Lux's Farewell

Chapter 366 [0363]

Chapter 366 [0363]
In Tariq's eyes, as dazzling as the celestial brilliance, the saber in Lux's arms is so gloomy and terrifying.

On the hilt of the saber, the lingering purple-black aura can no longer be simply described as "ominous" - in Tariq's view, this is simply a materialized disaster!
Realizing this, Tariq was so anxious that he spoke authentic Demacian and directly told Lux ​​to throw away his sword.

Hearing the local accent, Lacus and Ino were a little happy at the first moment—however, after hearing Tariq's words clearly, the two were stunned at the same time, and turned into surprise at the same time.

Just when Lax wanted to ask questions in turn, Kalya quickly gave a sentence of guidance, so Lax put away her defensive posture and put on a confused look instead.

"Who are you?" Her tone was full of doubts, "You are also from Demacia? Why did you tell me to throw away my saber?"

"I am Tarek, the Shield of Demacia, Tarek." Although he had secretly decided not to bring up this honorable title, seeing the little girl in front of him seemed to be pulling out this dangerous amulet Sword, Tariq still chose the most convincing name, "I heard that your accent is also from Demacia, that's great... Be careful, don't touch your saber, it's very dangerous!"

If Lux's previous doubts were faked at Kalya's request, then her doubts at this moment are completely true——Shield of Demacia?Why is this naming style exactly the same as Galen in Secondary [-]?
Forget about the second grade, look at this guy, he is clearly not ashamed, but proud - he even thinks he is famous!
Thinking of this, Lacus couldn't help showing an expression of looking at a liar, his eyes full of guard.

Faced with such blatant guard, Tariq was quite embarrassed at this moment.

"Miss, I am really Taric, the Shield of Demacia. I came here to bear the punishment of the stone crown and wash away my sins. Look, I am walking barefoot now..."

In order to win people's trust, Tariq stuck out his left leg forward, trying to prove that he was a prisoner in this way and would not plot against the opponent's sword.

However, when he showed his bare feet and instinctively moved his eyes downward, what he saw were two pairs of little white feet that were also without shoes.

Seeing this scene, Tariq was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened in disbelief, he raised his head suddenly, and carefully looked at the two people in front of him.

He seemed to understand something.

Obviously these two people also seem to be from Demacia, why haven't they even heard of the name of the Shield of Demacia?
Although Tariq himself doesn't care about false fame, it is undeniable that in the past two or three years, whether he has become a hero or a sinner, he has always occupied the headlines of Demacia, even if It's an ordinary countryman, and I'm afraid he won't show such an attitude.

Either they are not from Demacia, or they have not been in Demacia in the past two or three years!

Why do they also go barefoot with themselves?
Because they are also the victims of the punishment of the stone crown!

Well, the problem is coming.

Before me, who else in Demacia suffered the punishment of the stone crown?
The face in front of him gradually overlapped with the blood-stained immature face in memory. At this moment, Tariq finally widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Miss Laxana!" Tariq's tone was both surprised and happy, "You're still alive!"


Suddenly being named, Lux was quite puzzled.

She carefully looked at Tariq in front of her, but she couldn't remember where she had seen such a person.

"You know me?" She asked Kalya for help in her heart, while asking Tariq, "but I don't seem to know you."

However, for a while, Kalya was silent, but Tariq introduced himself eloquently.

"That's normal. When you left Demacia, I was just an unknown pawn in the Fearless Pioneer. At that time, my squad leader was Your Excellency Galen." After confirming Lux's identity, Tariq's speech gradually became smoother. , "The thing is, after you left, a lot of things happened in Demacia..."

As he spoke, Tariq told Lux ​​in detail about the many things that happened in Demacia after she left

Because the story was too ups and downs, Lacus was almost taken aback when she heard it.

"Whether it's Lord Galen or Miss Sona, they often talk about you." After talking about a lot of things about Demacia in one breath, Tariq finally let out a long breath, "I didn't expect to meet you here You—however, I still hope that you can throw away this saber, it is too dangerous."

"You said there's something wrong with my saber?" Lux continued to repeat the routine while digesting the information Tarek said, "What's wrong with it?"

