Lux's Farewell

Chapter 383 [0379] The most foul darkness, the shadow of immortality

Chapter 383 [0379] The most foul darkness, the shadow of immortality

Wei En's appearance is undoubtedly a "double authentication".

Then, just when Lux was about to lean over and join Ino who was following Vayne, Vayne unloaded the crossbow on her back, extinguished the torch, rolled on the spot and disappeared into the darkness .

Lux immediately illuminated the place where Vayne disappeared, but there was nothing there, without any trace.

Due to the chaos of the elements, the light even tended to be distorted. For a moment, Lux couldn't judge whether Wei En simply used some method to hide her figure, or found the entrance to that sub-plane and entered the sub-plane. .

To be cautious, Lux approached the place where Vayne disappeared carefully, and waited there obediently.

After a few breaths, Frey arrived.

Behind Frey, Ino with a saber also arrived quickly.

"Vayne disappeared here, and disappeared after rolling on the spot once." Lux told Ino about what happened just now, "It was very abrupt, and there was no trace in the field of vision of the elements."

Ino nodded expressionlessly, but was actually waiting for Karya's response.

"The elements here are disordered, and there is a high probability that it is the entrance to the Shadow Realm." Kalya naturally understood what Lacus meant, and immediately gave a conclusion, "Thinking about your previous simulation training, my world is a personal secondary place. noodle."

"We entered the simulated training through the magic circuit carved on the forbidden magic stone." Ino's heart moved slightly, "Is there something similar around here?"

"That's right, there must be an anchor point to anchor the subplane and the real world!" Kalya said firmly, "In the case of disordered elements, this anchor point is hard to find, but there is definitely a trace to follow!"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus and Ino's hearts were instantly settled.

Unknown things, unknown situations can be tricky.

But if there are traces and examples to prove this matter, it will be much simpler!
Anchor to the present world, right?
Like a human-shaped searchlight, Lux's palm lit up with a strong light.

The radiant brilliance dispelled the nearby shadows, and Frey, who was at a loss, was stunned.

Doesn't this little girl use a crossblade?
How do you look, is also a mage?
Isn't Demacia a kingdom of forbidden magic? Why does the density of one or two mages seem to be higher than that of the Freljord?

At this moment, Frey's head was full of question marks.

Unfortunately, now is clearly not the time to ask this question.

Just now, Lacus and Ino did not avoid her during the short exchange - although Frey couldn't hear Kaya's words, she at least knew that the two seemed to be looking for the reason for Vayne's disappearance!

Moreover, judging from the appearance that seems to have been prepared for a long time... It seems that they have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

No wonder she always felt that Yinuo was indifferent to her before, so it turned out that her target was not herself at all, but Wei En!

But, what did they care about about Wei En?
Could it be that these two people also want to hunt demons?
Seeing Lux and Ino, who were using various means to find the location where Vayne might disappear, Frey felt suspicious.


Lacus and Ino naturally didn't have the mood and time to care about Frey's thoughts.

Under Karya's guidance, the two quickly swept across the entire nearby area using the knowledge they had learned about space and planes.

Everything looks normal, there are no strange lines on the ground, and there is nothing abnormal around - although Lux and Ino can't remember clearly what each stall looks like when they are "walking the night market" , but at least under the strong light, everything is harmonious in the shadows of this dark area.

Turning around, seeing the shadow tend to fade, Lacus and Ino were a little anxious.

What's the problem?
It's not like the entrance to the sub-plane is only revealed at the moment when Wei En disappears, right?

Although the basic theory of magic of the two is very solid, Carya's lectures are only a little dabbled in knowledge about space, time, and planes. Facing this situation, they are a little confused after all.

However, Carya has discovered the crux of the problem.

"Turn off the light, Lux." When Lux and Ino were at a loss, Kalya finally said, "Look into the shadows——under strong light, there are many things that cannot be seen."

Turn off the light?

Kalya's words surprised Lacus. For a light magician, light is the source of security, especially in such a situation that looks weird at first sight, with the light in his hand, he doesn't panic.

When the light is turned off, it always makes people feel a little creepy!

However, out of trust in Kalya, Lux nodded, and then dispersed the light in her palm.

The light went out, and the surroundings were pitch black.

Then, just when Lacus was wondering, she was surprised to find that although the surroundings were pitch black, there was actually a gap between light and darkness between pitch black and pitch black!
There are always areas that are "darker than pitch black"!
Without Lux's reminder, Eno also discovered this by her side. The two of them carefully looked at the surrounding darkness, and were pleasantly surprised to find that the darkness that seemed to be able to absorb everything had actually faintly transformed into an incomparably huge dharma. Array!

