Lux's Farewell

Chapter 381 [0377]

Chapter 381 [0377]
After assigning the task, after entering the city, Lacus and Ino acted quickly.

Ino just needs to keep an eye on Wei En. With Karya helping to watch, the task is relatively simple

On Lux's side, it is more troublesome to understand the situation of elemental infection - she has to talk to the families of patients with elemental infection one by one to understand the situation.

Fortunately, Lacus is a patient with social psoriasis after all, and this is not a problem for her. When chatting with the caravan owner before, she asked about the area where these elements infested the patient under the pretext of "worrying about infection".

"I told you that the disease is not contagious!" The caravan owner was annoyed and amused by Lux's caution, and finally he could only say helplessly, "If you are worried... just stay away from the XC area!"

So, after putting down her luggage at the hotel, Lacus put Chalikar on her back and headed straight to the XC area.


Although a military fortified city on a mountain pass, Forsbarrow's city size is quite large.

In order to be able to block the entire mountain pass, Fossbarrow City wasted a lot of manpower and material resources when it was built. The area of ​​the entire city can almost compete with that of Demacia Xiong.

It's a pity that the unique high-altitude mountainous environment restricts the development of Fossbarrow. Although the city is large enough, the population in the city is not large. Walking on the streets, Lacus even saw many uninhabited courtyards being transformed It looks like a farmland - farming in the city, this luxurious land use method is simply jaw-dropping.

Although before entering the city, Lacus also felt the difficulty of farming in Fosbarrow when she saw the farmland opened up on the beach of the Glacier River outside the city, but she never expected that there would be people farming in the city here!
Just when Lux was surprised, there was a sound of jingling bells from the corner of the street in front of her. This sound was quite familiar to Lax. In the caravan she was following, the cows pulling carts wore Ringing the bell, this sound will appear when you move your steps.

So, this is the caravan's ox cart coming?
Lux, who heard the bell, was moved: She had already walked around the block, and there was no place that looked like a business store around. Considering that the boss said that he had bought a lot of holy water... Could it be that the bullock cart is Did you bring holy water?

Thinking of this, Lacus swiftly hid in a nearby courtyard that had been turned into a vegetable field, and carefully looked out from the crack of the courtyard door.

Sure enough, as Lacus guessed, the caravan's clerk carefully removed the holy water sealed in jars from the bullock cart, sent it to a courtyard on the street, and then came out with a bulging bag .

Back on the ox cart, the man took out a piece of parchment and a quill pen, breathed out towards the tip of the pen, quickly ticked it, then sat back on the cart, drove the old cow, and walked slowly next one.

It seems that there are patients with elemental infection in this family!
After thinking about it, he took Chalikar from behind, took off the cloak, completely wrapped the cross blade, and put it on his back again.

The cross blade wrapped in layers does not look like a weapon, but rather looks like a magic weapon.

This is what Lux wanted. She tore off the headband, let her long golden hair hang down completely, and showed a gentle and compassionate smile on her face—after making these preparations, she finally came to the target yard In front of him, he gently knocked on the courtyard door.

"Is anyone there?" Lax asked loudly, "I'm a trainee of the Illuminati, here to remind you of the precautions for using holy water!"

After a while, the courtyard door was opened with a gap, and a shriveled old woman poked her head out.

Maybe it's because Lux looks "precious" enough, or maybe it's because Lux is a girl. Although she hesitated, she still opened the courtyard door.

"A trainee from the Illuminati? Please come in." The old woman said in a hoarse voice, "I am sorry to trouble you to make this trip."

"No trouble, no trouble." Hearing this, Lux waved her hands again and again, "Forsbarrow's caravan bought a lot of holy water, and they also said that there is a strange disease that needs holy water to cure. Come over and have a look, and also guide the use of holy water - holy water is precious, if it is not used properly, it will not only be wasted, but the effect will be greatly reduced."

