Lux's Farewell

394 Time difference [0390]

394 Time difference [0390]

What kind of trouble can an extraordinary stalker cause to a demon when he has an advantage in the field?
Evelyn gave the answer with practical experience: it will cause fatal trouble.

Extraordinary means having the ability to harm demons, and field advantage represents a further increase in combat effectiveness.

Of course, if there were only these, it would not be fatal to Evelyn—the most fatal point is that with Wei En chasing and sensing behind her, Evelyn had to often break out of the invisible state to fight against each other, And as long as Evelyn shows her figure, Tam will chase after her with her big belly shaking.

What a delicious delicacy, worth a feast!
Evelyn can confidently defeat Vayne, but the price of doing so is being caught by Tam who came behind, and then devoured directly!
Seriously injured demon, make up for it!
Under such circumstances, Evelyn could only start to flee all the way in an extremely embarrassing situation, becoming invisible, being picked out, doing two tricks, and then stealth again, in an endless loop.

In this way, Lux, Ino, and the soul warriors, who were waiting in full force, connected with Nocturne hiding in the shadows, and just stared blankly at Evelyn, Wayne, and Tam who were driving a train, and looked at the three Bits wandered around the fortress.

Whether it is a person, a soul, or a demon, they are all silent at this time.

This kind of chasing and fleeing scene may be naive for children, but it is just right for demons. As Evelyn becomes weaker, Tam's greed becomes more intense. Hunting seems to be coming to an end.

As a result, a difficult decision was placed in front of Lux and Ino: Do ​​you want to sit back and watch Tam devour Evelyn?
It’s true that the infighting between demons is dog-eat-dog, but it’s really hard to say how devouring a demon will bring about Tam’s evolution. Everyone suffers.

But if she helps Evelyn... How is this possible!
That is a demon of pain. It has long been the culprit of many tragedies in Demacia. No matter from what point of view, it should be completely destroyed. Do you save this kind of guy?
The tram problem of others is to hope that there will be no tram that is rolling forward, but the problem of Lux and Ino is that they can't find a second tram!
Fortunately, when Lacus and Ino were a little confused, Kalya quickly reacted.

"Don't forget our original goal." He proactively reminded, "Nocturne is the most important one. Only by destroying it can Jacka regain his freedom!"

"But, don't we just ignore these two demons?" Lux frowned upon hearing this, "Now do something to Nocturne, and then sit back and watch the demons devour each other?"

"Of course it's not just sitting back and watching." Kalya explained, "It's first come, first served—only when Nocturne is eliminated first, can these fearless vanguard fighters move with us without any scruples, making a time difference."

"Time difference?"

"That's right, time difference."

As he spoke, Karya quickly explained his thoughts.

After listening to Kalya's words, Lacus and Ino looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.

If they just sit back and do nothing, the result will only be Tamm successfully devouring Evelyn, so why not try following Kalya's method!


Wayne, who was hunting down Evelyn with all her strength, found out after chasing that there were two more helpers by her side——Ino removed the ice shell of the fortress, and rushed down the fortress together with Lux. It was to help Wei En take down Evelyn.

Regarding the arrival of these two helpers, although Wei En did not have a good face, she at least maintained the most basic restraint.

Instead of turning around to shoot Lacus or Ino with an arrow, Wei En finally chose to shoot at Evelyn proactively, exposing Evelyn's location and guiding them to cast spells.

Seeing this situation, both Lacus and Ino breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that under the erosion of the shadow, Wei En still retained some sanity, at least not going completely crazy.

In this way, the probability of success of the plan is greatly increased!
With Vayne's guidance, Lux and Ino began to frequently use spells to harass Evelyn who was running away in front. Wherever Vayne shot, the ice and beams would cover it. In this case, the injuries were not light Evelyn's condition is naturally worse.

The old wounds have not healed under the light for a long time, and the new wounds are revived under the attack of ice crystals. Evelyn is on the verge of life and death for the first time since she was born in the Rune Wars era.

Seeing that the chasing soldiers behind were like gangrene, unable to shake off, Evelyn finally gave up her heart and started to set off in a diagonal stab, moving away from the fortress——she finally gave up staying in the Shadow Realm , Find opportunities to torture those precious soul warriors.

