Lux's Farewell

402 New Era [0398]

402 New Era [0398]
When the yellow sand and shadows were mixed together, Nocturne had no ability to resist.

Kalya didn't have much in-depth research on demons, but it didn't prevent him from knowing the elemental body very well-compared with the flesh and blood body, the elemental body is more convenient and flexible, and can greatly reduce the impact of physical damage, but at the cost of However, the stability of the elemental body is much worse.

To put it simply, the elemental body is easily mixed with sand, just like it is now.

The shadow belongs to Nocturne's control, and the yellow sand belongs to Karya's control. The two are closely combined and form a compact. As a result, Karya controls Nocturne's body.

Realizing that something was wrong, Nocturne tried to escape, but with his body out of control, he couldn't escape. Even though it struggled hard, it was finally sucked into its own world by Karya.

Seeing Nocturne's arrest, Vayne and Ino, who came after him, both heaved a sigh of relief.

Wei En looked at the broken sword in her hand and held the hilt, but found that she could no longer enter that magical world, so she raised her head and looked at Ino: "The demon has been caught."

"Well, thank you for your help." Ino nodded politely, "Without your help, it would be difficult for us to catch the demon."

"What about the promised reward?" Wei En held the broken sword in his hand with a serious expression, "I want to destroy that demon that destroyed everything with my own hands."

"You may need to wait a bit." Ino spread his hands, "Maybe Kalya needs to work hard to completely seal Nocturne."

"His name is Karya?" Wei En didn't continue to entangle, but pulled a cloud of shadows, wrapped the broken sword, and carried it on his back, "What the hell is he?"

"He is... my teacher." Ino blinked, "Alright, come with me, let's go back to the fortress."

Wei En seemed a little impatient, but finally nodded and followed Ino.


In the small world, Kalya is sealing Nocturne in the end.

Although it is easy to catch Nocturne, it will take a little more effort to seal Nocturne like Evelyn. The behavior of adding sand to the elemental body works well in a short time. But if left alone, Nocturne will gradually get the sand out of his body.

Similar to how he dealt with Evelyn before, Kalya planned to give Nocturne a sand burial, but this time he didn't need to be so fancy.

Dig a big hole first, then stuff Nocturne into it, then increase the pressure and apply a seal.

Sealing sounds lofty, but in essence it is just a way to limit magic power or other powers. Compared with Evelyn's demon body, it is easier to seal in Nocturne's state.

After a while, when the yellow sand dissipated, Nocturne, which was as ethereal as a black mist before, had now turned into a "slice of paper".

On Nocturne's thin body, complex magic power circuits are densely packed. Although its simple facial features can still move, it looks like it no longer has the horror before, only a little bit of subtle humor.

The yellow sand transformed into Kalya's thin body, holding Nocturne in one hand and Evelyn in the other, with a relieved smile on his mask.

It seemed that it was very easy for Kalya to take down Evelyn and Nocturne. If he did not make a move, he would be as safe as Mount Tai, but Kalya knew very well that things were not that simple.

Originally, among the ascensioners, he was not good at fighting, and he was an out-and-out professional ascension; but on the top of Mount Targon, after being stabbed with a spear by Pan Sen, he fell from the realm of eternity—now In terms of hard power, he might not be as good as Ino and Lux ​​at all.

Coupled with Karya's own lack of proficiency in combat and lack of decision-making ability in combat, his master has actually been surpassed by his students once again.

In this case, Kalya's only advantage lies in the secrecy of his own existence and in his profound knowledge.

It can be said that no matter what kind of battlefield environment and what type of enemy he faces, Kalya has relatively the most reasonable and reliable tactics, and this is his greatest advantage.

When it comes to combat issues, Kalya is more like a staff officer who formulates tactical plans and a hidden body. The real task of leading the way can only be handled by Lacus and Ino.

And judging from this trip to the Shadow Realm... Lacus and Ino did not live up to Kalya's teachings to them.

