Lux's Farewell

385 Eternal war [0381]

385 Eternal war [0381]

Demons are born of extreme emotions and feed on extreme emotions. Naturally, there is no need to talk about morals when dealing with this kind of guy—so, Lak joined the battlefield without hesitation, and stood directly on the side of the human soul .

However, what Lux didn't expect was that this demon seemed extraordinarily "cowardly".

After she wiped out a lot of Shadow Blades, the ferocious demon suddenly stopped, no longer continuing to attack the fortress, but suspended in midair, threatening viciously.

"It's too late for you to act, the winner of this eternal war will only be me!" His voice was sharp and piercing, as if two pieces of rough metal rubbing against each other made the scalp tingle, "The cage of the plane is also closed!" Can't stand me, Demacia... this land is destined to be a paradise of nightmares, a paradise of nightmares!"

"Wishful thinking!" A soul dressed as a commander stood on the top of the city and said solemnly, "We will stand here forever, even if the mountains and rivers become flat land and the hills become oceans!"

"Hahahahaha, small human beings who only know big talk, you are ridiculously stubborn." In the midair, the devil's face twisted, "Times have changed, the sea has changed, your country may have been destroyed by war ——Get out of the way, I will give you one last chance, you can become the messengers of the nightmare, and you don't have to suffer eternal torment in this eternal war..."

"We are the fearless pioneers, we are the nemesis of darkness, our bodies are immortal, and our souls are eternal!" Facing the temptation of the devil, the commander did not waver at all, "This world of shadows is your prison, and we are the guards. Your jailer, come on, continue to attack, and see if you will consume our souls first, or we will use up your energy first!"

"Stubbornly obsessed!" The demon grinned, and turned to look at Lux who was approaching the fortress. "Or, is this your reinforcements and your confidence to resist?"

The demon waved its pitch-black claws, and the surrounding black mist dissipated a lot.

The souls who had just fought a fierce battle with the devil realized that before they knew it, a newcomer whom they had never seen before was about to come outside the fortress.

"We have newcomers again!" The commander was the first to hold up a dusty banner, and shouted excitedly to the surrounding soldiers, "Look at her golden hair, she is definitely one of us! Maybe She's still a good girl from our Light Shield family!"

"Don't talk about it, didn't Jacka say that before, there is no princess in this generation of Light Shield family!"

"Speaking of which, what about Jacka? He might even know this newcomer!"

"He was the first to contact the enemy just now, and he should still be waiting for recovery."

"Report your name, girl, from now on, you are a member of the Fearless Pioneer!"



After seeing the "newcomers", these soul warriors became more and more excited one by one. They found a ladder and threw it down from the wall of the fortress. This asks that.

There are many types of these problems, but they are all related to the current Demacia.

Lux, who only had one mouth, couldn't answer at all, and could only wave her hand to Ino who was carefully watching the battle from a distance—she urgently needed Kalya's off-field support.

However, before Ino brought Kalya over, a familiar voice came from above the city.

"Come here... who is calling me?"

The next moment, an extremely familiar face poked out from the crenel.

"Little Lacus!" The mixed emotions of joy and sadness spread on this unshaven face, which looked somewhat funny, "You...why did you come here?"

"Uncle?!" Lux rubbed her eyes in surprise, "Your soul is still there!"


The demon outside the fort seemed very happy to see Lux and Ino enter the fortress—it kindly made way for Ino, allowing them to step on the soft ladder and reach the city wall very smoothly.

Then, before Lux could speak to his uncle Jacka, the demon giggled.

Amidst the laughter, it summoned a pitch-black shadow, which directly attacked Lux ​​and Ino.

The menacing shadow seemed to come very quickly, but in fact it was weak and weak, and almost dissipated by itself when it touched the bodies of Lux and Ino.

But the ripples from the magic shields on their bodies couldn't be faked.

"Look, you stubborn fools!" The devil said happily, "They are not souls like you, but they are real people, and they are the mages that you Demacians hate the most - Demacia, who forbids demons. It’s not what it used to be, the bravery you think is just guarding the door for the mage!"


"Even if I don't go out, Demacia will definitely become a land of nightmares!" Amidst the silence of the crowd, the demon's tone was extremely excited, "The people of Demacia will recall the horror of being dominated by the spellcaster—— That will be an unforgettable endless nightmare when I dream back at midnight!"

Under the whispers of the devil, the expressions of the souls who fought bravely in the fortress changed drastically, and the expressions they looked at Lux and Ino also became subtle.

It seems that for them, mages are as terrifying as demons.

The joy of being reunited with her loved ones vanished at this moment——Lax stared blankly at the appearance of these soul warriors in front of her, and her whole body froze.

"What's going on, little Lux." Jacka also frowned, and said in disbelief, "What's wrong with you?"

"I've awakened my magic talent." Facing her own uncle, Lacus chose to be honest, "Now, I'm here to find you—"

"You can't take my soldiers away!" Before Lux finished speaking, the commander who was the first to raise the flag to welcome her was the first to stand up to object, "Jaca is a member of the Fearless Vanguard , he wants to stop the devil with us here! Even if you are his relative, you can't take him away!"

"Uncle is not dead!" Lux shook his head, explaining helplessly, "He suffered a vicious curse, his soul was exiled here, and his body has not decayed yet..."

"But he has made an oath to protect the Shadow Realm." The commander shook his head, "Dedicate his soul and glory to endless wars, eternal life, immortality."

Lacus was a little dumbfounded.

"Besides, you are still a spellcaster." The commander continued, "Jacka is a noble warrior, he brought us glorious news from the younger generation, and brought us hope that we can continue to persevere, so I may not Think you're a mean fellow - but Jacka has joined us, and must not leave!"

