Lux's Farewell

Chapter 386 [0382] The Nightmare of Eternal Night

Chapter 386 [0382] The Nightmare of Eternal Night

The cunning demon took advantage of Lux's mage status to make a big fuss.

Although because of Jacka, the soul warriors did not have much rejection of Lacus, but the successive arrival of Lacus and Jacka gave the soul warriors guarding here a relatively clear judgment on time. This is pretty deadly.

The soul fighters who can persevere until now and have been fighting demons are all extremely tough-willed people without exception.

Ordinary life and death are not considered pain at all to them.

Just like the oath they made when they joined the Fearless Pioneer, they have long been prepared to sacrifice their souls here, and ordinary words will not cause any confusion.

What really consumed their souls was the cruel reality that the sacrificial ceremony was forgotten and the follow-up reinforcements could not make up for it.

These tenacious fighters don't care whether their names are still remembered, and they can also accept their children and grandchildren's own blessings-in the long years of fighting against demons, what supports them is no longer personal honor and disgrace, but standing on the side of human beings. From a perspective, it is the responsibility to seal the devil forever.

We are not for our own selfishness, but to protect all mankind!
Even if our souls are exhausted in endless wars, there will still be brave descendants who, in the name of fearless pioneers, stand on the front line against demons—and this is what truly supports them in life and death. The pillar belief of admitting defeat and not giving up!
But now, even though the commander is still trying to refute it with the devil, this Optimus Prime has been subtly shaken.

If the sacrificial ceremony is forgotten and there are no reinforcements behind, the demon will break out sooner or later.

At that time, will our sacrifice and our persistence be meaningful?

Something is not right.

Seeing that some souls began to dim, Lacus and Ino looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Who said there are no reinforcements?" Lux stepped forward, interrupting the argument between the commander and the demon, "I am the reinforcements!"

Lux's sudden opening stunned both sides for a moment—then, they both laughed.

The devil laughed exaggeratedly, and the laughter rolled over like muffled thunder, while the shadow was constantly turning over the fortress like a dark cloud. It could be seen that it was laughing very happily.

The commander's smile was a bitter one. He looked at Lacus and Ino, as if he didn't know what to say for a moment, but kept shaking his head.

Looking at their performance, how could Lux ​​not know what they were thinking?
Obviously, neither the demon nor the soul warrior took Lax and Ino seriously - in their view, Lax and Ino could not change the overall situation.

In this case, ordinary means are ineffective. If you want to prevent the will of the soul warrior from dissipating, you must punch the demon hard!
With the ice shield on her body, Lux directly pulled out the broken sword, and then jumped forward, charging directly at the devil who was still laughing wildly.


Lux's sudden attack seemed to startle the demon.

This mortal mage is not a soul warrior. If she dies in the Shadow Realm, she is really dead——under such circumstances, she dares to rush out and launch an attack, she is really brave!

However, the surprise was the surprise, and the demon responded immediately.

The thick black mist condensed into a sharp blade, which slashed down from the sky. At the same time, the grinning mouth opened wide, as if to swallow Lux in one gulp.

If it was before climbing Mount Targon, this level of offense would have been enough for Lux to turn offense into defense.He was even flustered—but unfortunately, this time, the devil was not facing Lux who had reached the extraordinary realm, but Lux who had already crossed the threshold of a demigod!
When the shadow blades dragged the black tail flames and struck, the broken sword in Lux's hand deftly turned into a sword flower, easily defeating the war blades condensed with shadow energy.

Due to the mutual restraint between light and shadow, these shadow blades melt and disappear like three springs of snow almost the moment they come into contact with Lux's saber, and wherever the broken blade touches, there is a piece of jade clarification.

Although when Lux intervened in the battle before, the demon also caught a glimpse of her using similar methods to deal with the flying shadow blades, but that was just the aftermath of his own attack on the fortress. Not so amazing.

But now it seems that the situation is not quite right.

This kind of weight-lifting method finally made the devil feel a sense of crisis-it seems that ordinary methods can't deal with this mortal who killed halfway, and he has to do something serious!
As long as she is dealt with, those mortals who are stuck leaving the Shadow Realm will definitely lose their will to fight, and even if they don't need to cooperate with those annoying compatriots, they can leave here by themselves!

Thinking of this, the demon no longer creates shadow blades and throws throwing knives from afar, but spreads out a large area of ​​shadow, creating a lightless land, trying to completely submerge Lux.

There is no direction and no time in the darkness, and it is easy for people to lose their judgment. Demons can create panic in this environment and wait for an opportunity to attack.

