Lux's Farewell

392 [0388] The old trick, the ice hell

392 [0388] The old trick, the ice hell

It was ice that appeared before Nocturne and Evelyn.

Large expanses of ice, spikes of ice, endless ice.

The ice that spreads rapidly, the ice that freezes everything, the ice that seals the shadows.

Evelyn, who was climbing up the city wall quietly, suffered frostbite on her palm in an instant, and had to jump off the city wall in a hurry to escape; Nocturne was almost sealed in the solid ice together with the shadow when Nocturne used the shadow to attack him, so he had to rush into it. Breaking through the solid ice that has not yet closed, he fled in embarrassment.

Caught off guard, although the two demons only suffered a little skin trauma, they were as frightened as birds, and they didn't dare to rush forward.

Something seems wrong!

Why is the one using light magic being entangled by Tahm, and there is another one on the city wall that looks more fierce, using ice? !

Isn't this the Shadow Realm?
Apart from the shadow here, shouldn't the other elements be suppressed?

Why do you all use light elements, use light elements, use ice elements, and use ice elements, but you can't see the meaning of being affected by the shadow plane at all?

Could it be that these two people have glimpsed the realm of a god, at least a demigod?
How is this possible!
Although their hearts were full of doubts, Nocturne and Evelyn still put aside all their arrogance. In front of the ice like abyss and prison, even demons need to be extremely careful.

Not daring to make a surprise attack any more, Nocturne and Evelyn carefully patrolled in front of the Ice Abyss, guarding against possible surprise attacks from Ino.

However, Ino's surprise attack did not come. Instead, under the cover of the ice wall, the soul warriors started firing all kinds of strange throwing and shooting weapons at the two demons.

When preparing for the casting platform, Ino measured the data of the crenels of the city wall. When a large piece of ice spread, she specially left special shooting holes for the soul warriors.

If Nocturne and Evelyn can fly to the sky to look down, they will find that the extreme ice hell created by Ino is not random. The large-scale ice is in the shape of an ellipsoid covered with thorns. Completely wrap the wall of the fortress facing the enemy.

The inside of this giant hockey ball is empty, and soul fighters can come and go freely. These soul fighters can freely use various weapons and equipment on the fortress wall, and attack outwards through the reserved shooting holes.

Although the huge amount of weapons and equipment hoarded when the fortress was built has been almost exhausted due to the long time of seeing-off with Nocturne, if the soul fighters on the city wall do not want to consume their souls, the only long-range attack methods that can be used are Throwing arrows and throwing bricks made by oneself with no guarantee of quality can at best serve as a harassment.

But still enough to annoy the demons.

The whole fortress has almost turned into a tortoise shell, how can it be fought?
And we are obviously on the side with mobility, why do we seem to be being suppressed and beaten instead?
After several failed attempts to get close to the fortress, both Evelyn and Nocturne realized that it was obviously impossible to go on like this——actively attacking the fortress that had turned into an ice hedgehog could only be asking for trouble.

So, is there any way to avoid facing that nasty ice hedgehog?

Hey, really.

After another failed attempt to get close to the city wall, Evelyn and Nocturne couldn't help but turn around at the same time, looking at Tam who was being beaten.

Maybe, we should try to get rid of that annoying light mage with Tamm first?

Frustrated in their attack on the fortress, Evelyn and Nocturne changed the battlefield again without hesitation—they wanted to let Tamm be beaten here to hold back the enemy's strongest combat power, and go to the second battlefield to harvest by themselves, but they didn't expect the second battlefield More volume!
That being the case, let's go with Tam and get rid of this annoying guy first!
With this in mind, Evelyn and Nocturne joined forces with Tam to besiege Lux without any morals.

And Lux, who was in close combat with Tam, faced a sudden pincer attack, and the situation suddenly became a little bad.

Unlike Tahm, both Evelynn and Nocturne are solid melee specs.

Although Evelyn lost one of her tails, she still appeared and disappeared from time to time, and the tail spikes on the remaining one were still extremely deadly.

Although Nocturne is extremely weak in the long tug-of-war, this is its home field after all, and as a shadow-form demon, it can always feel like a fish in water.

And seeing the reinforcements coming, Tam also seemed to let go of his grievances, and honestly played the role of tank and control, flicking his long tongue, trying to hinder Lux's movements and attract Lux's attention , creating opportunities for the other two demons.

There was almost no synergy between the three demons, but it brought Lux to the brink of defeat in an instant——after throwing away unnecessary pride, the demons had easily surpassed the transcendent even if they only relied on the demon body. The threshold, in a place full of negative energy like the Shadow Realm, a single blow would be fatal.

