Lux's Farewell

Chapter 377 [0373] The Avenger

Chapter 377 [0373] The Avenger

From the perspective of the caravan boss, the four women got together intimately and seemed to be having a good chat.

But the actual situation is that on the opposite side of Lacus and Ino, two extremely sharp pieces of ice exuding icy cold air are pressing against the lower abdomen of the two people. As long as the other party makes a slight movement, the result will be their lives. Not guaranteed.

However, although the situation has been controlled, Lacus and Ino are still in a bad mood.

The two of them set out from Belguen before, and it took almost half a year to cross half of Shurima, and the straight-line distance traveled was more than [-] miles-but even so, they still didn't encounter even one Sand Pirates.

You know, Shurima is now fragmented and has no unity!
Fortunately, they had just returned to Demacia for less than a day, and the two encountered villains. When did the law and order in Demacia get so bad?

What's worse, even though they are controlled by others, the two people, the old and the young, still don't have the slightest fear or worry—they look at Yinuo, as if they are saying "Idiot, our cause is just" , awe-inspiring.

There must be something wrong here!

Therefore, even if Lacus and Ino wanted to deal with the two guys who attacked them directly, at least they had to figure out what happened before they were dealt with.

Did something happen to Demacia?

Lux habitually asked Karya what to do.

But this time, Karya just told her to be calm.

"Trust Ino, Lacus." Kalya's tone was quite gratified, "Ino is much better at this kind of thing than you."


"Do I know you?" Facing the hostile eyes of the two, Ino asked calmly, "I don't remember seeing you."

"Hmph!" the old woman snorted, her tone full of disdain, "Your lackey of the Frost Witch, stop pretending here, I am so familiar with the disgusting smell of icy blood on your body!"

"Ice blood is right." Ino was even more surprised, "But who is the Frost Witch?"

Hearing what Yinuo said, the old woman curled her lips, with an expression of "pretend, you just follow me" on her face, as if she didn't bother to answer this question.

"Answer me, who is the Frost Witch."

Yinuo moved his fingers, and the sharp icicles pierced through the young woman's clothes and touched the skin of her lower abdomen, making her eyes widen and shiver -- Yinuo could see clearly , this old woman seemed to be full of hatred for the ice bloodline, and she seemed to regard death as home. Compared to herself, she obviously cared more about the young girl beside her.

Although Eno is very gentle in front of Lacus, but as the former secretary-general of Zaun, her wrists are often sharper than Lacus.

Although Eno doesn't like killing in battle, and her style is mainly to provide control and play assists, but she doesn't mind taking some extreme measures when needed.

Although the young girl didn't speak, her suddenly dilated pupils and subconsciously held breath still exposed her state. Seeing that the situation was not right, the old woman could only speak reluctantly after snorting.

"The Frost Witch is the Frost Witch of the Freljord, the source of the icy blood." The old woman's voice seemed to be soaked in hatred, "Ten years ago, her lackey took my own child. Now, Is her lackey going to take away the children I teach again?"

"So you think that all the bloodlines of ice are the running dogs of that Frost Witch?" Ino narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, "Frost Witch, I seem to have heard this name... ...Lissandra?"

"Keep pretending." The old woman just couldn't help sneering, "You want to play tricks on me? It's pointless!"

"I really don't know the so-called excess self-awareness." When dealing with outsiders, Eno fully developed the language style inherited from the teacher, "I'm not interested in playing with an inexplicable fool—and what about you, little girl, why are you Get your hands on me?"

"Evil mage, everyone can get it and punish him!" The young girl said sternly, "Damn you!"

"Are all mages evil?" Ino was quite helpless about this hostile attitude towards spellcasters, "Even if they are not evil mages?"

"Only dead mages are not evil."

Very well, this reason is very Demacia——However, Eno keenly noticed that when the young girl said this sentence, the expression of the old woman changed slightly.

She looked... seemed a little depressed?
That's funny, why is she depressed?
Yinuo's heart moved slightly, and he put his hand on the old woman's shoulder.

