Lux's Farewell

Chapter 390 [0386]

Chapter 390 [0386]
Wayne's madness left a deep impression on Yinuo.

Although according to Kalya, there is a demon seed in it, but Ino still doesn't like this dangerous and paranoid guy.

However, for the sake of being human and also fighting against demons, Ino was still willing to help out—after all, Wei En strangled a demon just now, even at the expense of self-mutilation.

Just as the warriors of the Fearless Pioneer temporarily ignore the mage identities of Lux and Ino, when facing the problem of demons, Ino can also temporarily ignore various problems on Vayne.

However, what Yinuo never expected was that Wei En didn't plan to retreat to the fortress to recuperate at all. Even though she was seriously injured now, all she could think about was revenge.

In order to get revenge, she would even take the initiative to embrace the power of shadow!
From entering the Shadow Realm to coming to this fortress, Lux and Ino saw countless shadow creatures. Although they didn't know how these creatures entered the Shadow Realm, they knew what they were distorted after accepting the power of the shadow.

The physical aberrations, while disgusting, weren't the worst.

Worse than the physical distortion was the lack of mind—shadow creatures, whether animal-like or supposedly transformed from humans, were photophobic and insane.

It's hard to describe what kind of existence they are, but what is certain is that shadow creatures have no sense at all.

But... Having said that, Wei En doesn't seem to have any rationality at all now.

Just when Ino hesitated a little, Wayne was already struggling to get rid of the soul warrior who was trying to lift her up.

Wei En, who fell to the ground, opened her mouth without the slightest hesitation, swallowing the liquefied shadow energy on the ground.

With Wei En's acceptance, a large amount of shadow energy poured into her body from the wound on her shoulder as if it had found a tissue.

The dark red blood was dyed black, and the blood flowing on Wei En's body surface seemed to be a tattoo engraved on her body surface by the shadow at this moment.

What's even more frightening is that the originally liquefied shadow, after being swallowed by Vayne, became a more solid form, closer to a solid form, forcibly blocking her wound pierced by Evelyn. .

Seeing this scene, Yinuo only felt his scalp go numb.

"Let's go." A soul warrior who came here with her smacked her lips, "This little girl is hopeless... She has completely become a shadow creature."

After guarding the passages of the Shadow Realm for so many years, although the main enemy of the Dauntless Vanguard is Nocturne, there are also shadow creatures that have gone mad.

During this period, occasionally outsiders would stray into the Shadow Realm for various reasons, but most of them would turn into shadow creatures and fall into madness within a short period of time.

In the very beginning, the Dauntless Vanguard would try to save these people.

But then they discovered that unless the soul enters the shadow world, once the body is corrupted by the shadow, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a shadow creature.

What's more, Wei En is simply embracing the shadow actively...

In desperation, the three of Yinuo had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​saving Wei En, leaving Wei En alone in the shadow here, and turned back to the fortress.

Evelynn wasn't dead, Nocturne was only wounded, and there might be a more cunning Tahm - the battle was just beginning at this point.


Evelyn, who took the lead and wanted to enjoy some pre-dinner desserts, withdrew in embarrassment.

Naturally, it was met with merciless ridicule by Nocturne.

Previously, Nocturne had at most a few holes in his body—for a demon in shadow form, this was not considered a serious injury at all.

But Evelyn was different.

It is a physical demon, and its body is very important to it. As a result, not only is it severely burned, but even one of its two tails has broken its tail thorns. What a tragedy!
"Yo, isn't this Evelyn?" Nocturne grinned happily, revealing his white teeth, his joy was beyond words, "Isn't it a taste of pain, how can I change my feeling of pain?"


The flustered Evelyn didn't want to talk.

Why did he change from savoring pain to feeling pain—it wasn't because of that damn light elemental mage!

When you came back, you only said that you encountered trouble, but you didn't say that the person who caused the trouble used light magic!

