Lux's Farewell

Chapter 395 [0391]

Chapter 395 [0391]
A fog of shadows enveloped the entire fortress.

This time, the shadow mist is finally no longer a light smoke that disperses as soon as it is illuminated.

Even when Lux suddenly shot back and wanted to break through the shadow fog like before, under the strong light, although the shadow was pierced, it did not dissipate. transparent state.

This made Lux quite embarrassed.

If you enter the shadow, you may be attacked by Nocturne at any time; if you don't enter the shadow, Nocturne has slipped into the fortress under the cover of the shadow, and if it really finds a way to leave the shadow world, then it will be true. trouble!

In desperation, Lux could only put a layer of dark light shield on herself, carefully guarded, and entered the shadow mist little by little.

Carya is on Ino's side, and the only thing Lacus can rely on now is herself.

And because she was too hasty before, Lux didn't have time to visit the interior of the fortress, so she, like Nocturne, didn't know the internal structure of the fortress, nor where the exit of the Shadow Realm was. A "fair game".


Carefully stepping on the stone steps, Lux leaned against the wall, going up and down step by step, carefully walking in the not-so-spacious corridor inside the fortress.

This is the place where soul fighters usually live and train.

Speaking of which, since seeing these soul-shaped warriors, Lux has been wondering what they are doing in their free time.

A group of souls who don't need to eat or drink... Could it be that they have been so nervously preparing for battle in the past endless years?
How did they bear it?
Although she has reached the pinnacle, if Lux is kept on guard and defending against demons that may attack for a thousand years, Lux thinks that she may not be able to persevere.

Just leaving his hometown alone is enough to make Lux cry miserably in his arms all night. It is really like these soul warriors sticking to it for thousands of years, considering the time distortion of the shadow world...

It's just a little hopeless just thinking about it.

To be able to persist until today, what kind of tenacity and tenacity do these soul warriors have, so that they can come back to life again and again, and fight again?
In a daze, Lacus seemed to see the appearance of these soul warriors wearing their helmets and armor every day, ready for battle.

These cramped rooms and these narrow passages are the only places where they can move freely in these long years, surrounded by endless darkness, but they can only stick to this place, day after day, year after year...

Thinking of this, Lux only felt that the rough and cold stone wall behind her seemed to have a temperature at this moment. In the dark shadows around her, she seemed to see countless busy figures, maintaining equipment, daily training, etc. , They passed by here, talking and laughing at Yanyan on the city wall.

They don't know how the outside world has changed, they don't know what happened to their relatives and friends, and they don't know when their watch will end, but they still seem to be caught in a cycle, repeating similar things. day after day……

An indescribable and sympathetic melancholy made Lacus' nose a little sore. She subconsciously wanted to wipe the corners of her eyes, but when she raised her hand, a lightsaber appeared in her palm.

The sudden bright light pierced the surrounding darkness again. The corners of Lux's eyes were still a little crystal clear, but the movements of his hands did not hesitate at all, just as a pair of extremely sharp shadow blades protruded from the darkness. At the same time, the lightsaber in Lux's hand was also cut off.


Light and darkness intersected, as if there was an astonishing sound of gold and iron.

With the help of the thrust of the weapon, Lux leaned back and finally leaned against the stone wall; at the same time, Nocturne on the other side also retreated, disappearing into the black mist of shadow among.

Jie Jie's laughter echoed in the shadows, leaning against the cold stone wall, Lacus only felt a moment of fear.

Without Karya's sidelines to remind me, I almost fell into the devil's way!

Lax really never expected that positive emotions can also be guided by the devil and become an introduction to lure herself into a nightmare!
Thinking about it now, the memory just now may prove that what Lux fears the most is not death, but the confusion and loneliness of the unknown future.

With this nostalgia, Nocturne secretly guides Lux's emotions, almost making her unable to tell the truth from the illusion, and finally being dragged into an eternal nightmare!

And now, although Lux realized the problem at the last moment and struck out in time to get rid of Nocturne's hints, her heart was still beating faster—without Kalya's help as a support, she faced the demon for the first time. With such a clear and intuitive feeling!

Shaking her head, Lux dismissed these messy thoughts from her mind, patted her face lightly, and tried to concentrate completely.

Now is not the time to feel sad!Lacus!

Pay attention, the devil may attack at any time!

However, Nocturne's surprise attack did not appear. Instead, there was a whisper of demons in the nearby shadows.

"You also have weaknesses in your heart, little girl." After such a move just now, Nocturne seems to be confident in the whole demon, "Afraid that no one will accompany you, and fear that all efforts will be meaningless, tsk tsk tsk, what a person who cares about gains and losses Where's the little girl!"

Nocturne was trying to influence Lux's judgment with words.

But it's a pity that this method doesn't have any practical meaning to Lux.

During the simulated training, Lacus has faced many slick-mouthed enemies—who made her teacher an unforgiving character?

In this case, it is difficult for Lux to lose her judgment simply by being influenced by words during the battle. For Lux, provocation is undoubtedly meaningless!
However, even so, Lux didn't taunt back directly, but pretended to be seriously injured, and limped towards the place where the sound came from, looking like she wanted to split the shadow directly!


When Lux's blow missed, Nocturne was rocked with laughter.

"I've found your weakness!" It declared solemnly, "Now, the offensive and defensive momentum is different!"

However, Lux, who had already got the answer she wanted, didn't make any response—she seemed to have found the way to fight next, and was just on guard in the silence and darkness, waiting for Nocturne to show her weakness.

At the same time, Nocturne's body finally disappeared in the darkness, and it was preparing to launch a new round of fatal attacks, or directly find the key exit of the Shadow Realm.

This is destined to be an ultimate competition of courage, command and patience.