Seeing this scene, both Lux and Ino's eyes lit up at the same time.

There is a play!

According to Karya, if Evelyn is pushed into a hurry, it will definitely choose the direction it came from and leave the Shadow Realm directly.

Unlike the situation where Tam was completely controlled by greed, Evelyn has not yet reached the point where she can enjoy the pain, and the demonic instinct has not completely overwhelmed the rationality of survival.

Evelyn knew very well that Wei En was able to hunt her down like this, relying most on her shadow state.

If it wasn't in the Shadow Realm, Wei En might not have been able to find the invisible Evelyn!

As Kalya judged, in order to escape, Evelyn planned to leave the Shadowlands and return to Runeterra to hide.

This is what I want!

After Evelyn turned around, Lux and Ino quickly separated—Ino took Karya together and continued to chase Evelyn who wanted to leave the Shadow Realm, while Lux quickly returned and was killed by Nocturne. A return carbine.

Two of the three demons united together have escaped now, so they must take advantage of the precious window to directly take down Nocturne!

When Lux returned, Moteng unsurprisingly launched a fierce offensive above the fortress.

Two unreliable teammates have made Nocturne aware of the seriousness of the problem. It doesn't know the identities of Lacus and Ino. After the failure of the alliance of the three demons this time, with Lux and Ino sitting in charge, I am afraid that I will never be able to leave the Shadow Realm.

The previous Nocturne, at most, wanted to consume these annoying soul warriors and pass the level as harmlessly as possible.

But now, Nocturne has finally become an iron slave by any means!
Seeing Lux and Ino running after Evelyn, it took this opportunity to directly launch a surprise attack on the fortress, intending to directly break through the defenses of the soul warriors, directly open the gate of the Shadow Realm, and put its own shadow The body is transformed into a physical body of flesh and blood, so as to leave here.

As long as they return to Runeterra, countless people will have countless nightmares for it to devour.
Unlike the countless previous sieges, this time, the shadow summoned by Nocturne was more intense than ever—and at the price, its shadow body became darker and darker.

This is the origin of the devil that it has never used.

Unlike the countless bloody battles before, this time, Nocturne is desperate. In order to seize this last chance to leave, it would rather give up the possibility of being promoted to a great demon in the future, and leave here directly!

The desperate demons were hard to stop. Under the influence of Nocturne, the soul warriors fell into a temporary stupor, and then were torn apart by the shadow blade in a nightmare that was both real and illusory.

Although these souls will be revived one by one, even after the sacrifice ceremony, this revival has a time limit.

Taking advantage of the time lag in soul recovery, Nocturne finally rushed into the fortress under the cover of shadows.

Find the gate of the Shadowlands, pass through the gates of the Shadowlands, embrace the power of Runeterra, and create yourself a demon body!
Even if the possibility of being promoted to the Great Demon disappears, at least I won't be trapped in the Shadow Realm forever-at worst, I will find a group of Yazakana with a promising future, help them advance, and then devour them!

As long as you get out of the shadow world without nightmares, everything will be fine!
Then, just as Nocturne was dreaming of a bright future and trying to find an exit out of the Shadowlands, Lux returned.

 Kalya's Small Classroom: The Origin of Demons:

  The origin of the devil, as the name implies, is the origin of the power of the devil, the origin of the emotions that give birth to the devil, greed is the origin of Tam, pain is the origin of Evelyn, and nightmare is the origin of Nocturne.

  For demons, each level of evolution represents the expansion of the source, from the specific emotions of a person in the Yazakana period, to a certain emotion after becoming a demon, to a certain emotion after becoming a great demon. Emotions, the continuous evolution of the devil is the continuous expansion of its range of acceptance of emotions.

  Using the power of the source will consume the scope of emotional acceptance.

  If using ordinary demon power consumes mana, then using demon origin consumes the upper limit of mana.

  PS. This is just one chapter today. Diarrhea is a bit serious—my lactose intolerance has finally risen to the point where I would have diarrhea even after drinking yogurt. I couldn’t bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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