Lux's Farewell

Chapter 368 [0365] The Sun Sect and Rahorak

Chapter 368 [0365] The Sun Sect and Rahorak

Speaking of "Rahorak warriors", today's Shurima people's first reaction is the tall Rakkor warriors who guard the Sun Cult.

These Rahorak warriors are not only the protectors of the sect, but also the destroyers of heresy and heresy. They also have a certain propaganda significance-the handsome armor and strong body are very important propaganda means for them to show the belief of the sun, which can give Make a good first impression.

But few people know that the history of giant god believers raising private armies can even be traced back to before the birth of the Shurima Empire.

In other words, when Kalya came to Runeterra, among the mountains of Targon, the first Rahorak warriors had already appeared.

However, at that time, the giant gods didn't really care too much about mortals, and the Rahorak warriors were not the "god's servants" today. Unbelievers can be honest when they listen to their own preaching.

Later, the Sun Sect made angel investment in Shurima in time, and successfully occupied a place that could not be ignored in the Shurima system, which was still poor at that time.

So, here comes the question, why did Karya, who was one of the tribal speakers at the time and not very interested in religion, accept this investment from the Sun Sect?
This is actually a need and a helpless choice.

In today's Shurima, many concepts of the Sun Cult are quite conservative and outdated, yes, but that is today!

But thousands of years ago, on the continent of Shurima, many tribes, large and small, were still in ignorance, and things like living sacrifices and burials were almost everywhere. The harsh environment led to Shurima at that time. The Rima people have no bottom line at all. Under such circumstances, the Sun Sect is simply a very progressive group!

If they don't cooperate with the Solari Sect, should the newly born Shurima tribe be enemies all over the world, or should they cooperate with those tribes who sacrifice themselves every now and then?

Moreover, the Sun Sect, as an angel investment, did bring a lot of valuable resources and knowledge to Shurima in its new state, especially the first batch of "intellectuals" in the Shurima Empire. Except for Karya, almost all priests of the Sun Sect.

Without these priests, Kalya, who was still a mortal at that time, could not handle all the internal affairs of the growing Shurima tribe!
After the Sun Sect invested in Shurima, with the expansion of Shurima, the sects that believed in other giant gods lost steadily in the religious wars, and countless people turned to the Sun Sect. In return, the Sun Sect offered to forgive The Rima Empire provided invaluable knowledge of celestial energies.

Using this knowledge, the Shurima Empire formed its own Order of Ascension and erected the first Sun Disk in Narimaja.

When this side of the sun disc was full of energy, Setaka bathed in the brilliance of the heavens and became the first ascendant.

The early days of the empire were also the honeymoon period between the Sun Sect and the Shurima Empire. The expansion of the Shurima Empire was also the expansion of the Sun Sect’s faith. Warriors are almost reduced to complete scumbags.

However, with the passage of time, the priests of the Solari Sect gradually discovered that although the Shurima Empire was still expanding, the scope of their missionary work was almost no longer expanding. After finally successfully ascension, the first thing to do when turning around is to curb the further expansion of the Sun Sect!
From the point of view of the Sun Sect, it was Kalya who was crossing the river and demolishing bridges; but from the point of view of Kalya, it was because the Sun Sect was not aggressive.

When everyone is a savage, you are progressing.

But now that Shurima has its own language and civilization base, the empire has begun to study the mysteries of elemental magic. You still insist on your old almanac, isn't it a bit behind?
It is true that the glory of Shurima is part of the Solari Sect. We also guarantee the sect's freedom to preach in the empire, but the further expansion of the empire does not necessarily have the attribute of a religious war.

Angel round investment requires equity dilution, no one can rest on the credit book, not even the Ascended, let alone the Sun Sect!

In this case, although the Sun Sect was a little bit upset, there was nothing to say. After some discussion, several respected elders decided to send priests who were proficient in righteousness as missionaries, starting from Mount Targon, Travel thousands of miles to the east of the Shurima Empire and start a great missionary journey.

From the perspective of Shurima history, this great missionary journey is a journey of great progressive significance. While expanding the belief of the Sun Sect, it also greatly strengthened the cultural exchange of the entire Shurima Empire .

Those advanced priests of the Sun Sect ate the wind and drank the dew, and their footprints almost reached today's Kehalise area-at the time when the Shurima Empire was not able to completely control the grassroots, the great missionary journey of the Sun Sect filled the gap. It filled the gap in the grassroots ideological field at that time, and allowed the empire to gain a firm foothold in many newly conquered areas.

