Lux's Farewell

367 0364 Seed player

367 0364 Seed player
Tarek's presence isn't good news for Kalya.

As a "seed player" who is watched by the guardian gods, Taric's climbing is carried out completely under the attention of the guardian gods-during the climbing process, the guardian gods will always watch Taric's every move, and when necessary Control him in advance.

Most of the giant gods who live in the heavens will never really come to Runeterra.

As noble celestial beings, the laws of existence of the giant gods are incompatible with the laws of Runeterra. If they want to enter Runeterra in person, it means that they need to abandon their immortal bodies in the celestial world and turn themselves into flesh and blood.

If the ascension ceremony is to inject the power of the heavens into the ascension growth and reshape the body, if the creatures of the heavens want to enter Runeterra, they must reversely create a flesh and blood body and accept the laws of runes—since the birth of Runeterra, Only one worthy Son of the Stars has done that.

As for the other giant gods, they have only one means of influencing Runeterra, which is to create the giant god protoss.

They will attach their will to the powerful mortal host, and use force or temptation to control the protoss host.

Among many Rakkor sects, there are legends that "becoming a protoss will gain great power", but in fact, Kalya is very clear that there is actually no absolute relationship between gaining great power and becoming a protoss—even if it is Unbelievers can climb to the top of Mount Targon step by step, and they can also gain incomparably powerful power.

For those devout Rakkor, the challenge of climbing Mount Targon is instead a "body selection meeting" of the giant god. When the giant god needs a protoss who walks the mortal world, they will pay special attention to the climber and give them their own seeds. The contestants need a certain amount of convenience, which is the essence of Rakkol people climbing Targon.

Although Tariq is not from Rakkor, and he does not believe in giant gods, his personality is undoubtedly very compatible with the guardian giants, so when he set off barefoot and began to climb, and reached above the snow line, the guardian giants asked He cast a concerned look.

Being able to go all the way south from Kalamanda to the main peak of the giant god, Tariq's will is certainly tenacious, but if it weren't for the help of the guardian giant, who protected him from being hurt by the wind and snow with the brilliance of shelter, Tariq might Died long ago on a hillside somewhere.

Compared with many giant gods who have their own clear goals, the guardian giant god is actually a "easy to talk" giant god. He will not ask the protoss to kill heresies, nor will he initiate wars. On the contrary, he will take the initiative to eliminate conflicts , stop the war.

Of course, this is not to say how kind or benevolent the Guardian God is. He just simply does not want the good to be destroyed—considering the beauty in the concept of the giant, maybe the cessation of the war may not really benefit mortals.

Moreover, no matter how easy it is to talk, there is no room for relaxation between the giant god and the darkborn. Although Kalya did not reveal his identity, just the air stained on the hilt of the sword is enough for the giant god to let go of his reserve. I did it myself.

Fortunately, Tariq has not climbed successfully at this time, and his body strength is insufficient. Even if he is safe and sound under the protection of Xinghui, Lacus and Ino can still handle it.

But this is obviously too bad news for Carya.

According to Kalya's original plan, Lacus and Ino should start climbing quietly and strive for the fastest time to reach the summit. For this, he prepared a lot of targeted training, and even actively asked the two of them to extremely compress their sleep time. The steepest part of the Targon Mountain, the eastern foot, began to climb, in order to climb up the Targon Peak quickly before the Titan reacted.

Moreover, when Lux accepted the trial of Nagakaporos first, her body was also contaminated with a lot of Nagakaporos' breath-this is another layer of camouflage, which disguises Lax as Become a believer of the snake mother, reduce the sense of existence as much as possible.

According to Kalya's plan, the entire climb will end within ten days, and Lux ​​and Ino will contact and adapt to the glory of the heavens as quickly as possible. The biggest difficulty in the trial is the willpower contest after being spotted by a giant god .

However, the encounter with Tariq made many of Kalya's plans come to nothing.

