Lux's Farewell

365 [0362] From hero to sinner

365 [0362] From hero to sinner
For Demacia, Taric's victory is not only a victory in a game, but also a "victory against Noxus". Strong, but the title of the Shield of Demacia is still spreading rapidly.

Although Taric's background is average, considering that he beat Urgot physically and swollen the face of the Noxus in a physical sense, and later lost to Galen "very sensible", so in the martial arts competition After that, his future can be said to be bright.

(Of course, the actual situation is that although Tarik can defeat Urgot by means of fighting, provocation, and defensive counterattack, he really can't beat Galen...)
A person with good strength, no heels behind him, and a good relationship with the son of the Crown Guard family, after the end of the martial arts tournament, Tariq has undoubtedly become the marriage target of many nobles.

So, after gaining fame, Tarik, a country boy, quickly entered the inner circle of Demacia Xiongdu.

To get in touch with the circle of nobles, it is inevitable to get in touch with the art circle—under the guidance of Lacus, Demacia has a considerable degree of support for various forms of art. Although Lacus left Demacia after suffering the punishment of the stone crown, But the artist support society she formed continues to work.

Although he was just a kid from the countryside, Tariq quickly immersed himself in the world of art after contact.

Love of art is also a kind of "elegant humor" in Demacia, but unlike other nobles, Tariq really likes these beautiful works of art. After work, he often wanders in the ocean of art Here, visit art exhibitions and listen to concerts.

As for his hobby, the nobles who wanted to win him over simply took advantage of the situation and allowed him to work in the city guard of the capital of Demacia while remaining a member of the Fearless Pioneer.

The identity of the Fearless Pioneer represents his status and identity in the military world, and working in the Demacian Capital City Guards gives him an opportunity to be active in the noble circle. Taric, who has both, then only needs to get With a title of title that can be passed on to future generations, a new noble family will emerge in Demacia.

However, just when everything seemed to be going in the best direction, an accident appeared.


The success of the tournament greatly enhanced Demacia's diplomatic influence, and Jarvan III even intended to institutionalize it every three or four years.

Following the influence of the martial arts tournament, Demacia's diplomatic offensive launched smoothly, not only stabilizing its own sphere of influence, but also attracting many neutral duchies and city-states.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Jarvan III proposed to form a [Valoran Mutual Aid Alliance] to jointly fight against the pressure of Noxus.

Many influential countries in the Valoran Continent, including Nokmochi and the Shining Silver Principality, responded one after another. All of a sudden, envoys gathered, and they all came to the capital of Demacia.

As a member who rose up in the tournament, Tariq, who was still working in the Demacian City Guard at that time, naturally shouldered the security task of this diplomatic event.

At this moment, an accident happened.

It was a seemingly ordinary night. The envoys gathered in the hall. In order to strengthen their relationship with each other and exchange some diplomatic interests, a grand reception began.

At the reception, the emissaries chatted and laughed, or praised the greatness of Demacia, or talked about the decline of Noxus in Ionia.

Although Tariq is the person in charge of security here, he has no interest in this kind of reception. To him, this kind of occasion is nothing good to say, and staying here is a waste of time—compared with It would be more fun to attend a new concert by the Illuminati choir.

I heard that this was the first concert of the choir after Ms. Sona of the Bouvier family became the first organist. Tarek sat in the front row of the auditorium early after arranging the specific affairs of security.

The concert was perfect. Ms. Sona is worthy of being a musical genius. The complicated pipe organ seemed to be no different from ordinary instruments in front of her.

However, what Tariq didn't expect was that when the concert was over and he stood up to applaud, a group of fearless vanguard soldiers led by Galen broke into the auditorium hall and knocked him down on the seat.

Over at the guild hall... something happened.

An unknown brutal murderer broke into the hall during the banquet and killed all the guards, servants and messengers present.

At the last moment of their lives, everyone looked terrified, as if they had seen something unbelievably terrible. Their muscles curled up and their blood surged, as if they had experienced an indescribable pain and torture.

There is no doubt that this is not only a terrible murder, but also a diplomatic incident with serious consequences-a considerable part of the envoys who died in the hall were the first heirs of various duchies and city-states. I came to Demacia to practice and establish a good relationship with Demacia, but in the end, I died miserably overnight for no apparent reason...

Not only the [Valoran Mutual Aid Alliance] that Jarvan III had placed high hopes on was over, but Demacia also needed to come up with a sincere compensation.

