminati and the noble council from making waves again as a result.

Since then, the rising star of the defending family has left the stage of history, and Lacus, who has no threat, has become a noble model praised by all the nobles in the Xiongdu of Demacia. When she boarded the ship to Kalamanda, everything It seems that the dust has finally settled.

As a bystander, Tariq can be regarded as witnessing all these ups and downs.

Although he is not in the vortex of the capital of Demacia, he can clearly see from Galen beside him that this incident has dealt a huge blow to the Crownguard family—even if he is as cheerful as Galen, after learning that his sister After having to stay away from Demacia and fearing that he would never return for the rest of his life, he also suffered from depression for a long time.

However, as Kalya expected, as Lux was exiled from Demacia and suffered the punishment of the stone crown, the nobles of Demacia must also make compensation to the Crownguard family.
No matter how bad the relationship with the Mianwei family is, this time the Mianwei family is also standing on the point of view of all nobles, severely cutting off the hand of the Illuminati Society that wants to interfere in political affairs, and even paid for it. Run away and bear the price of the punishment of the stone crown.

Therefore, after Lux left Demacia, under the proposal of King Jarvan III, Demacia held an unprecedented martial arts competition.

Demacia, which relies on the Arcane Stone, is one of the countries in Runeterra that lacks the most desire to expand. When the Noxians are sinking into the quagmire of war, Demacia seems to be able to use only this kind of performative way to show their muscles. Own martial arts.

Many nobles naturally readily agreed to Jarvan III's proposal—civilians are not even eligible to appear in this kind of competition. Now that they have no combat achievements to earn, it is natural for everyone to decide the outcome in the arena.

As a result, the grand square of the capital of Demacia was transformed into a temporary arena. Demacia's envoys set off from here and rushed to various principalities and city-states in the central part of the Valoran continent, inviting them to watch the ceremony as guests, or sending The contestants who participated in the competition participated in the grand event together.

As the "one pole" of the Valoran continent, Demacia's invitation is naturally highly valued by many principality city-states. When the Noxian strategy is shrinking, countries that want to have a good relationship with Demacia are like crossing the river. Crucian carp, so after receiving the envoy's invitation, various city-state principalities sent their princes and grandchildren as their own envoys to Demacia.

The reason is to observe the competition and participate in the grand event together, but in fact, it is completely treating this conference as a diplomatic event.

Of course, this is also the external purpose of Demacia.

As for the inside...

As the direct son of the crown guard family, Galen, who has been training diligently since receiving the news, was regarded as a seed player and became Demacia's "official hype target" for this competition.

In a sense, Galen can be regarded as having eaten his sister's "political legacy".

For the nobles, giving Galen such a silly boy super treatment and making him a new business card and a new benchmark for Demacia is a matter of killing two birds with one stone. And those who sacrificed", on the one hand, it also placed the Crown Guard family under the spotlight of the moral high ground, so that they had to be truly loyal to the country and have no second thoughts.

Lux, who is well-mannered and thoughtful, is a difficult opponent for the nobles, but Galen, who is solid-eyed, is just like his father and uncle. It's a beautiful thing to work hard!

It is also because of the fact that Galen is a solid-minded kid, so during the hype, the nobles did not directly inform him - the result was that when the confident Galen stepped onto the arena, the crowd The voice of "Come on! The Power of Demacia" almost sent him away where he was.

What the hell!
What is the power of Demacia? That was the title Galen gave himself when he bullied the little girl. He only mentioned it when Kashina "initiated a duel" to him!
Now being called out by the "water army" that had been arranged a long time ago...Galen, who was suddenly @into the black history, almost gave up the game on the spot!

Fortunately, despite the shame in his heart, Galen's physical strength is still very strong - he has studied with Xin Zhao for many years, and although there is still a lot of room for improvement in skills, this kid's physical development is becoming more and more incomprehensible .

The 19-year-old Galen was stronger than many adult contestants. He held a door-like sword in his hand. He couldn't see Xin Zhao's brilliant stabbing skills in battle. All the way through.

Even as a seeded player, Galen's opponents are not difficult to crack, but Galen's own strength still makes everyone look at him - plus this method of dropping ten with one force is the most intuitive and easy to see I understand, so the title of Power of Demacia has gradually changed from the unilateral hype of the sailors to a consensus recognized by the public.

In the later stage of the game, every time Galen played, the people who came to watch the battle would shout the name "The Power of Demacia" like a tsunami, which made Galen almost the most dazzling among young people that one.

The reason why I say "almost" is because there is one person who is more eye-catching than Galen, and that is...Tariq.


As an unpopular player, Tarek belongs to the "high-ranking audition" type.

For the descendants of this kind of declining nobles (strictly speaking, they are not nobles at all), those who arrange the schedule will naturally not take any care of them. were placed in the group of death.

As for why this group is called the group of death...

The reason is very simple, and Taric competed in the same group, as well as participants from Noxus.

Yes, the Noxians were coming, too.

Although the Noxus had begun to show signs of decline in Ionia when the competition began, but in line with the principle of benefit without cost, Commander Darkwill sent a special mission to Demar The West Asians are making trouble.

What?Demacians want to brighten their muscles?

Then I, Noxus, will definitely smash it!

With this in mind, several "gladiator slaves" were sent by the Noxus to join the competition.

Although Noxus can be refused to participate in the competition, when the Noxus forces are fully shrinking, Demacia will not lose momentum in such a place anyway-and, this is our home game, Why are you Noxians arrogant when magic and magic items are not allowed?
With the intention of embarrassing the Noxians, Demacia allowed these people to participate in the competition.

However, in the qualifying stage, the performance of these Noxians made the organizers of the competition feel a little scared.