"You just claimed to be the Fearless Pioneer, right?" Lux, who was a little confused, tried to figure out the relationship, "Is it the Fearless Pioneer I know?"

"If Demacia is still here, it will be the same Fearless Vanguard." The commander raised his head proudly, "Maybe you have never heard of our name, but we are here!"

"The first generation of fearless pioneers, the first batch of names in the Hall of Valor, I know you." Lux took her saber, "Crownguard, Light Shield, Sunstrider, Selin... I have seen yours before. names, and your statues."

"There is no need to say more about compliments." Although, under Kalya's reminder, Lacus reported the surnames of many people like the names of dishes, but the commander's attitude is still full of vigilance, "The stories of the younger generations are all related to Jacka. We've talked, and I'm glad Demacia is still thriving, but I'm sorry, but your uncle is doomed not to leave here."

"In order to fight against the demon?" Lux turned her head and looked at the demon face in mid-air as if watching a good show, "I just saw the battle between you."

"That's right, Jacka needs to stay here and fight with us." The commander nodded and said in a natural tone, "Every ounce of strength is precious... If you really have the heart, then please come here After leaving this world, go to the noble council and ask for a sacrificial ceremony. Recently, the shadow world seems to be not very peaceful, and it is difficult for us to sustain it."

Sacrifice ceremony?

Lux didn't remember hearing the name before.

Fortunately, Karya knew this ritual very well, and immediately explained it to Lacus after the commander spoke.

"The sacrificial ceremony is an ancient ceremony in Demacia. It is probably to pass a series of complicated rituals or bury seriously injured warriors."

"So, the sacrifice ceremony will send the recipient's soul here?" Lux narrowed his eyes, "And then guard the exit of the Shadow Realm with these people?"

"It seems so." Kalya affirmed Lux's guess, "However, I heard about the sacrificial ceremony when I was sober last time. In your era, even the most obscure noble ritual It is not mentioned in the scriptures... So, I have reason to suspect that the sacrifice ceremony has been lost in the current Demacia."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus instantly realized the seriousness of the problem, and she looked at the commander in front of her with a serious expression.

"May I ask, when was the last sacrificial ceremony?"

"There is no time here." The commander shook his head, "If I have to say it, the time from the last sacrifice ceremony to Jacka's arrival is probably more than ten times the time since Jacka's arrival--it's a pity that the sacrifice ceremony sent It was a coward, and it wore off in no time... Tell me, little girl, how long has Jacka been here?"

"Nine years." Lux rubbed her temples, "In other words, Demacia has not held a sacrifice ceremony for at least 100 years."

Hearing what Lacus said, many soul warriors looked at each other and realized that something was wrong.

"Little girl." Although he still doesn't fully trust Lacus, the commander has no other better way now, "I don't know what method you used to cross the barrier of the plane...but I hope you can go and Now the king speaks, the Dauntless needs sacrifice rituals, otherwise the demon may escape - the Dauntless wears down too badly."

When the commander had no choice but to speak, the demon who had been watching coldly laughed again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Its laughter was full of joy, as if it was very satisfied with the current scene, "Stubborn people, you see, you have long been forgotten, and the kingdom you guard no longer remembers you The existence of you, the honor you hold on to has dissipated in time—it’s really sad, fighting with me didn’t wear away your will, but outside of this world, you have no reinforcements.”

"Shut up, devil!" The commander turned his head and raised his head high towards the devil, "This is exactly the meaning of our battle. Soldiers defend against the enemy in the dark, and civilians even forget about war. This is exactly what we like to see. Things!"

"Why bother?" The demon shook the dense black mist, showing a look of pity, "Let me out, so that people will remember the sacrifices you made. When the nightmare comes, those ignorant people I will find bits and pieces of your past from the pile of old papers, and draw every bit of sad sense of security from it... For you, this is the true meaning of existence!"



It seems that it has become a common practice for the two sides to talk to each other. The demon and the commander changed the fighting into a literary fight, and they started talking to each other when they came and went.

Taking advantage of this time, Lacus silently communicated with Ino and Kalya, and the three worked together to deduce a lot of information about this fortress.

The Shadow Realm doesn't erode souls, so Demacia, through a somewhat cruel sacrifice ceremony a long time ago, let the most heroic and fearless warriors come to the Shadow Realm in the form of souls, where they guard the exit from this world.

The demon in front of them should be the main object of their defense.

Although I don't know why this demon can't leave in other ways, but it must be because of some kind of restriction... In short, even if these soul warriors in the Shadow Realm are crushed by the demon, they can still recover in the fortress. Through this infinite resurrection tactic, they successfully stopped the demons who wanted to leave here.

However, this obstruction is not without cost.

Every death is a wear and tear for the soul.

According to the commander, the more heroic and determined the soul, the more able to bear this wear and tear; while those cowardly and unstable souls are easily worn out in battle after battle.

This nightmare demon seemed to know something about Demacia, so he took the initiative to let Lacus and Ino come over, hoping to use their identities as mages and outsiders to actively influence these soul warriors and consume their souls.

And judging from the current situation... this cunning demon is likely to succeed.

Lux, who was silently paying attention to the surrounding situation, has keenly noticed that the bodies of several soul warriors in the crowd have dimmed a lot.

 Karya's Little Classroom Sacrifice and Soul Binding:
  The essence of the sacrificial ritual is actually a rather evil black magic: the human soul is stripped out and sent to the Shadow Realm, and fixed on the soul-binding magic circle. The manipulator of the magic circle can torture these souls at will. The torture never stops.

  However, the first generation of fearless vanguard warriors used the true fearless spirit to turn this terrible black magic into a means to fight against demons. Through repeated painful rebirths, the immortal soul resisted the demon's impact and trapped the nightmare in the shadow world.

  PS. There is another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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