Different from the intrigue on Lux's side, on Ino and Kalya's side, the development of things is more or less "simple and rough".

If the battle on Lux's side was a chicken-eating contest in the dark forest, then Ino's side was an out-and-out competition.

I don't know how Evelyn determined the direction to leave the shadow world passage. Anyway, since she made up her mind to leave, her footsteps have not stopped in the slightest. It can be called a meteor striding all the way, leaving a series of ripples on the liquid shadow and then quickly fleeing. out.

Behind Evelyn, with the help of the shadow, Wei En fell not far behind—although her running speed was not as fast as Evelyn's Treading Xue Wuhen, this was her home field after all. After accepting the power of shadow, Wayne can be regarded as half the master of this world, so she can often use some seemingly strange ways to narrow the distance between herself and Evelyn.

Obviously, every step of Wei En is not too big, but the distance she moves is far beyond ordinary people. In this case, even if Evelyn has no trace, she still cannot get rid of Wei En.

A few steps behind Wei En, it was Ino who was skating all the way with Karya—it seemed that because of the ice blood, Ino was naturally proficient in many ice sports. For example, now, she is stepping on a big ice Floe followed Wei En not far behind very smoothly.

Pressing the hilt of the sword with one hand, Ino stared at Wayne and Evelyn in front of him, while tilting his head from time to time to look at Tam who was almost on par with him not far away.

That's right, in this chase, Tamm didn't fall behind either.

Although it seems that Tam's short hands and legs are not very good at running, and his chubby body is terribly bulky, but for him, the world is a river. As the king of rivers, he is often able to choose freely. A place to "go ashore".

Through the "short cut" of escaping into the river, Tamm was thrown off several times, and then tenaciously chased up several times. Although he remained at the bottom of the team at most, at least he was not in danger of falling behind.

In this way, Evelyn, Vayne, Ino, and Tamra formed a battle line that was neither long nor short, and rushed straight to the nearest temporary exit from the Shadow Realm.

For Evelyn, this is a bright road to escape from the queen.

For Wei En, this is the inevitable result of revenge.

For Yinuo, this is the gradually unfolding map of Yan.

For Tam, it's a hearty but not-so-mouthful buffet.

While chasing and fleeing, Evelyn quickly came to a place where the surrounding environment was obviously not right.

The shadow here is relatively thin, and the space seems to be unstable. If there is no accident, there should be an exit leading to the outside world.

Without any hesitation, Evelyn went straight to the most unstable place in the space.

And almost at the same time when Evelyn started to move, the ice floe under Ino's feet also accelerated suddenly - here she no longer needs Evelyn to guide the direction, and with Karya as the judge, she even took a step ahead of Evelyn , from this unstable exit, rushed out of the shadow world.

Ino's sudden acceleration startled Evelyn. Among the pursuers behind her, the ice elemental mage was the most unclear to her. She didn't know what Ino's purpose was, let alone what method Ino would take means, so even if she was chased like a rabbit, Evelyn still had spare energy for emergencies.

As a result, just as he was about to escape, this dangerous mage slipped out first...

There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem!
It's a pity that no matter how wrong it is, the current Evelyn has no choice.

If you don't leave the Shadowlands here for a while, the annoying Vayne will follow it like a necrosis, and Tamm will follow it greedily.

If you want to find a safe place to lick your wounds, you must leave the Shadow Realm!
Forget it, anyway, this kind of temporary subplane entrance and exit is not anchored somewhere in Runeterra——in the entire Shadow Realm, only the relationship between the "main gate" guarded by the fortress and Runeterra is certain, and other entries and exits The passages in the Shadowlands are all temporary.

Therefore, despite the fact that Ino just left Evelyn one step ahead, the position difference between the two sides after returning to Runeterra may be quite large.

Thinking of this, Evelyn didn't hesitate at all, and directly took this step, rushing out of the temporary portal that left the Shadow Realm.

After a moment of very familiar spinning, when she opened her eyes again, Evelyn was astonished to find that she seemed to have come to a place she had never been to before.

The sky is full of wind and snow here, and the north wind is bitter.

Looking around, Evelyn only saw a piece of white school, it seems that there is nothing but white here.

Looking blankly at the dazzling whiteness around her, at this moment, Evelyn, who was already seriously injured, seemed to have a short-circuited head.

Is this the Freljord?
A portal from the Shadowlands teleporting itself to the Freljord?

Although her heart was full of doubts, Evelyn's movements were still very fast-almost at the same time as she took her steps, she hid her body... No wonder!
Evelyn, who made up her mind to recover from her injuries, never dreamed that one day she would stand in a world of ice and snow, staring blankly at everything around her, but she couldn't even leave invisibly!

How is this going?

Why can't I hide myself?

Could it be that this is not the Freljord, but a certain subplane with unique rules, and the passage just now is the passage from the Shadow Realm to other subplanes?

Uh, no, something is wrong!
not like this!
Obviously I felt the familiar smell of Runeterra beyond that passage, and I even smelled the delicious taste of pain, how could it be the wrong place!

Since it's not the problem of the channel itself, it's the annoying ice mage doing something!
Thinking of this, Evelyn finally shivered.

If what I saw was really the fault of that ice mage, the other party could easily pull me into a world of ice and snow, and even forbid my ability to be invisible...

how can that be!

Not reconciled, Evelyn told herself that what she saw was just an illusion, while trying to break through the illusion, but the fact is that no matter how hard she tried, all she could see was this white snow country...

 Carya's Little Classroom: Ice Floes:

  Ino's ice floes are element-driven, self-propelled, all-terrain ice skates.

  PS. There are very few updates this month, and this will not be the case next month!
(End of this chapter)

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