Lux's Farewell

Chapter 373 [0370]

Chapter 373 [0370]
Endless yellow sand poured out from Karya's small world, and after gathering the sand into a body, it was coated with a layer of silver light by the shining sky light.

The wind stopped and the sand gathered, the sand wings opened, and a mask with an exaggerated smile was buttoned on the face. Amid Pantheon and Leona's nervous expressions, the corners of the mask grinned exaggeratedly.

"Zhan Zhan, Lie Yang, such a high-ranking big shot, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

"Kalya!" Leona still hadn't reacted yet, but Pan Sen's voice suddenly raised an octave when she was beside her, "You despicable bastard who only knows to hide behind, you are still sneaky as usual!"

"It's important for people to have self-knowledge." Kalya shook his head, and the mouth on the mask was even more open, "I'm not a stupid young man like you, I only know how to use brute force...Look at Lie Yang , there is a sense of propriety—everyone hates war, and everyone worships the sun, this is the gap!"

"Extremely shameless!" Although the meaning of sowing dissension in the words was obvious, Pan Sen was still furious, "You deserve to die in the war, and the Shurima Empire deserves to be destroyed and disintegrated!"

"Yes, Shurima is destroyed." Kalya nodded, his tone calm as if he was just saying that he drank a glass of goat milk in the morning, "But what does this have to do with you, respected giant turtle?"


"Did I say something wrong?" The expression on Kalya's mask became more and more exaggerated, "When the rift in the void appeared and twisted tentacles protruded from the ground, the Ascension Order also looked for you, right? You You can be a hero!"


"Our Ascension Legion is just a show, with a great reputation, but when the void came, we lost the queen in the first battle." Karya was talking about something that was extremely painful to him, but his tone was as frivolous as ever, "At this time The giant god of war came to the mortal world, and led the fire to destroy the void. Wouldn't it prove that the giant god is the greatest existence? You are the giant god of war. As long as you do it, the Shurima Empire will collapse many years in advance. The situation in Shurima will change drastically!"

"It's just a mortal war!" Carya's sarcasm made Pan Sen's veins burst out, "You don't respect war, so you will naturally be destroyed in war!"

"Okay, well said!" Carya's mask showed a deeply appreciative expression, "How can a mortal war need a giant god to do it himself? Pantheon, how can he be afraid of the void? In the darkin war, the giant god stands still , definitely not out of fear; in the Rune Wars, the giant gods only secretly supported it, and it was all out of pity!"

Lacus and Ino were dumbfounded.

When there are some problems in learning magic on weekdays, Kalya will occasionally sarcasm. Lacus and Ino are quite accustomed to his words, and they can even occasionally use "ah yes yes yes" to fool them. .

But when they saw Kalya's yin and yang and full firepower against the war protoss, the two of them discovered that Kalyana was kept away on weekdays!

"Ah, benevolent and generous giant god, it must be my two stupid disciples who offended me when they climbed Mount Targon, which caused the Sun sect to stop me?" Kalya obviously didn't want to let the other party go, mouth There was no rest on the way up, "They set off after bathing and fasting, and climbed barefoot on the snow. This should meet the usual requirements of the giants, right?"

"They are blasphemers—"

"Oh, forgive me for my poor eyesight, this new body of War Titan is covered with armor." Without waiting for the other party to respond, Kalya suddenly said, "It turns out that I am ignorant, and the rules of Mount Targon have changed. Climbers There is no need to engage in such a difficult red tape, you can reach the pinnacle by wearing a suit of armor, bathing, fasting, and barefoot climbing are old calendars!"



Kalya's mouth was like Gatling's open mouth. He didn't say a single dirty word, and seemed to be praising him all the time, but looking at Pan Sen's expression, it was worse than being swallowed by a fly.

Lies are not terrible, the truth is the sharp knife.

When Shurima was first born, the belief in the God of War was also very widespread, not inferior to today's Lieyang belief-at that time, the entire continent was full of wars, and all tribes and tribes would trust the God of War and pray for a hundred The power of victory.

As a result, after the rise of Shurima, because Shurima itself was too strong and cooperated with the Solari Sect, people gradually found that it was useless to believe in the God of War, so the belief in the God of War declined. This is what Kalya said "Everyone hates war, and everyone worships the sun."

After the void descended, some members of the Ascension Order did seek help from Mount Targon, but unfortunately, the giant gods high above the heavens were full of fear of the void. It worked, so I finally chose to stand still.

This is a sane choice, but considering that the war giant is also standing still, Kalya's "shrinking turtle giant" can be regarded as an accurate title.

And then, whether it is the Darkborn War or the Rune War, when mortals really have the power to threaten the gods, one of these giant gods will count as one, and they will just sit on the three-acre land of Targon Peak honestly, demanding that believers Close the gate of the mountain, on the surface it is ignoring the common things in the world, but in essence, isn't it still fearing the fall of the giant god?

When facing the Rakkor people, the giant gods were majestic, but Kalya knew better than anyone else how these guys were afraid of falling, so he ruthlessly tore their hypocritical veil with his mouth.

