Lux's Farewell

Chapter 378 [0374] Praying mantis catching cicada

Chapter 378 [0374] Praying mantis catching cicada
As if resigned to his fate, Frey told the whole story about himself and Wayne in the past, and he didn't even hide the part that he was a shape-changer.

One person narrates, three people are surprised.

Lux didn't expect that Ino was so proficient in trying to figure out people's hearts; Ino didn't expect that he would reveal his identity of the ice blood because of his hair color; and Wayne didn't expect that Frey, who was closest to her, was actually an evil the mage.

No wonder she knows so much about dark magic, summoning beasts and evil spells!
No wonder she can always find traces of dark creatures, even mages hidden in the crowd before the mageseekers!

She's a mage herself, a damn mage who uses polymorphism!

The bitterness of being betrayed and the pain of losing her family mingled together at this moment, causing Wei En's brain to become congested, her eyes began to turn red, and the expression she looked at Frey gradually became ferocious.

Wayne wanted to tell herself that Frey was different from other mages, she was a hunter who hunted mages.

But in the bottom of her heart, there was another voice repeatedly reminding her that it was just a dog-eat-dog, a mouthful of the evil inside.

Frey is also a mage, mages deserve to die!

Frey is not that kind of mage!

Frey was always going to be that mage!

Not Frey, she's different from others!
Frey would, she lost her baby and was in pain!

You lost your parents too!
But I have no talent for magic, so I am destined not to sink into evil!
Frey treats you like his own child!
I don't need an evil mother!

You have deviated from humanity!
Killing evil mages is the most perfect human nature!


A battle between heaven and man is going on in Wei En's heart.

But the result of the battle seems to be sliding towards the abyss little by little.

Wayne doesn't understand magic, but that doesn't stop her from being full of hatred for mages—for a rational person, the debtor owes the debt, and the devil should pay for the sins committed by the devil; but for Wayne , all evil existences can be regarded as murderers.

Dreaming back at midnight, she recalled countless times when she hurried home that day, recalling the evil smile on the corner of the devil's mouth, this mocking and satisfied smile, Wei En had seen it on the faces of many mages. However, these mages were all pierced through the heart by the holy silver crossbow arrows she shot without exception.

Only when the blood is flowing out, in the dripping blood, Wei En can slightly relieve her pain. To her, this is the sweetness of revenge.

Closing her eyes, Vayne no longer looked at Frey's begging eyes—at this moment, although she couldn't move, she added Frey's name to the revenge note in her heart.

At this moment, Lux, who had been silent before, suddenly moved.

"Open your eyes, Vayne." Lacus handed the sword to Ino, and said in a calm and serious tone, "You were thinking about killing the master just now, right?"


Although it was an interrogative sentence, Lux's tone was extremely firm - she clearly saw the shadow entangled in Vayne.

When Frey started to tell, Lux saw the shadow of Vayne.

And as Frey talked about Vayne's past and the previous hunting of the black mage and the little devil, the shadow on Vayne's body seemed to be activated and became more and more obvious.

"Is that Yazakana?" Lux asked Kalya, "It makes me feel very similar to that demon with the big tongue."

"That's not Yazakana." Unexpectedly, Kalya gave a negative answer, "It's the devil's seed."

"Devil's seed?" Lux obviously hadn't heard this kind of saying, "Didn't you say that Yazakana can grow into a demon?"

"It's true that a newborn Yazakana can eventually become a demon after absorbing certain emotions." Carya explained, "But the shadow on her body does not belong to a newborn Yazakana, but to an already A fully formed demon, this demon absorbs the emotions it desires with the help of Vayne, for a demon, this kind of extreme guy is the best field, and it is totally worth planting a seed."

Lacus suddenly realized.

"It's not an interesting experience to be planted by a demon." Carya continued, "If nothing else, this kind of guy with hatred and extreme personality will soon go crazy. After enough emotions, foolishly face the devil, and then be harvested like a ripe crop... The devil's tricks are always one trick, but they always work."

"People's hearts are unpredictable." Now Lux can already understand Kalya's meaning, "So, maybe she is our... guide to find the demon and the entrance to the Shadow Realm?"

"That's right, she will lead us to find the Shadow Realm and find the devil." Kalya chuckled, "Looking at her state, it won't be too long before she is harvested by the devil. Considering that her destination this time is Foss Bai Luo, we follow behind, there should be unexpected gains."

"But how can you follow them quietly?" Lux hesitated, "Isn't it too exaggerated to let them go so easily?"

"No, no." Kalya's tone seemed to be sure of victory, "You see, Yinuo has already found the key to the problem——Frey cares about Vayne, but the paranoid Vayne may have already put her to death by now." Frey has become his own prey, starting from here, don't you feel suddenly enlightened?"

"You're thinking about your [big plan] again." Sensing Kalyana's familiar tone, Lacus couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, "Tell me, what are we going to do next?"

"Naturally, it was to expose Wei En's plot to kill the teacher, and then, under Frey's begging, reluctantly let her go, and followed them all the way to Forsbarrow in the name of supervision." Kalya said naturally. , "Don't mention any topics about demon seeds, just use Yinuo's identity to make a fuss."

"Slow down, I'm a bit confused... Ino's identity, you mean the ice blood?" Lux was stunned for a moment, "How to use her identity?"

"Let Ino come forward, pretending to win Frey to fight against Lissandra." Carya smacked her lips, and explained slowly in a tone of "you can't even figure it out", "Frey is definitely unwilling, I don't trust you either. But it doesn't matter, you are responsible for pointing out that there is something wrong with Wei En, and even want to kill your teacher, and use her life as a threat, Frey will definitely agree...Okay, now give the sword to Ino, I'm going to have a dialogue with her!"

 Karya's Small Classroom·Devil Seed:

  Demons can distribute part of their power to mortals, so that he can help him absorb the emotions he desires—the seed here is an abstract concept, and a demon seed can be an arm, an eye, or an invisible memory, an emotion.

  PS. Emphasize again that the story of the Ruined King is not taken in this book at all. The stories of Fiego and Isolde are completely different, and there is no big event of the Sentinel of Light.

(End of this chapter)

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