Although Kalya was aware of Tariq's state, and when Tariq hesitated about what he saw and caused the Guardian God to come forcibly, Kalya tried his best to restrain his aura, but the Guardian God might not realize that what Lux was carrying was not dark The descendant creation is the darkin body, but she and Ino are still registered with the giant god without a doubt.

For the climbing of a believer of the old gods, the giant god can completely ignore it; but for a climber who holds a darkin creation and may be involved with the darkin, how can the giant god take it lightly?

Now it's hard to do.

Although the giant god can't go down to earth in person, the Rakkor, the loyal dog of the giant god, is not easy to mess with, and once the existence of Kalya is exposed, the protoss will probably be moved by the news.

The next part of the road is difficult!

"So, girls, you need to hurry up." After talking about the influence of Tarik, Kalya finally raised his tone, "Before those annoying troubles come, you should reach Mount Targon first!"

"What are you afraid of?" After Karya finished explaining the cause and effect, Lux showed a confident smile on her face, "Those who are protected by giant gods will fall off the cliff, and everyone else is no problem!"

"That's right!" Yinuo also looked confident, "This is a snow-capped mountain, and it's my home field!"

The high-spirited self-confidence of the two made Kalya quite satisfied. Seeing that the two had no fear at all, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just go, who is afraid of whom!


The climbing of Lacus and Ino is still going on.

At the same time, at the northern foot of the giant god, in the headquarters of the Sun Sect above the cloud line, a priest meeting was suddenly held.

The person who presided over the meeting this time was Leona, who always only cared about fighting and killing, and rarely interfered in the sect's internal affairs.

This scorching sun protoss who walks in the mortal world has never been very involved in management. Even when he leads the Rahorak warriors to fight the enemy, he often takes the lead.

Although she is not as unkind as the legends say, in the eyes of the priests and believers, Leona is still more majestic than friendly.

Of course, this is a good thing for the Sun Sect, and now the Sun Sect urgently needs a strong leader of the Hawk Faction.

Although in the eyes of many mortals, the preaching of the Western Sun Sect in North Shurima is vigorous, but the reality is that out of ten believers of the Sun Sect, there may be only two who really believe in the Sun God and the Sun God. The way of the sun.

Among the other eight "believers", seven believe in a sun god who doesn't know, and one is just a casual joke from an unbeliever.

The Sun Belief that seems to be spread all over the western part of North Shurima, in fact, only near the Targon Mountains is the Sun Belief that is serious, and the others are heresies!

Even in recent years, many originally pious believers have begun to waver. From time to time, some people within the sect say good things about these heretics, and even some people can say things like "It's better than believing in the bright moon"!
If Leona hadn't successfully climbed Mount Targon and became a real Sun Protoss, the situation of the Sun Sect would have been even more difficult!

What, you said that there is also a protoss on the side of the Bright Moon Sect, and the Sun Sect may face huge troubles?
Please, look at the "Sect of the Sun God" that is blooming everywhere.

Heresy, that is much more terrifying than heresy!
What is the problem with the Bright Moon God Sect who can only hide in the dark and linger?
The Sun God Sect, who has been competing with the Sun Sect, is the problem!
Compared with the Lieyang Sect, which is bitter and needs to fight for the gods, those who are exempted from military service, have internal benefits, sign up for the regiment for warmth, and have awe of the sun should join the Sun God Sect.

Who would foolishly come to Mount Targon and join the Sun Cult?

What is it, Tuyou needs to fight for the gods?Is your standard of living falling behind?Or do you want to see the fresh air on Mount Targon?
Thousands of years ago, the members of the Sun Sect who accepted the legacy of the Shurima Empire would never have imagined that those who left the Noxus Empire, after joining the sect, forcibly transformed a transitional organization into what it is today!
Thank goodness though.

Now the Sun Sect finally has Protoss again.

Although Leona is very young, her appearance has indeed solved the plight of the Solari Sect to a certain extent. Although the Solari Sect is completely inferior to the heretical Sun God Sect in terms of economic competition, there is an army of protectors called Lahorak The Sun Sect can solve the problem through the most direct means of violence.

