Lux's Farewell

Chapter 379 [0375]

Chapter 379 [0375]
Karya's plan is interesting.

Through Vayne, who has the devil's seed, to find the demon hidden in Fossbarrow, and then find a way to enter the Shadow Realm, this plan is undoubtedly feasible to a certain extent-release Vayne, catch the devil, and find the shadow , with a high probability of success.

But the troublesome part of this plan is that Lux and Ino must hide from Vayne and Frey who are the bait.

They needed a reason to go to Forsbarrow with Vayne and Frey.

So, after much deliberation, Karya might as well let Ino take advantage of his icy bloodline.

As long as Ino can disguise himself as a war mother who is dissatisfied with the Frostguard tribe, then he can recruit Frey generously, and there will be no problem with following her all the way to Forsbarrow!

As for the method of recruitment...

Although the method of using Vayne as a hostage seems a bit bad, for Frey, the threat of "you don't want Vayne's safety to be a problem" should still be very effective.

It took a moment to come up with such a method, Kalya was wicked enough, and even in order to better disguise, Lux needed to play the role of a subordinate—but it was undeniable that this plan seemed to be fine, any No one would have guessed that Ino, who used Vayne as a hostage to force Frey to work, actually aimed at Vayne.

The only possible problem with the whole plan is how to play the role of "war mother who refuses to obey the Frostguard tribe" well.

Kalya, Lux and Ino didn't understand Warmother.

At most, they have heard a little about the description of the war mother and read a little about the war mother—in the long history of civilization in Runeterra, the Freljord has always been in a relatively remote corner.

Making Ino look like a Warmother who left the Freljord and came to Demacia with plans was not an easy task.

Fortunately, Eno has been the secretary-general for three years, and he is used to being in a high position. If he can maintain a high profile, it should be no problem to deceive Frey in a short time. Therefore, after Carya and her simply confronted each other After some lines, a magical realism drama of Wang Che's transposition was finally officially staged.

(The languages ​​of Valoran, such as Freljord, Demacian, and Noxus, are almost the same language. In addition, Ino was born in the north, and his accent is different from that of the Freljord, but Not too bad.)
Lux with Chalikar, playing as a recruited guard.

Ino, holding the Broken Blade, played the role of a war mother who came to Demacia with plans, and threatened Vayne to recruit Frey.

The two worked together to trick Frey and Vayne, and followed them to find the entrance to the Demon and the Shadow Realm.

Moreover, even if they failed to find the entrance to the Shadow Realm through the two of them, there would be no loss, right?
With Karya threading the lines in the middle, Lacus and Ino's shifting of the king's car was quite smooth.

Although it may not be sincere, but at least for the safety of the two of them, Frey is still willing to obey Ino's orders honestly.

In this way, Lacus and Ino successfully joined the caravan.

Amid the crackling sound of the coachman's whip and the shouting of the draft animals, this large team set off again and officially set off towards the north.


In the caravan, Ino maintained his aloof personality, acting as the master.

Lacus flexibly used her social advantages, and quickly became acquainted with the caravan owner, and got a lot of information about Fossbarrow from the other party during the chat.

And the more she understood Fossbarrow, the brighter Lux's eyes became.

Fossbarrow is located in the northwest of Demacia. It is an important town in the northwest of Demacia and the poorest place in Demacia.

Why was Forsbarrow poor?
This is mainly caused by its special geographical environment - here, the northern mountain range bends and protrudes southward, forming a branch parallel to the coast of the Sea of ​​Conquest.

This branch is very important to the entire Demacia. It not only blocks the cold air in the direction of Frost Harbor, but also serves as an important outpost for Demacia to defend against the Freljord barbarians.

But for Fossbarrow itself, this is not a good thing, because Fossbarrow is not on the hillside, but on a "gap" of this branch, which is a pass-style city.

Facing the cold wind in the direction of Ningshuang Port, barbarians always come to plunder in winter, lack of water resources makes transportation difficult, and a large number of people need to serve the military, so it is impossible to expand production.

A combination of many bad factors led to the poor development of the key city in the northwest of the kingdom.

Especially the lack of water resources, so many cities in the interior of the Demacia Kingdom can hardly help much even if they want to help - Demacia's products are quite rich, but they can't be transported to Fossbarrow, no matter how rich It may not make much sense!

It is also a city in the northern border, although Mithril City also bears a lot of military responsibilities, and the winter weather is terribly cold, but if supplies are transported from the grain-producing areas of Demacia to Mithril City, more than three-quarters The distance can be solved by inland waterway shipping, and the transportation cost consumed is very small.

But to Fossbarrow . . . a quarter of the way is enough to punt!

And even if it is a quarter, the channel is still a section, and if you have to toss back and forth, it is better to just walk.

Materials from other places cannot be transported into Fossbarrow, and it is not easy to ship out Fossbarrow's special products. The circle disappeared, and there was no such person.

The main form of Demacia's local rule is fiefdom.

Although the king and noble lords often do not deal with it, it is an internal problem of the ruler after all-if there is no noble lord, Demacia really has no way to control the grassroots!
The nobles of Fossbarrow were so poor that they became mud-legged and left the circle of nobles. This also caused the Kingdom of Demacia to lose its substantial right to rule Fossbarrow. According to the caravan boss, Fossbarrow There are also garrisons and sheriffs within the city of Bailuo City, and there is no nobleman in charge of the surrounding area at all-everyone can only recommend a few highly respected people to deal with conflicts on a daily basis.

"So, I'm under a lot of pressure to run back and forth!" When the Northwest man said this, his tone seemed to be a little emotional, "Many people rely on us for food! And this year's year is not good , I heard that many people suffer from the strange disease of lethargy... The holy water of the Illuminati is so expensive, but it is the only one that can have an effect, it is really unlucky."

"A strange disease of lethargy?" Lux put on a frightened look, "Isn't it contagious?"

"It's not contagious, it's not contagious." The boss waved his hand when he heard the words, "I heard that this strange disease was caused by the barbarian witches in the Freljord. Those barbarians in the north are really worried. !"

"It's good that it's not contagious." Lux seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "I'm going to deliver things for someone right now, it will be troublesome if I get a strange disease!"

She put on a look of relief on her face, but Lux remembered this strange disease in her heart - lethargy, which can be cured with holy water. Why does this strange disease look a bit like an elemental infection?

 Carya's Little Classroom Fossbarrow's Water Transport:
  Forsbarrow is not without rivers.

  In fact, due to the melting water from the snow-capped mountains of the northern border, the entire northern part of Demacia is rich in water resources.

  But the problem is that the terrain near Fossbarrow is too bad, the water flow is scattered, and there are waterfalls and shallows everywhere. There is a lot of water here, but it is not a water resource at all.

  PS. I'm in a bad state today, it's a bit short, I'm very sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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