Lux's Farewell

Chapter 397 [0393] That phantom

Chapter 397 [0393]

The demonic source is burning.

Tasting her own pain, Evelyn's graceful figure has become blurred, becoming illusory.

At this moment, the pain has turned into strength. Evelyn's catwalks are frivolous, and her movements seem to be slow but fast. She can always slip through the cracks in the ice when there is no time to wait—even if there are thorns under her feet, and the ice around her The blade is like a knife, and the pain demon still walks in the courtyard.

The sense of stagnation that was so far away before had disappeared, and Evelyn unexpectedly found that in this world, the rules seemed to treat everyone equally, even the "manipulator" Yinuo in front of her was no exception.

This discovery gave Evelyn great confidence.

To slow me down is to slow myself down. In terms of speed, I have the advantage!
The advantage in speed gave Evelyn a chance to fight back. No matter how amazing the power of the spell, it would be meaningless not to be able to hit the target. Instead, Evelyn could take advantage of the gap between Ino's spellcasting and keep narrowing the distance between the two sides. , and waited for an opportunity to threaten Eno itself.

The spines are gone, but the tail is still there!

Maybe you're a good spellcaster, but... have the ability to take my tail and try?


Evelyn's judgment was correct. Ino really couldn't resist its attack.

Climbing Targon is not a ritual of ascension, and receiving celestial energy does not mean having a celestial body.

The bodies of Lux and Ino are not the kind of ascended bodies that can be temporarily inorganicized, even if they are stronger than mortals, they can only be said to be limited in strength.

So, not to mention taking Evelyn's attack head-on, even letting Evelyn get close, absolutely not!
With a thought, a piece of ice floe has risen from the feet of Ino, carrying Ino firmly, like a moving throne, suddenly shortening the distance between her and Evelyn, making Quiet The protruding tail pierced the void.

Evelyn, who had finally found a chance to fight back, naturally wouldn't give up easily. She let out a light laugh that seemed to be comfortable, but also painful. In the laughter, the slender figure had already wiped out the blue. solid ice.

Wherever he went, Ino's control over magic was lost instantly, and the solid ice shattered inch by inch.

Seeing this situation, Ino didn't hesitate at all. With a wave of his scepter, the two ice wolves threw themselves off the Ice Throne.

Ino started learning the elemental creation spell after leaving Zaun, and he is not very proficient in using it now. The two ice wolves seem interesting, but there is still a big gap between them and the real elemental puppets.

Fortunately, Eno doesn't seem to expect them to cause any trouble to Evelyn. The function of these two ice wolves is only to delay Evelyn's actions a little bit, buying time for Eno to release the next large-scale spell. That's all.

The two ice wolves didn't growl, howl, or make any unnecessary movements. They just pounced on Evelyn from left to right, trying to flank and restrain the demon who moved so fast and always interfered with Yinuo's spellcasting.

Naturally, Evelyn didn't pay attention to the two ice wolves with stiff movements and stiff faces. Just by meeting them, they were sure that elemental creatures of this level couldn't even touch the corners of their clothes.

Spending mana to make this kind of thing, trying to interfere with yourself?

The ice elemental mage on the opposite side is panicking!

Easily throwing off the pincer attack, Evelyn's tail quietly poked towards Ino again.

Then, just when a bit of happiness was just born from the bottom of Evelyn's heart, the cruel reality dealt it a humiliating blow.

That's right, it threw off the two ice wolves.

But just when the two sides passed each other, the two ice wolves exploded without warning...

Such an "extravagant" way of fighting caught Evelyn by surprise. She thought that Ino took the time and consumed magic power to create two elemental ice wolves to cover herself from casting spells, but she never expected that these two elemental ice wolves Creatures came rushing to explode from the very beginning!

What the hell!
If it's going to explode, wouldn't it be good if you just make a few ice balls and roll them over to explode?
You have to make two decent ice wolves just to blow yourself up... How dirty is your heart? !
And, not to mention, this kind of decently shaped ice wolf, the ice cubes formed after the explosion, really hurts when it sticks!
Although her injuries were not serious, Evelyn's nameless flames had quietly risen after her face was smeared with icy slag.

