Lux's Farewell

Chapter 398 [0394]

Chapter 398 [0394]
Ino looked at the "devil figurine" in Kalya's hand, his expression was full of surprise.

Although she had no doubt that her teacher could take down this demon, she still never expected that it would be done in this way—it was those big yellow hands that suppressed Evelyn, but then it appeared in the into Karya's hands...

However, Ino was just watching.

"Should we leave?" Looking away from the demon figurine, Ino asked, "I'm afraid the situation on Lux's side will be very bad. Demons in this state are really not very easy to deal with."

"Yeah, this is the first time I've seen a demon in this state." Kalya pinched the tail of Evelyn who was about to show her teeth and claws. "However, before that, we still need to receive two guests."

"Tam and Vayne?"

"That's right." Kalya nodded, "Evelyn is already in such trouble, we absolutely can't take Tamm down—rather than spending time on that rough-skinned guy, it's better to let him know the difficulty retreat."

"But I always feel that Wei En will entangle us." Ino nodded first, and then said helplessly, "She has gone completely crazy."

"Don't worry, she won't be able to make any waves here." Kalya's mask showed a bright smile, "This small world has been silent for too long... Let's treat it as lively."


When Ino left Kalya's small world and returned to Runeterra, Tam and Wayne who came out of the Shadow Realm were staring at each other.

None of them figured out where Evelyn and Ino had gone.

Theoretically speaking, Evelyn disappeared, and Tamm should have regained his senses at this time.

But the problem is, besides Evelyn, Wayne is also a very delicious object to devour!

Therefore, Tamm originally wanted to turn around and beat the rabbits, devouring the person who had undergone the shadow transformation and filling his stomach first.

In the end, before it could make a move, Wei En couldn't take it anymore.

After accepting the shadow transformation, but not coming out of the "gate" of the shadow world, the result is that her own shadow form is extremely unstable.

Why didn't Nocturne leave the Shadowlands?
Does it not want to?
It is because it has embraced the shadow and transformed the demon body into a shadow body. If you don't leave the shadow world through the "front door", your body will be very unstable in Runeterra, and even self-destruct!
And now, Wei En is facing this situation.

No matter how good Tam's appetite is, facing a guy who looks like he might explode by himself at any time, he still feels a little bit hesitant.

Just when Tam hesitated, Wayne's body began to collapse.

The more her body collapsed, the less it appealed to Tam.

And Tam, as a demon, couldn't help her kindly—so, when Kalya and Ino teamed up to take down Elise, a shadow creature and a greedy demon just stared at her , one's body collapsed rapidly, and the other seemed to be happy to see it happen...

Ino, who appeared with a saber, just stretched out his hand, and Wei En, whose body collapsed quickly and had no ability to resist, was taken away.

Then her eyes finally fell on Tam.

"Tam." Ino's voice was extremely cold, "Two coats, do you want to make a deal?"

"Trading, Tam likes trading." The tentacles trembled slightly, and Tam opened his big mouth, showing a ferocious smile, "However, not everyone is qualified to make a deal with Tam——"

"I won't talk nonsense." Ino interrupted Tam's words directly according to Karya's request, "Greedy devil, are you interested in the gods of the heavens?"

Hearing Ino's words, Tam was stunned.

Having been a demon for so many years, Tam never imagined that one day a mortal would ask him to make a deal, and the first thing he would say would be "the god of the heavens".

Judging from Yinuo's tone, it seems that there is no difference between a god in the heaven and a rooster in the village.

As a well-informed demon who is very clear about the greed of human nature, Tamm just feels confused at this moment.

"Some time ago, the Great Desolation star fell." Ino took out a seemingly unattractive stone from nowhere. "The Pantheon constellation broke into two pieces, and two meteors fell. This is one of the fragments."

"What do you want?" Flicking his fat and thick tongue, Tam straightened his body and straightened his top hat. "Tam likes trading the most."

"What I want is very simple." Yinuo put away the stone and said with a serious expression, "I want money."

Tam was dumbfounded again.

It is outrageous enough for a mortal to make a deal with himself, and when he opens his mouth, it is the "body" of a celestial god.

She never expected that the item she wanted to trade was actually money!


This thing might be useful to mortals, but it's nothing to superhumans?
"Hehehahaha, really interesting." Tam looked at Ino in front of him with a wonderful expression, "Using money to buy the body of a god is really an interesting idea—"

"20 gold hex." Ino ignored Tam's words, and quoted the price on his own, "give me 20 gold hex, and this stone will be yours."

