Lux's Farewell

Chapter 41 [0040] The Light of Demacia

Chapter 41 [0040] The Light of Demacia
Lux's confession made Ino feel relieved.

But this is not enough.

Lacus had more to say.

"Mages are not shameful, Ino." Lux let go of her hand and said in a low voice, "and nobles are not arrogant enough—no one can be summed up by one or two labels."

"If I have to say it, I think what the nobles get does not match what they give. They get too much and give too little."


As a mage, he affirms the mage, but as a nobleman, he criticizes the nobleman.

For Eno, these words had a great impact—compared to Silas's bewitching words, which were half hidden and half intriguing, Lux's words were direct and frank, but made Eno Somewhat overwhelmed.

On the other side, Silas, who was expecting Ino to be hit and become his own, was completely stunned by Lux's reaction.

No matter what, he never imagined that the eldest lady of the defending family would be so...well, so shameless.

That's right, unlike what Eno thought was "Lax's magnanimity", in the eyes of Silas, who didn't hear Lux's voice, Lax was lying!

Miss Noble, how could these words be her true thoughts?
She can't think so!
Saying one thing and doing another, this is what the nobles are best at. From Silas’s point of view, Lux is fooling Ino—it is even possible that she is simply trying to appease Ino, and then settle the score later!
He obviously couldn't imagine that a noble lady would think from the bottom of her heart that the nobles were oppressing the common people - he preferred to believe that, as a person with vested interests, Lacus should be a person accustomed to hypocrisy and lies.

"Actually, when you told me that you can make ice cubes, I was already thinking about this problem." Lux patted Ino's shoulder and continued, "In summer, everyone likes to eat Cold drinks, if you can open a cold drink shop, that would be great."

"I—it's impossible." Hearing this, Yinuo shook his head subconsciously, "I can't control my magic power. If I really open such a store, it will only hurt the customers around me."

"That's another problem." Lux seemed to have a plan, "For natural mages, the best way to deal with it should not be to imprison or exile, but to teach them to use this power beyond ordinary people. Power, use this power to do something more positive..."

Saying that, Lux blinked again, and pointed to her sword hilt.

"...Is this really possible?" Lux's words seemed to open the door to a new world for Ino, "There is no mistake in magic?"

"Magic is never wrong, the one who uses it is wrong!" At this moment, Lux finally made up her mind and confided her heart, "Magic can be controlled!"

"But, I've heard of Rune Wars..." Ino obviously couldn't believe this statement, "The terrible magic almost destroyed this world!"

"Then have you heard of Ascendants?" Lux smiled, "Shurima used to have even more astonishing magic, but they used this power to protect Runeterra!"

"But how can magic be learned..."

"Magic can be mastered..."



With Lux telling the facts and presenting evidence time and time again, Eno was finally completely convinced.

From the beginning to the end, Lux had her reasons and did not hesitate at all—this is not a lie she made up temporarily, but her true heart.

The part about how magic can be controlled is Lux's own personal experience!
Ino is willing to believe in her light!

With the two little girls talking, all the misunderstandings and barriers seemed to disappear.

However, Silas, who had been listening next door, could not accept this result at all.

I have been squatting in prison for ten years!

It took ten years to have such a cellmate to look forward to, and Silas still counted on her to give up on Lux and then become his comrade in arms, but in a few words, she actually stood by Lux's side—what is this? The hell unfold?

At this moment, he really wanted to catch Yinuo and make her sober.

What fairness, what justice, what magic is right, what nobles are shameful...

This is all a lie that that guy told you to appease you, she just treats you as a harmless pet and a tool that can be used!

She is born a noble noble lady!

She will not give up her own advantages for the sake of fairness!
It's a pity that Silas can't speak at this time, he can only watch Eno and Lux ​​chat more and more speculatively, and watch their thoughts become more and more unified...

Silas was filled with despair.

This is not the same as his plan!
Ino, who learned the truth of the matter, should be completely disappointed in Lacus!
At that time, I can convince Ino, persuade her to help me, and get as much information about the magic stone as possible, so that he can escape from prison-Silas can naturally see magic power, so from the beginning He discovered that there is a large amount of magic power stored in the magic stone, as long as he can use this magic power, no one in Demacia can stop him!
However... now the first step of the plan has died.

Eno was indeed aware of the injustice between nobles and commoners in Demacia, and the discrimination mages naturally suffered.

But because of Lux's guidance, she is about to take another path!

Why is this so?
Why is this little girl with unlimited potential superstitious about the words of a nobleman?
Why would this little girl in prison believe in a lady's bewitching?

This makes no sense at all!
She is a nobleman, you are a commoner!

Silas didn't know Eno's story.

So he didn't know that Lacus stepped forward when Ino was most desperate.

He didn't even know that before she came forward that time, Lacus had been to Eno's house, lived in her room, chatted with her father, and heard her brother's story.

He had no idea that Ino and Lacus had countless similarities, and had the same kind and tenacious soul.

Silas believes that nobles and commoners, mages and non-mages are natural divisions of status and natural camps.

But what he doesn't know is that when it comes to each individual, what makes people identify with each other is never the identity label itself, but the same experience, the same thought, and the same desire.

Lux's nobility is real.

However, her ideal of eliminating Demacia's discrimination against mages and oppression of civilians is also true.

Her magnanimity when facing Yinuo came from her inner firmness, not a pretentious pretense.

Lux, who came back from Miraz, is no longer that ignorant little girl who only longs for the approval of her family.

She is the No.1 Demacia who really opened her eyes, overlooking Runeterra from the perspective above the clouds!
Even though Ino still couldn't let go of the shackles of her identity at this time, even though there were many things she still couldn't understand at this time, Lux didn't hesitate and was willing to share.

And when Lacus was talking, Kalya, who had been on tenterhooks, finally let out a long sigh.

My teaching these years has not been in vain. Although the current Lux is a little immature, at least she has found her own path.

Come on, Lux.

Come on and go forward!
You will be the... light of Demacia!

 It's a new week!

  Lux's ideal has also been established!

  Next... Demacia will start a series of big events!

  Finally, please pursue reading, don't keep books!

  Dislike me for the few updates, this is mainly because it is not on the shelves, there is no way!
  I asked the editor. If there is no accident, this book will be on the shelves on the 18th of next month-there will be an outbreak on the shelves, and then every five shifts will guarantee the bottom line, and double shifts will count as a rest!
  After years of being on the street, this book finally has some hope. I beg all readers to support me a lot!
  It's the last day of February, and the monthly pass will expire if you don't vote!
(End of this chapter)

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