Lux's Farewell

380 Quiet summer [0376]

380 Quiet summer [0376]

Frey has been silently observing Ino.

Through the short fight before, Frey has confirmed Ino's ice bloodline and how well she has developed the bloodline.

It is no exaggeration to say that during Frey's wanderings for so many years, among the many war mothers she has dealt with, the strength displayed by Ino can be at the forefront.

This discovery made Frey apprehensive and uneasy.

Afraid of Yinuo's tyrannical strength and hostility towards Wei En.

Uneasy about Yinuo's unknown purpose and undisguised solicitation of himself.

Ino's performance really made Frey doubtful.

But what she doubted was whether Ino "would want to use himself as cannon fodder", not whether Ino "was a cold-blooded war mother".

For Frey, "Ino is of ice blood, and is a spellcaster who has awakened the ice blood" is a fulcrum that can be used as a basis for judgment.

Even though Ino's accent was between the Freljord and Demacia, and even if Ino didn't look like a war mother in many cases, Frey didn't have any doubts about Ino's identity.

Because the accent can be changed, the habits can be changed, but the blood cannot be faked.

And to be honest, young ice-blooded people left the tribe and went south to seek refuge with warm-blooded people. Although this kind of thing is rare in the Freljord, it is not uncommon.

In a tribe, if two ice bloodlines are born, they may go hand in hand, or they may have many conflicts-if the conflicts between the two parties reach the point of irreconcilability, even if their relationship is mother and daughter or sisters, they often need to Fight to decide the outcome.

After a duel, the winner has the final say and stays and continues to be a war mother, while the loser is exiled from the tribe and starts anew.

The bare war mother who was exiled had no furnace to work for her, and if she was too young, she would not have the support of the blood alliance, so she could only live in Demacia in the end... These are all very normal things.

Ino fits the bill perfectly.

What Frey really doubted was not Ino's identity, but the reason why she wooed herself—she always felt that Ino didn't care much about wooing herself, and that cold look was in line with what she knew she wanted to form. The war mothers of a tribe are not all the same.

This kind of high-cold attitude is often only found in those war mother blood alliances who are only in charge of fighting or a certain matter.

Instead, it's the one named Lacus. Every time Frey sees her familiar look when communicating with people, she feels more like a war mother who is dedicated to forming and expanding the tribe...

Could it be that Yinuo wants to use himself as cannon fodder?
But even though he hesitated in his heart, Frey had no choice after all.

Frey didn't know about the demon seed in Wei En's body, but she had discovered that after her mage identity was exposed, Wei En looked at her eyes, and hatred and intimacy had gradually become distinct.

Perhaps Wei En may not kill the teacher as Lacus said, but the relationship between the two will never return to the past—so, Frey simply proposed "send Wei En to Forsbarrow, and then follow Yi Nor return to the Freljord".

Ino readily agreed to this.


Three days later, the caravan left the road along the river and turned west.

After another five days, the terrain began to rise, and the caravan climbed up the slope.

As the altitude gradually increased, the road conditions got worse and worse.

Although there is an obvious dirt road under the feet, compared with the roads in other places in Demacia, this dirt road is not only rough, but also quite muddy in many places.

"Is the road here not repaired?" After a bumpy day, Lux couldn't help asking the owner of the caravan. "This kind of road is really too strenuous to walk."

"It can't be repaired, it can't be repaired." Hearing what Lacus said, the caravan owner smiled wryly and shook his head, "These loose and muddy places are all river channels. The rivers in the mountains in the north are different every year. They are repaired this year and next year. It's all ruined."

"How could this be?" Lux's eyes widened in surprise, "Could it be that the river course is different every year?"

"It's just different." The boss nodded, and then pointed to a shallow river not far away, "This river was still flowing at our feet last year, but it went there this year. How do you fix this?"

Following the boss' finger, Lux saw the river he mentioned.

The river is not wide, and the water is very shallow. It is not an exaggeration to call it a stream.

After a little comparison, Lux found that the width of the "road" under her feet seemed to be about the same as that of the stream...