The two little girls are still a little immature, but they can really be regarded as a promising future.

On the Targon Peak before, whether it was the encounter with the guardian protoss or the attitude of the blazing sun protoss, it actually brought a lot of worry to Karya.

In the past, the giant gods always looked down on the mortal beings from above, regarded everything they provided as a gift, and faced the mortals of Runeterra with the attitude of a higher life.

In this case, the Shurima Empire had the opportunity to start from the foundation and build a prosperous empire step by step. When the empire was built, the giants might have realized something, but it was too late.

But now, times have changed.

The glory of Shurima is already a past tense that only exists in the auspicious light. Even if Shurima is still left behind, even if it is still regarded as an absolute orthodox and spiritual symbol, it is almost impossible to truly rebuild a Shurima. Impossible to complete.

More importantly, Karya has clearly discovered that after experiencing the Icathian War, the Darkborn War, and the Rune War, many existences that once overlooked human beings have now learned to communicate with the elites of human beings, and even accept These elites.

They no longer use an absolutely insurmountable gully to separate mortals from themselves, but choose those with outstanding talents among mortals, win them over, support them, and even bind them.

These existences are still proud, but at least they have learned to restrain this pride.

Kalya is well aware of the astonishing impact this transformation will have on Runeterra, because during the Shurima Empire, the essence of the Ascension Ceremony was actually similar to this kind of wooing.

The giant god accepts mortals, and even gives birth to a "hybrid" with mortals; the devil trades with mortals, and even deeply binds them; , which originally represented that the forces of the void have also begun to combine with the people of Runeterra...

The previous journey across the Great Sai Desert was a harsh trial for Lux and Ino, and it was a preparation for climbing Mount Targon.

For Kalya, it was a long observation in the human world. He observed the country he was familiar with but is now unfamiliar, comparing everything in the past and the present, silently analyzing the changes in it.

This kind of observation is not detailed enough, and it is quite reluctant to say that it is a glimpse of the leopard, but the general direction is unmistakable-in this era, mortals have indeed become the protagonists of Runeterra.

No more struggling to survive, with your own civilization, internal conflict becomes the main problem...

In the new era, Carya is facing completely different problems from before.

However, even though the situation is different and the problems are different, Kalya is still full of confidence in himself, in Lux and Ino, and in Runeterra.

Perhaps those beings who once looked down on mortals have learned to court the elite.

But Karya expects everyone to be like a dragon.


When Kalya sealed Nocturne and Evelyn, at the fortress, the soul warriors were repairing the city wall, preparing for Nocturne's possible return.

When everyone was busy, Jacka found Lacus. Taking this opportunity, he wanted to talk to his niece about something.

And the first thing is that Jacka doesn't plan to go back—after making an oath, he will follow these fearless pioneer fighters and stay here forever.

"Don't be so nervous." Seeing that Lux's mood was not right, Jacka looked open-minded, "To be honest, when that demon broke out before, we were almost taken down directly, but luckily someone took care of it. It has a meal... No one here will fall into a nightmare to provide it with nutrients, if it comes again in the future, we will have to clean it up."


Lux didn't say a word, just looked at her uncle silently.

"Although your father is often a bit pedantic, there is still one thing he said is true." Patting Lux on the shoulder, Jacka said in a relaxed tone, "Noble status always has a price, since you can't let the devil Leaving and wreaking havoc on Demacia, then naturally someone will have an endless bloody battle with it, right?"

"I will catch Nocturne." Lux's voice was soft, but her tone was extremely firm, "Definitely!"

"You don't need to take risks." Jacka shook her head like a rattle when she heard this, which was a good trick he used to tease Galen and Lux ​​when they were children, "I can feel that you are very different from the past I don't know why you became a spellcaster, but I believe that even if our little Lux becomes a mage, he won't be an evil bastard."


"This is not a polite word." With a smile on his face, Jacka pointed to the commander who ordered the soldiers to repair the city wall, "You don't know who that guy is, do you? Hey, his name is Sentu, Sentu Lightshield .”