Although they are gladiator slaves who don't focus on heavy armor, these Noxians are really good at fighting, especially the one named Urgot, even Xin Zhao silently clicked his tongue when he saw it.

Is this monster with infinite strength and fear of pain really a gladiator slave?

What are the Noxians up to?
Noxus did play tricks, but at this moment Urgot... was really a gladiator slave.

The only difference from other gladiator slaves is that the identity of Urgot's slave has just been released - as the executioner of Noxus, he is a direct descendant of Darkwill, so he reluctantly reduced him to a slave. It was because this guy's bloodthirsty performance on the Ionian battlefield aroused extremely violent resistance, which affected Swain's battle plan, and was pushed to the end by Swain on the spot.

For Urgot, sending him to Demacia as a slave to compete is not his punishment, but Darkwill's protection of his own lineage. From a procedural point of view, demoting him to a gladiator slave is a Punishment for him, but if he gets good results in this competition and slaps a Demacian in the face, then it is justifiable to use him again.

Noxus employs people regardless of their origins!
Darkwill's idea was very good, and Urgot's performance did not disappoint the trust of the Grand Commander. In the qualifiers, even if he was focused on because of his identity as a Noxian, the one who played against him The Demacian noble swordsman was still beheaded on the spot within three moves!
The tournament in Demacia is different from the gladiatorial fights in Noxus. It is not a deathmatch, and players cannot make up swords. Once the opponent loses resistance, any further damage will be punished. However, Urgot moved too fast , After killing the opponent, he simply dropped the axe, and grinned and said, "This guy is too weak, I was not careful", so that the Demacians couldn't step down on the spot.

Even if the teeth were itchy, the Demacians could not do anything to Urgot in the end. In the end, they could only artificially create a death group, and sent all the members who could pose a threat to Urgot to this group. , hand this guy over to Galen for execution.

For these people, being able to play something from Urgot is considered a success!
No one expected Taric, no one thought that a grandson of a lord from the Gendale countryside was capable of standing up to this terrifying and bloodthirsty Noxian.

However, it is in this situation that no one is optimistic about. In the quarter-finals, Tariq, who did not put on his helmet and armor that day, but only carried a hammer and a shield, was in the crowd. Under the spotlight, a perfect counterattack was completed.


For any Demacian who was watching the battle, the battle between Taric and Urgot was an impressive match that would never be forgotten.

Although the long-haired Tariq is tall and not inferior to his opponent, but his face is young, it seems that he is not the opponent's opponent at all.

However, contrary to appearances, Tariq has a surprisingly calm.

Urgot, wielding his tomahawk, charged again and again while roaring, raising his ax high and smashing Huashan again and again, as if he might cut Tarek in half at any time.

However, Tariq, who was rolling and dodging on the ground, was always like a light boat in the raging waves, even though it looked like a dangerous egg, he never capsized.

Tariq, who has carefully studied Urgot's fighting style, naturally has his own ideas. He doesn't think that his absolute strength can deal with Urgot, but he has seen Urgot's bloodthirsty, violent, and irritable characteristics.

So he went head-to-head with Urgot without his armor, because armor—even the best rune-steel armor—wouldn't be enough to keep him alive against such an opponent.

For this kind of opponent with great strength, who is similar to opening a can when beating up a top-helmed opponent, his choice of leaving is to go into battle lightly, use the way of wrestling to irritate and consume the opponent, and win by counterattacking!

Every time Urgot slashes, he will raise his shield and smash a one-handed hammer, but this is not a head-to-head wrestling, but a roundabout interference from the side. You don't want to completely block it, as long as you slash it sideways That's fine.

Tarek's tactics made Urgot furious.

Being turned into a gladiator slave already made him furious, even if the commander explained the purpose of this trip to him, he was still in a state of being on fire—well now, the Demacian boy in front of him is still alive With this kind of tactics, it is tolerable, what is unbearable!

Urgot, who was surging with blood, beat the ax fiercely, even though Taric had avoided the ax blade while blocking, the surface of this solid shield was still full of scars.

In order to release the power of Urgot's slashing as much as possible, Taric would roll over after almost every block. His loose black long hair was soon wet with sweat and covered with mud, and his whole body seemed to be They all turned into mud monkeys, looking embarrassed.

But even so, Tariq's eyes became brighter and brighter. He could clearly hear Urgot's heavy breathing, and he could clearly feel the decline of Urgot's blood. He had already seen the dawn of victory. !

Finally, when Urgot swept again with his axe, Taric finally raised his one-handed hammer and met Urgot's offensive head-on for the first time.

With a piercing sound of gold and iron, the two lost their weapons at the same time.

Urgot used a two-handed axe, and lost the weapon and had to lean over to pick it up.

But in Tariq's left hand, there is still a shield full of dents!

The moment Urgot leaned over, Tarek used all his strength to swing the shield that had been beaten the whole field—when Urgot's fingertips finally touched his tomahawk The moment he lifted the handle, the dented shield finally imprinted hard on his face.

The tall Urgot was hit by this blow, and he almost flew out sideways. When he barely regained consciousness and struggled to get up, Tariq's boots stepped on him mercilessly. chest.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, following the power of Demacia, there is now a Shield of Demacia.

 Carya's Small Classroom · Different climbing routes:
  If you start from Kalamanda in the north to climb Targon, you need to climb dozens of peaks, large and small, to reach the main peak of Targon; if you go from Narima Jie, you will go out to the main peak of Targon.

  Therefore, Lux and Ino climbed over the snow line in just over two days, and it took Tarek three months to walk all the way—this was mainly caused by the different climbing directions.

(End of this chapter)

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