"This is amazing." Lux couldn't help shaking her head, "The river that changes its position every year... What we're walking on is not the road, but the river bed of last year?"

"That's it!" The boss nodded again, "This is your first time here in Forsbarrow, right? Haha, there are many strange places in Fossbarrow, and walking along the riverbed is one of them. !"

"Then why does the location of the river change every year?" Lux asked suspiciously, "Is it okay to build an artificial river, build a storage lake, and use the water? It's like the city of Mythril!"

"Have you ever been to Mithral City?" The boss raised his eyebrows, "But unfortunately, Fossbarrow is different from Mithril City. The spring climate in Fossbarrow is much worse than Mithril City. Every March When the time comes, the ice on the snow-capped mountains will crumble, and large chunks of glaciers will descend along the hillside, and that battle is comparable to thousands of troops!"

As he said that, the talkative boss opened his arms and put on a very exaggerated look.

"Then those large glaciers plowed out these river channels?" Lux seemed to be imagining how the glaciers flowed, and after thinking for a while, she asked, "So the river channels change every year?"

"Almost the same." The caravan owner nodded, "If you want to stabilize the river and divert the water into the storage lake, then you must find a way to stop the first wave of glaciers on March [-]... The barbarians in the north say that is called [ The last breath of Anivia] is the aftermath of the power of the gods, it cannot stop those large glaciers, and the construction of artificial waterways is in vain."

Lacus was stunned.

According to the description of the caravan owner, every winter, there will be a particularly cold wave in the Freljord called [Anivia’s Breath]. It snowed heavily.

As soon as March of the next year arrives, the cold wave will end on time, and the temperature near Fossbarrow will rise rapidly, causing the glaciers on the mountain to break quickly and break away from the mountain in a short period of time. Galloping down, with great momentum, plowed out new river channels on the ground.

Around March [-]th, these glaciers will stop sliding and start to melt slowly—because of the different sizes of glacial blocks every year, the trajectories of glaciers are also different, and the river channels are naturally completely different.

The reason for this situation, according to Kalya's speculation, is probably related to the abnormal impact of Anivia's breath on the climate of the Freljord, but the specific situation may have to be seen in person to know.

"We Fossbarrow people also want to build a smooth road to connect Xiongdu." After talking about the glacier, the caravan boss spread his hands and showed a helpless expression, "I have also been to Mi In Yincheng, there are nobles from Xiongdu going there every summer to relax and enjoy the cool summer, but when it comes to coolness in summer, how can we compete with us Fossby Robin?"

Lux couldn't help but nodded upon hearing this.

It was midsummer, but as everyone got closer and closer to Fossbarrow, the temperature dropped rapidly, and with the breeze blowing in the mountains, in terms of escaping the heat, I am afraid that this place is really better than Mythral City and Irwindale. .


After getting acquainted with the caravan boss and fellows, Lacus learned a lot about Fossbarrow from them, from climate, geography, to humanities, everyone was very happy to chat with this cheerful little girl.

The only troublesome thing is that quite a few people inquired about Lux's marital status - the owner of the caravan has mentioned more than once that his nephew is a very capable person, "He is serving in the military. , beat the barbarians in the north".

At this time, Lux will directly express that she has no thoughts in that regard, and "always go back to Xiongdu to live", which makes people feel a little disappointed.

In this way, the caravan headed northwest along the river bed traces of last year, and finally arrived at Forsbarrow after spending more than half a month.

When the caravan bypassed a mountain ridge and came to the city of Fossbarrow, Lux and Ino immediately thought of a sentence in Shurima.

One man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.

The towering branch of the northern mountain range is generally northeast-southwest, and it is between these mountains that stretch for hundreds of miles that it seems that a giant ax has fallen from the star dome, forcibly cutting off the continuous mountains. There was a gap.

Fossbarrow was firmly stuck in this gap.

The tall city wall and the steep mountain are integrated into one, and there is only a steep slope of at least [-] degrees leading to the city gate, and the road is quite narrow, even if there are thousands of troops, it is completely impossible to deploy.

