Lux's Farewell

Chapter 400 [0396] Back off!

Chapter 400 [0396] Back off!

Prior to this, Lacus had never been involved in combat command courses, and her military theory learning was only at the level of common sense, but when she faced Nocturne, which had burned the origin of the demon, she still showed the power to fight, The first-generation fearless pioneers stationed here resolutely followed her guidance and stood in front of bright translucent singularities.

These ancient and noble warriors, dancing with their souls, guarded the remaining bits of brilliance for Lux, and stopped those shadow creatures who replaced Nocturne to extinguish the light-transmitting singularity.

Of course, it's just blocking it.

As a black mage who once ravaged Valoran, although these shadow creatures are now all humanoid and extremely distorted, they are not easy to deal with in real fights.

After being completely reduced to the nourishment of demons, these shadow creatures indeed lost their minds and could not cast spells as before, but a few of them seemed to have gradually acquired some spell-like abilities because of their high level of spell attainment.

Don't look at them, they can hardly resist a round in front of Lux, and the strong light is almost instantly wiped out... But that's because the opponent is Lux, using light magic!

When facing the soul warriors, these shadow creatures finally showed their difficult side. On the one hand, they were controlled by Nocturne, and on the other hand, they also instinctively loathed the strong light. They naturally twisted their bodies and tried their best The earth wants to extinguish the unsightly light, and anyone who dares to stand in front of them will be attacked regardless of the cost.

The mad dog-like attacks and the endless shadow spells brought considerable trouble to the soul warriors. Fortunately, these guys have no brains. If the Singularity defends, they will foolishly rush over and take a beating.

With this discovery, the battle becomes easier.

The soul fighters who can persevere until now are all elites among the elites without exception. If the enemy has such obvious weaknesses, it is natural to firmly grasp them!

So, having just released a large number of shadow monsters, Nocturne, who thought he had a chance of winning, was shocked to find that these shadow monsters were quickly wiped out one by one by the soul warriors. Except for being caught off guard at the beginning, they hardly caused any real damage. Trouble on...

Nocturne was dumbfounded this time.

Realizing that these shadow creatures might not be their opponents, Nocturne had no choice but to end the battle himself—it's not easy to extinguish the Singularity of Light, but the soul warriors guarding the Singularity of Light can be dealt with first!

You can be resurrected, but when you are resurrected again, the light magician's magic power will not be able to hold on long ago!
Yes, it is like that!

Thinking of this, Nocturne's figure was hidden in the shadow, and after a while, he came to a light-transmitting singularity. Without hesitation, he swung the shadow-shaped sharp blade and slashed at the soul guarding the light warrior.

Coincidentally, the target that Nocturne chose to attack this time was none other than Lax's uncle Jacka—compared to those old soul warriors who had fought against Nocturne for many years, although Jacka was considered a hero, but After all, it was a little bit meaningless, and Nocturne locked him as a target, which also seemed to be a bit of a persimmon.

The windy Jacka narrowly avoided this blow, and then faced Nocturne's next blow—seeing that there was no way to avoid it, he simply gave up.

"This way, Lux!"

The next moment, Nocturne's shadow blade cut through Jacka's soul, but at the same time, Jacka also forcibly defeated the light-transmitting singularity around him.

Sensing the shattering of the light-transmitting singularity, Lux directly summoned an ultimate flash without hesitation.

Nocturne realized that something was wrong when he saw Jacka break through the singularity, but unfortunately the outbreak of the singularity delayed its action, and when the ultimate flash came on, it was still clearly photographed clearly...


Barely propping up a shadow shield, Moteng dragged his tattered body and barely rushed out of the range covered by the strong light.

Fleeing back into the shadows, Nocturne is really a little numb this time.

How did things become like this?

That light magician who doesn't know where... who is she?

It didn't feel it before, but this time it was hit by the ultimate flash again, and it clearly felt the indescribable power of brilliance. It seemed that she was looking for a spellcasting method that could completely subdue her!
Isn't she a Demacian?
How can there be such a keen mortal?
Where did she learn these spellcasting skills?
Don't the Demacians regard mages as scourges?

