Lux's Farewell

Chapter 374 Epilogue: Stepping Down from the Altar

Chapter 374 Epilogue: Stepping Down from the Altar
In the end, Pantheon was not eroded by the void energy in Karya's inner body—but as a price, under Atreus's desperate efforts to stop him, his will was severely torn apart. The dazzling Pantheon constellation, the two The brightest star is falling tonight.

As the weakest Ascendant and the weakest Darkborn, from the beginning, Kalya did not expect that he could defeat Pan Sen and give a sword to the stars in the sky.

It is completely impossible for Kalya to fight against Pan Sen who is on the top of Mount Targon by himself. If he wants to leave a deep impression on the other party, he can only show the momentum of burning jade and stone, and the world will live together. .

Pan Sen, who changed protoss like changing clothes, lost in his fear of death and his contempt for mortals. As Kalya said, the giant gods can easily take away mortals not because mortals are weak and can be bullied, but because Because they worship the giant gods and take the initiative to accept them.

If the host is unwilling to believe in the giant god, the result will only be the Great Desolate Starfall.

Of course, as the winner, Karya is not in good shape at all.

The spear burning with divine fire pierced his heart, and large pieces of yellow sand began to peel off from his body. Even though Atreus, who had regained his freedom, retracted the spear immediately, Kalya's weakness was still visible to the naked eye.

"The heavens are not to be feared, but Pantheon is just a paper tiger." Just when Atreus was at a loss, Kalya stretched out his arm and patted him on the shoulder, "Good job, young man."

"Who the hell are you?" Atreus asked subconsciously, "Have we met?"

"This should be the first time we met." Kalya smiled and shook his head, "But maybe it's not the last time - I believe you already have a clear understanding of the giant god, now, go down the mountain and have a look, see Look at Shurima, go to see the wider world of Runeterra, Pan Sen, who escaped in embarrassment, left part of his power in your body, although he is a bastard, but power itself has no attributes, you must make good use of it."

Atreus blinked, he lowered his head, looked at the dimmed spear and round shield in his hands, then turned his head to look at Leona, who had a rather delicate expression, and finally nodded.

After tearing off the cloak on the back and tearing it in half, Atreus wrapped the bodies of Messes and Pylas, tied them together, and put them on his shoulders one after the other.

Messes' body was bleeding.

The remains of Pylas were almost burnt.

With these two corpses, Atreus climbed down Mount Targon step by step along the direction he came from. He didn't know where he was going, but at least he knew that the remains of the captain and his best friend should not be left behind. This hypocritical place.

Since he was a child, Atreus has been training hard every day, everything he does is to become a Rahorak warrior.

But now, the cruel facts have proved to him that the belief in giant gods is just a disgusting deception, and those lofty giant gods are just a group of despicable people who bully the weak and fear the hard, and all the noble things they advocate are just the shackles that bind believers .

But now, Atreus, who had lost his shackles, was full of confusion.

Perhaps, as the person named Kalya said, we should go around various places in Shurima?


On the top of Mount Targon, the collapse of Kalya's body continued.

Behind him, Lux and Ino guarded him from left to right, keeping an eye on Leona in front of him.

However, Leona, who sat and watched Pan Sen's death, had no intention of doing anything.

It wasn't until Atreus left that Leona put away her sword and shield, and a stiff smile appeared on her calm face.

"You are still as cunning as ever." Her voice became ethereal, "We all thought you were dead."

"Finally willing to completely descend to the mortal world?" Kalya sat on the edge of Mount Targon without any image, the face on the mask raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, "Why, there is a second scene?"

"That's not necessary." Leona shook her head, "Actually, even among us, war is a minority."

"Stop talking so much useless stuff." Kalya shook his head, "What, you plan to learn from Soraka?"

"...It's not necessary to give up your body and come to Runeterra." Kalya's words made Leona choke, she blinked, and a smile appeared on her face, "It's hard for us to become mortals, but mortals Maybe it could be us."

"Why, are you planning to create a new batch of Ascenders?" Kalya's mask showed a surprised look, "Which country did you choose this time?"

"No, it's not about making Ascendants, it's about creating new giant gods." Leona chuckled, "After stepping over the Ascension Stage, you will be a member of the giant gods, and there will be his stars above the heavens—to truly join us. "

"This is really a good lesson." Carya nodded when she heard the words, "But, what's the point of you telling me this? Demonstrate to me?"

"No, it's not a demonstration, but an invitation." Leona shook her head, and extended her right hand to Kalya, "Your immortality has been broken by Pantheon, and now you have fallen into the mortal world, so I invite you to go Take this long step to the gods—walk up to the heavens and become one of us."

"This joke is not funny, Lie Yang."

