Lux's Farewell

Chapter 372 [0369] Climbing to the peak!

Chapter 372 [0369] Climbing to the peak!
There is light in front, and pursuers behind.

The body is exhausted and the mana is lacking.

Lacus and Ino are in a bad state right now.

But because of Kalya's devil training, the movements of the two climbing up did not deform even the slightest bit. Even under extremely harsh conditions, the actions of the two were still orderly. Si and Ino didn't even need to make any stops.

In comparison, it is a kind of Lahorak fighters who are "locals" who are struggling more. Even though they usually live above the cloud line, they should be more accustomed to the sunshine in theory, but their own strength and perseverance Insufficiency is holding back.

Faith does indeed breed fanaticism.

But this frenzy is irrational and unsustainable.

When the body transforms under the sky, some people will become more fanatical, while others will feel fear-the former will forcefully accelerate regardless of the condition of their own body, causing cardiac arrest; Slowly distance yourself from the large forces.

So, when Lux and Ino saw the peak, there were only two or three kittens left behind them.

The twilight fades away, and the long night is approaching.

The star dome is as vast as the sea, and the stars twinkle like twinkling stars. Under the witness of countless stars, Lacus and Ino stepped on the stones on the cliffs and the gaps like the reliefs of the Targon mountain, slowly but steadily rising step by step.

Different from the brilliant sky in the daytime, the giant god mountain in the night is as clean as washing. In such a place so close to the stars, as long as you look up at the sky, anyone will be fascinated by the nebula that seems to contain all the truths of the universe. Attracted by the changes, and even gradually forget themselves, forget everything.

The high-altitude stars seem to be independent super-dimensional creatures, overlooking all living beings in Runeterra from a high position, while Lux and Ino, like two insignificant bugs, are rushing to a challenge beyond their own capabilities.

For this challenge, these two little bugs have undergone the cruelest training and squeezed themselves to the extreme step by step-at this moment, even the light of the gods is not enough to destroy their bodies, and even the most reasonable nebula is not enough to destroy their bodies. Can't shake their will!

There is no time to look up at the vastness of the universe, and there is no time to lament the vastness of this world. After a long training, Lux and Ino have become accustomed to taking one step after another calmly in desperation.

The ten thousand zhang divine peak is climbed step by step, and the civilization has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Lux and Ino just like this, climbed up the Targon Peak that seemed to be frozen in time.

Before they knew it, when Lacus and Ino stretched out their hands again, they found that there was no longer a rock above their heads.

At a higher place, only the radiant starry sky that seemed to be within reach remained.

With both arms supported, the two finally stood at the top of Mount Targon.

Above the head is the endless star dome, and under the feet is the Targon peak protruding beyond the long river of time. Lux and Ino opened their arms, and Ren Xinghui and the sky light sprinkled down together, coating his body with a layer of bright light.

The flatness and wideness of Targon became their stage, and the sky became the background of their relentless climbing. After a long preparation, hard work and pain, the two finally reached the top of Targon.

At this moment, reach the pinnacle.


After a few breaths, the pursuers arrived late.

After seeing the shining light on Lacus and Ino, Leona finally felt a thump in her heart.

These two blasphemers... really climbed Mount Targon, bathed in the light of the sky, made a huge leap forward, and opened the door above the extraordinary!
At this moment, Leona only hopes that they have been conquered by the majesty of the Titan and become the new protoss.

But it is a pity that the will of Lacus and Ino will not be seduced and obscured by the will of the gods. Although their bodies are bathed in the light of the sky, their hearts are still clear and untainted. When they saw Leona , immediately assumed an attacking stance.

Lux drew her sword out of its sheath.

There is no need to wipe the edge of the sword, and there is no need to infuse much magic power, but the moment the sword is drawn out of its sheath, the broken sword is recast by the stars all over the sky.

At the end of the blade, the stars shine brightly, making it impossible to tell whether the broken blade was recast by the stars, or the recast broken blade is reflecting the stars all over the sky.

The unsheathed sword streaked across a streamer of comet tail, and slashed towards Leona's chest.

And at the same time Leona raised her shield, beside her, eight icebergs in the shape of Mount Targon rose from the ground, like a cage, occupying Leona's activity space to the greatest extent.

A strong attack and a control, Lux and Ino have a good understanding, and the cooperation is seamless.

Under such circumstances, Leona could barely raise her shield to block.

The star blade sliced ​​through Leona's shield.

The sharp edge reflecting the light of the starlight rubbed against the surface of the shield, sending out a scalp-numbing shriek, the blazing sun and the celestial stars complemented each other, bursting out bursts of meteors, crackling.

Feeling a completely different power from before, Leona didn't care about swinging her sword to fight back, and could only roll backward in embarrassment while the ice prison was not yet closed.