Why are those stinky, hard soul warriors willing to assist a mage?
Thousands of thoughts, all kinds of doubts, let Nocturne really feel what it means to be powerless.

Among the shadows and mist, the light-transmitting singularities still shone with dim brilliance. They were like stars in the night sky, anchoring the position and determining the direction for Lux, and guarding these light-transmitting singularities The soul warriors are like warriors standing by the beacon tower. On the one hand, they protect the light-transmitting singularity from being destroyed at will, and on the other hand, they will give warnings when Nocturne appears.

Combining the two, although the fortress is still filled with shadows, Lux seems to be at home, like a duck to water.

No, it can't go on like this!
After trying a few more times, Nocturne, who was almost wiped out under the ultimate flash, finally gave up unwillingly and continued to fight.

If you keep fighting, let alone escape from the Shadow Realm—it would be good if you don't die directly in front of this light elemental mage!

However, it was too late to leave now.

Nocturne burned his own demon origin and consumed those demon servants. If he chooses to leave again this time, if he wants to leave the Shadow Realm through the gate of the fortress and return to Runeterra, it may no longer be possible.

Although Nocturne has always been very patient, his family knows his own affairs. After being chilled by Lux's ultimate flash several times, it has become extremely weak.

Without emotion as a supplement, this weakening cannot be recovered - but if you don't leave the Shadowlands, Nocturne has no source to replenish your emotions!

This is a knot!

Another reluctant attempt to sneak around Lacus, after being discovered, Nocturne didn't hesitate at all, and went straight into the shadows, never appearing again—the shadows gradually faded, and the nightmare demon seemed to have given up on continuing to storm the fortress, planning to run away up.

Gradually, the thick black mist dissipated.

After confirming that Nocturne had left the fortress, Lux stood on the top of the fortress again—although she repelled Nocturne's attack, she did not feel at ease.

Nocturne's retreat was too decisive, and even though Lux wanted to stop it, she couldn't stop it at all.

This is slightly different from the tactical plan of Lux and Ino at the beginning.

The original plan was that the demons would be hard to catch, so Kalya and Ino led the king into the urn, took care of Evelyn first, and asked Lux ​​to hold Nocturne. When Ino and Kalya came back, they would clean up Nocturne together.

But now it seems that Lux can't hold back Nocturne.

However, Lux really had no other choice. Nocturne, who had burned the origin of the demon and summoned a group of strange shadow creatures, fought hard and far exceeded her expectations.

If it wasn't for the unexpected wave of assists from the soul fighters, even the outcome of the battle would be unknown...

Now, Nocturne is gone.

Lux couldn't catch up.

The Shadow Realm is huge, and a single-handed pursuit may have serious consequences.

In this situation, all Lux can do is to wait silently - she can't catch up alone, but if Ino can bring Kalya back in time, the three of them may not be able to catch Nocturne with their joint efforts.


Driven by dark clouds, Nocturne escaped far from the stronghold guarding the gates of the Shadowlands.

Having swallowed the bitter fruit of failure, Nocturne now needs a good repair - although there is no living person for him to devour emotions, but through some unstable shadow rifts that sometimes appear and sometimes do not appear, it is sometimes still Can add a little strength.

The kind that is better than nothing.

This power is not enough for it to have any substantial recovery, but at least it can restore its now tattered shadow body a little bit.

What does this broken sack-like body look like!

Besides, after a little trimming, Nocturne needs to contact Evelyn again.

Presumably this stupid guy has realized Tam's unreliability?
Well, I have to find a way so that it can stand on my side and follow me to break through the defense of the fortress...

In a sense, Nocturne very much hopes that Evelyn can learn a lot from a fall, but he doesn't want Evelyn to become too smart, otherwise it will be difficult to use.

In the black mist, Nocturne just drifted in mid-air, heading away from the fortress, trying to find an unstable passage to Runeterra, to see if there was any unlucky mortal contributing emotional value to him.