"This is not a joke, Karya." Lie Yang, who controlled Leona's body, shook his head again, "Mortals have proven their potential, and the best among mortals can join us and become one of us. And you... Both Twilight and I think that you are the most suitable one."

"Come on!" Amidst the dull expressions of Lacus and Ino, Kalya waved his hands, "Leaving Huahua World to become a cold star? Sorry, I'm not interested in this."

"That's a pity." Kalya's reaction made Leona quite puzzled. She looked at the calm Kalya in front of her in disbelief, and seemed to think for a long time before asking, "Give up eternity, give up immortality, Do you really wish to embrace eternal death?"

"Death is a part of life. For me, immortality is a terrible distortion." Kalya shook his head, "I don't know life, how can I know death?"

Seeing that the words were not speculative, Leona didn't say any more, but shook her head regretfully, then turned and left.


Finally, only Lux, Ino, and Kalya were left on Mount Targon.

Seeing that Leona finally left here, Lux and Ino finally retracted their wary gazes—the next moment, the eyes of the two fell on Kalya's mask at the same time, and their expressions became tense stand up.

"Don't show this look, Lux." Kalya leaned back, lying on the top of Mount Targon, facing the vast starry sky, "I'm actually fine, really."

"The Lieyang Protoss said you lost your immortality." Lux obviously wouldn't be fooled so easily, "What's going on here?"

"Just as she said." Kalya said in a relaxed tone, as if he was just talking about what to eat for the next meal, "Thanks to the stupid Pantheon, I finally lost my immortal body and returned to a mortal—well, It's still the most comfortable feeling..."

"Then how long can you live?" Lux frowned, looked at the indifferent Karya in front of her, and repeated her question in a very serious tone, "To be honest, Karya—you who lost your immortality, How long can it exist?"

"It's up to you!" Kalya smiled, and a rather exaggerated smile appeared on the mask, "If you can create me a strong and reliable elemental body, then before you die, I should It’s not over yet; but if the elemental body you made for me is tofu, then it’s hard to say!”

"...Your body can no longer hold on?" Lux's eyes fell on Karya's empty chest, "How to make an elemental body?"

"Don't worry, Lacus." Kalya shook her head, "Although this body has been falling apart, it won't be a problem for at least ten or eight years. Before that, you need to learn how to use pure elements. Only the law can do it—so, my wealth and life are all in your hands now!"

"It's not a problem to shape the elemental body." Lux's expression was both confident and tangled, "but I always feel that you are hiding something."

"At this moment, what else can I hide?" Carya shook her head, "Okay, don't think so much, cherish this quiet night, come, come and watch the stars with me, I'm still I've never seen the stars from this angle before..."

"I think I should hurry up and learn the theory of pure elements." Lux said blankly (Yino beside him also nodded), "Instead of wasting time looking at the stars."

"One piece, one relaxation, the way of civil and martial arts." Carya shook his head, as if he no longer had the strictness before, and his words were a little lazy, "Take a break and feel the brilliant sky light more." , I will go down the mountain before dawn tomorrow, a rare opportunity!"


Ordinary mortals in Runeterra saw only two falling meteors.

In fact, behind these two falling meteors, there are more beginnings of changes hidden.

The newcomer climbed Mount Targon and embraced the celestial splendor.

The old man faded away from his ascension body, and the giant god also fell into the wild.

This is an era of change.

Vazuan, who claims to have inherited the technology of the empire, has welcomed waves of hidden guests. They are not interested in the new and dazzling hex technology here, but they are quite concerned about the origin of the golden feather. , but it is a pity that no matter how inquired, the insider is just vague.

No one knows that the person who was stroking the patterns on the street lamps in the city of Zuan just now like a bumpkin is the grand scholar of the Shurima Empire; Used to be an Ascendant.

The Shurima River was still running eastward, and countless boats of all sizes were either going down the current or going up against the current, like the blood in the veins, transporting nutrients for the arid and barren land of Shurima. In the corner you can see, some unharmonious cult beliefs are slowly growing amidst the prosperous trade.

No one knows that the ultimate goal of this order is to guide the void to come to this world; no one knows that a father who lost his child is planning to launch a fiery revenge on this order.

In the city of Uzeris, which was besieged by the Nasirami army, the Sun God Cult and the Solari Sect completely merged. The Nasiramis, who had been unable to attack for a long time, were finally forced to retreat after leaving tens of thousands of corpses. Uzeris withdrew The flag of Texas, announcing its return to the arms of Shurima.

No one knew that this marked the beginning of the third large-scale secularization of the Sun Sect; and no one knew that each of the previous secularizations of the Sun Sect had occurred at the juncture of life and death.

Noxus did not respond to this, because on the bloody plains in the southeast of Noxus, the two armies led by Darius and Kekao had fully launched, a battle that would determine the future of Noxus The war is imminent, this battle, the winner is king.