For example, in the face of sand robbers' looting, the Sun God Sect would at most report to the group to keep warm and hire helpers, but the Solari Sun Sect could directly attack Huanglong with Leona leading the Rahorak warriors.

Therefore, even if the Sun God Sect, which is expanding abroad, can quickly gain a foothold in different cities, without soldiers in hand, their living environment is actually not as stable as the area controlled by the Sun Sect.

In a sense, Leona's differentiation has been very successful!


This time Leona presided over the meeting in person, and before she spoke, many priests immediately thought of Uzeris' question.

The siege of Uzeris has been going on for three months.

Known as the "City That Never Falls," Uzeris has tall walls and plenty of defensive equipment. Although the Nasherami's offensive can barely be regarded as a surprise attack, if the sea supply line is not cut off, Uzeris' supplies are still quite large. plenty.

But sufficient supplies are not enough. To defend a big city like Uzeris, in addition to supplies, sufficient manpower is also quite necessary.

There are many people in Uzeris, but the people who defend the city are a bit scarce.

As far as Noxus is concerned, even though Uzeris has defected to Noxus for many years, there are actually not many Noxians living here, and the Uzeris war group composed entirely of Noxus is even more so. A mere 2000 people.

In addition, most of the soldiers stationed in Uzeris are the former city guards of Uzeris and the current servants—although there are quite a few of these people, but considering that they are also responsible for maintaining Uzeris' Order and manpower are still very tight.

In this case, once Nashi Lamei strikes across the board, Uzeris must mobilize the residents of the city.

But unlike Nashilami, Uzeris has a large number of Rakkor and Sun God believers, and they will not stand on the city wall!
The Rakkor of the Sun Cult fight only for their gods.

The believers who believed in the Sun God Sect had paid the exemption money.

Uzeris’ previous conscription mistakes had already caused a lot of trouble. Forcing the Rakkors to join the army directly led to some internal strife, and it took a lot of effort to suppress it—now that the city is besieged, it would be a waste of money to recruit rashly. Suicide!

Therefore, Uzeris only recruited some unbelievers to help defend the city at first.

However, Saga had an insight into the weak link, and when the Noxus set up their defenses, they immediately launched a fierce attack regardless of the cost-most of the people participating in the siege were cannon fodder troops composed of desert remnants. Under the cover of the conscripted mage group, they climbed into the city in a way almost like an ant, and specially selected areas to assist in the defense of the city.

This kind of siege was very ineffective and caused heavy casualties, but for Uzeris, who was full of internal conflicts, it was an extremely insidious scheming.

The Noxus suffered few casualties, but the unbelievers who assisted in defending the city suffered heavy casualties-after a few waves of offensives, the unbelievers also became believers.

Considering that it is difficult to become a Rakkor and believe in the Sun God, most of the unbelievers chose to join the Sun God, and even made up for three to five years of exemption money in one fell swoop, so as not to be conscripted to the city wall as cannon fodder.

As a result, the Noxus who guarded the city turned around and found that the entire city of Uzeris was full of devout believers overnight.

But the city still needs to be guarded!

After realizing that someone was fishing in troubled waters, in order to prevent Uzeris from being breached, the Noxus discussed with the local servants, and the Rakkor's martial virtues were too strong to be offended, so they gave a heavy blow to the followers of the Sun God Sect Bar!
Therefore, without unbelievers as cannon fodder, the identity of the Sun God Cultists cannot be kept.

With new cannon fodder on the city wall, Nashilami's offensive was repelled again.

But this kind of behavior of forcing believers who have paid the exemption money directly penetrated the bottom line-under the emergency, the Uzeris defenders were not in the mood to identify who was new and who had paid the exemption money, and who was the real one. The long-term followers of the Sun God Sect treated the believers of the Sun God Sect directly, which directly caused the elders of the Sun God Sect to contact the Rakkor people.

