Lux's Farewell

376 Hostility [0372]

376 Hostility [0372]
If there is a place in Runeterra that can be called the "Land of Abundance", then this place can only be Demacia.

Although the altitude is not low, the main area of ​​Demacia is mostly surrounded by mountains—the northern peaks cut off the severe cold of the Freljord in the north, the Shimmering Silver Mountains cut off the coast in the south, and Greentooth is in the east. Peak, Demacia surrounded by mountains on three sides, even in the direction of the sea of ​​conquest in the west, there are still two peninsulas protruding from the coast, protecting the western border of Demacia in a pincer shape.

Under such a special environment, there is actually quite a big gap between the central area and the border area of ​​Demacia, whether it is climate, geography, or cultural features.

The geographical gap has also led to a huge difference in products between the center of Demacia and the border areas. The Demacia Plain in the center has excellent water conservancy and a mild climate. It is a golden production area for grain and livestock; Minerals, mountain goods and some other local specialties.

It is also for this reason that although foreign trade is not prosperous, there are still a large number of caravans traveling between cities and villages in Demacia. The lord formed the establishment, purchased surplus products from the local area, shipped them to other places for sale, and then exchanged them for some surplus products elsewhere, and repeated them year after year.

As the capital of the empire, Demacian Xiongdu is not only a political center, but also an economic center.

Most of these caravans from various places will trade in the capital of Demacia and its surrounding areas, completely using this place as a distribution center for transactions. Every summer and winter, there will be a big market around the capital of Demacia. city.

During this period, the royal family of Demacia will do everything they can to support the transactions on the market, and sometimes even send fearless pioneers to maintain order—because for the royal family of Demacia, which only directly belongs to Xiongdu, the trading market is not only It can bring them a lot of business taxes, and it is also the best channel to show the royal demeanor and expand the influence of the royal family.

Farmers from all over the world have to do farming and labor. How many people have the spare time to learn about the Guangdun family?

For most areas, the lord is the local emperor, the Guangdun family, what the hell is that?
Therefore, in the game of royal power and aristocratic power, on the one hand, the Demacian royal family holds military power as the basis, and on the other hand, it uses commercial trade as a network to expand its influence as much as possible.

By personally collecting taxes and providing protection to caravans in various places, the royal family has tirelessly demonstrated its sense of existence, reminding farmers with facts that the king is "bigger" than the noble lords-after all, even the noble lords The caravans of the country are also taxed (although there may be various tax rebates).

It was midsummer, and it was the time when Demacia's trade was most prosperous. The registered market near Xiongdu opened once every three days, and there was an endless stream of caravans walking nearby. Although Sibaluo's caravan was a bit lucky, it was also very normal.

Lacus and Ino just need a hitchhiking, since there are people who drop by here, it's all right.


After paying a small amount of travel expenses, Lacus and Ino joined the caravan as "non-staff personnel".

This is also a common situation - Demacia does not have a dedicated station, and it is actually very inconvenient for ordinary people to go out, so finding a caravan with the same destination as their own is often the best choice.

Take the team that Lux and Ino joined as an example. Although the entire team now has more than 70 people, there are more than 20 people who are this kind of travel companions. Some just go out and travel.

And the owner of this caravan obviously had foreseen this situation a long time ago. They were very familiar with taking in their fellow travelers, and they could even provide pack animals—of course, this required an extra payment.

Lux and Ino actually need a big animal, after all, walking with Sefika on their shoulders is really weird.

However, when Ino asked if there were any large animals for rent, the boss's expression was a little embarrassed.

"I'm not going to hide from this lady." He spread his hands and put on a helpless look, "Our caravan goes back and forth twice a year in summer and winter, and the big animals are well fed and strong, ready to go. Yes, but this time in Xiongdu, a customer has already rented all the animals—come first, first served, there is nothing we can do about it!”

Ino was a little helpless when she heard the words, but considering that there was still a long distance between here and Fossbarrow, she still fought hard: "Boss, we need to transport a statue here, and we really need the help of pack animals... Can you help me out, and we can pay double the price."

"It's not about money!" Although the boss's eyes brightened obviously, he still said the same thing, "First come, first serve, honesty is the foundation - but, maybe you can talk to those two passengers, I see her In fact, there are not that many items, if she can be persuaded to spare some space, then it is not impossible."

The words of the caravan boss obviously meant to divert contradictions, which made Ino raise his eyebrows slightly, but after thinking for a while, she still found the two passengers the boss mentioned.

Let's discuss it first!


