Lux's Farewell

Chapter 369 [0366]

Chapter 369 [0366]
Atreus clenched the spear in his hand, and stared at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him without blinking.

This is the first official mission that Atreus has participated in after joining Rahorac. After the command of "I, destroy the blasphemer" was uttered by the Sun Protoss, Atreus was still trembling with excitement.

From a very young age, Atreus has been aware of his destiny. As a child of a devout Christian family, he was selected by the sect early on and became a member of the Rahorac reserve.

Atreus has lived above the snowline of Targon for as long as he can remember.

Many children's childhood is colorful, but Atreus's childhood is only three colors of black, white and blue - black rock walls, white snow and blue sky, this is what Atreus can do every day See all colors.

Together with hundreds of Rahorac reservists, Atreus studied the scriptures and received training in the religious school of the Solari Sect; like all children, Atreus also swore under the witness of the elders that he would devote himself to the sect everything.

However, unlike many "Children of Destiny", among the many children, Atreus is not the strongest one.

In terms of physical development, Atreus is not too early. At the age of 12, he still looks like a bean sprout; in terms of learning comprehension, Atreus is not too smart. Slowly comprehend.

But among all the reserve members, Atreus is the one who can persevere the most—whether it is training or fighting, even if his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, even if his face is covered with blood, Atreus will always be the one who everyone thinks he will give up. It's time to stand up, continue training, and continue fighting.

This spirit of never admitting defeat made him the most famous "Desperate Saburo" in the reserves, so that few people were willing to be opponents with him during the battle training.

It is precisely because of this bravery that when selecting the official members of Rahorac, Atreus, who was not considered top-notch in strength and skill, was finally on the list.

According to the regulations of the sect, he will live in the base above the cloud line for 20 years, and he will not be able to go down the mountain freely until he is 40 years old, marry a wife and have children.

For ordinary people, life above the cloud line is more difficult and painful than training above the snow line—the life here is more monotonous, more boring, and more difficult.

Under the bright sky, even the strongest warrior would become panting after a short jog.

Because of the special environment, the teams stationed on the cloud line only have a small amount of daily training, and most of the time everyone chooses to read scriptures and worship the fierce sun.

As a former desperate Saburo, Atreus, after officially joining Rahorak, became the biggest... scumbag in the entire team because of his persistence in training.

It's also interesting to say.

Above the cloud line, it is difficult to supply. Although the light of the sky has strengthened the physique of these Rahorak warriors, after all, people are not shining sheep, and they will not grow fat after bathing in the brilliance of the heavens. No matter what, they still have to eat.

Atreus seldom sat down to read the scriptures, and spent most of his time climbing up and down rock faces with his equipment on his back, or honing his skills on the slow platform with a spear and shield.

A lot of exercise means a lot of food.

As a result, among the many Rahorac fighters, Atreus is particularly edible.

You must know that the number of Lahorak elites above this cloud line has never exceeded two hundred, and one of them can eat three people at a meal, so it is impossible not to attract attention.

Maybe it is not a bad thing to be able to eat at the foot of the mountain, but it is not a good sign to be able to eat on the cloud line.

On the one hand, eating more means increasing the logistical burden, and on the other hand, it also shows that Atreus itself has a relatively poor absorption effect on the brilliance of the heavens-so, although Atreus still trains hard, in most people's eyes Come on, this kind of training is doing useless work instead.

Isn't it good to bathe in the sky and gradually become stronger?
Why bother to sharpen yourself?
Atreus' friend, Pallas, who grew up with him, once persuaded Atreus, hoping that he could study the scriptures with him, and strive to bathe in the glory of the heavens more effectively.

But for the persuasion of his best friend, Atreus just shook his head stubbornly.

"I'm not a genius like you, Pyras." Atreus's expression was firm and unwavering, "I can wear the golden armor of a Rahorak warrior, stand above the cloud line and bask in the light of the sky. The only thing I need is continuous training and tempering every day, if I lose this persistence, what qualifications does a mortal who is not top-notch in strength and skill have to bathe in the sky?"

This is Atreus's first mission.

When the brilliance of the illumination was lit on the east side, the Sun Protoss mobilized the main force to encircle - the rest of the team left, and on the slow platform within a hundred steps to the west, only Atreus and Paras two.

"Don't worry, there's a blasphemer with the Sun Star Spirit here!" Pallas, who was carrying a spear, said with a relaxed expression, "This is definitely a sure thing!"

"Of course, no problem." Atreus could only nod, "They are all powerful fighters..."