The next moment, a thin layer of ice flakes appeared on her body surface. Under the sunlight, the transparent thin ice miraculously overflowed with purple light.

The ice layer was so thin that it quietly melted into clear water within a few breaths.

Seeing this scene, Ino finally showed a subtle smile on his face.

"Are all mages evil?" She looked at the young girl again, "Are all mages unforgivable?"

"Of course!" The other party nodded indifferently, "The more powerful the mage, the more he should be eliminated!"

"Including her too?" Yinuo pointed to the frustrated old woman, "It seems that she should have a very close relationship with you, but did she not tell you that she is also a mage? Well, see Bing Sanse Atlas, should it be a form-changing caster?"

"Enough!" The old woman interrupted Yinuo excitedly, "Who are you?"

"Before asking me who I am, you should introduce yourself first." Ino, who finally found the key to breaking the game, finally showed the gentle smile he usually had when facing Lacus, "Pay attention to your identity."

As if resigned to her fate, under the unbelievable eyes of the young girl, the old woman lowered her head and told the story of herself and the young girl beside her in detail.


The old woman's name was Frey, and she was a Freljord.

The young girl is Vayne, a Demacian, and a murder brings the two together.

Things start four years ago.

At that time, Lux brought up the duel with Fiona. After the news spread, almost everyone in the capital of Demacia focused on this duel, and Vayne was no exception.

At that time, Wei En, who was just 16 years old, was full of curiosity about things like duels. Although she was not from a noble family, and her parents were not even born in Demacia, she heard about duels. After hearing the news, he and many curious citizens gathered outside the duel hall, waiting for first-hand gossip news.

However, when she finally got the vague news and happily returned home to share it with her family, all she saw was the cold corpses of her parents and a slim figure that dissipated in the air.

That is a demon!
Although Wei En's parents are foreign settlers, their family has a lot of money, and the area they live in can be regarded as the middle-class area of ​​the Xiongdu of Demacia. Under normal circumstances, such a terrible murder case occurs, and the city guards will go all out.

However, because that duel was so special, after Lacus accepted the punishment of the stone crown, the city defense army was on full alert, guarding against possible troubles caused by the light society, so the murder of Wei En's parents did not get a result in the end. .

(Of course, even if the city defense army is free, I'm afraid this case will still be fruitless.)
Since the city defense army is unreliable, if Wei En wants to take revenge, she can only rely on herself.

With a large inheritance in his hand, Wei En first thought of recruiting a mercenary to serve him.

But the problem is, according to Wei En, her target enemy is the legendary demon!
For Demacians, this is undoubtedly a task of "if it's fake, it's nonsense, if it's true, it's terrible", and Demacia's mercenaries, specifically bodyguards, who Will the bodyguard be hired by a 16-year-old girl to fight against possible demons?

Now, not only the city guards are unreliable, but the mercenaries are also unreliable.

Just when Wei En was at a loss, the city defense army finally had some reaction - not finding the murderer, but finding a new guardian for her through the Illuminati.

The little girl who is about to grow up and has a large inheritance, Wei En didn't realize at all that when she reported the crime to the City Guards, she had already appeared on the list of many ruined nobles, and many people would be happy to give their son Find a "child bride who can pay a large dowry".

Fortunately, Vayne is more clever. After being appointed as a guardian, she packed up her home immediately to cash in some gold and silver, and escaped from the capital of Demacia before being controlled.

Wayne wants revenge, but revenge requires strength. She must learn how to fight and track. Only in this way can she avenge her parents!

Wayne needs a teacher.

Demacia is very popular with swordsmanship, but in Wei En's view, this flashy swordsmanship is not enough for her to take revenge. What she wants is not elegance and demeanor, what she wants is fierce power, perfect revenge!
Recalling the stories her parents told her, Wei En's eyes finally fell on the north.

When Wayne was a child, her parents told her the story of the warriors who fought against the Frost Witch in the north—they guarded their homeland for generations and resisted the invasion of dark forces.