After breaking through the tip of the iceberg with her armor, she finally barely escaped from the range controlled by Ino's spell, and was not suppressed by the iceberg that merged into one.

"Sure enough, you have taken refuge in the scum of the void!" Sensing the unique aura of the ice blood in the iceberg, Leona became even more furious, "You blasphemers, you will die!"

"Incompetent and furious, I don't know what it means." Lux shook her head and raised her long sword again, "Lieyang lackey, that's all."

Under the siege of Lux and Ino, it was Leona's turn to be in danger this time.

There is no doubt about the power of the Sun Protoss, but it is a pity that Leona's own quality is a little bit worse-and, under Kalia's adjustment, the time for Lux and Inode to climb the peak is late at night.

Above the sky, the stars are shining, this is the biggest weakening of Leona.

She raised her long sword several times and summoned solar flares to punish the blasphemer, but without the frontal support of Lie Yang, Leona's offensive was easily blocked by the two of them.

It's easy to attack and defend!
Facing Lacus and Ino who cooperated tacitly, Leona could only groan secretly in her heart at this time. She really didn't expect that these two cunning blasphemers really climbed Mount Targon by themselves, let alone Thinking that they had adapted to the power of the sky so quickly.

If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it!

However, at this critical moment, Leona's reinforcements arrived.


The climbing journey of the Rahorak fighters was not smooth.

Along the way, some people stumbled and fell off the cliff, some people were afraid to step forward, some people died suddenly in the sky with fanaticism——by the time they reached the top of Mount Targon, there were only three Rahorak warriors left.

Messes, Pylas, and Atreus.

As the captain of this team of Rahorac warriors, Mexis is a serious and earnest person. If Leona hadn't been favored by Lieyang due to an accident, he might be the one who became the protoss of Lieyang. Those who know him will marvel at his piety, self-discipline and strength.

In this climb of chasing the Defiler, Mexis has always firmly occupied the leader's position, even if he was surpassed by Leona at the last moment, but as a mortal, he still showed amazing adaptability to the light of the sky.

This kind of adaptation comes from his familiarity with Targon on the one hand, and on the other hand from his own strength. The 35-year-old Mexis has lived regularly above the cloud line of Targon for 15 years. Daily worship and training have been like a day for 15 years.

The past preparations allowed Mexis to keep up with the pace of the Defiler. After seeing Mexis, Leona was even slightly relieved.

On the mountain, Messes closed his eyes and opened his arms.

At this moment, the Pantheon constellation, which represents the war, is blazing brightly, and the power of the war giant is poured down, covering Mexis like a divine enlightenment.

Under the light of the Pantheon constellation, Messes' body seemed to be coated with a layer of gold, and when he opened his eyes again, a raging flame of war was already burning in his eyes!

Reaching out to take off the shield and spear behind him, Messes strode forward and stabbed straight at Lux who was chasing Leona!
At the tip of the law-breaking spear, the power of the war protoss has already lit the divine fire.

Lax was forced to withdraw her sword to protect herself. At the moment when the sword and spear intersected, she was forcefully retreated, and she retreated to Ino's side before she could barely stop her figure.

"The war has come, and everyone is a torch!" Messes' voice seemed to come from high above the sky, as if thundering, "Now, surrender before Pan Sen!"

Lacus and Ino looked at each other, and their expressions became uneasy.

According to Kalya's original plan, this climb should be carried out quietly. By the time the Rakkor people realized the problem, they would have been too late to catch up. At that time, Lux and Ino could leave calmly.

However, the plan is not as good as the change after all. The encounter with Tariq made Lacus and Ino more pursuers, and then Kalya herself fell into a deep sleep and did not respond. In this case, even if Lacus and Ino Nuo successfully climbed to the top, but fell into a situation where going up the mountain was easy and going down the mountain was difficult.

What's more terrible is that the guy in front of him called himself Pantheon—Kalya once taught them astrology briefly. Although Lacus and Ino didn't know how to watch the stars, at least "Pantheon constellation represents war", they Yes know.

War protoss!

Judging from the moment of the fight just now, the power of this Pantheon is much more terrifying than that of Leona in the night.

But so what?
On the top of Mount Targon, under the bright sky, the strength of Lux and Ino had already swelled to the level of demigods, and they hurriedly controlled a body of war protoss—that's what happened!
Without too much communication, Lacus and Ino instantly formed a tacit understanding. When Pan Sen raised the spear again, Ino also bent down at the same time.