And Evelyn didn't expect that the mortal who was planted with the devil's seed by herself was just like a mad dog, desperate for his life, and insisted on keeping herself, and finally forced herself to give up a tail thorn... Damn it, damn it!
For Evelyn, although the body was burned by the light element, it was miserable, but it was not troublesome to recover—especially in the shadow world, a place full of negative energy, it would not take long for its skin trauma to recover.

The real trouble is the missing tail thorn.

The meaning of the tail thorn to Evelyn is similar to that of the tongue to Tahm. Whether it is to sow the seeds of the devil or enjoy the painful torture, the tail thorn must be used.

Although Evelyn had two tail thorns, breaking one would not completely lose her fighting power, but it was inevitable that it would be greatly reduced.

"If you have time to laugh at me, why not move your impoverished head and think about how to deal with her." Embarrassment is embarrassment, at least Evelyn will not admit defeat, "Is a prisoner also qualified to laugh at others? "

"This is not ridicule, but the truth." At this time, Nocturne will not be cowardly, "Could it be that getting hurt is also a way to taste pain?"

"At least not being a prisoner."



Seeing Evelyn and Nocturne quarreling, Tam, who was on the sidelines like a demon, secretly laughed.

Then with a smile, it found the problem.

These two bastards scolded honestly, but they didn't reveal any information about the mortal who hurt them.

It is clear that I hope Tam will also suffer a loss!
Thinking of this, Tam still flicked his tongue with a smile on the surface, but in his heart he had already secretly greeted these two juniors who didn't talk about martial arts—it can only be said that demons are demons, and things that have nothing to do with people, Do nothing at all.

However, there is actually no good way for Tam.

As the organizer of this cooperation, among the three demons, Tamm is actually the most anxious one.

Don't look at Nocturne being trapped and Evelyn eager to taste the pain, but the former may be able to get out with a little more effort and consumption; the latter also has the opportunity to taste the pain.

On the contrary, it was Tam, this unlucky guy who managed to trick Plank into accepting his demon arm before, and spent a lot of effort to reshape the Nether, in order to complete the transaction and make the Nether a " A floating outpost" for the undead to return to Runeterra.

The result is that in the mortal war, Planck was directly overthrown by the followers of Nagakaporos, and although Tam wanted to help, he was held back by Lux and had no chance.

In the end, Planck, who spent a lot of money on Tamm's investment, did not reap the expected returns, and the sea base also failed completely.

As a demon of integrity, Tam had to find another way to continue to complete the deal-after all, he needed the other party to show up and help him attract firepower.

That's why Tam came all the way to Demacia, organized a three-way deal, tried to control the Shadow Realm, sold it, and made a lot of money while completing the deal.

As a result... there was another accident.

Mortals who don't know where have also entered the Shadowlands, and have severely injured Nocturne and Evelynn.

In fact, Tam didn't think much of these two juniors. Nocturne was imprisoned for too long, and without absorbing the power of nightmare, he was already weak and ugly; Evelyn didn't have any power at all at first. Vigilance, blaming Nocturne's injury on the opponent's weakness, is extremely careless.

Under such circumstances, it was expected that they would come back injured.

What really troubles Tam is the current relationship between the three demons—the trust that was not much in the first place is now completely gone, and the losses I have suffered must also be eaten. In this case, say It's nice to hear everyone fighting on their own.

Do you want to try to swallow these two bastards directly?

The greedy nature began to make troubles. Although the reason told Tam that cooperation would be the only way out at this time, it still started to make its own calculations.

Nocturne and Evelyn exchange passion, and Tam silently prepares to be a fisherman. The three demons who seem to cooperate on the surface, but are actually inseparable, arrive at the fortress all the way.

 Kalya's Small Classroom Shadow Energy Transforms the Body:
  Shadow energy can strengthen the body and also cause distortion. In this regard, the Ionians seem to have unique controllable secrets.

  PS. There is another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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