Lux's Farewell

Chapter 389 [0385]

Chapter 389 [0385]

Evelyn is not a demon in shadow form—perhaps because she was born in the brutal Rune Wars, her demon body is very similar to Tamm, and they are both very real flesh.

However, even so, due to the overwhelming negative energy intensity in the shadow world, she is still at ease here, and can easily walk through the shadows that seem to be real without much effort.

Therefore, even though Wei En's movements were clean and neat, she took out her weapon with a roll and was ready to shoot, but Evelyn's tail still rested on her neck first.

At the end of the slender tail, dangerous arcs flashed on the extremely sharp barbs. Evelyn looked at Wei En who was holding a crossbow in front of her with a smile. Before she could say anything, Wei En directly pulled the trigger .

Although Evelyn could have taken the arrow and strangled Wei En directly, as a demon, it was obviously unwilling to exchange blood with a small mortal, even if it was an injury for life.

Being hurt by mortals, this kind of thing can only be done by that trash of Nocturne!

And... If you want to enjoy the most extreme pain, how can you not give the other party some hope?
Only suffering defeat when she thinks she is sure of victory, the pain at that moment is the sweetest fruit Evelyn longs for!
The next moment, Evelyn's figure disappeared into the darkness.

The holy silver arrow pierced through the dense black mist, leaving a fleeting bright silver trail, and finally nailed to the ground a hundred steps away. The holy silver arrow hissed under the liquefied shadow. The sound was completely scrapped within a few breaths.

Although the arrows are precious, Vayne has no time to recycle them.

In the shadows, she crouched down halfway, carefully guarding her surroundings, and her index finger was already on the trigger of the crossbow.

Although the arrow just missed, judging from the enemy's dodging in the shadows, it seemed that Holy Silver's weapon could indeed cause damage to demons—for Wei En, this was obviously a great encouragement.

Demons are killed and die too!

And now, I have mastered the ability to kill demons!

Encouraged, Wei En held her breath and focused her attention, looking for the traces of the devil. At this moment, the ripples on the liquefied shadow made her eyes shine.

The arrow that landed before has disappeared in the shadows, and the ripples were not caused by it.

Wei En, who was on guard, didn't move at all, and there was no ripple under her feet.

Plus there is no wind in the Shadow Realm...

The liquefied shadow, which is as calm as a pool of stagnant water, is now slightly billowed, which is obviously due to the fact that something invisible has been moving on it—as for what is invisible, needless to say?

I can't catch your demon because I thought I could be invisible, you've been exposed!

Thinking of this, Wei En turned the direction of the crossbow without hesitation, and pulled the trigger in the direction of the ripples.

In addition, in order to achieve a sure-kill effect, she also activated the hand crossbow tied to her forearm at the same time. Due to its size, the arrows of the hand crossbow cannot carry silver powder capsules, but the arrows made entirely of holy silver are still lethal. amazing.

"Go to hell, devil!"

The two silver arrows were extremely fast, as if they had reached their target when Wei En pressed the trigger, but unfortunately, like the previous arrow, they landed in the empty space, and after neighing corrupted by shadows.

The microwaves created by the arrows falling into the liquefied shadow prevented Wei En from seeing the traces left by the demons, but she was not discouraged, she just used the hand crossbow to be on guard, and swiftly replaced the crossbow box with one hand. It's hard to imagine that the small bags around her waist are actually filled with all kinds of foldable arrows!


Evelyn was hidden in the darkness, watching Wei En's movements with great interest, watching her fight the shadows not far away
That's right, the ripple just now wasn't Evelyn at all, but the slight ripple it casually made on the liquefied shadow with the sharp blade at the tip of its tail.

Evelyn needs to estimate how powerful this vengeful little girl is, and prepare a plan to squeeze out the pain of the other party as much as possible—it is not an easy task to perform "nearly defeated". !
And then... Evelyn was disappointed.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a remarkable thing for Wei En to change from a young lady with a wealthy family to a young lady who is agile and quick in every move in just three years, but in Evelyn In terms of perspective, her growth is still too slow.

Although the desire for revenge and the catalysis of the Seed of Demons made Wei En put almost all her experience on training, but in order to be able to take revenge, she trained in a very eager for quick success.