This trick can be regarded as his usual trick. He is a man-made demon born in the shadow world. He will not make any movement when walking through the shadows. This kind of unpredictable sneak attack is fatal to anyone!
While expanding the shadow mist that hides his body, he condenses his core demon body from the loose cloud and mist outfit into a solid body. In this way, the cunning demon quietly lurks, waiting for Lux to show his flaws and send out the deadliest attack. an attack.

This insidious tactic forced the Fearless Vanguard to defend the isolated city. For this move, the demon was full of confidence.

Doubt, be confused, hesitate, be afraid - it's getting dark, it's time to rest!
The tumbling black mist completely covered everything.

The demon has carefully set up a pitch-black stage.

The devil, who was at home in the shadows, finally started to launch a sneak attack tentatively.

Lux seemed unaware of the Shadow Blade that quietly appeared in front of her. If the ice shield suspended beside her was not strong enough, this tactic of pulling smoke and sneak attack would be miraculously effective.

The demon passed Lux ​​again and again.

During this process, it didn't seek a one-hit kill, but just waved its demonic arm and slashed on the thick ice shield that Ino had prepared for Lux again and again.

It is very patient.

Born out of extreme emotions, demons are born masters at manipulating people's hearts.

The long-term "hunger" in the Shadow Realm makes it very weak, and it can't taste the taste of mortal nightmares. Even if the Shadow Realm is very comfortable, it still can't stop it from being weak day after day.

Therefore, when facing Lux, it does not intend to make a quick decision.

Not in a hurry to launch the deadliest attack, but through fleeting temptations again and again, constantly mobilizing and guiding Lux.

Every tentative attack will cause shadows and ice to intersect.

From Lux's perspective, she could only see countless shards of ice flying out, flying into the darkness, and then completely disappearing.

The devil is probing, seducing, and attacking silently.

Just as Tamm can mobilize greedy emotions to devour and Lamer can win by mastering secrets, this nightmare demon also has his own unique way to win.

In the dark mist of shadows, it is quietly weaving a dream of reality. Once Lux's heart is shaken and she feels unwilling to face the predicament, she will fall into the nightmare of eternal night. Be the prey of the devil.

The repeated temptation is like a pocket watch in the hands of a hypnotist, mobilizing Lux's nerves again and again. Seeing that Lux's reaction seems to be getting slower and slower, the smile on Nocturne's face that is condensed into a mask becomes more ferocious. up.

you are tired.

have a rest.

run away.

Come on, embrace the darkness!


The black mist closed, and Lux's figure disappeared.

The soul warriors looked at each other.

Jacka Crownguard took up the big sword without hesitation, and rushed straight to the city wall—obviously, he was aware of Lux's crisis and wanted to rush out to rescue his niece.

However, just as he was about to rush out of the fortress, a thick ice wall rose from the ground and stopped him in place.

Jacka, who almost bumped his head against the ice wall, stared at Ino next to him dumbfounded, completely unable to understand why she wanted to stop him.

"Trust Lacus." Ino calmly withdrew his hand from the fortress wall, "Don't make trouble for her."

"That's a demon!" Jacka felt that the world was crazy, "You are her companion, how can you watch her face the nightmare demon alone..."

"Trust Lacus." Ino repeated, pressing his hand against the wall again, "You will only make trouble for her if you go now."

Jacka didn't bother to talk to Enodo, but changed direction and continued to rush down the city wall.

But it was a pity that the ice in front of him seemed to come alive, blocking Jacka again.

Go the other way.

The ice wall also changed direction again.

The next moment, when Jacka was furious and was about to attack Ino, a soft drink finally penetrated the thick black fog and appeared clearly in everyone's ears.

"Light it up!"

Appearing together with Lux's voice, there is also endless brilliance like thousands of sharp blades. These brilliance tore through the darkness, shattered the nightmare, and even caused this side of the shadow world to vibrate for a moment.

In the bright light, Nightmare tried his best to reclaim his own shadow mist, and barely propped up a layer of shield. The shadow, which was once so thick that it seemed breathless, was like a piece of paper full of holes in front of such brilliance. The cloak is ridiculous no matter how you look at it.

Seeing this scene, including Jacka, all the soul fighters in the fortress froze in place as if they had been cast by a petrification spell.

Only Yinuo retracted his arms calmly, raised his face slightly, and showed a proud smile at the corner of his mouth.


That's it?

 Karya's Little Classroom · Fear and Nightmare:
  The emotions represented by the fear demon Fiddlesticks and the nightmare demon Nocturne may seem similar, but they are not the same thing.

  The fear of demons represents pure fear, which can come from known fears or unknown fears.

  A nightmare is a trance-like escape after experiencing misfortune—those who dare not face reality try to escape from the tragic reality as a nightmare, but the result is that the nightmare is brought into reality.

(End of this chapter)

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