As a result, Pan Sen fell into a rage, and when Kalya wanted to say something, he directly raised his spear.

"The Blasphemer - die!"


Carya was already prepared for Pan Sen's anger.

As for the God of War, he is too familiar—even though he has a famous name, he is actually nothing more than a dog. In the Shurima Empire, many expansionists have received his support, but every time This war god is nothing more than being used as a chamber pot.

When raising troops to expand and conquer, pray for the power of Pantheon. After the expansion, I emphasize that I will always be loyal to the royal family of Shurima. The war giant is really unfamiliar.

Don't look at the current Sun God Sect's Sect of the Lieyang Sect's wool is very cool, but when it comes to being sacked, it has to be a war giant!

Although the war giant who exploded at one point is powerful, in Kaya's eyes, he is actually not scary at all.

Facing the menacing Shenhuo spear, the smile on his face remained undiminished, and he just flapped his wings lightly, and endless yellow sand rushed in one after another, converging into a sand wall, resisting the spear, burning the spear of Shenhuo The tip went out instantly after piercing the sand wall, and Pan Sen couldn't pull it out even if he wanted to.

"Are you in a hurry?" The two eyebrows on Kalya's mask became thicker, twitching mischievously, "What's the use of being in a hurry? I've already climbed up. Lacus and Ino have proved that as long as mortals Climb Targon, and you will gain great power—I’ve already written a travel guide, and it won’t take long for this platform to become the most famous tourist attraction in Runeterra!”

"Profanity! This is shameful blasphemy!" Pressing his shield against the sand wall, Pan Sen finally pulled out his spear, and his whole body seemed to be set on fire. "Ordinary people, trample on the sacred soil, kill!"

When he made another move, using Pylas' soul as firewood, the divine fire burned even more vigorously.

Pan Sen was really in a hurry this time. If Karya was allowed to leave safely and the sanctity of the giant god was broken, I am afraid that someone will come to climb the giant mountain in the future!

Although it is high above the heavens, Pan Sen still vividly remembers the brutality of the darkin war and the horror of the rune war. To the giant god, even if there are as many extraordinary people as a cow's hair, it is not a big problem, but if the rune war The demigods of the earth reached the level of the original Shurima Empire, and the giant gods were really in danger.

After all... the experience of the Shurima Empire has proved that even a rift in the void is nothing in front of an ascendant who is willing to risk his life.

"I heard the wailing of the soul." Kalya's thick brows on the mask frowned tightly, "Pan Sen, you are still as rude as ever, and you only use protoss as clothes-on this point, you should be with Lie Yang Xuexue..."


Pan Sen seemed to be listening with his ears closed, and finally completely ignored Kalya's ramblings, and just stabbed straight with his spear.

Seeing that Pan Sen seems to have finally learned to be smart, Karya's mask showed a helpless expression. Although he summoned the sand wall again, the sand wall turned into a mess after all in front of the divine fire that used the soul as firewood. sand.

"It's amazing." Kalya grinned again unhurriedly, facing the blazing spear that was burning with divine fire, and didn't even hide for a moment, "Thank you, God of War, for helping me purify everything, I can finally rest in peace !"

While speaking, Kalya lowered her arms wrapped around her chest, revealing her dark heart.

"Even if I try my best to suppress it, the will of the void is still gnawing at my soul and reason. Come on, help me finish everything!"

Facing Karya who blew himself up, Pan Sen suddenly stopped his movements. He could clearly feel the real void power in Karya's heart.

Under the black chest, the heart that is still beating is probably completely inseparable from the void.

If this spear goes down, it may indeed be able to stab Karya to ashes.

But it is also possible that the void energy erodes like a gangrene, directly making the entire Pantheon constellation dim from now on!

For the giant gods, as long as they don't visit Runeterra in person, they are destined to live forever.

But if it is corroded by void energy, it is worse than death!

A lunatic, a complete lunatic, even the Darkborn are lunatics!
Pantheon didn't want to gamble.

He just ignited the divine fire with Pylas' soul as fuel. Although this body can be manipulated like a finger, the energy burst after the Darkin's death will inevitably contaminate Pan Sen's will. Pan Sen would never do such a fatal act.

Karya must die here.

But the person who suffers the backlash from the dark descendants cannot be me!
Although this guy has a strong mouth, but in terms of strength, he is not top-notch among the dark descendants, so there is no need for me to exchange one with him!

Thinking of this, Pan Sen turned around and looked at Atreus.

"Come!" He strode forward, "Take up the spear and shield, and come to meet the greatest glory of your life!"


Atreus stared dumbfounded at everything in front of him.

At the beginning, he only thought it was a normal mission to stop the defiler.

But unexpectedly, the cunning defiler used tricks to deceive himself, turning this blocking battle into a chasing battle.

With the mood of making amends, Atreus and his friend Pallas supported him all the way, and finally reached the top of Targon.

For the people of Rakkul, reaching the top is a great honor.

But after Messes and Pyras died one after another, in the eyes of Atreus, this "glory" is finally about to be put in quotation marks.