Objectively speaking, there is no problem with this idea of ​​"in order to improve combat effectiveness in the short term, first learn how to use amazingly powerful equipment to fight". But unfortunately, from the perspective of demons, the weakness of individual strength is too obvious.

If Wei En's arrow hits Evelyn, even if she has the body of a demon, she will definitely suffer a lot.

But the question is, without magic vision, element perception, and magic power monitoring, how could Wei En hit Evelyn?
Aiming with the naked eye?

Don't make trouble, except for a demon like Tam who is really rough and fleshy, and can't break the defense if you fight, have you ever seen that demon appearing in your field of vision with nothing to do?

The core of Lamer's combat power is the cooperative host, which usually allows you to see a big eye at most.

Shaco's puppets are real and fake, and the core of delirium is paranoid madness.

Even if he is as weak as Nocturne, he will cover himself with black mist when fighting!
When it came to Evelyn, it even made the most of its invisibility—not to mention that Wei En didn't have professional detection methods and methods, even if she had, she might not be able to find Evelyn hiding beside her.

If you can't find the enemy, no matter how sharp the arrow is, it can only be a meaningless toy!
Seeing Wei En startled and pulling the trigger at the slightest sign of trouble, Evelyn shook her head helplessly.

It seems that my investment this time has been quite a failure. I thought that the little girl who saw her true face but still dared to pick up a weapon and rush towards her would be some kind of amazing person. I didn't expect that the devil seed I instilled would only grow stronger. the...

In line with the principle of waste utilization, Evelyn "accidentally" left a string of ripples again.

When Wei En shot again with the double crossbow, Evelyn was "accidentally" scratched by the arrows of the hand crossbow.

Then, just as Evelyn expected, Wayne rolled forward without hesitation, and pulled the triggers of the crossbow and hand crossbow to the bottom.

Faced with this situation, Evelyn resolutely fled into the shadows—but after disappearing, she let out a few muffled grunts vividly as if she had been hit by a crossbow arrow, and even risked wrapping a crossbow arrow with her tail.

From Wei En's point of view, it was as if her hand crossbow had hit Evelyn's body, causing her to insert an arrow that could serve as a mark while she was invisible!
Overjoyed, Wei En took steps without hesitation. While replacing the arrow in the receiver with a more lethal blasting arrow, he strode towards the arrow floating in the air.

The surrounding shadows are getting weaker and weaker, and the speed of the crossbow arrows is getting slower and slower.

Seeing that the arrow stopped, Wei En raised the crossbow without hesitation, and pulled the trigger again!


In the medicine tank of the blasting arrow, the hex crystal particles imported at a high price from Piltover exploded suddenly.

Regardless of the result, Wei En directly pulled the trigger of the crossbow to the bottom, and the successive explosions wiped out the dense shadows around him!
After emptying the blasting arrows in the receiver, Wei En used the hand crossbow as guard, replaced the receiver, and carefully watched the place where the explosion happened just now.

When the shadow completely dissipated, a familiar crossbow arrow fell to the ground.

The familiar, shadow-corrupted hiss sounded again, and Wei En was shocked to find that all the firepower he poured out didn't seem to have any effect.

Something is wrong!
Unfortunately, when Wei En realized that she seemed to be cheated, it was too late—two familiar tails came around her, like strong ropes, binding her tightly.

Although Wei En wanted to fight back with a hand crossbow at the first moment, Evelyn, who had been observing for a long time, had already figured out her action method. Almost at the same time Wei En turned the hand crossbow and pulled the trigger, the demon tail rose The sharp tail thorns swept across this delicate hand crossbow like an understatement.

Hand crossbows made a bunch of parts.

"What a spirited girl!" Evelyn's exquisite body quietly appeared, completely sticking to Wei En's back, "But in terms of strength, it's almost meaningless."

"Despicable devil!"

"It's a weak mortal, even if it's revenge." Evelyn ignored Wei En's anger, smiled and stretched out a finger with sharp nails, and gently scratched Wei En's neck, "Impenetrable Fury ... Ha ha ha ha, it's really interesting, I feel a different kind of pain!"

"Let go of me, devil!" Wei En gritted her teeth, "Do you want pain? Let me go, I will let you enjoy the taste of being destroyed in pain!"

