Lux's Farewell

382 Elemental Big Data [0378]

382 Elemental Big Data [0378]

On the first day, neither Lux nor Ino got anything.

Lacus's data is insufficient, and the results cannot be analyzed. She still needs to continue to visit.

On Yinuo's side, it depends on Vayne's state and when the devil's seed will germinate.

It is really not an easy task to find the entrance to the Shadow Realm and catch the clues of the demon's actions.

The next day, Lux and Ino continued to go their separate ways.

Lux still visited Fossbarrow's families of patients suffering from elemental erosion one by one as a trainee missionary.

Since the holy water at the caravan was distributed yesterday, when we visited today, several patients with relatively mild symptoms and relatively shallow infection levels have gradually regained consciousness.

Asking the patient's family members is obviously not as straightforward as asking the patient. Through these sober patients, Lacus finally gradually got a clue about the entrance to the Shadow Realm.

On Ino's side, Wei En, who was searching around, seemed to sense something, and gradually narrowed the scope of her search to a narrow area - she sensed something unusual here, but she couldn't find the specific one. problem lies in.

When the sun was setting and Lux ​​and Ino joined together, they summed up what they had learned today. By comparing the two, they found out that whether it was the patient's movement track or the range of Wei En's lingering, They all point to the old barracks in the southwestern city of Fossbarrow.

Old Camp, as the name suggests, is where the Forsbarrow garrison used to be.

But this was also a matter of hundreds of years ago—later on the cliff next to the old camp, occasionally gravel rolled down, and the camp was not safe to live in, so the garrison of Forsbarrow moved to another place to live.

At that time, the nobles of Fossbarrow also did not fall down. After the garrison left the old camp, they simply moved into the inner city manor of the noble lord. Anyway, the transportation here is convenient, condescending, and there is still enough space for training. , isn't it beautiful?

After the garrison moved away, the old camp was naturally abandoned—although it was uninhabitable due to falling rocks, the place was still inside the city anyway, and the Fossbarrow people opened up farmland on the site of the camp and built a A vegetable bed.

And most of the people who have symptoms of elemental infection have been to that patch of vegetables.

Some of these people go there to work, some go there to buy vegetables, and some just pass by there.

Although the vegetable patch is usually crowded with people, it is not a secluded place, and many people who have been there have not experienced elemental infection, but considering the proportion of the sample, Lux still thinks something is wrong there.

And this point is also reflected in Yinuo's side - Wei En wandered around the southwest of the city for a long time, but found nothing.

Having come to this conclusion, Lacus and Ino agreed that they need to go over there to have a look.


Taking advantage of Wei En's busy day and starting to rest exhausted, Lacus and Ino set off together and rushed towards the old camp.

Along the way, the two suddenly discovered that although this place is located in the southwest corner of Fossbarrow, it is not remote at all.

Since this is a relatively large vegetable bed in the city, it can supply a lot of fresh vegetables. The place in the old camp that used to be the residence of the military camp has now been transformed into a market.

When Lacus and Ino came here, it was the busiest time for the night market—summer is the gathering time for trade, and businessmen who went to various places to do business have returned to Forsbarrow one after another in recent days, so this In the night market, in addition to the usual small vendors, there are also many big merchants who are also clearing their stocks.

Even in the night market, Lacus and Ino saw members of the caravan when they came. They set up a large stall, selling all kinds of goods brought back from Xiongdu in Demacia.

A guy recognized Lacus and waved his hand to greet her, and Lacus also smiled and exchanged greetings with him.

From these guys, Lacus learned that the summer market in Fossbarrow seems to be a bit sluggish this year—perhaps because many families have spent their savings to buy holy water, and a lot of daily necessities and goods from Xiongdu There are some exquisite things that cannot be bought.

Obviously, for Fossbarrow, the impact of the elemental infection is quite large. If this problem cannot be resolved, the city may be further ruined, and eventually the entire Fossbarrow will be completely turned into a military camp.

Rejecting the other party's gift, Lacus and Ino walked from the street to the corner arm in arm.

Although it seemed that the two of them were wandering in the night market, in fact, every hundred steps, they would consciously check the concentration of elements around them to see if there was anything wrong.

As a result, after walking around, neither Lux nor Ino found anything amiss. Everything seemed to be normal here, and there was nothing amiss. The concentration of elements was relatively low like most places in Demacia.

In this environment, there will be absolutely no elemental infection!

Could it be just a coincidence?
The night is getting darker.

The magistrate beat the gong and began to urge the hawkers to close their stalls.

Hearing the crisp sound of the gong drifting farther and farther away in the night, Lacus and Ino glanced at each other, and both of them suddenly realized something.

Maybe the position here is right, but the timing of the two is wrong!
In a night market where people come and go, if there is a high concentration of elements or the entrance to the shadow realm appears at this time, there will be more than 100 patients infected by the elements.

It must be because the element concentration is too high to cause element infection only at certain times!

Realizing this, Lacus and Ino quickly returned to the hotel, and compared the time when the patient came here by comparing the data of Lacus' investigation.

Then, what made the two of them helpless was that some of these patients came to Laoyingfang in the morning, some at noon, and some in the afternoon. The time was uneven and irregular.

Looking at the data she had painstakingly summed up just now, Lacus was dumbfounded.

"Although it seems ridiculous to have no rules, sometimes, the rules just seem to be irregular." Just when Lacus doubted herself, Kalya finally said, "Now that the most suspicious place has been confirmed, then Why don't you just sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit, and take a look at it?"

"Wait for the rabbit?"

"The opening of the secondary plane may not be regular in time, so if you want to find clues, sometimes you need to use some stupid methods, and it's not shameful!"


Lux didn't agree immediately, but carefully checked her own records and compared Wei En's abnormal movements before, and finally confirmed that it was the old camp that was indeed the most suspicious.

That being the case...

Then follow what Karya said, wait and see in a stupid way!

Leaving Ino watching Wei En, Lux left the hotel alone and went straight to the old camp.

When she arrived, the night market had already disbanded, and the rubbish all over the floor was only roughly collected and piled up in the corner so casually.

Finding a low platform, Lux leaned on it with a cloak on, and then slightly closed her eyes.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Unknowingly, the time was already in the middle of the moon—when a breeze blew, Lacus, who seemed to be in a trance before, finally frowned and opened her eyes.

She sensed an uncomfortable feeling.

Stretching out her hand, the shadow enveloped her like ink, the moonlight was bright tomorrow, but she couldn't see her fingers clearly.

Even without conducting an element concentration test, Lux has already determined that the element concentration here is definitely beyond the standard!

Just when Lux stood up and began to search for more clues, a person's footsteps came from the entrance of the market.

"When the sky is bright and the moon is bright." With a crossbow on his back, Wei En held up a torch and shredded the sticky darkness, "I came at the right time!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Market:
  In Demacia, trading houses are places where nobles can afford to spend. For commoners, if they want to buy something, a better choice is to go to various private markets.

  Demacia, which doesn't pay much attention to business, has very loose control over the private market. The markets in the suburbs of cities and towns are almost all local self-government, and the order is maintained by respected arbitrators to undertake the most basic material exchange needs.

  PS. There is one more chapter in the middle of the night, and it will be the Shadow Realm soon!

(End of this chapter)

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