Moreover, because the priests are all people who have traveled thousands of miles in person, they have gradually become enlightened after staying away from Mount Targon and seeing and hearing more and more. The Sunnian beliefs, but less and less about the titans.

A considerable number of priests later simply abandoned their religious identities and became part of the empire. The Varieva mentioned by Karya before is the representative of this great mission—she is the star of the Sun Sect. Star, but was abducted by Kalya and became one of Shurima's Ascended.

After a vigorous preaching, the beliefs of the Solari Sect seemed to spread throughout the entire Shurima Empire again, but the fact is that the farther away from the Targon Mountain, the farther away from worshiping the Solari God; The closer the believers are to Mount Targon, the more conservative their beliefs are.

Later, the first expansion of the Shurima Empire ended, and the honeymoon period between the empire and the sect also ended completely. Under the leadership of Kalya, the Shurima Empire began a cultural innovation movement. Friction starts to appear.

As a result of the constant friction, the Shurima Empire finally gave up on Narima Jie, the old capital of the empire, and instead built a brand new Shurima city in the middle reaches of the Shurima River as the capital of the empire.

With the relocation of the capital, the Solari Sect at that time was almost divided into two-the conservative part stayed on Mount Targon, adhering to the tradition; the radical part followed the empire to the city of Shurima, and later Developed into the backbone of Ascension Sect.

It is also in this situation that Rahorak fighters once again stepped onto the stage of history.

After the split, the Sun Sect has been extremely conservative in the following thousands of years, and the rebuilt Rahorak warriors have completely become the Dharma Protector Private Army - relying on the special environment of Mount Targon and the characteristics of the Dharma Protector Private Army, even The collapse of the empire, the Rune Wars, and the Sun Sect did not suffer too much impact, and took the opportunity to clean up the Bright Moon Sect and other sects that were trying to rise again.

During this process, the Rahorak fighters have made great contributions. Even today, there is still the most powerful Rahorak fighter, always staying at the cloud line of Mount Targon to prepare for battle.

This Rahorak elite accepts the support of the entire sect and bathes in the radiance of the heavens every day. They have only two meanings of existence - as the sect's trump card and as the giant god's protoss reserve.

And now, under Leona's order, the most elite Rahorak warrior of the Sun Sect finally moved.


Compared with Lux and Ino, these Rahorak fighters who have lived above the cloud line for a long time are undoubtedly more skilled in climbing.

With the message from the guardian giant, it can be said that Leona responded immediately. Even though Lux and Ino had already accelerated their climbing speed, the Rahorac warriors still managed to arrange the attack before they crossed the cloud line. A line of defense.

As the name suggests, the cloud line is the horizontal line with clouds, where the clouds are thick, and the floating clouds surround the mountainside of Targon, forming a circle of thick clouds and mist.

And in the area above the cloud line, Targon has an obvious ring-shaped contraction zone like a slow platform, where the Rahorak fighters are waiting for work at leisure, ready to deal with the defiler.

Considering that according to the news of the guardian giants, Lux and Ino climbed at the east foot of the giant mountain, Leona naturally focused on arranging the Rahorac warriors on the east side.

And the follow-up seems to be just as Leona expected.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the deployment of the defense line was completed, on the east side of Mount Targon, a ray of radiance pierced through the thick clouds and disappeared in a flash.

Seeing this scene, Leona couldn't help being overjoyed.

The two blasphemers didn't realize at all that someone was already waiting for them above the cloud line!
That blasphemer who uses light magic foolishly illuminates with magic light!
Take it, take it!
Maybe the light can illuminate the mountains covered by thick clouds and mists, but the brilliance that passes through the clouds and mists is destined to reveal your position!

After seeing a flash of light, Leona quickly mobilized the main force of the Rahorac fighters and guarded the east side of the mountain.

All the Rahorac warriors were armed with spears capable of piercing a man into a hedgehog, waiting for the two defilers to throw themselves into the trap.

However, while the Rahorac warriors waited silently, the two defilers did not appear for a long time—just when Leona was suspicious, a Rahorac warrior with crooked armor hurried over.

"There are two blasphemers climbing up from the west. We are few and can't stop them!"

 Kalya's Small Classroom - The Sun Sect uses the brilliance of the heavens:

  The Sun Sect will select a group of good physical fitness from the descendants of devout believers, and raise them on the snow line of Mount Targon since they were young, and then select the best from the best to form a team of Rajo who can survive on the cloud line when they grow up The elite Lak, this elite team is not only the trump card of the Sun Sect, but also a reserve member of the Sun Protoss.

(End of this chapter)

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