Following the guidance of the caravan owner, Lacus and Ino found the passengers who had rented out all the pack animals. When they found them, they were sitting alone at a table in the corner of the stall, drinking slowly. own cold drink.

The older one had grizzled hair, and by Demacia standards, she was dressed quite avant-garde—considering it was summer, wearing only a fur waistcoat seemed subtle.

Lacus and Ino, who had been trained by Kalya, could clearly see the special features of this fur vest. If nothing else, this plain-looking vest might have more than ten pockets inside. And in every pocket, there is some strange gadget or unknown powder.

Her muscular lines were very clear, and her eyes were not cloudy at all. When Lux and Ino—especially Ino—approached, she was on guard, as if she might transform into a brutal beast at any moment.

Both Lux and Ino clearly sensed each other's hostility, and this undisguised attitude caused the two to look at each other with subtle expressions.

"do you know her?"

"I don't know, what about you?"

"I don't know either!"

Unlike this middle-aged and elderly woman who didn't seem to be very talkative, the young girl sitting opposite her seemed to be much quieter.

It seems that she is about the same age as Lacus, with thick and long braids on her hair, and a pair of dark glasses.

Judging from the dignified sitting posture, this girl seems to have received a good education - but if the crossbow she is carrying on her back is not a decoration, then she is probably not an ordinary person.

That's right, two people occupy eight carriages, no matter how you look at it, they can't get along with ordinary people. Even if ordinary Demacians move, they don't have such a big battle!

Although there were some doubts in her heart, Lacus and Ino's superficial skills were quite good. After politely saying hello, Lacus finally made her request, hoping to spare an animal, or half a frame The carriage came out and placed "luggage" for them.

However, for Lacus and Ino's request, the two did not give a positive response.

"Silver hair, I smell the ice." The older man didn't seem to hear Lacus's words at all, his eyes just stared at Ino, and he didn't hide his hostility at all, "The minion of the Frost Witch , have you all come to the Xiongdu of Demacia?"

"I don't know who the Frost Witch is." Faced with such an attitude, even the normally gentle Ino couldn't help feeling a little angry—she folded her arms, and she snorted disdainfully, between words. It also took a bit of Karya's usual sarcastic tone, "But now it seems that she may be a guy who specializes in driving wild dogs? She drove all the dogs to Xiongdu."

"You!" Ino's merciless sarcasm made the other party's eyes widen suddenly, but after a while, she laughed happily, "Very good, very good, Ice who has no respect for the Frost Witch Bloodline, very good!"

However, just as she burst out laughing, the woman's right hand hidden under the table was pulled violently, and a handful of bright silver powder was lifted up, hitting Yinuo's face; in her left hand was a small and exquisite handle. The dagger stabbed out at the same time, piercing Yinuo's lower abdomen.

At the same time, the young girl who had been acting quite decently also suddenly raised her right arm—following a click of the machine spring, a silver crossbow bolt shot out, heading straight for Ino's body. Face to face.

As soon as they met, these two people seemed to be facing the enemy of life and death, their actions were extremely fierce, and they didn't hold back at all!
If it were someone else, I'm afraid that at this time, facing the silver powder, dagger and crossbow arrows, they would have fallen.

But for Ino, this level of surprise attack is nothing more than an ordinary method worth mentioning.

She didn't even need to make any spell-casting movements, a thin and tough ice shield stood in front of her—this seemingly fragile, but actually quite strong ice shield easily blocked the silver powder and crossbow arrows, He stopped the stabbing dagger, and then disappeared quietly in place as if he had completed his mission.

When the ice shield disappeared, there was not even a drop of water left in front of Ino. Even if someone saw the flashing ice shield, they would only think that they were dazzled.

Seeing that Yinuo solved the deadly surprise attack so lightly, both of them felt their hearts skipping a beat—they didn't need any communication, they got up suddenly at the same time, as if they were going to leave directly!

However, before the two of them stood upright on their knees, a broken sword and a cross blade were already pressed on their shoulders.

"You two, where are you going?" Lux, who appeared behind them at some point in time, asked each word with a pause, "Doing something without saying hello, and leaving without saying anything, it seems... Is that too polite?"

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Royal Territory:
  The nobles in Demacia have fiefs, and a large part of the nobles' fiefs will belong to the nobles. Mithral City is mostly the fief of the Crown Guard family.

  As the royal family, the Guangdun family does not have such a fief—because not all money can be spent from the treasury, and the Guangdun family also needs to have its own financial resources, and their main financial source comes from the trader tax.

(End of this chapter)

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