The spear blazing with divine fire stabbed forward, but immediately pierced the rising iceberg. Under the condition that Ino did not consider the consumption of mana, the vast ice was either lying on the plate or lying, or stabbing or picking, spreading everywhere. , In the blink of an eye, it seems to fill the whole world!
At this moment, the top of Targon completely turned into a thorny ice hell!
The layers of ice brought a lot of disturbance to Pan Sen. Although under the divine fire, the amount of ice was quickly crushed and melted, but among the forest-like ice spines, Pan Sen still became somewhat restrained.

No, they can't be allowed to continue—Although Pan Sen is fanatical, he is not stupid. He knows the meaning of fighting initiative better than anyone else!
Thinking of this, Pan Sen smashed his spear and directly began to violently dismantle these ice spines.

However, this is just the beginning.

Ino spent a huge amount of mana to construct this giant field magic, and it was not just for Pan Sen to dismantle.

Just as Pan Sen held up his shield and pointed his spear at the same time, he opened a path between the shattered icebergs and thorns. Before he could find Lacus and Ino under the cover of icicles, a burst of strong light came across the area. The crystal clear ice broke out.

Don't forget, Lux is also a spellcaster at heart!
The magical resonance of the light element and the ice element directly caused the collapse and explosion of this ice thorn hell. With the perfect cooperation of Lux and Ino, the large piece of cold ice was completely shattered into razor-like pieces of ice The blade, flying around in a white glare, sweeping everything.

Even if Pan Sen raised his shield immediately, even if there was a layer of starlight on Pan Sen's body.

In the Icethorn Hell, the ice blades coming from all directions easily cut through the shelter of Pantheon's shield and armor, and directly penetrated the body of Messes.

When the ice fog dissipated, Pan Sen, who was half kneeling on the ground, was covered in blood!
"Despicable blasphemer!" Even though he could hardly stand up, Pan Sen still refused to admit defeat, "How many times can you use such a spell?"

"It's enough to take care of you!" Although Yinuo consumed a lot of mana and his face was extremely pale, he was very energetic at this time, "The giant god... is nothing special!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Pan Sen, who was covered in blood, laughed out loud when he heard the words, and stopped talking to Ino, but turned to look at Pallas and Atreus who had just climbed Mount Targon, "Come here, child, come here !"

Hearing the captain's call, Pallas and Atreus came to Pantheon one by one.

"Take it." Pan Sen handed the spear and shield to Pylas, "Keep fighting and kill those who desecrate Targon!"

Pylas nodded, took the spear and shield—and, as he took hold of the weapon, the constellation Pantheon lit up again in the sky.

The spear was ignited again, and the shield was shining with the brilliance of the stars. At the moment when Messes was lifeless, the eyes of Pylas who took over the weapon lost their humanity.

Under Pantheon's control, Pallas completely fell into madness.

Wielding a spear and a round shield, even though his physical condition was slightly inferior to that of Messes, Pylas still used all kinds of unimaginable fighting skills to launch a stormy offensive against Lux and Ino as if he had unlocked the genetic lock.

As far as Pan Sen is concerned, the body of Mexis is worth maintaining, but the body of Pylas is at best a one-off!

The battle took a turn for the worse.

Excessive force, torn muscles, broken blood vessels, dripping with blood... With the cooperation of Leona, the lunatic Pallas quickly pushed Lacus and Ino, who had consumed a lot of mana, to the edge of the cliff.

"The protoss is endless, and the giant god is immortal!" Pylas, who had completely become Pantheon, almost tore his face, "And you, the blasphemers who steal the glory of the heavens and try to challenge the giant god, you will surely die."

"Shenhuo will burn your body and burn your soul. Even if a mortal climbs Mount Targon, he is not qualified to challenge the Titan!"

While speaking, with the assistance of Leona, Pan Sen stepped forward, pointed the spear in his hand at the staggering Ino, and the magic fire on the spear tip measured the rapidly melting ice around him, turning his crazy face Distorted into the appearance of a demon god.


There is a cliff behind him, and Ino cannot avoid it.

Lux was blocked by Leona, but it was too late to rescue her.

At the critical moment, Lacus simply threw his sword out of his heart.

"Fight of trapped beasts." Pan Sen showed a disdainful expression, and the round shield in his hand directly blocked the broken sword that was spinning and flying towards him, "Death struggle!"

However, when the sword and shield intersected, Pan Sen only felt that his left arm fell suddenly, and his entire arm was almost dislocated.

The situation is not right!

The next moment, a gust of passive wind engulfed the yellow sand that came from nowhere, and swept in mightily.

In the long yellow sand, a voice that made Lux and Ino rejoice, and Leona and Pantheon were dumbfounded, finally resounded through the top of Mount Targon.

"Shurima, your mentor has returned."

 Shurima, your Imperial Mentor, Spiritual Leader, Prince Regent, University back!

  PS. After writing for eight hours, I can't write anymore... I really didn't intentionally break the chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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