Moreover, what surprised them even more was that the shape of this magic circle looked very familiar!
"It's really interesting, I've never heard of it." When Lacus and Ino carefully looked at the magic circle, Kalya also spoke again, his tone full of surprise, "This is really man-made Secondary plane!"

With Karya's guidance, Lacus and Ino quickly found the entrance to this secondary plane.

"Should we go in directly?" Lux asked, staring at the astonishing darkness in front of her, "Is this the consciousness space or the physical space?"

"In reality, the sub-plane magic circle just now is very stable and can carry the body into it—Won't Wayne disappear." Carya's tone was very relieved, as if he appreciated Lux's caution, "Let's go, let's go It should be the entrance to the Shadow Realm... It's really interesting, the Shadow Realm is actually man-made!"


Lacus and Ino didn't speak, but walked forward hand in hand, and then, like Feng Xu riding the wind, stepped into the dark shadow and crashed into the lightless barrier.


When they opened their eyes again, both Lacus and Ino felt as if they had come to another world.

The feeling of climbing Mount Targon came back again, and a never-before-seen energy around them was eroding their bodies.

"This is shadow energy." Karya reminded immediately, "Don't accept it like you accept the radiance of the heavens, reject it as much as possible, and don't be infected by it!"

"What will happen if you get infected?" Lux asked in a relaxed tone while covering her body with an Aphotic Shield, "Well, the shadow energy here doesn't seem to be very strong. "

"It can't be compared with the brilliant sky." Karya couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, "But believe me, when a mortal is in it, his body will soon decay and slowly transform into a shadow form."

"Shadow form? Elemental body?" Lux blinked, trying hard to distinguish the surrounding scene, "Like the body you want me to help reshape?"

"The shadow element is not the usual earth, water, fire, and wind." Kalya explained, "The body shaped by the shadow element full of negative energy can only be described as weird... There is one in front of you, you can take a look."

Lux tried to open her eyes wide, but she couldn't see clearly at all.

Instead, beside her, Ino made a "Hey, that's disgusting" sound.

"Did you see anything?" Lux was a little anxious, "Why do I only see darkness?"

"It's luckier not to see it." Ino's tone was quite subtle. "Is this the shadow creature Kalya mentioned? Why are there eyeballs and tentacles everywhere!"

Ino's description made Lux's hair stand on end--you would feel sick if you saw it, but it would be a bit scary if you couldn't see it.

"It's time for a bright light." Kalya reminded, "Don't use a strong light, just a dim light will do."

Lux let out a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and the shield on her body that prevented the erosion of shadow energy lighted up slightly, and she was finally able to see a little more clearly within three steps.

Then Lux knew why Ino said "it's so disgusting".

Although the shadow creature closest to her ran away like hell after seeing the light, judging from its "back view"—if it had a front and back—it was indeed distorted to a certain extent.

Just judging from its escaping posture, it looks like an octopus writhing on the ground!
Moreover, it is still an octopus running alternately with eye stalks and tentacles!

A tingling sensation hit her scalp, and Lux ​​felt her goosebumps stand up.

"Don't be afraid just because of its appearance." Carya seemed to feel Lacus's mood, and said helplessly, "Fear is also a very dangerous negative energy, and it is likely to cause trouble in this subplane—— Let's go, let's go around and look for the traces left by Wayne."

"What the hell is this place!" Lux clung to Ino tightly, while uneasily looking at the real darkness within three steps, "Kalya, tell me about the shadow... Do I now understand that knowledge is power!"

"Unfortunately, I don't know much about shadows." Contrary to Lux's expectations, Kalya gave a helpless answer, "How should I put it... I am personally more sensitive to the erosion of negative energy, so can I help you? If you touch it, try not to touch it as much as possible, so I don’t know much about things like shadow energy.”

"What about the Shadow Plane?" Lux continued to ask, "What are the characteristics of this plane? Tell me about it?"

"When I was active, there was no such plane." Carya's tone was a little subtle, "That's why I said that this is a man-made sub-plane—at least a man-made sub-plane."


Lux is a little self-conscious.

"Thinking about the good, since this place is man-made, you can always handle it." After hitting Lacus twice in a row, Kalya finally comforted her, "Next, you will face the filthy darkness, not The Shadow of Destruction, this is an experience that mortals will never have in their lifetime—in short, welcome to the world of shadows!"

 Carya's Small Classroom · Negative Energy:
  In Runeterra, negative energy is a proper term, referring to chaotic, highly corrosive, and assimilative evil energy.

  Negative energy does not exist alone, but many elements have a negative energy aspect, but the shadow element is the most obvious in this aspect.

  If I have to describe it, the essence of negative energy is probably...entropy increase?
(End of this chapter)

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