When will mere mortals be so unscrupulous in front of demons?

When will a mortal spellcaster be able to play such small thoughts on himself?

Now that my own demon origin has been burned, there is almost no hope of being promoted to the Great Demon in the future, what else can I be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Evelyn's figure became faster, and there was almost only a lavender streamer left - as the saying goes, everything is invincible, only fast can't be broken. In this case, Evelyn's spells take effect faster than Without Evelyn's speed of action, the situation of the battle changed drastically in an instant!
When the speed of the enemy is not good enough to take effect of spells in a large area, the battle situation naturally becomes difficult for Ino and he becomes passive. It is no longer possible to replace defense with offense. There is a way to go after self-protection.

Anyway, what you, Evelyn, are burning is your own demonic origin. The bigger you become, the weaker you become. As long as you keep enough magic power on Ino's side, if you continue to fight for a long time, the outcome is still unknown!

Knowing that her state could not be maintained for a long time, Evelyn looked like a ghost, relying on the advantage of speed, began to attack Ino from all directions.

The soft and long tail is like a ribbon and like a steel whip. It always "splits two arms" with Evelyn's main body, attacking Ino from different angles - one of them is in the open, and the other is hiding in the blind spot to sneak attack , if it wasn't for the fact that Ino's elemental perception was exceptionally clear in Kalya's small world, I'm afraid she would lose sight of the other after a few tricks!
What's more insidious is that although the pain demon has lost the ability to hide, it still changes its tail into a translucent appearance. The flexible tail can always sneak out from all kinds of incredible places beyond people's imagination. Without the tail thorns, she couldn't break through Ino's ice shield, but it still left her no time to use spells that required time to prepare. She could only passively control the multi-faceted ice shield, barely maintaining a defensive posture.

The battle seemed to be at a stalemate.

However, behind the stalemate, both Eno and Evelyn have their own plans.


Evelyn already felt Ino's pain.

The source of this pain is the lack of magic power.

That's right, Ino's magic power has shown signs of being deficient-after using a wide range of spells for a long time and needing to be distracted to use multiple spells, her magic power has finally begun to be declared insufficient.

Unlike the situation in the game where the spell is cast at will before the blue bar is cleared, the actual situation is that as the magic power gradually decreases, the caster's ability to control the spell will gradually decline.

Moreover, during this process, the caster will clearly feel a pain from the depths of the soul, as if his own soul is being squeezed.

This kind of pain, falling into Evelyn's perception, is simply a supreme delicacy!

Hahahaha, stupid mortals!

I burned the origin of the devil, what else can you burn?
Competing with demons?
I'm so sorry, I will absorb your pain and I will become stronger and stronger!

And you will only drown yourself completely in the abyss of endless pain!
While trying to feel the pain exposed by Ino, Evelyn accelerated the speed of burning her own demonic source - it has already given up at this time. As far as it is concerned, only by taking down Ino and using the pain of Ino can it be destroyed. Barely make up for the losses in this battle.

Wait, I'll make Tahm look good when I get the chance to clean up this mage and incorporate her pain into my origin!
The origin of the devil who covets me... the devil of greed is also worthy?

Like a sadist, Evelyn let out a hair-raising laugh, and what was even more frightening was that when the source of pain was burning, Eno even vaguely heard an extremely stern wail.

This was when Evelyn was born and Runeterra was in the Rune Wars, the wailing and struggle of countless innocent people in the face of out-of-control forces!

For the victory of this battle, Evelyn even burned up this core strength.

Amidst the horrific wailing, the ice shield surrounding Ino finally couldn't hold on anymore.

The power of the devil erodes the elements and destroys the stability of the spell. Even if Ino tried his best to maintain and control it, as her magic power continued to decrease, this control still showed its flaws.

Following two cracking sounds that were not crisp, but enough to make one's heart skip a beat, two of the three ice shields surrounding Ino were directly shattered.

Although after the ice shield burst, the scattered ice shards forced Evelyn to stagnate her offensive, but after avoiding this wave, Evelyn's offensive became more fierce-it felt very clearly that the enemy in front of her This little girl is suffering and tormented by astonishing pain!

