Lux's Farewell

Chapter 375 [0371]

Chapter 375 [0371]
The punishment of the stone crown is a punishment with a sense of humiliation.

However, if you really return to the peak, the meaning is completely different.

Walking barefoot and climbing Mount Targon means that you have accepted the most severe test, washed away everything in the past, and have since become a god walking in the world.

Of course, such an important identity will not be easily recognized.

In the Illuminati, in the archives of the Silent Man, the method of identifying this "peak climber" is clearly recorded-and as the most powerful secret force in the Illuminati, the Silent Man has always been unreasonable, Known only to serve the gods, they can be called unselfish when it comes to the gods.

So, don't try to whitewash or seize power in this way, unless you can control the silent people.

At this point, Lacus and Ino can return to Demacia with a more honorable identity.

But Kalya didn't advise her to do so.

"Think about it, if you return directly to the capital of Demacia as a climber, what will happen next?" Kalya reminded, "Speaking of which, we gave the Illuminati a hard time."

"But the Reticents should still be very reliable, right?" When it came to this topic, Lux was a little uncertain, "They are rarely mentioned, but everyone seems to think that they are the most devout people."

"Almost." Kalya agreed with Lacus's statement, "However, the Silent Man may not have other thoughts, but the bishops of the Illuminati are not easy-going lamps, and they were suppressed by the royal family and nobles to become what they are now. If given the opportunity, they will never miss it."

"So you're saying that I'll be their target?" Lacus is no longer the ignorant little girl who just left Demacia and only knew how to carry out Kalya's plan. Quickly understand, "So, if I appear in Demacia, wouldn't the Council of Nobles and the Illuminati take the initiative to solicit me?"

"Yeah, for those who want to gain power, this is a good opportunity to have both sides." Kara paused, and continued, "However, this is meaningless to you, what you need is to have something in hand , enough power to set off a reform, but what the Illuminati need is just a banner and a pretext.”

"Understood." With the experience of being regarded as a model of nobility and being confessed high, Lacus is very clear about this kind of flattery, "So, if I show up with great fanfare now, I will plunge into In the political vortex, become the focus of everyone."

"It's good to understand this." Seeing that Lacus is so clear-headed, Kalya's tone finally became somewhat relieved, "So, before you openly show yourself, you still need to cultivate a little bit of your own power."

"But where do we start?" When it came to this topic, Lacus also had a headache, "Father and mother may have different ideas from mine. If the power of the family cannot be borrowed, I really can't think of it for a while. Where to start."

"The first step you have to do is to tell the Demacians that Lacus is a reliable person." Kalya obviously had thought about this a long time ago. The identity of the climber is irrelevant."

"It's easy to say." Hearing this, Lux couldn't help rubbing her forehead, "But I still don't know what to do——Compared with Zaun, Demacia is too big, the entire Demacia, Only news about the Xiongdu of Demacia can spread, but I still can't start from here."

"Start from the Shadow Realm." Kalya didn't make a fool of himself. "Rescuing your uncle is one aspect. More importantly, fighting demons is the best way to gain prestige."

"Against... the devil?" Lux blinked, obviously puzzled, "What's going on here?"

"Remember Tamm?" Karya reminded. "The one you saw in Bilgewater, the big tongue demon."

"That greedy demon?"

"Yes, it left a letter at the time. It seems that the demons are recovering. Tam plans to be a broker among the demons and hold a party or something."

"But what does the awakening of demons have to do with Demacia?" Lux wondered, "Demacia has never had problems with demons."

"No, no, it's a big deal." Kalya snorted, "Tariq told you about the mysterious death of the mission before, right?"

"I've said it." Lux nodded, "You also asked me to ask a few questions."

"The question is not for nothing." Kalya chuckled, "Believe me, the murderer of that incident is a demon."

Hearing what Karya said, Lux finally showed a nervous expression.

"Demon of Pain, Embrace of Pain, Evelyn." Kalya pointed out the identity of the other party directly, "And, when we go to the Shadow Realm to save your uncle, we may meet another demon, the Demon of Nightmare, Nightmare, Nocturne."

"A demon from the Shadow Realm?" Lux was dumbfounded, "Also in Demacia?"

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward." Kalya smacked her lips, seeming to have a bad taste again, and enjoyed Lacus' astonishment very much, "You don't think that the situation in Demacia is stable now? Believe me, although that is just It’s just an appearance, when the ancestors of Demacia arrived here but found that there was no one here, it was not because no one had ever arrived here before, but because the people who were here before were all finished.”

Kalya's words made both Lux and Ino show horrified expressions—they were not afraid of demons, but they still felt a chilling horror at Kalya's description of "they are all finished".

This feeling of the really not good.

After a while, though, the two finally realized it was Kalya the bastard trying to scare people - especially when Kalya started laughing so hard that Lux nearly threw her sword into the river beside her .

Considering that the poor old man has lost his immortality now, the generous Miss Lacus decided to let him go temporarily.

Hmph, I don't have the same knowledge as empty nesters!

In Nerima Jie, Lux and Ino successfully retrieved their "statue" that existed here.

The owner of the hotel obviously didn't know that the statue stored in his warehouse before was actually a darkin family member; what he didn't expect was that the darkin family member even held a cross representing Shurima imperial power in his arms. blade……

In the end, Lacus and Ino, who had retrieved the "deposited items", bought two more camels and replenished enough supplies after selling a piece of rune steel armor (sold at the price of rune steel, which was a huge loss).

When they were ready, the two left Nerimaja, headed north, along the mountains of Targon, and set off for Kalamanda.

Different from the devil training before, this journey north is very easy for Lacus and Ino. They no longer need to travel day and night, let alone challenge their physical limits, and the climate near the Targon Mountains is far cooler than The central area of ​​the Dasai Desert is humid and mild. During this period of time, although they moved forward at a fast speed, they walked quite leisurely along the way.