"Is that so?" The old lady's cloudy eyes finally seemed to be dimly lit, "Please sit down, please wait a moment, there is still some barley tea at home, I don't know if you are used to it..."

"No, no, no." Lux shook her head and said, "Let me see the patient first, the treatment is important!"

"Oh, oh!" The old woman who opened the cupboard to look for tea bags nodded, "Miss Priest, come with me."

Saying that, the old woman led Lacus through the hall and came to the back bedroom.

"I'm really sorry, this place hasn't been cleaned up since Bull fell down." The old woman opened the door with some embarrassment, "Please sit down, please sit down, Bull is on the bed."

Lux nodded, came to the bed, and looked at the young man lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

This was a tall guy, and judging from his skeletal frame, he should be quite a strong person-but at this time, due to the dark skin color and the emaciated bed rest, he looked more like a skeleton.

"Let me see." Lux narrowed his eyes slightly, and put his hand on his arm, "Well, the skin is still elastic, so it shouldn't be a big problem—how long has his condition lasted?"

"It's been almost two months?" The old woman said sadly, "I don't know what's going on, the day before I was working hard for others, but the next night I couldn't sleep..."

"Don't be nervous, old man." While comforting the old woman, Lux summoned a twilight light under the cover of Chalikar, and stuck it on Bull's skin, "You took good care of him, Although he doesn't seem to have eaten much, at least he turns over frequently."

"Once every morning and evening." Speaking of this, the old woman forced a smile on her face, "I can't do too much as an old woman, the most I can do is to help him turn over more and wipe his body so that he doesn't get bedsores... Is Bull okay?"

"His condition is not bad." Lux quietly dissipated the light in his hand, "For this kind of dark curse, holy water is the most effective for it!"

"Really, that's great!" Although there is a precedent for holy water to cure this symptom, the old woman was relieved to confirm this from the mouth of a professional, "The specific requirements of holy water How can I use it better?"

"Pour a small amount on the towel and just wipe his body for him. Don't take it internally." Lacus stood up and gave the "doctor's order" decently, "One time with holy water, one time with clean water, wipe it at intervals, and dry it You can just wipe it—be careful to turn over more while wiping to prevent bed sores.”

"Holy water once, clear water once." The old woman nodded hurriedly, and then raised her head hesitantly, "Miss Priest, I only bought one jar of holy water, if I wipe it like this, I'm afraid it won't last for a few days... Can you tell me?" Old woman, is a pot of holy water enough for my child?"

"It's enough, it's definitely enough, even half a jar can't be used up." Lux held the old man's hand, with a gentle smile on his face, "Don't worry, he will be awake by this time tomorrow at most come over."

"Really, this is really great." The old woman's lips trembled excitedly, "Thank you so much, kind priestess..."

"This is what I should do." Lacus waved his hand, "I heard that this disease is very common in Forsbarrow, can you tell me where he went and what he did before he became ill? ?”

"He didn't do anything." Speaking of this topic, the old woman's expression was helpless and aggrieved, "Just going to work outside the city as usual..."

The old woman described Bull's itinerary the day before in detail, and Lacus wrote it down one by one, and after inquiring about the next patient nearby, she got up to leave.

Leaving the small courtyard, Lacus ran towards the next house following the old lady's guidance, and took out the notebook she carried with her to draw a sketch.

Cartography Lacus has also briefly dabbled in it. Although she is not yet a professional cartographer, it is still possible to simply record the patient's movement trajectory.

After finishing all this, Lux quickly arrived at the next house.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Lacus tidied up her appearance, and knocked on the door again, "I am a trainee priest of the Illuminati, here to guide the use of holy water..."


By posing as a trainee priest of the Illuminati, Lacus spent a day visiting more than a dozen families with patients with elemental erosion on the grounds of instructing the use of holy water.

According to the owner of the caravan, at least a hundred people collapsed and became unconscious in this wave of strange diseases in Forsbarrow. The number of patients was too large for Lux to visit all of them, so he could only sample as randomly as possible.