"No, no, it's not that I feel the pain." Evelyn stuck out her tongue and gently licked Wei En's earlobe, making the goose bumps on her skin stand up, "It's that you feel the pain, and I'll taste it your pain."

As he said that, the tail thorn on Evelyn's demon tail turned around and pierced Wei En's shoulder with incomparable precision. The sharp tail thorn pierced her body, and then pierced Evelyn's own demon. body.

"That's it!" Evelyn's tone was joyful, almost crazy, "Feel the supreme pain——uh!"

The next moment, when Evelyn was savoring the devil seed that she had planted with her own hands, a strong light shot towards her——Evelyn, who was silently savoring the pain, was summoned by Lux without any defense. The beam of light shines straight on.

Evelyn, who was focused on harvesting the devil's seed, didn't take mortals seriously at all, and didn't realize what it meant to be injured by Nocturne, didn't realize at all that she and Vayne's pursuit and escape had put herself in a trap. On the city wall, Lux's casting range.

At the very beginning, Lux thought it was just a trick for the demon to consume his own magic power, move within the range of his spell, and slip away when he cast the spell.

But he never expected that right under his nose, this demon would start playing a little game of catching pain with Wei En!
Without Karya's reminder, Lacus mobilized her magic power decisively and tried to give her a hard time.

Under the strong light, Evelyn's demon body began to burn and collapse.

It wailed in pain, let go of Wei En, and turned around to hide its figure.

But it's a pity that she planned to let Wei En go, but Wei En didn't intend to let her go—although Wei En's body was seriously injured under the strong light, she was not a devil after all, and she was wearing leather armor. Wanting to run, Wei En grabbed Evelyn's tailbone and stuck it firmly on his back.

You can't run away!

Stay here and die with me in this scorching light!
Devil who tastes pain, today I want you to feel this pain!
Evelyn was a little dumbfounded.

On the other side of the city wall, Lux was maintaining her spells, and Ino had already slid down the city wall along an ice track. If she was entangled by Vayne again, she might really confess to being here——At this time, Yi Nuo, who was terrified of souls, Flynn finally realized that Nocturne was injured not because he was too weak, but because the enemy did have a problem!
Damn it, how could such a powerful mage appear in Demacia?

And it also uses light magic!
Seeing that Vayne would not let go, Evelyn could only grit her teeth and take back Vayne's demon seed—at the same time, she also gave up one of her own tail thorns, decisively choosing Short tail survival.

With the tail thorn falling off, Evelyn finally got rid of Vayne's entanglement smoothly, and the recovery of the Devil Seed also made her condition obviously recover.

Glancing fiercely at the figure on the top of the fortress wall that maintained the spell, Evelyn's body gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared again.

When Ino and two Dauntless warriors arrived on the scene, there was only Vayne, with her shoulder pierced and her skin burned, lying in the liquefied shadow.

Blood gushed out from the wound. Although the blood didn't spurt out because of the restraint of the armor, Wei En's face still paled visibly to the naked eye.

Without the demon seed, her body was being rapidly eroded by the shadows, and her consciousness gradually became blurred—if it wasn't for the severe pain coming from the shoulder socket, she might have passed out of shock at this time.

"Take her back to the fortress!" Ino glanced at Wei En's wound, and instantly realized the seriousness of the problem, "Hurry up—the second demon has appeared, and there may be a third and fourth demon." indivual."

Then, just when Ino was going to freeze Wei En's body and let the two soul warriors carry her away for first aid, Wei En spoke like a flash of light.

"No, I can't go, stay here!" At this moment, Wei En's voice was weak but firm, "I feel the passing of life and the joy of the shadow... My revenge is not over yet, turn me over and let me Embrace the shadow—”

 Carya's Small Classroom Hex Crystal Export:

  Theoretically speaking, even fine Hex crystals cannot be exported alone, but for Wei En, who is willing to spend a lot of money for revenge, the way she obtains Hex crystals is to buy a large number of high-priced automatic toys, and then sell them to Remove it and dig out the small pieces of hex particles inside.

  Therefore, the cost of each of Wei En's blasting arrows is more than fifty gold hexes - a solid amount of money.

  PS. Redefine morning again.

  PSS. There are a lot of typos in the last chapter. The main reason is that after proofreading in the background, I uploaded it without saving it. As a result, I proofread it in vain, which is quite embarrassing...

(End of this chapter)

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