Lux's Farewell

Chapter 370 [0367] Above the sea of ​​clouds!

Chapter 370 [0367] Above the sea of ​​clouds!

Caught off guard, Atreus was covered in a "combined flash bomb" by Lux and Ino.

Even if he usually trains hard...but no one can train his eyes!

Atreus, who was completely white in front of him, was brave, but no matter how brave he was, he couldn't poke someone with a spear with his eyes closed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lacus and Ino directly tore off their robes, avoiding Atreus who was gesticulating, and started the next round of climbing with hands and feet on the ground.

Half a quarter of an hour later, when Leona arrived late with the Rahorac warriors, all they saw was Atreus who was crying (actually, his eyes were tearing in the wind), not even a defiler see.

"Stop crying!" Leona looked at Atreus who was still crying in disgust, "Where did they go?"

"I don't know." Atreus replied angrily while wiping away tears, "I was dazzled by the light, and I couldn't see where they ran to."

Hearing Atreus's words, all the Rahorak fighters showed disgusted expressions on their faces without exception.

When is being dazzled by the light considered a reason for losing combat effectiveness?

Look at the look of this idiot, he is clearly crying from fright!
Among the warriors who read classics and worship the giant god Rahorak in their spare time, Atreus, who trains diligently, is an outlier. Doesn’t it seem that everyone is not serious when you train alone?

Therefore, except for a few people who are relatively close, Atreus's popularity among Rahorac fighters is not very good-otherwise he would not be called an idiot.

However, now he has lost his combat power due to being "dazzled by the light", and he has not caught the defiler, which naturally arouses the disdain and disgust of other Rahorak fighters.

Although Lux and Ino's breakthroughs were mainly based on making noises, compared to "being fooled by the enemy's noises", it is obviously easier for these proud Rahorak fighters to accept "the idiot in our team is a waste".

Contemptuously, these Rahorac warriors followed Leona one after another, ignoring Atreus who was trying to return to the team, and began to climb towards a higher place on Mount Targon.

The defiler has climbed up.

Since the interception failed, let's chase after it!
Are the two outsiders really going to climb Mount Targon?

When the Rahorak warriors started to pursue, according to Karya's request, they took off their robes above the cloud line, and Lacus and Ino, who were climbing in short jackets, had already climbed hundreds of meters.

Unlike the tens of thousands of creeks at the foot of the mountain and the snow-capped slopes, above the cloud line, Targon finally revealed its truest appearance.

The gray-black mountain rocks stand above the clouds, and at this height, Targon is not so much a mountain, but a pillar that leads straight to the heavens.

Above the snow line and below the cloud line before, the giant god mountain wind howled, as if passing by, but above the cloud line, the wind gradually subsided.

There is no wind, no snow, only the silence of death, and the occasional adult Hui sheep flashing past the cliffs and the Xinshi cranes circling around the mountain peaks.

Quiet, deathly quiet, so quiet that Lacus and Ino could almost hear their own breathing and their own heartbeat.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Karya taught the two of them the last time.

"You must restrain your mind. The strong in the heavens are worthy of respect, but they should not be worshipped."

"Keep your heart and don't be tempted by powerful forces."

"Remember my advice, strength always has a price, your preparation is enough to reach the pinnacle, but not enough for Xiaju to soar, don't be impulsive!"

"Be careful of the Rakkol people behind, they won't be able to let it go."

"When climbing, accept the power of the heavens as much as possible."



In the echo between Lacus and Ino, Kalya's voice became smaller and smaller.

Finally, with the sentence "Climb with all your strength, I need to rest for a while", Karya finally stopped talking, but fell into complete silence.

Kalya's silence made Lacus and Ino a little bit at a loss. They were used to having Kalya around and having such an encyclopedia to answer all their unknowns.

Now, the teacher who had planned the climbing process suddenly had to take a break, and both Lacus and Ino felt a sense of emptiness in their hearts.

However, remembering Karya's repeated exhortations before, the two still gritted their teeth and focused all their attention on the climbing itself.

Without the erosion of wind and snow, above the cloud line, the time of Targon Peak seems to be stagnant. The stone veins that have existed since the day of its birth are still clearly visible today.

Different from the previous climbing that relied on random protrusions on the cliff, above the cloud line, Lux and Ino rarely saw the "road" again - the footprints left by those who tried to climb Mount Targon. The frame was fixed here, and the footholds and rest places they chiseled out clearly existed on the gray-black rock of Mount Targon.

From the perspective of Lux and Ino, the tumbling sea of ​​clouds that is getting farther and farther below them seems to be the long river of time in Runeterra. immortality and eternity.

Even if they have no respect for the giant god, every time they look up to find a place to stay, the clear starry sky they glimpsed is enough to fascinate Lux and Ino - whenever this happens, the two have to temporarily stop their movements and calm their minds just work.

This is true for Lacus and Ino, let alone the Rahorak warriors below them!

Above the vast and silent sea of ​​clouds, the Rahorac warriors were able to follow Leona's footsteps and climb quickly at first, but as they climbed higher and higher, under the brilliant sky, finally someone I couldn't hold on anymore.

Those who worship the gods forget themselves under the power of the gods, trembling and dare not move forward, for fear of blaspheming the gods.

People with gaps in their will suffer unbearable pain in the sky, unable to withstand the radiance of the heavens, and live like a candle in the wind.

People with weak bodies can't breathe in the sea of ​​clouds, and their hands and feet gradually lose their strength until they fall off the cliff.

And Leona, who was at the front, didn't even glance at these laggard Rahorac elites, just climbing at full speed-compared to these weak mortals, or the one who might have something to do with darkborn or other old gods Climbers are even more dangerous!
These two despicable blasphemers deliberately chose to climb at this twilight hour. If they can't be stopped halfway, when they really reach the top of Mount Targon, Leona will not be blessed by the blazing sun at all!
In a daze, Leona even thought of her former best friend, if she is here... No, what am I thinking?She is now a blasphemer too!
Shaking her head, Leona quickened her pace of climbing.

Behind her, the formation of Rahorak warriors had gradually thinned out, and more and more people fell behind and stopped climbing.

But under such circumstances, Atreus, who was at the end of the team, surpassed his comrades one by one, and together with Pylas, came to a place not far from Leona.

 Karya's Small Classroom · Mount Targon on the Cloud Line:
  In Karya's view, the environment of Targon above the cloud line is actually quite similar to the heavenly realm. It is full of celestial energy that is fatal to flesh and blood, and the air is thin, so time can hardly leave any traces here.

(End of this chapter)

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