"Your Majesty Centu?" Lacus' eyes widened in astonishment, "He is His Majesty the second king of Demacia—I mean, he looks familiar, but he doesn't match the portrait in the Hall of Valor! "

"Yes, to be honest, I was also shocked when I found out his identity." Jacka seemed very satisfied with Lacus's expression, "Just now, His Majesty Sentu asked me if I would like to issue you a A special statement—a question about your status as a mage."

"Special certificate?"

"Although the matter of banning demons has already existed during the reign of His Majesty Sentu, the situation at that time was not the same as it is now." Jacka explained, "I only heard about this after I came here—— At that time, there were still many mages in Demacia, and they were all under the management of the Illuminati, but later, perhaps because of political changes, or for some other reason, the mages gradually moved to neighboring countries. It's..."

Lux blinked her eyes dully. Obviously, this period of history has not been recorded even in the collection of the Crown Guard family.

"Things will always change over time." Jacka spread his hands, "Demacia has been established for almost 800 years, right? That's at least forty generations!"

As he said that, Jacka stretched out his right hand in an exaggerated manner, and spread his five fingers in front of Lacus and flipped it eight times repeatedly.

"Actually, it was just over 700 years ago."

"It's almost the same." Jacka withdrew his hand, "The genealogy of the Light Shield family looks like a book!"

"I don't need a special certificate." Lux ignored her uncle's flamboyance as always, which was her favorite style before the age of eight, "I have experienced the punishment of the stone crown, and now I, even if I am a pure mage, You can still walk in Demacia openly."

"That's good." Jacka first breathed a sigh of relief, then his eyes widened in disbelief, "Wait, you mean the punishment of the stone crown?"


"Crown of Stone Climbing Targon Barefoot?"

"That's it." Lux nodded and said, "Ino and I climbed Mount Targon, and we just returned to Demacia."

"Let me take it easy." Jacka was finally a little dazed, "You and that Ino, have you really climbed Mount Targon barefoot and returned?"


"No wonder, I should have known it earlier!" Jacka couldn't help but tapped his forehead heavily, "Ordinary mages, no matter how talented they are, can't easily fight against have obtained the power of gods! "

"It's not the power of the gods, it's just bathed in the brilliance of the heavens." Lux corrected with a smile, "There are no gods."

"So, what's going on here? You have to talk to me carefully." Jacka's expression became serious, "From why you have to suffer the punishment of the stone crown - I remember that sister Tiana was with the Demon Seeker before. The boss is fighting fiercely, even if your mage talent is awakened, she should have a way."

"It started with a marriage." Apart from Kalya, Lacus had nothing to hide. "It was a marriage between a branch of the family and Miss Fiona Laurent..."

After hiding the part about Kalya, Lux briefly introduced what happened and Ino's identity, which made Jacka dumbfounded.

"So, now you don't need the special credentials of His Majesty Centu, right?" After digesting the news he heard for a long time, Jacka rubbed his brows, "After leaving here, you will, as a summit climber, Return to the capital of Demacia in an open and honest manner?"

"I will go back." Lux did not hide it, "In my opinion, it is more likely that the Crown Guard family will split off... Father and aunt are important figures, and one more I , I am afraid that the Crown Guard family will become the target of public criticism."

"I always feel that you seem to have plans?" Facing the confident Lacus, Jacka asked what Lacus once asked Kalya, "Already have your own plan?"

"Almost." Lux gave an answer that could be called explicit, "After all, Fossbarrow doesn't have a lord right now, does it?"

 Carya's Little Classroom About the Demacian Royal Family:

  After many years of establishment, the king of Demacia was surnamed Guangdun most of the time—there were occasional exceptions, but most of them were when the Guangdun family did not have a suitable candidate.

  It's just that it's different from Jarvan I, II and III who are in control of the power. Quite a few Kings of Light Shield can't suppress the noble council and live like puppets.

(End of this chapter)

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