The mountain wind howled.

Below the cloud line, the thick clouds rolled mistyly and fieryly under the blowing of the mountain wind.

The other Rahorak fighters had already left here. Just when Atreus was thinking about whether to move his body, two figures broke through the clouds not far away, and rushed along the Climbing up the cliff.

Atreus blinked, and then realized that these were the two defilers—they didn't climb straight to the east, but slammed east and west, and ran to the west!
Realizing this, Atreus raised his spear and shield without hesitation.

"I'm here to buy time, Pellas to inform the protoss!" Almost at the same time as he spoke, Atreus had already stepped forward, "I swear, I will never let them succeed easily!"

In a daze, the Atreus people had already rushed out. In this case, Pylas could only turn around helplessly and run towards the east—the two stayed here just to One person procrastinated, and one person delivered the message. Atreus rushed up, and Pyras could only deliver the message.


Although his heart was extremely excited, Atreus's right hand holding the spear did not tremble even the slightest.

Because he spent most of his time on training, Atreus was actually not very familiar with the Solari sect's scriptures - but this did not prevent him from regarding these two defilers as life and death enemies.

Although the two blasphemers seemed to be just two ordinary little girls, Atreus, who strode forward and stabbed with a spear, showed no intention of holding back.

Don't take advantage of their condescension when they are climbing the cliff, do you still wait for them to climb up?

However, just when Atreus was about to reach above the two of them, under the floating snow, an icy path was quietly spreading, and a biting cold came from his ankles.

Atreus, whose leg was pulled suddenly, almost lost his balance.

Lowering his head, Atreus was surprised to find that his left foot had stepped on a cloud of frost at some point, and was directly frozen in place by the hard ice.

The ice is still spreading.

Seeing that it began to climb up his calf, Atreus raised the spear in his hand without hesitation, and savagely hit his ankle with the side of the spear point.

The weapons and shields of Rahorak warriors have been specially treated, and they have a good magic-breaking effect. After being controlled first, Atreus used the magic-breaking weapon to attack the controlled part of himself without any hesitation.

A piercing pain hit, Atreus's ruthless blow shattered the ice, but also left a bruise on his ankle - but even so, he still endured the pain Pain, the whole body suddenly pressed to the ground.

The shield in his left hand slammed hard on the ground of the platform with great power, and the floating snow was blown away. After the ice path quietly created by the defiler was exposed, it was hit by the shield of Atreus. gotta smash.

"Don't try to pass here!"

It's a pity that even though Atreus reacted quickly and immediately released the control and cleared Ino's frost trap, after such a delay, the two defilers still quickly climbed onto the platform.

Seeing this, Atreus rolled quickly on the ground—after the roll was over, he had completely mastered his balance, stood up securely, protected his body with a large round shield, and lifted took the spear in his right hand.

The shining spear with invincible force stabbed at Lux and Ino who had just rolled onto the platform, and was immediately blocked by an ice wall.

Because Ino summoned the ice wall too hastily and the ice wall was not strong enough, the specially enchanted spear easily penetrated the ice wall by more than three inches.

The momentum of the impact subsided slightly, and Atreus clamped the spear shaft under his armpit, covered his body with a round shield, and turned his wrist violently——with his full force, the flat and sharp spear tip penetrated into the ice wall Afterwards, the entire ice wall was cracked like a spider web. The next moment, Atreus swung his shield and slammed it. With a crisp shattering sound, the entire ice wall turned into countless bursts of ice, completely shattered. .

Atreus quickly retracted the shield to defend, while retracting the spear and stabbing again, the whole process was like flowing water, even though the left ankle could hardly use any strength, the movements were still smooth and impeccable.

However, what Atreus never expected was that the defiler did not fight him head-on—when the ice wall shattered, a burst of strong light erupted without warning, and Atreus, who was stabbing straight with his spear, Although Reese protected his body, he failed to help his eyes.


With a painful roar, Atreus closed his eyes—although he still insisted on stabbing the spear continuously, this warrior who had been training day and night and was indomitable in the battle finally couldn't bear it. Live in tears.

"Despicable and shameless!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Atreus:

  In the main universe, Atreus is much older than Lux.

  But in this book, due to the influence of Kalya, although Atreus is a few years older than Lux, both of them can be regarded as the same age—more importantly, because the trajectory of the Shurima Empire has completely changed. Unlike, Aatrox did not climb Mount Targon to kill the war protoss.

  As for what Aatrox did... I will talk about it later.

  PS. There is another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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