"I saw the calamity, like a real disaster." Tariq said with an extremely serious expression, "The purple-black ominousness infects this sword, it is really too dangerous, even if you just take a look at it, I feel like my heart is jumping."

"But I don't have any problem with holding it!" Lux blinked her eyes, with a puzzled expression on her face, "This saber has been with me since I was a child, but unfortunately it was broken during the duel—I I didn't see any ominous purple and black, and it was impossible to throw it down the valley."

"It's true!" Tariq seemed anxious, "It will bring destruction!"

"How do you know?" Lux asked back, "I have been carrying it for nine years, and there is no problem!"

"I saw it!" Tariq replied subconsciously, "I saw its ominousness... Wait, why did I see the purple-black ominousness?!"

When this doubt arose, Tariq was stunned, as if he had been hit on the head with a hammer, and he didn't respond for a long time.

Then, after being confused for a while, Tariq seemed to understand something. He wanted to speak, but before he could speak, his whole body seemed to be drained of all energy, and he began to tremble on the spot.

Trembling, Tariq lowered his head deeply, and after losing focus for a short while, his originally bright eyes quickly turned from calm to ethereal.

When Tariq raised his head again, both Lux and Ino saw the shining stars in his eyes.

"Drop it!"

When he spoke again, Tariq's voice also changed. It no longer had the sensuality brought about by not talking to anyone for a long time. The voice was ethereal and deep, as if it came from the sky above.

Something is clearly wrong!
Tariq definitely has a problem!

Seeing this, Ino clasped his hands decisively, and a large piece of ice sprang up from the cliff, and began to gather around Tarek.

Although I still don't know what's going on with this guy, but the best way is to control him first!
At the same time, Lux also pulled out the saber with her right hand, put the index finger and middle finger of her left hand together on the spine of the broken sword, and an incomparably gorgeous brilliance flowed on the blade.

Following the rhythm of Ino's ice closing in all directions, Lux also stepped on the cliff and swung her sword forward.

As if they had a tacit understanding, the attacks of Lux and Ino arrived almost at the same time, and the unarmed Tariq seemed inevitable and could only be captured with nothing to do.

Then, just as the blade was about to be attached, a gorgeous starlight sprinkled from the sky, like an invisible barrier, firmly protecting Tariq who was still a little dazed in it—on the other side, whether it was Neither Lux's blade nor Ino's ice could break through this gauze-like starlight.

Such a completely defenseless situation made Lacus and Ino thump in their hearts.

Although the two of them didn't know exactly what this star brilliance was, what was certain was that it must be related to the celestial brilliance mentioned by Kalya.

"Kalya, what should I do?" The attack failed, and Lux ​​subconsciously activated the off-court help mode, "What's going on?"

However, Kalya, who had always been able to do it in the past, did not give any response this time. In Kalya's silence, Lacus' heart finally sank to the bottom.

Although he wanted to figure out what was going on with Kalya, Tariq on the other side would not be caught without a fight. When the bright starlight was covered by him like a layer of armor, the former Shield of Demacia Finally raised his...fist.

That's right, fists.

Taric, who was tortured by the stone crown, wore hemp and bare feet, and did not carry any weapons.

In addition, at this time they are located on a slow platform above the snow line and almost close to the cloud line. Although this place is much wider than the previous rock crevice, it is still bare without even a stone, so the pagoda at this time Gram also only has fists to use.

But even so, when he struck with a punch, Lux and Ino still changed color suddenly, and their figures retreated.

During the simulated training, they had seen many unarmed monsters, and they would not take it lightly just because Tarik didn't have a weapon in his hand.

Tariq punched nothing, and the fist hammered on the rock wall unabated, punching out a deep hole in the solid rock wall.

Amid countless rubble, Tarik stepped forward and raised his fist again.

Lacus and Ino didn't dare to act lightly, and when they stepped back again, they looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces.

Tariq's state is obviously not right, but he is protected by a layer of starlight, and the methods of the two of them seem to have no good effect.

This guy has quite astonishing power with just a pair of fists. If it's all his own power, then he really deserves the title of Shield of Demacia!