"Come on, little girl." With a light smile, Evelyn finally disappeared into the invisible again, "You see, you can no longer stop me, give up unnecessary resistance, let us become one, we Guaranteed, you will disappear very peacefully..."

Facing the provocation of the painful demon, Ino just gritted his teeth and said nothing, as if he had reached the limit of his patience.

"Don't be afraid, little girl." The invisible Evelyn's voice was faint, as if here, there, and everywhere, "Pain is not terrible, come on, come to sister, let me teach you , how to taste the wonderful pain—”


Ino is really in pain.

Ino's pain did come from the severe loss of magic power.

However, completely different from what Evelyn thought, Ino's magic power was not consumed, but was forcibly sucked away by a guy disguised as a sword hilt.

Evelyn was able to become invisible again, not because Ino couldn't control this small world, but because Karya took the initiative to let go of the authority.

The reason for this, on the one hand, is to make Evelyn misjudgment, making it think that Ino is close to exhaustion, making its attacks more daring and revealing flaws; There is a must kill.

It is not an easy task to keep a demon completely behind, not to mention that Kalya and Ino must make a quick decision, get rid of Evelyn as quickly as possible, and go back to support Lacus as soon as possible!
Therefore, Ino deliberately adopted all kinds of fighting methods that seemed to consume a lot of mana, but actually did not consume so much mana. He switched from offense to defense, and at the same time gave a lot of mana to Karya.

Kalya is not good at fighting. He lacks the instinctive judgment and decisiveness at the critical moment. Its own talent is limited, so it is not suitable for battles that require fighting instincts to make judgments and reactions in an instant.

However, when it comes to making layouts during battles and cheating people during battles...

Karya is better than anyone.

Now, this is the case.

Seeing that Evelyn has entered a "state of berserk", Kalya's ultimate move is almost ready.

Ino's acting skills are a bit clumsy. A mage throwing away his scepter in embarrassment is somewhat unreasonable, but in Evelyn's eyes, this is clearly a sign that the other party has lost his behavior and lost his speed!
She can't stand it!
In one go, Evelyn didn't intend to give Ino any chance, and directly bullied her. The pair of tails behind her spread out to both sides, as if she was going to directly wrap around Enuo in the next moment, causing her to sink into pain and become a demon. nourishment!

The pain demon didn't realize at all that the ice scepter that Ino had just "discarded in embarrassment" quietly shattered, revealing the saber wrapped in it.

The distance between Evelyn's tail and Ino's chest was less than an inch.

It seemed that the next moment, this demon tail that had killed countless mortals and absorbed countless pains would climb up and tie up Ino completely.

But it's a pity that this inch distance is the closest it was to Ino in the entire battle.

Just when Evelyn was excitedly planning to reap the pain, its hidden figure was forced to appear—at the same time, the yellow sand under its feet broke through the snow, surged up, and turned into an amazing beast The big hand pulled it in place first.

Gold and gravel mixed together, making this big hand look golden, with a somewhat Ionian-style majesty. Behind this big hand, a tall and thin figure finally emerged quietly.

"Pain devil." Kalya's voice was extremely calm, without any waves, "You feed on the pain of mortals, and use bloody killings to extract endless pain. Now, it's time for you to experience the pain grasped by you. It tastes good."

At the juncture of life and death, Evelyn finally realized the seriousness of the problem. She wailed and struggled desperately, but her huge hands couldn't hold it.

Seeing this, Kalya just shook her head slightly—and then, another giant hand gushed out from the ground.

The next moment, Kalya lowered her head slightly and folded her hands together.

And following his movements, the pair of big hands holding Evelyn also clasped together simultaneously. After an incomparably mournful howl, the world finally became quiet.

The yellow sand fades away.

When Kalya opened her hands, a little "Evelyn" was struggling in her palms.

 Karya's Little Classroom Elemental Creation Spells:

  A spell for creating magical entities resembling living creatures out of solid elements, a complex, high-level elemental and puppet magic, magic circuit-based spell.

  PS. This chapter has a lot of chapters, and there will be another chapter in the evening-plus more!
(End of this chapter)

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