Although Wei En doesn't know what the dark power in the story is, but no matter from which point of view, the devil is an out-and-out dark power. Maybe he can find a Freljord warrior to serve as tutor?
With this in mind, Wei En, who was only 16 years old, sold a lot of things (he was cheated a lot), bought a whole set of thick clothes, and bought a boat ticket to Ningshuang Port.

The ship arrived at Frost Harbor smoothly, but after arriving, Wei En found that it was completely different from what she had imagined.

According to the description in the story, Vayne thought that the Freljord was a place where all the people were soldiers and everyone was always on the alert.

But in Frostport, there are only winemakers and fur collectors here. As the largest—or the only trading city in the Freljord—the taste of money here is infinitely stronger than the atmosphere of adventure.

After wandering around Frost Harbor in disappointment, Wayne decided to go east to see if he could meet someone who could hunt demons to be his teacher.

The Freljord in summer is not too cold, and Vayne met Frey here.


When Vayne and Frey met for the first time, the situation was somewhat embarrassing - the inexperienced Vayne stepped into the ice troll's trap, and almost became the ogre troll's reserve food.

Thanks to Frey's helping hand, Vayne survived.

Frey is a Freljord who lost her tribe and family. Her tribe died because of Lissandra's Frostguard priests. Even her son was buried under a terrible avalanche. Likewise, she is also an overreaching Avenger.

Vayne wants revenge on the devil, and Frey wants revenge on Lissandra.

Then, what Frey, who saved Vayne by chance, never expected was that he just did a good deed by chance, but in the end he was taken advantage of by others——After seeing Frey's skills, Vayne began to pray The other party accepts himself as an apprentice and is willing to give everything.

But the problem is, the money that Vayne has has no meaning to Frey, and Frey doesn't want to deal with this oily bottle that came to him at all.

Seeing that Frey was about to leave, Vayne had an idea and proposed to challenge Frey to a duel - if she won, Frey would be her teacher; if she lost, she would be the bait , responsible for drawing out the target priests of the Frost Witch, and let Frey catch them all.

Her own life was the only thing Wei En could call precious at this time.

Wei En has lost many times and has been baited many times, but even if she was used as bait, she still learned a lot from it and showed her amazing will.

The long time of getting along day and night brought the two people who bear the bloody feud closer step by step. Finally, when Wei En had a little bit of self-protection power, Frey, who had lost her child, softened her heart and agreed to be Wei En's mentor. .

Wayne forged the identity of a "distant relative" for Frey and made her her guardian. The two returned to the capital of Demacia from the Freljord and began a three-year practice.

And this practice lasted only three years, not because Wei En has already left the teacher or has no financial resources to continue—they brought so many supplies that might be used this time, and set off to leave the capital of Demacia, mainly the same as before. It is related to the murder of the emissary.

Tariq, who was responsible for the blame, suffered the punishment of the stone crown and was favored by the guardian protoss.

But in order to appease their allies, the Demacians did not give up on investigating the case—after the Illuminati took action, things finally came to fruition.

Although it took a long time to find out who the enemy was, many of the gathered clues pointed to Fossbarrow in the northwest.

After the case happened, Wei En immediately realized that it might be related to the murder of her parents, so she kept paying attention to the follow-up progress. After confirming that the clues of the matter pointed to Fossbarrow, she and Frey They set off together, taking all the various things that could be used, and set off for Fossbarrow.

As a result, just after leaving the capital of Demacia, the two of them met Ino.

Ino's magic power is restrained, and ordinary people can't find her mage status—but to Frey, her long silver-white hair is not too conspicuous, and she guessed it almost the first time they met Because of Yinuo's identity of ice blood, she joined forces with Wei En to take down Yinuo without hesitation.

Then...he kicked on the iron plate.

 Carya's Small Classroom: Silver Powder for Breaking Magic:

  The crushed rune stone and the mithril stone with the best magic transmission effect are smashed and mixed, which is the most common magic silver powder-it has the functions of absorbing magic power and triggering a short circuit of magic power, which is quite a good thing.

  PS. There is another chapter after midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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