Lux's Farewell

399 [0395] The birth of the devil

399 [0395] The birth of the devil

The battle with Nocturne left Lux feeling unspeakably exhausted physically and mentally.

Non-stop sneak attacks, real and false illusions, and the possibility of falling into nightmare thoughts at any time... The combination of various factors gave Lacus a feeling of being defeated.

After throwing away unnecessary arrogance and burning his demonic origin, Nocturne finally behaved like a "demon".

In a trance, Lux even had the feeling that she was fighting with her teacher—the current fighting style of Nocturne was somewhat similar to the "battle essence" taught by Kalya.

Make full use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, and confront Huanghuang Guanghui head-on, the more Nocturne is familiar with this aspect, the more Lux will feel like falling into a quagmire, with nowhere to use her strength.

Lux didn't know that the price of Nocturne's actions was to burn the origin of the demon. Between the real and the fake, she gradually lost the perception of time, and she finally got a little anxious.

I can't continue to be pinned down and attacked like this!

After estimating her remaining magic power, in the darkness, Lux gritted her teeth and began to arrange her own field magic.

Recalling the starry sky she stared at every night in the Shurima Desert when she was studying magic theory, Lux created light-transmitting singularities, and hung them one by one according to the distribution of the stars. Inside the fortress filled with shadow and mist.

These small light clusters have a stable structure and high light intensity. Although the light cannot directly penetrate the fog because Nocturne burned the demonic source, their existence gave Lux a relatively clear sense of elements and position judgment.

On the premise of not pursuing explosion and killing, these light-transmitting singularities do not consume much magic power. Lux does not want to precisely control every light or light up every corner, but only wants to be able to maintain all light groups I just want to use the light element to help myself judge time and space.

In order not to lose the reference object, Lacus made a reference object for herself!

The effect of this trick can be said to be immediate.

As the light clusters lit up one after another, Lux's perception of the surrounding elements became clearer and clearer. When Nocturne tried to lure her into the nightmare again, Lux easily got rid of it. It's alluring.

Light guides truth and falsehood!
It's useless to make tricks, and Nocturne, who became so angry, simply took the initiative to wipe out the light-transmitting singularity created by Lux—however, this behavior gave Lux a chance to catch Nocturne's trace, and when he sensed the light-transmitting singularity When the singularity was out of control, Lak poured his magic power without hesitation, lit up the ultimate flash, and almost hit Nocturne again!

Under the cover of the Shadow Mist, narrowly avoiding the dangerous final flash, Nocturne once again cloaked himself in darkness.

Nocturne has actually found an exit from the Shadowlands.

Although demons often do not retain the memory of the Yazakana period, Nocturne is an exception-it is not a purely natural demon, but a product of artificial catalysis, which is completely different from other demons.

It remembers that when it was brought into the Shadow Realm by those powerful mages, it remembered that those mages had done various transformation experiments on itself, it remembered their wanton and wild ambitions, and it remembered that after they finally liberated themselves, after they saw themselves again, The wonderful taste of falling into a nightmare.

However, even though he found the exit, Nocturne couldn't open the sealed door—those annoying Demacians used it as an anchor point to bind their souls, as long as he attacked that door, those souls The Demacians in the state will quickly revive, and then immediately surround them.

Even in the current state, Nocturne can suppress these Demacians relatively easily, but there is still a Light Elemental Mage watching over him, and the Nightmare Demon is still not easy to make trouble.

If he was really held back by these mortals, and if he was hit by the ultimate flash firmly, then he might fall on the eve of victory!

Tsk, it's really troublesome. I don't know who this little girl who used up her magic learned from. Why does she seem to know all kinds of magic, even melee combat? The opponent's sharp melee ability parried it, but it didn't have any effect at all...

No, we can't go on like this.

Nocturne already clearly felt his own weakness. It didn't know how much magic power Lux still had, and he didn't know whether the opponent's magic power was exhausted first or his own demonic origin was exhausted first.

So, it's going to be a hemorrhage.

Thinking of this, Mo Teng Jie Jie's strange laughter finally resounded through the entire shadow fog.

"Not bad mortal." It seemed to be very serious, and it seemed to be yin and yang. "You have a firm mind and amazing magic power, but it is a pity that not every mortal has such a tough mind and will——" Are you setting up a meeting place? Just right, I have a few old friends who will be here, and I plan to chat with you..."

The next moment, the shadow mist began to boil like boiling.

Nocturne put his heart to one side, even if his heart was unwilling, he still contributed its core strength.

"Devils are born out of suffering, but suffering is man-made... Come on, look at these twisted monsters, they made me a long time ago!" Nocturne's voice contained some subtle distress , with a bit of ostentatious pleasure, "They thought they could control me, that they could gain immortality by absorbing my power! But they were wrong, they were distorted by this world, and finally fell into a nightmare, becoming A part of me, and now, I'm honored to introduce you to these amazing shadow casters—"

"This is Suka. He personally formulated a huge plan to catalyze Yazakana." Nocturne's voice was chilling, "He has studied demons, and he knows that the birth of demons requires a lot of pure emotions—— Therefore, he feeds an ignorant Yazakana with mixed emotions, fills it with its power, and then absorbs its power, as long as Yazakana does not become a real demon, he will absolutely be unable to resist."