Although Kalya has lost his immortality, he still plays the role of a tour guide very competently, introducing the scenery and specialties of West Shurima to Lux and Ino with a quick answer.

It can be heard that Karya spent a long and important period of time here. Unlike the information obtained from other papers, Karya has his own understanding of the animals, plants, terrain, climate, etc. here.

More importantly, after Lacus and Ino already knew most of his experiences, Kalya's story gradually had its own existence.

Although he still hasn't relaxed in the magic training of Lacus and Ino, the two little girls can feel that Kalya seems to be much kinder.

how to say……

The previous Kalya was also very reliable, and didn't give people too much sense of distance, but I always felt that the whole person seemed to be covered with a layer of veil, and when I wanted to take a closer look, I could only see it vaguely.

But now Kalya seems to be really just a profound, kind, stern old man with an unforgiving mouth. This makes Lacus and Ino feel a little bit of subtle, close to family affection while being "flattered". the warmth.

Perhaps, such a Karya is the most authentic Karya?

It's a pity that because a certain regent prince is too narrow-minded, Lacus and Ino who have this kind of thinking can only wink at each other quietly, give secret signals, follow the road, and dare not really speak out the guess——climbing Targon is already very tired, and everyone doesn't want to increase the training content for themselves.

From Narimaja to Kalamanda, the journey was quite smooth.

Through this journey, Lacus and Ino finally eased up from the previous state of severe mental tension, and at the same time gradually adapted to the power of the heavens in their bodies.

Kalya gave Lax and Ino his experience of controlling the power of the heavens very seriously and hard, but to his embarrassment, after listening to it, Lax and Ino both revealed "that's it" expression.

Obviously, it took Kalya a lot of effort to barely reach the level of control that Lux and Ino had achieved almost when they were fighting Leona.

Although on the surface, his expression is calm and his tone seems to be more gratifying, but only Kalya knows how this talent really feels when being crushed by students...

Maybe it's really comforting?

Maybe there is still some reconciliation?

Maybe already used to it?


Coming to Kalamanda again after many years, Lux and Ino were surprised to find that this port city seemed to have not changed at all.

The docks, streets, urban areas, markets, everything is familiar.

This unchanging feeling made both Lacus and Ino feel a little uncomfortable. After thinking about it, they realized that since they left Demacia, they had gotten used to changes.

With this delicate thought in mind, Lacus and Ino sold the camels and bought two tickets to the Xiongdu of Demacia—although Lacus and Ino will not stage a return of the king at this time , The end point of this trip is also Fossbarrow, but because Demacia does not have many foreign exchanges, starting from Kalamanda to Demacia, the end point can only be the capital of Demacia.

"That is to say, after returning to the capital of Demacia, we still need to conceal our identities!" Regarding this, Lux was naturally quite depressed, "It was already too bad that I couldn't go home, and now I even have to go through the house." Don't enter!"

Although Lacus is very clear that this is an inevitable choice, and she really can't show up in Demacia rashly, but she is still angry when she thinks that she has returned to the capital of Demacia and can't go home to have a look.

In this regard, Ino could only take Lacus's hand and slowly comfort her.

To make matters worse, due to the strong wind and waves at sea, Lux became more and more irritable.

Even though she has been bathed in the radiance of the heavens, when she was in the sea, Lux still felt weak.

It seems that the change in strength is not enough to change Lux's discomfort with taking a boat. Even though she no longer feels physically sick, her mental state is still affected to some extent.

Fortunately, this journey is not too long, and both Lacus and Ino have strong self-regulation abilities. In the early morning seven days later, when the boat arrived at the port of the Xiongdu of Demacia, the two of them finally set foot on the ground. When she landed on the solid ground, Lux let out a long breath, and her whole body relaxed.

In order to avoid being seen by people they knew, Lux and Ino took turns carrying the statue and quietly bypassed the guards at the pier.

The two did not enter the capital of Demacia, but walked directly around the city, and ran to the north of the capital of Demacia in one breath, and they were slightly relieved.

Seeing that the sun was rising and the temperature was gradually getting hot and humid, Lacus and Ino simply sat down at a small stall on the side of the road—although the two young girls were carrying a large sealed bag (which contained Sefika in a sealed state) It seems a bit strange, but this is the main traffic road in the north of the city, people come and go, there are transportation and sales, so the boss and passers-by don't care too much.

"From here on, you probably won't meet any acquaintances." Ino went to buy bread, while Lacus held the saber in his hand, discussing the next move with Kalya, "However, if you go to Forsbarrow, All I know is that I should take the specific road to the northwest... You said that you can enter the Shadow Realm by going to Fossbarrow, so you should know the way?"

"Sorry, I don't know." Kalya decisively denied, "I just know that Fossbarrow has a lot to do with the Shadow Realm, but specifically, I haven't been there."

"This is troublesome." Lux couldn't help grinning when she heard this, "In Demacia, ordinary people can't buy maps. Do we have to inquire slowly along the way?"

While Lux was thinking about how to get a map, Ino came back with a cracked wooden tray, two pieces of bread, and two really clean and hygienic cold drinks.

Not only that, but she also brought Lux some unexpected good news.

"When I was shopping just now, I heard that the small caravan next to me was going to Forsbarrow." Ino handed over Lacus' bread and cold drink, and said with a smile, "We might be able to hitch a ride!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Foreign Trade:
  Although there has never been an order to close the country, Demacia does rarely communicate with the outside world—this is because Demacia itself is rich in products, and there is no need for communication; on the other hand, it is also because Demacia and other countries Attitudes to magic vary.

  PS. There is another chapter in the evening, it may be midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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