Lux's Farewell

Chapter 40 [0039] Lux's Dragon Field Enlightenment

Chapter 40 [0039] Lux's Dragon Field Enlightenment
"You are not from the same road, and never have been!"

Silas' words kept Ino awake at night—the words rang in her ears every time she closed her eyes.

These words were like a poisonous thorn, piercing deeply into Yinuo's heart, making her panic and make her toss and turn.

The little girl wanted to tell herself that all of this was the nonsense of that despicable mage, it was all groundless speculation without any real evidence, and it was all outright lies.

But unfortunately, she couldn't convince herself so simply.

Even... Recalling Lux's attitude towards her before, she panicked even more.

Could it be that Miss Lacus is so close to me because she is also a mage?
how could this be!

No, no, no, Miss Lacus can't be an evil demon-infested person like herself!
She is so radiant!
She is clearly the most dazzling light in his dark life!
This must be despicable Silas deceiving himself!
But... If you think about it according to what Silas said, Yinuo couldn't find any evidence to refute it.

Lying on the thin cushion in the cage, Ino's head seemed to be full of paste.

She didn't know if what Silas was saying was true or not.

I don't know what to do and how to face Lacus if it is true.

She didn't even know whether she should ask Lacus for confirmation - if she didn't ask for confirmation, she would have trouble sleeping and eating;

In this way, amidst tossing and turning, she was in a daze until it was almost dawn before she barely fell asleep—when Lux came to visit her the next morning, her eye circles were so dark that it was scary.

"What's wrong with you?" Looking at Ino with panda eyes, Lacus was quite surprised, "This is... didn't you rest?"

"I—I really didn't sleep well." Ino hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded, "I'm a little restless."

"Uneasy?" Lux blinked, "Is it because of that book? I remember it was an epic story, it shouldn't keep you awake at night..."

"It's not because of the book, Miss Lacus." Ino shook his head, his mind relaxed a little, "It's because of you."

"Me?" Lux's eyes widened in astonishment, "I...what's wrong?"

"Miss Lacus." Ino finally gritted his teeth and asked the question, "Are you a mage too?"

Lux froze.

This extremely sudden question even caused her brain to go blank for a while.

She never expected that Yinuo would actually ask this question!

What made her even more at a loss was that she didn't know how to answer this question at all.

Tell the hurtful truth?
Or is it a hypocritical cover-up?
"Carya, what should I do?"


"Follow your inner choice, Lacus." Kalya, who is usually omnipotent, did not give the best of both worlds this time. "This is a problem you will face sooner or later, and it is also a choice you must make."

Sooner or later you have to face the problem...

Choices must be made...

Lux blinked her eyes, she looked at Ino who was begging and longing in her eyes, and finally took a deep breath.

"...That's right, I am." Turning around to confirm that there were no demon hunters around, Lux nodded lightly, "I am a mage, and I have confirmed this since I was nine years old."

While speaking, Lux held Ino again, and in her palm, a dancing light danced like an elf.

Ino opened his mouth in shock.

She never expected that Lux was really a mage.

What made her even more unbelievable was that Lux admitted this so frankly, without any intention of hiding it.

"You too—" Yinuo murmured, "Why are you willing to tell me..."

"You ask me to prove that you are willing to believe me." Lux thought everything through, and gave the answer with a smile, "And I——are also willing to believe you."

"The Confessor's magic weapon?" Ino pointed to Lux's saber, "Is that so?"

"You know that too?" Lux raised her brows in surprise, "My aunt found this for me back then, and it can curb the riot of magic on my body."

"It's really like this!" Ino's expression instantly became extremely complicated. She was a little disappointed, a little thankful, and a little relieved, "It's actually true."

"It has always been." Lux nodded, and then smiled again, "We are the same kind of people."

a kind of person?

No, it's not!
"I didn't mean that!" Yinuo dodged back subconsciously, shaking his head frequently and said, "You are a respected lady, I'm just a girl from a peasant family..."

It was obvious that Eno was trying to say good things, trying to justify Lacus, and trying to explain that Lacus was not a shameful demon-infested person.

But these words stung Lacus inexplicably.

Dear lady, farm girl!
In the past period of time, Lux has often come here to visit the prison. Although there is a cold magic stone railing between her and Ino, she has never felt that there is anything between the two sides—they can share each other stories and emotions, feel each other's happiness and sadness.

But at this moment, following Ino's utterance of "Dear Miss, Farm Girl", Lacus felt that an invisible barrier was forming between them, almost separating them into two worlds. !
This barrier was so thick that it made Lacus feel a little suffocated. At this moment, she was somewhat discouraged.

Carya didn't speak.

Or rather, Kalya thought she shouldn't be speaking now.

He was waiting for Lux, waiting for Lux to make a choice.

It is to put down Ino's hand, admit the existence of this layer of barriers, and be a nobleman inside this layer of barriers...

Or simply pick up the hammer, destroy this layer of barriers, and smash everything that shouldn't exist!
Come on, Lux, make your choice!

And Lux ​​didn't keep Karya waiting too long.

Smoothly outlining several rune circuits on the railing of the Temperance Stone, Lux held Ino again.

This time, she didn't speak, but Yinuo heard her inner voice.

"We're the kind of people—people who use magic to protect their families even when they mistakenly think it's evil."


"After hearing so many stories from you, now, come and listen to my story too—it all starts with my uncle's departure..."



Through magical communication, Lux finally told her story to Ino.

During this process, Ino bit his lip hard, didn't say a word, just held Lux's hand firmly - if it wasn't because of Lax's long-term training, I'm afraid it would have been painful at this time.

"I once thought about not telling you all this." Lux said slowly but firmly, "but as I looked into my heart, I realized that when I look at you, sometimes it seems that I am looking at you." another me."

Ino was stunned.

She never thought that Lux would have an experience so close to her!

Even in a sense, Lacus was "coerced" by Kalya—it's just that Kalya was not Cordora, and instead of letting Lacus do bad things, she urged her to learn magic.

Realizing this, Ino was finally relieved, she let out a long breath, and then lightly released Lacus' hand, finally showing a smile on her face.

Although the ray of light in her life has long been infected with the aura of magic, even in the darkest abyss, it is still so dazzling.

very nice.

(End of this chapter)

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