As the person in charge of security, Tariq, who was not at the scene that day, was naturally pushed out.

Each principality city-state needs an explanation.

Demacia can only use Tarik's life as an explanation for the accident - this is the best way to show Demacia's sincerity. The Valoran Mutual Aid Alliance was born because of the tournament, and Tarik Rising in this competition and taking down the shining Demacia Shield is the only way Jarvan III can appease these allies.


The punishment of the stone crown was Demacia's last honor to Tarik.

Different from the "default exile" of Lux at the beginning, this time, in order to appease the countries, Tarik's punishment of the stone crown is a serious punishment of the stone crown - even the Principality of Nokmochi, which lost its heir in the murder, specially sent For observers, to see Mai Tariq set out from Kalamanda barefoot and begin his climb up Targon to his death.

Tarek is not a professional climber.

His strength has not really reached the point of transcendence, so on the seventh day after the start of the climb, he suffered severe frostbite.

With the gradual loss of feeling in his right leg, Tariq still insisted on limping forward until he completely lost his balance and fell headlong into the snow on the side of the road.

Seeing this situation, the observers of Nokmochi, who followed him, finally chose to return by the same way - in their view, Tarik was dead, he just fell down on the snow line in sackcloth, and it would not be long before the tower K will completely freeze to death.

Come here, it's done.

Just like that, the two Nokmochi observers left the same way, leaving only Tariq alone in the snow, almost stopped breathing.

The wind and snow hit, and after the two observers went down the mountain and left, Tariq was finally covered by heavy snow and there was no more sound.

This heavy snow almost swallowed Tariq, and the limit of pain made him reach the limit of will. Under the snow blanket, he seemed to hear a voice calling himself, urging himself to stand up, urging himself Moving on, he seemed to have seen the greatest truth in this world in a trance.

Inspired by this voice, when the wind and snow stopped, Tariq really stood up miraculously!
However, Tarek, who stood up again, was completely different from before.

In his eyes, the mountains of Targon are no longer desolate and cold, and the rolling mountains are no longer monotonous and repetitive—there is a layer of light that ordinary people cannot see clearly covering this sacred snow-capped mountain and covering the entire Runeterra.

Tariq heard the call, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. After slightly brushing off the floating snow on his body, he took a step forward and ran to the south, towards the direction of Mount Targon.

Climbing Mount Targon from the northern foot is destined to be a long journey.

At the very beginning, Tariq would drink snow and swallow ice to relieve the pain of the empty stomach, but when he set out again, he no longer needed to eat—the radiance of the heavens shone on him, and that was Enough to keep him alive.

In this way, Tariq set off from Kalamanda, all the way along the continuous mountains of Targon, traveled thousands of miles without eating or drinking, all the way up and down the mountain, and finally arrived at the main peak of Targon after trekking.

Here, Tariq could clearly feel that the voice calling him had become clearer.

In his field of vision, apart from that layer of brilliance that ordinary people cannot see, there is much more content.

These contents seem to have traveled through time and space, showing countless wonders in front of him, although Tariq still can't understand all of them at this time, he can only glance at them like an ignorant child flipping through a book without knowing the meaning The sight, but it still made him extremely happy.

Walking on the road to climb Targon, Tariq feels as if he is running towards the end of the world, embracing the absolute truth!

So, he quickened his pace, braving the wind and snow, using both hands and feet, easily crossed the thousand-ren cliff, and came to the snow line of the main peak, where he met Lux and Ino.

When Lux and Ino discovered Tariq, Tariq also discovered them.

Tariq, who had met the two of them once, did not recognize their identities, but when he saw their long hair overflowing with celestial brilliance, Tariq still instinctively felt a kind of closeness.

Just when Tariq was about to say hello, his eyes fell on the saber in Lux's hand.

The purple-black sword hilt is so dazzling in Tariq's field of vision, it appears on the sacred Mount Targon, as if a large cloud of black ink has been stained on white paper, making people want to wrinkle frown.

"The sword in your hand is very dangerous." Tarek came to Lux and said in an unquestionable tone, "Throw it away immediately!"

 Carya's Small Classroom: Finding the Murderer:

  Although Tariq was already responsible for the whole incident, Demacia did not relax in the pursuit of the murderer of this vicious case.

  However, what is puzzling is that the murderer didn't seem to have left any clues. No matter what methods the Demacians used, there was not even a single meaningful clue.

(End of this chapter)

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