In the darkness, a tall and thin figure quietly emerged.

A moment later, one of Lux's light-transmitting singularities was quietly extinguished. Although Lux realized this through elemental perception and shot in time, when the strong light dissipated, it was not Nocturne who was injured, but a distorted , Inhuman shadow creatures.

This is the Suka who presided over the Nocturne birth experiment.

"This is Bunita, she is a very thoughtful guy, and the way of trying to obtain demon power is also more direct." Nocturne's narration continued, "Cunning Bunita, the excuse she made for this experiment is' Trying to change the demon form', but in the process, she sewed the stripped demon bodies onto her body one by one."

In the distorted black mist, another light-transmitting singularity was extinguished. This time, it was a bloated guy who did it. Although it had been completely reduced to a shadow creature, it possessed many demonic qualities.

"And this one, his name is Ryder, and he's a bard." Nocturne let out a chuckle, "Thanks to his proposal of 'feeding demons with false stories and emotions', not his proposal, I'm afraid Never realized that the illusory nightmare is also a kind of power, come on, let us say together... Thank you Ryder."

The translucent singularity went out again.

"This is Huang, I heard that he came from an ancient continent, and he has a lot of research on seals..."

The translucent singularity went out again.

"This is Thesees, she is very smart, she was the first to discover my progress, so she was the first to be swallowed by the shadows..."

The translucent singularity went out again.



In the black mist, one after another old guys who had been active in the early stage of Rune Wars were released by Nocturne.

They are out-and-out dark mages and the creators of Nocturne, a special demon.

As one light-transmitting singularity went out one after another, Lux finally gradually understood why this demon was born, why this demon was trapped, and why this demon was so different.


Maybe it's because they have seen the mighty power of the Darkborn, maybe it's because they yearn for the power of the world's runes, there are such a group of bold dark mages.

For the sake of power, they did everything possible. After discovering the Shadow Realm that was born in Runeterra, they brought a nascent Yazakana here and used it as a laboratory to carry out a terrifying experiment.

The content of the experiment is to artificially create a special demon.

If Yazakana wants to become a real demon, he must capture enough emotions, and in order to prevent this Yazakana from becoming a real demon, these black magicians will always "feed" this Yazakana with the most mixed emotions Karna, like a pig, doesn't let this yazakana get enough emotion to go any further.

During this period, once Yazakana shows a tendency to evolve into a demon, these black magicians will use various means to suppress it, including but not limited to stripping the demon's body, elemental confinement, seal strengthening, and emotional input reduce etc...

The demon that devours extreme emotions has become the best test product in the hands of these crazy mages. They seem to have successfully created a Yazakana with power close to that of a real demon.

Excited black mages absorbed the power of this demon, and regarded this demon as an "emotion-power converter". As long as this demon was given various extreme emotions, this demon would become the source of their power.

In order to be able to feed this demon, these black magicians did all kinds of evil on Runeterra, anger, fear, panic, hatred... They brought one victim after another to the demon, nourishing the demon with their mixed emotions, They believe that as long as they don't infuse the same emotion, Yazakana, who lives in the shadow world, can never become a real demon.

However, what they don't know is that extreme emotions are actually far more diverse and complex than they thought - Yazakana, who they regard as a battery in a box, has actually perceived a special emotion early on.


This is the emotion that countless victims least want to think of, most hope to avoid, and least want to face.

Since then, that Yazakana has a brand new name.


Nocturne's escape journey was actually not smooth. Under the restrictions of numerous seals, it could not confuse these dark mages, let alone leave its cage.

Fortunately, as the absorption of demonic power became smoother, the expansion of these dark mages gave Nocturne a perfect opportunity.

Taking advantage of the doubts between them, Nocturne finally aroused the nightmare in their hearts—for these people who are hungry for power, sometimes it only takes a little provocation that seems insignificant to stir up the most fragile and sensitive nerves in their hearts.

Uneasy, one dark mage after another violated the original agreement and began to absorb the power of demons excessively, and this excessive absorption, in turn, gave the demons a chance to control them.

At this time, the rune war broke out.

Under the chaos of the current situation, many dark mages began to gear up and prepare to "do a big business". They reinforced and sealed the exit of the Shadow Realm multiple times, trying to use this place as their lair.

Then, in the first step of their journey of conquest, they encountered Demacia, which was just born at that time.

These mortals who came from all parts of the Valoran continent and left their homes to avoid the flames of war, gradually integrated into a powerful force in the process of fleeing westward.

Although these dark mages are powerful, it is still difficult for them to win in the face of these mortals who are protected by the protoss and rely on the magic stone for defense.

The enraged mages captured many warriors who looked down on death, restrained their souls with sacrificial rituals, tortured them constantly, and tried to use these souls to feed the demons.

