Lux's Farewell

Chapter 371 [0368]

Chapter 371 [0368]
The blocking battle turned into a chase.

Due to the bright sky, Lacus and Ino need to climb and stop to stabilize their minds.

But Leona in the back is not afraid of this. Although everyone is trying to climb up, the distance between the two sides is still getting closer.

In order to hinder the pursuers, while climbing, Ino attached a large amount of ice floes to the rock wall. After losing the control of magic power, these ice cubes would freely fall along the rock wall.

Most of the Rahorak fighters chasing along the way avoided it. Although they all wore helmets, each piece of ice made by Ino was astonishingly large. Even if it hit the helmet, it was enough to make a well-trained Soldiers Horak's mind went blank for a while.

As a result, the Rahorak fighters, who were gradually unable to keep up with the rhythm, fell off the cliff one after another after being hit by the solid ice-the ones on the top fell, and the ones below had to face the falling ice. Also beware of fallen comrades.

But even so, Leona didn't have the slightest intention to stop, or tell the Rahorak warriors to stop.

Chase, follow me!

While climbing and jumping, she gradually distanced herself from the Rahorak warrior, and also got closer and closer to Lux and Ino above.

When she finally saw the figures of these two blasphemers, Leona breathed a sigh of relief—they really feared the brilliance of the gods.

Looking westward, Leona looked at the twilight above the sea of ​​clouds. After shaking her head slightly, she didn't move the shield on her back, but held the one-handed sword in her hand.

The power of the scorching sun began to gather on the edge of the sword, and although twilight was about to fall, Leona could still feel the afterglow that had not yet cooled down.

Clinging to the mountain with one hand, Leona raised the sword in her hand that was shining with the afterglow of the scorching sun.


The next moment, she pierced the sharp blade infused with the radiance of the heavens into the cold and hard mountain of Targon Peak.

Starting from where the sword edge pierced, a large crack spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a poisonous snake attacking Lux and Ino who were climbing above.

As the cracks spread, the rocks began to collapse.

The firm grip at one moment may leave the main body of Targon along with the rocks at the next moment. Lux and Ino, who had been concentrating on resisting and adapting to the brilliance of the heavens, suddenly faced danger. It even required Lacus to open the light-cast wings to barely avoid it. The fate of falling off the cliff.

While grabbing Ino, while flapping the light cast wings, Lax reluctantly brought the two of them to a platform that was good enough for them to land on.

It seems that there used to be an altar here. Near the mountain, there are a large number of stone vortexes suspended in mid-air through the resonance of rock elements. Driven by a variety of energies, these concentric arc-shaped stones are moving along a center, slowly spinning around.

"The pursuers must be dealt with." Lux pulled out the broken sword, "Yino, you go first, I will come later."

"I——" Eno wanted to say that her ice magic is better at delaying the enemy, but thinking of Lux's magical characteristics, she could only nod in the end—now is not the time to grind and give in to each other. Well, we are not far from the summit!"

"Don't worry!" Lux smiled, "It's almost dark, I don't pay attention to those guys who rely on the sun's brilliance to pretend to be powerful!"

Ino nodded again, turned around and grabbed the stone vortex, then jumped up suddenly, and continued to climb.

While Lux stayed where she was, she first moved her body, twisted her neck, and then brushed across the blade with one hand, leaving a real radiance on the blade.

Although when facing Ino, Lacus seemed to be full of confidence, but in fact she has no bottom at all now.

I am used to having Kalya around to check for gaps and make up for omissions, and I am used to having Kalya layout and plan the overall situation. Now that Kalya suddenly fell silent and fell into silence, Lacus was actually not as calm as he seemed on the surface.

Judging from the situation just now, the person who led the team to chase is likely to be a protoss—although Kalya didn't say this directly, considering that her control over the radiance of the heavens is far better than Tarik, Lacus In fact, both Eno and Eno knew it well.

After experiencing the subtle changes brought about by the radiance of the heavens, it is naturally impossible for Lux to underestimate a protoss who has accepted the power of the giant god.

But... so what?


The two blasphemers parted ways, and one of them desperately wanted to fight him head-on - when she saw Lux holding a lightsaber, Leona raised her eyebrows half happily and half irritably.

"Keep chasing!" She loudly ordered the Rahorak warriors who climbed up the stone platform, "Leave her to me!"

Hearing what Leona said, the Rahorac warriors naturally obeyed, carefully avoided the center of the battlefield, and continued upward in the direction Ino left.

Lux just glanced at those Rahorak warriors, then withdrew her gaze, and focused all her attention on Leona who was wearing the golden armor in front of her.

An enemy with a one-handed sword and a one-handed shield...

It was a bit too difficult to fight with just a sword—thinking of this, Lux pulled two pumice stones down from the suspended stone vortex with his backhand without hesitation.

The structure was destroyed, and the stone vortex suspended in mid-air could no longer be suspended, and scattered all over the ground. However, Lux did not even look at the broken stone flakes, but attached the light element to the two pumice stones in his hand, Reluctantly created a shield for himself.

"Come on!" she said in a low voice, "Come and show me what the captive believers are capable of!"

"The Blasphemer!" Leona stepped forward and rushed towards Lacus, "There is no pardon, death!"

The next moment, the two swords intersected.

It is also an extremely dazzling long sword, but there is always a gap between the extraordinary and the protoss.

With one blow, the long sword in Lux's hand almost fell out—under the irresistible power gap, she was sent flying by Leona's blow, and in the process of flying backwards, she crashed into a row of rocks along the way. The vortex finally fell heavily on the stone wall.

The fishy and sweet air gushes out from the throat, and before swallowing it, it has already sprayed out from the mouth and nose.