Such an opponent is quite tricky!
The buffer space here is not small, but it is still a bit narrow as a battlefield.

As Tariq charged back and forth like a bull, Lux and Ino were still in danger, almost falling off the cliff several times.

Fortunately, the cooperation between Lux and Ino was tacit enough. After confirming that ordinary spells had no chance to destroy the layer of starlight on Taric's surface, Ino began to use restraint means, hoping to buy Lax some time , Find a way to get rid of this layer of starlight.

Ice walls erected one after another, and Lacus and Ino dodged left and right under the cover of the ice walls.

Like a matador, every time he dodges successfully, Ino will appear in front of Tarek to attract his attention, so that Tarek, who is invulnerable at this time, cannot cause any damage, and can only be helpless and furious.

On the other side, Lux seized the time that Ino had won, and began to condense the streamer on the blade of her broken sword with all her strength.

Although the pure elements cannot be used yet, under the multiple compressions, Lux's spells still have amazing effects. Although it may not be able to destroy the opponent's skinny star armor in one blow, at least it is not as good as before. Generally no waves.

Seeing that Ino had retreated step by step and was almost forced into a corner, the blade of the broken sword in Lux's hand finally condensed to the extreme.

The dazzling light is completely attached to the surface of the blade, and the highly compressed light element is as dazzling as the sun at noon. In this way, Lux has increased the destructive power of the spell to the extreme.

Tariq punched again, Lux held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and finally took a sprint.


The broken blade is not long.

After the light element attached to it was extremely compressed, it was completely attached to the surface of the blade without extending the length of the blade at all.

But compared to Tariq who can only use fists, Lux's attack range is still a little bit wider.

Faced with this fast and ruthless sword, Tariq had to cross his arms and actively resist the broken edge of the broken blade.

When the light element and the celestial brilliance came into contact, Lux seemed to hear the trembling sound of magic collision.

Even if it is maintained with all its strength, the light element in the super-compressed state begins to quickly become uncontrollable. Realizing this, Lux decisively sinks her center of gravity. The vest hit the rock wall.

No need to remind, Ino, who was a little relieved by the side, already understood what Lacus meant. She bent down and pressed her hands on the cold platform. With the injection of magic power, the smooth ice surface spread rapidly. Come on, the blink of an eye directly covered the entire area under Tarek.

Seeing this scene, Lux finally gritted her teeth and let go of the control on the ultra-compressed light element.

The next moment, the light that was compressed to the extreme expanded suddenly, and between Lux and Tariq, it seemed that a small sun was born.

Lux was slammed against the wall by the magic power of the explosion, even though she had already firmly pressed against the rock wall beforehand, she still felt her throat was fishy when the impact came.

On the other side of her, although Tariq was unscathed in the burst of strong light, but because of the slippery ice under his feet, he couldn't stand upright and was "bounced" out--when he realized something was wrong, When he wanted to grab the slow platform, his body had already flown five or six yards sideways, so he could only fall down the snow peak in a parabola in vain.

The sound of falling became farther and farther away, almost inaudible. Lacus and Ino leaned on the edge of the platform, poked their heads out, and looked at the abyss below at the same time.

Even though there was a strong light in Lux's hand, all he could see was the howling mountain wind and the snow. It was impossible to see where Tariq fell from the cliff, whether he was dead or alive.

Just when the two were still in fear, Kalya's familiar voice finally appeared again.

"Well, I never dreamed that I would meet my peers." Kalya let out a long breath, as if he had survived a catastrophe, "Fortunately, I feel something is wrong, so I restrain myself immediately, otherwise I'm afraid I didn't enter the cloud line. I'm about to be discovered by those bastards... Hurry up, we're really in trouble this time!"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Skylight of Shelter:
  It is very difficult to disperse the celestial brilliance that is purely a shelter.

  However, Tariq himself is still a mortal body, so although the burst of magic power is not enough to hurt Tariq, it can bounce him off the cliff-although he is protected by the radiance of the heavens, he will not be in any danger, but think again It may take a lot of effort to climb up.

(End of this chapter)

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