This steep slope is densely covered with traces of glaciers. At a glance, Lacus can fully imagine the appearance of the glaciers roaring down outside Fossbarrow City when spring comes...

What a dangerous pass!
Under the city wall, an army was on guard. After meeting the caravan boss, the leader of the team quickly smiled.

"Uncle! You're back!"

"I'm back, I'm back!" A smile appeared on the caravan owner's face, "How is the city?"

"Someone is still lethargic." Hearing this, the team leader couldn't help but shook his head, "But the effect of the holy water is very good. I heard that those who used the holy water didn't relapse. Has the Illuminati agreed to set up a parish here?"

"It's difficult." Hearing this, the caravan owner shook his head helplessly, "The bishop said that the population here is too small... I'll say it anyway, but in the end, I just reduced the price of the holy water by [-]%."

"Even if it's [-]% off, it's still too expensive." The soldier shook his head again when he heard the words, "It would be great if there was a bishop who could stay here permanently."

"Even the master of Shi Nailong's family has gone to Xiongdu. If there is no need to garrison here, I am afraid everyone will move away in two generations!" The caravan owner shook his head when he heard this, "Okay, let's blow the whistle, Hurry up and ask Chengtou to let the rope down, the holy water in the car will not be a problem!"

"it is good!"

A sharp whistle sounded, and the soldiers raised the flag high and waved it regularly a few times. After a while, several rather thick ropes came down the slope.The guys skillfully threaded the ziplines on the side of each truck, drove the animals and began to climb up the slope.


Lux and Ino got out of the car, and they followed the convoy uphill while talking in low voices.

"I always feel that something is wrong with this city." Eno glanced at Frey and Wayne, who were also whispering and biting their ears, "Do you feel it?"

"A little bit." Lux nodded, "But I don't know why."

"Have you tried elemental reaction?" Ino reminded, "Didn't you say that Fossbarrow has a strange disease, which is very similar to elemental erosion?"

"Just now, I tried it quietly under the excuse of convenience - the elements here are indeed a bit abnormal, but they are not active, but silent." Lux said in a delicate tone, "In a place where the elements are quiet, someone has the phenomenon of element infection, which is really true. It's the first time I've seen you."

"Mr. Kalya, do you know what's going on?" Ino was also a little confused when he heard the words, "Elemental infection appears in places where the elements are quiet."

"Two possibilities." Kalya thought for a moment before answering, "One is that there is a violent elemental tide here, the peak elements are active and cause elemental infection, and the trough elements are silent."

"I didn't feel the obvious fluctuation of elemental energy, which shouldn't be the reason."

"That's right, the situation here doesn't look like a place that can cause elemental tides." Carya continued to explain, "There is also a possibility that there is indeed a subplane here, and the oppression of the plane has caused the elements to be silent—and People who accidentally come into contact with the subplane through some means will be injured by the high concentration of elements in the subplane, and elemental infection will appear!"

"So we're in the right place?" Lux finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that, "There is indeed an entrance to a subplane here!"

"This is obviously good news." Kalya's tone was a lot more relaxed, "In addition to staring at Vayne and Frey, we can also start with those who are infected by the elements——If the Shadowlands and demons are If it’s one thing, then we can achieve the same goal by two different approaches; if it’s not the same thing, then we can also take advantage of it!”

"So, should Ino and I act separately?" Lux touched her smooth chin, "Who are you following?"

"I'll follow Ino." Carya thought for a while, and then said, "If you find traces and clues in the Shadow Realm, don't act rashly——Ino's side is about demons, so it's better for me to keep an eye on it!"

Lux and Ino looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.

 Karya's Little Classroom: Anivia's Breath:

  Legend has it that the breath of Anivia is the source of the cold in winter, so the Freljord called the drop in temperature at the beginning of winter every year the breath of Anivia.

  PS. The author is finally alive!There is another chapter in the second half of the night!
(End of this chapter)

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