Lux's Farewell

387 [0383] The demon of "unity"

387 [0383] The demon of "unity"
Lux easily defeated Nocturne, forcing it to flee in a panic, causing cheers from the soul warriors in the fortress.

However, what they didn't expect was that when Lux returned to the fortress wall, her expression looked quite heavy—as if she was the loser.

"Don't frown, Lux." Jacka patted Lux ​​on the shoulder, trying to make his niece happy, "Don't be like Galen, who makes some achievements and pretends to be a master without saying a word..."

"This has nothing to do with pretending to be a master." Facing the smiling uncle, Lux could only shake her head helplessly, "There is something wrong with this demon."

"Nocturne is very weak." Seeming to know what Lux was worried about, the commander who had been waiting for him before took the initiative to explain, "We have spent at least hundreds of years with it here, and the long years have taken us away. Many comrades-in-arms, but it also makes the demon fall into extreme weakness, if you think it is too weak, then there is no need to worry at all - it should be weakened."

"I'm not worried about whether it's strong or weak." Lux still shook her head, "I'm worried that there is more than one demon in the Shadow Realm."

Lux's words made the crowd suddenly quiet down.

From the performance just now, Lux has proved her position and ability-although she is a mage, at least she is human.

Although the soul warriors of these first-generation fearless pioneers, like most Demacians, hold a not very objective view of mages, this does not prevent them from respecting a human who is willing to fight with them and fight against demons.

Now Lux said that there may be more than one demon in the shadow world. This news is really too bad for the soul warriors who have just cheered up.

"You can't say such things indiscriminately." The commander said with a serious expression, "It is a felony to lie about military information."

"If possible, I also hope that the Shadow Realm is just a demon's cage in Nocturne. Then I can follow the traces he left behind and beat it back to the state of Azakana, or even completely annihilate it." Lux heard Yan shook his head, "But if you have been guarding Nocturne so that it has no chance to slip out of the Shadow Realm, then I'm afraid there is indeed more than one demon here."

"What's the basis for your judgment?" The commander didn't rashly affirm or deny that it was about the devil, but asked Lux ​​carefully about the relevant basis, "If possible, can you tell me? As for the devil, I think Still understand."

"Of course." Lacus nodded, "Let's take a closer look together."


The black mist faded, and Lux ​​described in detail the information she had collected about the demon.

Whether it was the demon gathering mentioned by Tamm, or the strange murders in Demacia Xiongdu, the demon seed on Vayne, including the specific way she entered the Shadow Realm, Lux did not hide anything.

The information is very scattered and spans a long time—but those present here are all people who are quite familiar with the cunning of demons, so naturally they will not naively think that this is just a coincidence.

"So, you think it was that greedy demon named Tahm who organized this operation to enter the Shadow Realm?" After digesting the shocking news for a while, the commander finally said again, "And apart from Tahm , There is also a demon that brings killing and pain to people, and the girl named Wei En was planted by it to devour emotions?"

"That's right, from the current point of view, it seems to be the case." Lux nodded, "Although it is not very clear why the demons will help each other at this time, but judging from the current situation, there are already shadows entering from the outside world. It is not even ruled out that this passage was opened by the demons... However, I don’t know if the passage can allow the demons to leave smoothly.”

"If other demons can enter the Shadow Realm through the passage you mentioned, they can leave through there." The commander obviously understands Lux's concern, "but the situation of Nocturne is a little different. When it enters the Shadow Realm, it is It came in in the form of a shadow... Although we don't know why, but if it wants to leave, it can only go through the original passage under this fortress."

"You mean, Nocturne's current state is a shadow form that can't go out directly, and he must reshape himself through the original channel?" Lux rubbed the hilt of his sword, "If these demons really watch and help each other, then they must How about storming the fortress and opening the source channel?"

"That's it, no matter what happens, we must stick to the fortress and never let Nocturne out." Speaking of this, the commander showed a puzzled expression, "But I have never heard that demons will help each other .”

"Do you know demons well?" Lux blinked and asked her own question, "Actually, I don't know much about demons. If possible, can you tell me about the characteristics of demons? ?”

"Speaking of this topic... In fact, my understanding of demons is also very limited." The commander had a wry smile on his face when he heard this, "Little girl of the Crownguard family, I am different from you. At the end of the war, it was a chaotic era, and my understanding of demons came from the endless war with Nocturne, and I am afraid it does not apply to other demons."

"That's really troublesome." Hearing this, Lux could only spread her hands, "In short, no matter what, Ino and I will stay here for the time being. If the devil really has some tricks, this fortress will not tolerate it." Doubt is the key to everything."


Lux is discussing demons here.

On the other side of the demons, they are also discussing mortals—and this discussion, even for grotesque demons, is an out-and-out "unconventional meeting."