No one knows that in the Immortal Fortress, the nobles have quietly prepared their hands; and no one knows that in the corner of the empire, a dark rose is quietly blooming.

Bilgewater has just ushered in a revolution. With the rise of commercial transportation trade, many old sea dogs who are used to sailor knives and muskets have gradually become dissatisfied with the current pirate queen. Many pirates are happy to make money, but There are also many people who miss the reckless days of the past, and the Pirate Queen may be very busy in the future.

No one knows who the next tester selected by Nagakaporos will be; and no one knows what kind of turmoil the next trial will bring.

Although the reborn Ionia has been unified in name, the internal conflicts are no longer under control. Many Ionians thought that after driving away the invaders, they could return to the past rhythm of life, but Unfortunately, yesterday was yesterday.

No one knows which one will come first, the civil war in Ionia or tomorrow; and no one knows how long this fragile balance can last.

The barrier between the spiritual world and this world has become extremely fragile, and the sleeping demons have quietly awakened. They are hungry, they can't wait, they are full of desire for the emotions of weak mortals, and they are eager to complete a harvest.

No one knows when these demons were born; and no one knows where these demons are hiding.

The black mist of Shadow Island has intensified in recent years, not only Bilgewater, but even Ionia, Noxus, and Exutar have been affected by the black mist—however, just before Lux and Yi When Nordeng Mountain, the black mist went deep along the Mang River basin to continue Taal, it seemed to be severely injured, maybe next year's Soul Eater Night will be Christmas Eve.

No one knows when the black mist will make a comeback; and no one knows whether the Rebirth Church, which has been working to clear the mist, will seize this precious opportunity.

After the black mist subsided, the flooded river was still full of water in the Mang River Basin. This big river was scattered into countless small tributaries in the ancient jungle of Kumang, passing through the thick rainforest and entering the sea. The life of the great river wanderers, but there are also some crazy adventurers who say that they heard the roar of the dragon here.

No one knows what secrets are hidden in the depths of the rainforest; and no one knows whether these unknown secrets can be hidden forever.

In the Freljord, the cold wind is still bitter, and the Freljord people who gritted their teeth and endured the extreme cold did not have the heart to observe the two meteors that fell to the warm-blooded land in the south. Of course, And they don't care that a tribe claiming to be descendants of Avarosa is torn apart on a quest to find Avarosa's legacy.

No one knows where the future of the Avarosa tribe is; and no one knows where the future of the Freljord is.



The gears of fate turned quietly. When the dawn of the next morning came and Lux ​​and Ino woke up sleepily, Kalya's generous body had disappeared.

The fine sand dissipated in the wind, and there was only a familiar broken blade lying there quietly between the two of them.

Lux picked up the saber that had accompanied her for many years, and then she heard that familiar voice.

"Morning, Lacus." Kalya's voice was full of energy, as if everything last night hadn't affected him in any way, "Now that you're awake, let's go—you've been away from home for so many years, it's time to go back and have a look! "

A bright smile overflowed from the corner of Lux's mouth, she wrinkled her nose, snorted faintly, and handed the saber to Ino.

The next moment, a pair of light-forged wings opened, and Lux ​​took a deep breath, hugged Ino in the form of a princess, and jumped.

 Final words:

  Compared with the previous two volumes, the main line of the fourth volume is actually very short and thin. If I have to sum it up in one sentence, the [-] chapters of this volume can be summed up by "Lax Crossing the Great Sai Desert and Climbing Mount Targon". generalize.

  Of course, it is definitely biased to say this. Compared with the short and thin main line, this volume is more important to show Shurima, which has lost its glory after the destruction of the empire-at the same time, it is also a review of Kalya's past.

  In fact, in the first volume, some people have been asking, as a time traveler, what did Kalya do in Shurima, and why Shurima was still destroyed.

  This volume is actually an answer to this question.

  Today's Shurima is not so much a separatist kingdom after the fall of the empire, but a wasteland where civilization has faded in a nuclear war.

  However, even if it is a wasteland, Shurima still harbors the auspicious feathers left by the once glorious empire. Some of these imperial legacies have been well preserved, and some have been integrated into the lives of the Shurima people and improved them. life.

  And this is exactly the meaning of Karya's existence.

  For Lacus and Ino, this is a trial to broaden their horizons and hone their bodies and wills; for Karya, this is a new start to find themselves and dispel confusion. In the end, Lacus Embracing the sky with Ino on the top of Mount Targon, Kalya chose to bid farewell to immortality.

  Volume Four: Twenty Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand, End.

  Volume [-] Red and Blue——Lax Returns to Demacia—is about to start, so stay tuned.

(End of this chapter)

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