"Okay!" Tam didn't hesitate at all, "20 gold hexes, available now!"


Although I don't know the specific principle, Tam still "created" a river with ease, and fished out several large bags of gold-hex from the river.

After confirming the authenticity of Jinhex, Ino did not hesitate, and directly handed over the Pantheon meteorite fragments picked up on the road to Tam.

Tam, who got the meteorite fragments, laughed and plunged into the river where he just made money, and then disappeared into the river with the devil belt, and disappeared in an instant.

"Can we really do this?" Seeing the demon disappear, Ino walked towards the unclosed Shadow Realm passage, and asked Kalya, "Although I don't know what the meteorite is useful for, but will it Hand over to a greedy demon..."

"Don't worry too much." Kalya didn't mind at all, "Order and chaos are very difficult to be compatible. As a dark descendant, I can say that I have a deep understanding of this. Don't look at Tam's guy who can do anything. It looks like it’s going to be eaten, but it can’t eat that stone.”

"If Tahm couldn't devour this stone, why did it agree so decisively?" Ino frowned, "If there is an essential conflict between the power of the heavens and the power of the devil, wouldn't it be natural for it to get this meteorite?" looking for trouble?"

"Acquisition may not be for your own use!" Carya seemed to understand Tam's appearance very well, "This greedy demon, as long as he finds a suitable buyer, he may easily make a lot of money, and even lure the buyer I will return the jade to Zhao directly!"


Ino felt that he probably understood Karya's meaning.

Although that stone was indeed part of the Pantheon Constellation, it would be impossible to say how amazing the power of the heavens is contained in it.

But in any case, for most Rakkor people, that broken stone is enough to be a sacred object.

Tam can trade with them.

And Lux ​​and Ino are obviously not in the same heart with these Rakkor people. It is also very interesting to let Tam find them and squeeze a fortune out of them.

And, even better, the person who traded with Tam in the future is likely to be taken advantage of and entangled by demons. Considering that Kalya and both parties are not dealing with each other, this can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

As for worrying that the Rakkor and the demons are really getting together...

Don't make trouble, others don't know about the virtues of the giant god, but doesn't Kalya know?
"Okay, don't show this expression as if looking at dirty things." Just when Ino realized something, Kalya urged, "Go back quickly, I'm afraid Lacus won't be able to hold it if you go late." Already!"

"But what about the money?"

"Just leave it to me!"

"...Why do I feel like you are excited?"

"That's your hallucination - pay attention to the space vortex!"


Ino and Kalya returned to the Shadow Realm the same way, and then ran at full speed towards the fortress guarding the gate of the Shadow Realm.

You must hurry up, judging from Evelyn's previous outburst, the current situation on Lux's side may not be optimistic either!

Well, there's nothing wrong with their judgment at this point.

Over at Shadowkeep, Lux was being chased by Nocturne and running around.

Compared to Evelyn, Nocturne is indeed weaker.

But the home field advantage of being in the Shadowlands makes up for this very well.

When Nocturne began to burn the nightmare energy, Lux's light finally could no longer easily dispel the fog.

As a result, Nocturne, who was elusive, began to launch sneak attacks from various angles under the cover of the shadow mist.

Just because she wanted to prevent this guy from really finding the entrance of the passage and slipping out of the Shadow Realm, Lux couldn't stay away from the fog directly. In this case, all she could do was to be careful while moving around quickly.

Running so fast was not what Lux was looking for, but she hoped to avoid being attacked by Nocturne in this way.

Unfortunately, this method does not work well.

Under the cover of the shadow mist, while running, Lux also endured the temptation of the nightmare, distinguishing the true from the false in front of her.

Unlike Evelyn, although Nocturne is a warrior in Summoner's Canyon, the reality is that many of its abilities are similar to spells.

If Evelyn wants to reap the pain, she needs to do it herself and squeeze it out herself.

In this respect, Nocturne's rank is undoubtedly much higher - in his opinion, the effect of squeezing emotions is not good, it is easier and more effective to guide emotions!

It is precisely for this reason that after almost falling into a nightmare, Lux had to put up 12 points of energy to guard against the other party's tricks.

In this way, a unique "peek-a-boo" contest was officially launched.

 Carya's Small Classroom · Form and World:

  Different worlds and rules are different, and different places have a great influence on the physical condition - when the form of the body is not compatible with the plane it is in, the result is often a tragedy.

(End of this chapter)

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