Um, wait, did I forget something?
While searching for the nearest shadow rift, Nocturne wondered where this subtle feeling of discomfort came from, and when it was about to reach its destination, the nightmare demon realized that Evelyn had fled in embarrassment before. Maybe it was to escape from the Shadow Realm!
That is to say, the destination where I want to supplement my extreme emotions and adjust myself a little may actually be a chaotic battlefield? !
Realizing this, Nocturne turned around without the slightest hesitation.

The Shadow Realm is big enough. Although there are not many strange shadow fissures, they are not too few. In this state, it is best not to take risks lightly—without those shadow creatures, there are actually many monsters in Nocturne. More or less there is no bottom line.

However, just as Nocturne began to turn around, a wall of ice blocked its way.

"Good time!" Ino, who hastily returned to the Shadow Realm, saw Nocturne, his eyes brightened, "I was worried that I couldn't find you!"

Although he didn't know what happened between Eno, Vayne, Tam, and Evelyn, Nocturne secretly groaned in his heart when he was blocked by the ice wall.

How could it be such a coincidence to meet her just after leaving the fortress?
Although Lux didn't rush to pursue it for the sake of safety, Nocturne didn't know this. Seeing Ino's appearance of waiting here for a long time, it didn't hesitate at all, and went straight into the shadows, and walked away with the shadows in embarrassment. , without the slightest hesitation.

It would be troublesome to be left behind!

But Nocturne's leaving doesn't mean that Ino will let it go easily.

Unlike Lux, who has no idea and doesn't want to act without authorization, Ino, who has Kalya as a guide, has just captured Evelyn, and controlled Vayne, can now be regarded as full of confidence.

Especially after seeing Nocturne's extremely embarrassed appearance, she has already realized the outcome of the battle at the fortress.

In this case, if you don't beat the dog in the water, why should you let the tiger go back to the mountain?
So, under Kalya's constant urging, Ino mobilized his remaining magic power and created an ice storm in an attempt to stop Nocturne.

Nocturne, who was shrouded in spells, was actually a bachelor. Seeing that the ice blades were as sharp as knives and surprisingly sharp, it simply transformed itself into a shadow form and let the ice knives pass through its body.

This way of coping will not cause Nocturne to suffer too much damage, but it will still affect Nocturne's subsequent strength and recovery. It can be said to be a very decisive method.

Ino, who thought he could at least slow down Nocturne for a while, couldn't help being a little dazed when he saw this scene.

In her impression, elemental life should be as powerful, pure, and indestructible as Sefika.

What she never expected was that Nocturne, a demon with a shadow body, actually played new tricks with the elemental body.

Like smoke, like flowing water, Nocturne in this posture can only be described as slippery - unless it is extremely restrained elemental magic like light elemental magic, ordinary spells can at most penetrate the body, causing no damage at all. No substantial harm!
Seeing that this guy was about to escape into the darkness and disappear, Ino made another ice skateboard to keep up with the ice floes, and asked Karya hurriedly:
"Isn't this guy running too fast?" Yinuo's tone was full of worry, "It's completely different from those demons before!"

"Different demons represent different extreme emotions. Naturally, it is impossible to generalize." Kalya said in a serious tone, "However, we may not be able to catch this guy...Thanks to Wei En, she is our best guide."

"I remember when she left the Shadow Realm, her whole body was about to melt?"

"The elemental body in a special environment may not be able to adapt to the external environment." When it comes to this topic, Kalya's tone is somewhat dignified, "Vayne accepted the power of the shadow, and after leaving the shadow world, her body will change. There's going to be a breakdown, which I've seen a lot, but now just get her out and she'll recover in no time."

"So, we're going to chase Vayne and let her hunt Nocturne, just like we followed her to chase Evelyn before?"


 Karya's Small Classroom · Elemental Discomfort:
  In different worlds, the acceptance of elemental bodies is different. This does not only happen to elemental bodies-void creatures come from the Void to Runeterra, and the body needs to evolve a little bit, and the giant god enters Runeterra from the sky. It is necessary to abandon the body of the celestial world.

  From this point of view, Runeterra is really a very special place.

(End of this chapter)

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