Struggling to get up, Lacus felt that her internal organs were about to be displaced—if it wasn’t for the climbing all the way, the whole body was bathed in the sky, and her physical fitness was greatly strengthened. After only one move, her bones would be at least To break a fifth!

The gap between a transcendent and a terrifying!
Severe pain struck, and while licking the corner of her own mouth, Lux set her sights on the broken sword in her hand.

The broken blade is dense, the light element attached to it is obviously dimmed a lot, the opponent's sword is obviously not a mortal thing, the effect of breaking spells is extremely strong, if you do this a few times, I am afraid that there is really only one hilt left on the dagger up!

With a flash of thought in her mind, Lacus got up while thinking about the next battle plan—head-to-head would be death, and she had to use another method...

So, how about using magic to buy time?
Thinking of this, she simply poured a large amount of magic power directly into the broken sword, making a broken blade that was less than three feet long into a light-forged sword that was more than three feet long in an instant.

One inch long, one inch strong.

Seeing that Leona wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue her, Lux swung the big sword directly and slashed at Leona.

Facing the materialized streamer in front of her, Leona kept walking, and directly raised the shield in her hand——Lax slashed at the shield with a sword, but she couldn't even slow down the opponent's footsteps!

The light blade was shattered, and Lacus could only barely block it as a last resort, and then the whole person was thrown out like a baseball again.

The last two surviving stone vortexes were also crushed by Lux. This time, it was difficult for Lux to even get up - after two moves, Lux had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the protoss in front of him. , she has amazing strength, has a strong ability to break spells, her moves are quite satisfactory, and her speed is average, but considering that the two of them are on a relatively narrow stone platform, Lux is still unavoidable.

He couldn't beat head-to-head, and there was no space to fly the kite, so Lux was directly cornered!

Leona was obviously also aware of this, she didn't give Lacus any chance to breathe, after knocking Lacus into the air, she immediately turned around to catch up, and almost at the same time as Lacus got up, she took the Sword of the Afterglow of the Sun He has already come in front of Lux, and he wants to stab her right through!

In the nick of time, Lux opened her light-forged wings and leaped off the stone platform, only to barely escape from the sky.

However, the light-forged wings could only glide, but could not take off. After avoiding Leona's thrust, Lux barely grabbed a corner of the stone platform, and threw herself onto the platform again——Leona's foot was not stable. Has swung the sword again.

The fight turned into whack-a-mole.

Relying on her own ability to use the light-forged wings to glide for a short distance, Lux jumped repeatedly on the edge of this small stone platform. It seemed that Leona had nothing to do with her.

But the price of doing so is that her magic power is consumed at an astonishing rate - materializing the light element into wings that can support her gliding, the consumption is even more expensive than wielding a 30-meter-long light-forged long knife Surprisingly, after only 5 minutes, Lux already felt a slight numbness in her head.

This is a sign that more than half of the mana is consumed.

Even in the previous training, Lux has adapted to the state of low magic power, but people are not machines after all, and the consumption of magic power is too large. Even if Lux can persist in action and fight, her magic control and reaction speed are destined to fail. significantly reduced.

Calculating the time, Yinuo should have already distanced himself, right?

On his side, it's time to reveal a hole card.

The magic power poured in quickly, and Lacus made another light-forged sword. Unlike the previous three-meter sword, this time the light-forged sword made by Lacus was at least 20 meters long!

Seeing this, Leona didn't panic at all. While protecting her body with her shield, she continued to move forward - the previous confrontation has proved that this kind of lightsaber is just for show, as long as she uses the shield to block it a little Will fall apart, this defiler is now at the end of his rope!
What Leona never expected was that after Lux raised the light-forged greatsword, she didn't slash it down, but held it high in the air and slashed it on the rock wall.

what is this?Incompetent and furious chiseling the wall?
However, the next moment, just as Leona's blade was about to join her body, the light-forged greatsword suddenly turned into a light cord!
Pulling the light cord, Lux swayed suddenly, not only dodging Leona's attack, but even her whole body jumped up a lot!

A sword pierced the air, and Leona was finally stunned. When she realized the problem and started to climb again, Lux swayed again, and her figure quickly disappeared from sight.


When Lux found a protruding rock and stood on it safely, the light cord finally scattered into a firefly light spot—the huge consumption of mana made her groan , The light cable looks cool, but the consumption of magic power is too amazing. It is quite difficult even for the current Lux to materialize the light element and shape it into a resilient rope.

Still, it's all worth it.

With Lux procrastinating, Ino had already climbed at least [-] yards. Although there were many Rahorac warriors following her, they were not protoss. .

On Lux's own side, after using the lightsaber to light cord three times in a row, regardless of consumption, she caught up with Ino directly—although this directly caused her magic power to be lacking, and her whole face was frighteningly pale, But it doesn't matter, time is on their side!

Leona, who has been pulled away, wants to catch up again, which is a troublesome problem of catching up. Considering that Lux and Ino's climbing speed is not slow... It is very likely that the two of them will catch up before the other party catches up. Straight to the top of Targon!

 Carya's Small Classroom · Stone Vortex:

  Most of the stone vortexes are composed of pieces of concentric arc-shaped stones, which are maintained in a delicate suspension state due to the resonance of the rock elements. These pumice stones suspended above the cloud line of the Targon Peak have always been the order of the Targon Peak. A symbol, the Solari sect also regards it as a sacred existence and worships it.

  PS. Today's chapter will reach the top tomorrow!

  Lux who lacks magic power + Ino who is in good condition + Carya who is disconnected and reconnected, the three climbers are about to face the light of the heavens and the power of the giant god!

(End of this chapter)

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