Moreover, in melee combat, the side with more people has the advantage. No matter how solid Lacus's sword skills are, if there is one opponent against three and one person actively interferes with the sword with his body, it is impossible to be the opponent of the three demons.

In this case, Lux didn't hesitate, she just turned around and left, heading straight for the fort—a hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, so there's no need to continue pestering her at this time.

Lux wanted to go, but the demons weren't going to let her go.

After a wave of siege, how could it be possible to easily put her back in that ice shell?
It's impressive that you take the lead, but you are out of touch with your teammates. Isn't this giving us a chance?
The three demons were sure that the troublesome ice caster was now in the ice shell, and even if he wanted to come to help, it would take time.

This precious time difference must be seized!
Tahm treads the waves of the river where he was summoned.

Evelyn leaves a string of ripples on Liquified Shadow.

Nocturne disappeared again into the thickening shadows.

Three demons surrounded Lux ​​from three directions, as if they wanted to destroy her on the spot!

Lux spread her wings of light and accelerated her speed, wanting to plunge headlong into the icy hell, relying on the ice all over the ground to dodge the attacks from the pursuers.

But with one against three and being stuck close to him, how can it be so easy to get rid of?
Just when Lux entered the range of the ice thorn forest, wanted to climb the ice thorn to dodge the attack, and flapped the light wings to launch, three demons attacked from behind her like a gangrene.

Nocturne's shadow blade, Evelynn's sharp tailbone, and Tahm's sticky, wet tongue seemed to hit Lux's back the next moment, impaling her in place!

Just then, a strong light burst out.

The light element and the ice element had an astonishing resonance, and large areas of ice spines began to collapse, collapse, and explode, and the movement was astonishingly loud.

How could this be?
The three demons all realized that something was wrong - they were not close to the dangerous ice shell, this was just the outer area, how could there be such an astonishing elemental resonance?
However, when countless shattered ice cubes shot out from under the Great Shadow River with hissing sounds, and attacked them like fragments, the three demons finally realized the crux of the problem.

Ino's spell not only created an ice shell that covered the entire fortress, but also made small moves under the shadow river that Tahm had summoned before!
From the perspective of the Great Shadow River, there are only some sparse ice thorns growing here and there, but below the surface of the water, it is already full of solid ice.

With the help of the field created by Tahm, Ino perfectly concealed the deadliest part of Icethorn Hell, and after Lux attracted the enemy, he re-enacted the deadly trap on Pantheon on Mount Targon.

Tamm, who got into the shadow river for the first time, didn't have any precautions. After entering the river, he found that there were so many surprises below. Casts a shadow shield to avoid fatal damage.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Moteng escaped into the shadow immediately, and merged with the thick shadow mist. When the ice thorn fragments flew over and it showed its figure again, its body, which was similar to the torn cloak, was now turning to rot. The rag direction has evolved.

The worst thing is Evelyn——although it can hide its body, its invisibility is just that it cannot be detected, and it does not disappear. The well-proportioned demon body is now covered with cuts and bruises, and the smooth and tight skin is now full of wounds, making it extremely hideous.

Taking advantage of this moment, without any hesitation, Lacus directly raised his sword and killed the carbine.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, if you want to deal with the devil, you must seize the opportunity!

Among the three demons, Tahm was resistant to beating, while Nocturne was slippery, so Lux's target was firmly locked on Evelyn.


With Xinghui's sword slashing out, Evelyn, who couldn't avoid it, could barely block it with her intact tail.

The next moment, the seemingly ordinary Broken Blade sliced ​​through Evelyn's intact tailbone like a hot knife cutting butter. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Evelyn's body disappeared. Both Tahm and Nocturne silently chose to back off.

Holding the tailbone that was broken in two high, Lux finally showed a satisfied smile on her face.

Amidst the cheers of the soul warriors, Lux climbed step by step the ice steps returning to the fortress wall.

Under the city wall, Nocturne disappeared into the fog of shadows again, while Tahm withdrew his gaze from following Lux, and turned to look at the place beside him.

Almost at the same time that Tam's eyes fell, the embarrassed Evelyn finally showed her figure.

Evelyn, who was about to say something, saw Tam's subtle eyes before she could speak.

Not caring about treating the wound, Evelyn's figure instantly retreated and disappeared quickly.

At this moment, it felt an unprecedented sense of crisis—a sense of crisis that was more deadly than just facing countless sharp ice blades.

 Karya's Small Classroom Soul Worn Form:
  In order to fight, the weapons used by soul warriors are often made by their own souls—and the wear and tear of weapons is also one of the main reasons why soul warriors are worn out.

  PS. There is another chapter in the second half of the night, you know.

(End of this chapter)

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