In the homes of these patients, Lacus not only provided some medical advice, but also investigated the physical conditions of these patients in detail and asked them about their movement trajectories.

Not all family members of the patient are as talkative as the first old woman. Some people have doubts about Lacus's identity and wonder if Lacus has other plans.

However, Lacus does not sell medicine or make money, but only provides guidance on the use of holy water, sees the patient's condition, and learns about the cause of this strange disease by the way, so even if she has doubts in her heart, the patient's family finally cooperated with her investigation .

Through such household visits and investigations, Lacus's notebook densely recorded a large amount of first-hand information.

When the twilight fell on the ground and the sun was setting, Lux finally returned to the hotel.

Eno, Wayne and Frey are not here.

Although a little curious about where they went, Lacus calmed down, spread out a piece of parchment, and began to draw a sketch of Fossbarrow.

When the willows are on the moon, a simple map is drawn.

Referring to the records in the notebook, Lux began to draw the movement trajectories of those elements infected patients.

Looking at the dense charcoal traces, Lux frowned helplessly.

It's too messy, there are many repeated tracks, and there is not enough reference value.

More than a dozen households are still too few - I'm afraid I will have to run for another day tomorrow to find enough data to make a judgment.

Looking at the messy simple map drawn by herself, Lacus finally threw away the charcoal pencil and rubbed her temples with some headaches.

At this moment, she really missed Karya very much.

When conducting economic surveys in Piltover, Kalya almost surveyed and produced data at the same time. He was fast and accurate in data processing.

Now without Kalya's help, Lux handles the data by herself, which is really a pain in the head.

Well, I don't know what's going on with Ino, did Wei En find the demon?

Vayne didn't find the demon.

Although Wei En became more and more anxious after coming to Fossbarrow, and the Devil's Seed was clearly showing signs of breaking ground, but her rationality was still there, and she didn't directly "follow the feeling" rashly.

When Lux left the hotel to investigate, Wayne hired a few people to unload the mess from her car.

Silver powder, amulets, holy water, magic stones, whetstones, weapons, eternal flames, bait cutters and fish oil...

Seeing the same equipment, Ino was dumbfounded.

In order to get revenge, Wei En can be said to have dissipated all her wealth. She has prepared quite a lot of things that are effective against demons and magic.

Although it seems that the weapon used by Wei En is just an ordinary crossbow, her crossbow is not an ordinary product - the main material of the crossbow arm is unknown to Yinuo, but the material of the crossbow string is very familiar to her.

Yalong's tendons!
Moreover, Wei En's crossbow arrows are not vulgar products, they are handcrafted arrows, and each arrow has hidden grooves specially used to carry the magic stone powder, holy silver powder, and holy water under the arrowhead.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Vayne has the means to target almost all types of mages!

(Of course, for a spellcaster of Ino's level, even if Vayne is ready, it may not make much sense-the forbidden magic stone powder can indeed cause trouble for Ino, but the effect is quite limited.)
It wasn't until it was getting late that Wei En packed up all the equipment and items.

Putting on the leather armor made of sea worm skin, carrying the expensive crossbow on his back, and putting on a cloak mixed with silver threads, Wei En finally set off and left the hotel.

Worried about something going wrong, Frey followed Wei En silently.

Ino followed far behind Frey.

In this way, the three of them made a big circle around Fossbarrow in the dark night.

The desire for revenge is high, and Vayne can't wait to nail the demon with a crossbow bolt, and then kill Ino with her.

But unfortunately, after a busy night, Wei En got nothing.

 Carya's Small Classroom, Priest of the Illuminati:

  The priests of the Illuminati often play the role of doctors and priests in Demacia. They accept alms and help the sick for a fee. They all stared at them very closely.

  It is okay to cure diseases and save lives, but it is not enough to further expand its influence.

(End of this chapter)

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