Lux's Farewell

393 Hunter and prey [0389]

393 Hunter and prey [0389]

Demons are born from extreme emotions, so naturally they cannot overcome the extreme emotions that are the source of their birth.

Tamm can't contain his greed.

With Evelyn revealing her weakness, Tamm can barely hide her greed and desire for it.

The mutual devouring of demons is a very common phenomenon in Yazakana's stage.

The newly born Yazakana are just fragile spirit bodies, they have no entity, no physical body, they can only absorb the extreme emotional growth of the host, and at the same time try to devour the same kind that they can see.

Then, as Yazakana gradually grows, they become selective in absorbing emotions, and the behavior of devouring the same kind will gradually decrease-not that they will no longer devour each other after they grow into demons, but the surrounding It's too much to swallow.

At this stage, demons will have consciousness, and their memories often start at this time. They will not remember everything that was ignorant and chaotic when they were Yazakana, but the instinct of devouring the same kind will be deeply engraved in every one of them. The depths of the devil's instinct.

As a greedy demon, Tam's desire to devour is obviously stronger than other demons.

In other words, Tamm's desire for any "object worth being devoured" is irresistible.

Now, a badly injured Evelyn is a perfect, worth devouring object.

Without any precautions, she was hit head-on by the deadly ice blade fragments, and now Evelyn's bumpy demon body no longer has the slightest grace, and what remains is only miserable.

What's worse, the light element that erupted at the same time prevented her wounds from healing quickly!
Under such circumstances, Tam's desire for Evelyn is almost becoming real. If you are not careful at this time, the black and white will be staged on the spot.

Evelyn, who noticed something was wrong, quickly disappeared, and took the initiative to avoid the Shadow River, lest she really become the target of Tam's devouring and be devoured.

With the disappearance of Evelyn, Tam, who had lost his goal, gradually regained some sanity.

Without a tempting target to devour, Tam was a little disappointed, but also a little thankful. It withdrew its gaze from watching the ripples on the Great Shadow River, and looked at the fort not far away again.

Lux had already stepped on the ice steps and steadily climbed onto the wall of the fortress.

The ice shell covering the fortress cracked a gap, allowing Lux to enter it, and then closed it tightly. After seriously injuring Evelyn, it seemed that the opponent had made up his mind and just defended securely.

Seeing this scene, Tam couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

What a tough enemy.

Patient, quick-witted mortals are the kind that Tam hates the most.

I managed to organize a tripartite cooperation, but now I can't continue... This feeling is too uncomfortable.

Then, just as Tam was thinking about what to do next, in the darkness not far away, there were two shouts, one in front and one in back.


"The deal is done!"


Evelyn, who was in a terrible embarrassment, disappeared, away from Tam who was about to lose control.

The remnants of the light element are burning its wounds, curbing the recovery ability of the demon body, it needs to find a safe place, use the shadows to wash away the glare, and then slowly heal the flesh and blood of this body.

Stepping on the catwalk, Evelyn gnashed her teeth while fleeing. It swore that it must catch those two mages and their closest people, and torture them in the most painful way, so that these two bastards can see clearly and provoke them. What a sad end will be brought to the devil!
Then, just as she got out of Tam's sight, left the Shadow River, found a relatively safe place, and completely immersed herself in the liquid shadow, an arrow appeared quietly and hit it with incomparable precision. Evelyn's shoulder socket.

This arrow was pitch black, and it was silent as it shuttled through the shadows. It wasn't until it came before Evelyn's eyes that the pain demon discovered the sneak attack, so that he didn't even have a chance to dodge, and was directly hit by it. !

Evelyn got up in a hurry, pulled out the arrow, and looked in the direction of the arrow. The next moment, her eyes widened in astonishment, because not far away, a familiar but unfamiliar figure was approaching Stepping on the liquefied shadow, he rushed towards her.

It's Wayne!
"You?" Evelyn was dumbfounded, "Are you still alive?"

Evelyn was very sure that when she regained the power of the Demon Seed, she also took away a lot of Vienne's vitality. In addition, the opponent's shoulder was completely pierced and a lot of blood was lost. Even if someone rescued him, he would still survive. Can't come down.

But now, this man who was sure to die appeared alive and well not far from Evelyn, and even attacked Evelyn first, hitting Evelyn with an arrow!
This... what's going on here?

Wei En snorted coldly with pleasure and disdain, and when Evelyn wanted to see her details, she rolled over on the spot.

The next moment, the liquefied shadow splashed on the ground, and when it fell again, Wei En's figure had disappeared!

In this case, Evelyn didn't have time to think about it, so she could only hide her body at the same time—it was used to sneaking up on enemies from the dark, so it naturally knew the consequences of being attacked from the dark, even though the arrow hit Evelyn just now. It's not too serious, but it doesn't intend to take a few more arrows foolishly.

The fighting twins met each other, and then became invisible one after the other, which made the battle look somewhat weird.

However, unlike Evelyn who could hide herself for a long time, the shadow dissipated after a while, and Wei En's figure finally reappeared.

Evelyn, who was hiding in the dark, took the opportunity to wait for the wound to heal, while carefully sizing up the target who had been injected with the devil's seed by herself.

At the place where Evelynn's tail thorn penetrated before, the hole has not healed, and the shadow that seems to be solid is centered on the big hole, dense like blood vessels, and a layer of "tattoo" is finely woven on Wei En's body surface. ", and this shadow tattoo seems to be the source of energy for Vayne's target.

The torn cloak was replaced by flowing shadows. When Vayne just rolled over, it was it that helped Vayne hide her tracks, making it impossible for Evelyn to judge Vayne's existence and location.

From this perspective, Vayne's current state seems somewhat similar to Nocturne.

Hmm, wait, something similar to Nocturne?

Evelyn remembered how Nocturne easily found where she was when she first entered the Shadowlands, and she was startled. However, before it could move and change its position, Wayne looked at Evelyn Where it was, without the slightest hesitation, he directly pulled the trigger of the crossbow.

"The deal is done!"

 Karya's Little Classroom·Shading:
  Shadowization is also a kind of elementalization. Although the liquefied shadows in the shadow world are not comparable to pure elements, they are also considered high-concentration elements—so, just as Sefika will gain amazing power by replacing the heart with monolithic fragments, embrace Wayne of the shadow also successfully crossed the threshold of a transcendent.

  Of course, just like Sefika, this power always has a price.

(End of this chapter)

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