For demons who are used to devouring each other, sitting down and discussing cooperation is a nonsense thing. The relationship between most demons is similar to that of Lamer and Sacco, and they all want to devour each other directly.

Demons are special existences born of extreme emotions. As long as they find the right way, demons can completely devour their own kind and become bigger.

But this time, Greed, Pain, and Nightmare held a triumvirate meeting in the Shadowlands.

Although both the Greed Demon Tam and the Pain Demon Evelyn were happily mocking the Nightmare Demon Nocturne, it seemed that these three guys really didn't intend to devour each other.

"Nocturne, you have new scars on your body." Seeing the nightmare demon running back in embarrassment, Evelyn's extremely seductive face showed a look of anticipation, "Look at your tattered The body of shadow...does it hurt?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Evelyn." Nocturne swayed his body, "If you want to feel the pain of the soul, then stop talking meaningless sarcastic words here - take down those annoying souls with me Warrior is what you should do."

"I've said it all, don't be impatient." Evelyn flicked her long tail with barbs at the end, "Before the main meal starts, I still have an extremely exquisite dessert waiting to be tasted, can I Feel your eagerness to get out of the cage, but the order must not be messed up."

"Tam, stop flicking your tongue!" Seeing Evelyn's reckless appearance, Nocturne could only turn to the side and pull out his long tongue, flicking endlessly. Tom, "You are the one who started the whole project, now is not the time for you to play!"

"Don't worry, Nocturne." Tamm, who was suddenly named, let go of his hand, and retracted his long tongue into his mouth with some unfinished thoughts, "We still have plenty of time, and the time in the Shadow Realm is very slow. The next Soul Eater Night is still a long time away, I have plenty of time to wait here..."

"Are all your collaborators so confident?" Nocturne looked at Tam and Evelyn who had reached a tacit understanding, and finally decided to take a more direct approach, "Evelyn is like this, so is the one who tried to seize the power of death in this way?"

Trying to seize the authority of death?
Evelyn's expression remained unchanged, but her heart moved slightly—when Tam organized this cooperation, she said, "This is a win-win cooperation."

Originally, Evelyn thought that the three wins of this cooperation were Nocturne's escape, her own taste of the endless pain of a tough soul, and Tam gaining control of a gluttonous kingdom.

But according to Nocturne, it seems that Tahm has a fourth collaborator hiding in the dark?
"He's a generous guy." Tamm grinned and waved his short hands exaggeratedly, showing a look of respect, as if he didn't mind Nocturne revealing the behavior of his collaborators, "I'm just picking up The cold, poor leftovers of an ambitious project, not a collaborator at all..."

"Stop maintaining your disguise, Tam, you are a greedy demon, not Lamer who is full of secrets." Nocturne sneered, "Tam, who always likes to arouse greed and devour everything, suddenly wants to find a The sub-plane close to Runeterra...what kind of gluttonous kingdom, maybe it is not an outpost for that one?"

"It's just a variety of uses." Tam spread out his short hands. "Although this does have a certain employment relationship, it's just a fair transaction where one hand pays and one hand delivers."

"Speak clearly, Tam." Although the greed demon tried hard to separate the relationship, Evelyn's tone became subtle, "Are you really working for the dead?"

"Of course!" Without waiting for Tam's answer, Nocturne was the first to answer, "I don't know what those undead who don't know pain and have no mind are worthy of a demon's concern. Maybe Tam is different from us?"

Seeing that Nocturne and Evelyn seemed to be faintly standing together, Tam's big face showed exaggerated grievances. He took off his little funny top hat and stroked his beard pretendingly.

"Guys, it's not that I have any extraordinary ambitions." Tam put his hand into the top hat, and then threw out a ball of water stains, "The river told me that the water is changing, it is no longer drowning everything an abyss, and gradually turning into a source of joy full of laughter..."

Nocturne and Evelyn looked at each other, and their expressions became a little dignified.

"It's not that I'm talking nonsense." Tam poured out the water in the hat, put it on his head again, and continued, "The times are changing, and the great demons are also about to move. In this case, we I'm afraid I have to cooperate a little bit to protect myself from being swallowed—Shui Liu told me that this time, even if I hide to avoid the limelight, it's probably useless!"

 Carya's Little Classroom·Great Demon:
  Inside the devil, there are actually not very clear divisions of ranks.

  For example, the first little demon is called Yazakana, and as Yazakana grows and devours, it will become a demon representing a certain emotion.

  And on top of these ordinary demons, there are some great demons, they are the representatives of the original emotions - fear, joy, anger, sorrow...

  For some reason, they don't appear in normal times, but every time they appear, it means that something big has happened to Runeterra.

(End of this chapter)

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