Atreus seldom reads the scriptures and doesn't like to participate in worship. He spends all his time honing himself-he believes in giant gods, but his beliefs are not as fanatical as many people.

So, when Pylas' soul burned out and Pantheon's starry eyes looked at him, Atreus hesitated.

The stunned Atreus's mind was almost blank.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Pan Sen showed a disdainful smile.

Such a weak mortal should bear the backlash of the darkborn's collapse!

Without waiting for Atreus to agree, he directly grabbed the opponent and stuffed the spear and shield in his hand.

There is no doubt that the will of the Titan is extremely powerful.

Atreus was stunned, and his will was completely sealed - Pan Sen stayed behind to pull his will, waiting to use him to shield himself from the gun, to bear the deadly void infection when the darkin collapsed.

When Atreus' eyes also lit up representing Pantheon, Pantheon finally nodded in satisfaction, and then directly stabbed the spear on the body of the fallen Pylas.

The divine fire was ignited again.

"You want to be released, right?" Pan Sen said with a smirk, "I will give you relief!"

The next moment, the spear wrapped in raging fire pierced Karya's heart again.

As before, Kalya still did not dodge or dodge, and with a puff, his heart was pierced by the spear.

Pan Sen thought that Kalya would have some tricks, and was carefully raising his shield to retreat, but seeing the spear piercing his heart completely, he made a decisive decision, while retracting the spear, he tried to force his will from Atre. Atreus's body was withdrawn, and Atreus alone borne the price of killing the dark descendants.

However, Kalya, who had been prepared for a long time, showed a smile on his mask. He spread his wings and grabbed the spear that had pierced his heart with both hands.

"Do you know what is the biggest difference between mortals and giant gods?" Kalya said cheerfully while stirring his heart with his hands, "Mortals are not immortal, mortals have life, old age, sickness and death, and mortals cherish the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of this moment more .”

"Let go!" Pan Sen was not interested in Kalya's topic at all, and when he sensed the spread of the power of the void, his tone became terrified, "Let go of me!"

"Giant gods always spare their lives. You who are high above the heavens just treat mortals as chess pieces on a chessboard and play with them at will. Sometimes you can't play chess, so you go to play a role-playing game yourself."

"However, when there is a chess piece that exceeds your expectations and can really pose a threat to you, you will give up all rules and reservations, and use the most direct or even the most despicable means to solve the problem."

"Mortal people are insignificant, but mortals will use their lives to practice their will, and they will never change life and death; but although the giant gods are called gods, they can't bear the title of a priest at all. They are just a bunch of stinky chess baskets .”

"The protoss are just your bodies, your toys; Runeterra is just a barrier for you to harvest your faith and isolate the void. You steal the power of the heavens upwards and fool the believers downwards. It's disgusting and shameless!"

"Don't look at Lie Yang, Lie Yang can't help you, although I don't think much of Lie Yang, but she is much more sober than you."

Carya's words were resounding, and Pan Sen had completely lost the majesty of the giant god at this time.

Seeing that the power of the void was heading towards Atreus' body along the spear, and he would be infected if he didn't give up, Pan Sen finally gave up control of Atreus's body without caring about completely destroying Karya.

"Don't think about leaving, idiot." Seemingly seeing through Pan Sen's thoughts, Kalya showed a mocking expression on his mask, "You can always easily control mortals, not because your will is so indestructible, but because mortals It's just willing... Do you think I'm just having fun with your satire? Naive!"

Pan Sen realized that something was wrong, but when he wanted to leave, he was shocked to find that the mortal soul named Atreus who had been squeezed into the corner had become so difficult!
Even at the risk of being torn apart, he was still tearing at Pan Sen's will, preventing him from leaving!

That's right, for Pantheon, Kalya would at most make him angry.

But hearing the tragic death of Pylas in the ears of Atreus was enough to make him have no respect for this high god!

The war giant only knows how to run away, and he is not willing to pay the price for the war at all. Bah, is this worthy of war?

Burn the soul of my best friend and use me as a dead ghost?
Then... Let's die together!
Although he didn't know who the bird man with the exaggerated expression was, he was right. After tearing the sacred veil, the gods were just hypocritical and pitiful people!
Want to leave?

Can't do without!
Under the entanglement of the soul of Atreus, Pan Sen watched helplessly as the soul in Karya climbed up the spear inch by inch until it infected the body and his own will.

The next moment, a mournful howl resounded through the heavens.

Above the star dome, the bright Pantheon constellation was dimmed at this moment, and the two brightest stars even turned into meteors and plummeted down.

This is called...

Great Desolate Starfall!

 Kalya's Little Classroom · The price of killing the Darkborn:

  The darkborn is a distorted existence of the power of ascension and the power of the void, and killing the darkborn means that the two energies will be completely released uncontrollably—so, when the darkborn dies, the pollution of self-explosion is very scary.

  Vladimir is an unlucky guy who faced the death of the Darkborn.

  PS. The writing has been relatively slow in the past two days, and the time has been delayed for a long time. The update will resume at [-] o'clock tomorrow.

  Well, try six o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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