But it's a pity that these souls are too tough, and they can't squeeze out much emotion at all.

While the two sides were entangled endlessly, Nocturne, who had been strictly disciplined, seized the opportunity and provoked the internal fighting among these black mages.

During the internal strife, the black mages absorbed too much power of demons, and finally fell into the nightmare one after another, becoming the source of Nocturne's power. Since then, another real demon was officially born on Runeterra , for Eternal Night Dream Nocturne.

Nocturne, who had regained his freedom, rushed out of the Shadow Realm following a space rift, but was seriously injured because the demon body was transformed into a shadow body, unable to adapt to the rules of Runeterra, and had to flee back to the Shadow Realm in embarrassment .

Then, just when it finally found the "main entrance" of the shadow world reinforced by a special seal, and was about to leave through here, it happened to meet the Demacians who came to take revenge.

These damned Demacians, although they were easily crushed by Nocturne, those souls who had endured the torment held back Nocturne's footsteps-after discovering that souls can stop demons, they had already lost their souls. Demacia, sheltered by the protoss, resolutely chose to restart the sacrifice ceremony.

Although I don't know why this demon will only try to leave here, Demacia still spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build this fortress stuck at the exit of the Shadow Realm, and turned a group of the most elite fighters into souls. Form, stay here.

Before entering the Shadow Realm, these warriors swore an oath that they would stay here forever in the form of souls, and devote themselves to endless wars until the demons are eliminated!
Nocturne is very patient. When facing these tenacious souls, it did not use its precious demonic origin—it has cherished the demonic origin more than anyone else since Yazakana, and this is the only way for demons to advance , although these mortals are difficult to deal with, but he is just going to war routinely to wear down their will.

In the shadows, Nocturne observes all living beings in Runeterra from his unique perspective. Although it cannot leave this cage, it can detect many secrets that no one knows through the shadows. It believes that short-lived mortals will always forget Those things that don't seem to be very important, when this soul warrior army has no successors, I can escape from the sky safe and sound...

Until another demon found it, until Lux and Ino appeared.

Aware of the danger, Nocturne has used the origin of the demon, and even summoned the souls that have been swallowed by it. It finally made up its mind to break the boat and open the passage out of here, because it has clearly seen in Lux and Ino. A sense of danger and an opportunity for change.

Lux created light-transmitting singularities one after another, lighting up her elemental vision.

Nocturne summoned twisted dark mages one after another, extinguished these lights, and blocked Lux's perception again.

Nocturne's body is still hidden in the darkness, it seems to be distressed, and it seems to be looking at those distorted souls and bodies with pleasure, watching them extinguish the light-transmitting singularity, and watching Lux exhausted.

Hehe, mortals.

This is mortals—if it weren't for your greed and cruelty, how could we, demons, be born?

Stupid Evelyn, greedy and cunning Tam, they are not to be trusted!

Sure enough, everything depends on yourself!

Up to now, Nocturne has figured it out clearly. Times have changed, and a drastic change like a rune war is just around the corner. , that is, the sky is high and the sea is broad, and there is a lot to do!
So, even though these twisted black mages were his favorite demon minions, at this moment, Nocturne still sacrificed them without hesitation.

Lux's footsteps have gradually become vain.

If she continues to consume, she will definitely not be her opponent!

While grinning in the darkness and letting out a strange grin, Moteng summoned a distorted figure.

However, this time, when this guy was about to extinguish the light-transmitting singularity again, a translucent figure suddenly came out from the slanting thorns, fighting with this distorted shadow monster.

"Don't panic, little Lux!" Jacka appeared out of nowhere, brandishing a stabbing sword, and stopped the shadow monster trying to extinguish the light-transmitting singularity, "Uncle...the uncles are still here !"

And just as Jacka opened his mouth, one after another soul warriors filed out from the place where they anchored their souls, dispersed tacitly, and rushed towards the remaining singularities of light transmission.

From the commander to the ordinary soldiers, the figures of these soul warriors all dimmed a lot without exception.

But this is not because they have lost confidence—correspondingly, in their hands, they have swords and spears that they have never had before.

After Nocturne burned his own demonic origin, these soul warriors also consumed part of their souls, using them as weapons, and guarded this bit of light without hesitation.

In the thick black mist, the light-transmitting singularities are like stars in the night, guiding travelers in the direction of breaking through the darkness.

And these soul warriors were fully armed and guarded in front of the stars, helping Lux to meet those distorted shadow creatures.

Maybe Nocturne's thinking is right, demons are indeed born from the sinisterness of the human heart.

But don't forget, what's in people's hearts has never just been sinister.

Even in the endless night, there are still people who are willing to protect that insignificant bit of light.

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Nocturne's Shadowvision:
  Through the shadows, even in the shadow world, Nocturne is not ignorant of the outside world—just because after the Rune Wars, few people use shadow spells, so Nocturne has not gained much information through the shadows. .

  PS. There are many chapters and chapters, I am such a good person!

  PSS. I wish all readers a happy Chinese Valentine's Day!
(End of this chapter)

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