You see, you were opposed to conscription before, and we responded with solidarity everywhere, and now the Noxians are persecuting us, for the sake of believing in the sun, please help me!
The local Sun Sect priests in Uzeris wanted to reprimand these heresies, but the elders of the Sun God Sect gave too much—they were willing to include these Rakkor people into their welfare system. .

Of course, this is only the most basic part.

More importantly, from now on, our exemption money will not be given to the Noxus, but directly to you. You Rakkor will form the Rahorak army to protect the law. ?

Although they are Rakkor people, the Rakkor people living in Uzeris are obviously not as pious as their fellow tribes who live in the tradition of Mount Targon "under the radiance of the gods". After some thinking, the local priests finally gritted their teeth. nodded.

It's done!

The outside of the city is full of enemy troops, and the inside of the city is full of rebels. Even though the Noxians have enough supplies, they are gradually unable to defend the city wall without manpower.

Then, just when Saga thought he had the chance to win, an armed riot broke out in the city of Uzeris.

After the believers of the Sun God Sect and the Rakkor of the Solari Sect joined forces, someone mutinied directly with a gun, and quickly captured all the Noxians and servants who were standing by on the city wall.

When the Nasirami people outside the city realized that something was wrong, the orderly officer of Uzeris and the chief of the local battle group had already been hanged on the city wall, and the banner of the king changed on the head of the city of Uzeris!
Under such circumstances, Saga was so angry that she almost vomited blood. She never imagined that she had finally caused the civil strife in Uzeris, but ended up making wedding clothes for others. Believe in the sun's heaven on earth!
Since the port had not been blocked, news of Uzeris' mutiny quickly spread, and not long ago, the Sun Sect finally received the news.

Then, on the question of whether to support, how to carry out the support, and what to do after the support, the priests quickly quarreled and fought red-faced.

Whether to go to this point, everyone thinks to go.

But how to go about this, there are various suggestions.

When it comes to the issue of what to do after the support, everyone has their own thoughts and plans.

Some people want to take advantage of this opportunity to expand their territories and expand their influence. Some people think that maintaining the purity of the sect is the most important thing, and the heresy should be eliminated after the rescue. Some people think that Uzeris should be occupied to create a heaven on earth, and some people think that it is necessary to retreat in time to maintain traditions. ...

Many priests were arguing with each other, and it was so lively!
During the quarrel, Leona watched coldly from the beginning to the end, never expressed her opinion, and seemed to have no concern for this mundane world. At first, everyone felt a little awkward, but after arguing, they got used to it.

And now, Your Excellency Xingling finally took the initiative to host the meeting...

That is to say, the sect should finally have a clear policy on the issue of Uzeris, right?

Counting the time, it is time to act, no matter how late it is, it will be too late!

With this in mind, the priests gathered together, and all eyes turned to Leona.

However, to everyone's surprise, Leona didn't say anything about Uzeris.

"There are blasphemers climbing Mount Targon." Although Leona looked as dazzling as the scorching sun, her tone of voice was extremely cold, "All Rahorac warriors at the headquarters of the order must gather together and join me Go and destroy the blasphemer! The majesty of Mount Targon cannot be desecrated!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Uzzelis's scheming:

  Saga originally wanted to use psychological tactics to cause internal strife in Uzeris, and then announced that he would allow Uzeris believers to maintain their beliefs and respect the exemption money to calm down, so as to win Uzeris in one fell swoop, but she never expected that the believers and The internal strife among the Noxus led to the merger of the Sun Sect and the Sun God Sect.

  Although the fighting power of the Rakkor is not as good as that of the Noxus regular army, at most it is stronger than the servant army, but the city wall of Uzeris is tall and strong, and there are sufficient equipment and supplies. The U.S. military had no choice but to give up the storm and was forced to turn to a siege—at least Uzeris could no longer get supplies from Noxus.

  PS. There is another chapter in the evening, in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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