Lux's Farewell

Chapter 403 [0399]

Chapter 403 [0399]
Lux's long-planned plan made Jacka look a little dazed, he looked at Lux who seemed to have everything under control in surprise, and his expression became a little subtle.

Although judging from the process described by Lux just now, it is true that her niece is no longer the little girl who followed Galen and begged herself to tell a story, but a real model of nobility, but this kind of step, see The three-step style still made Jacka a little unexpected.

Take the initiative to separate the family and choose Fossbarrow as the fief...

Although he vaguely felt that this was very good, if Jacka was really asked to tell what was good, he really couldn't tell for a while.

In this case, Jacka could only express with a little regret, "Since you have thought about it, it's fine."

Then, when the pair of uncles and nephews were talking in a low voice, the figure of Ino finally appeared in the distance. On the ice floe, Ino seemed to be a general returning from victory.

Wei En, who had been following her before, had disappeared at this moment, and Ino, who had his sword hanging on his waist, passed through the shadows and reached directly under the fortress.

The soul warriors who were repairing the city wall gathered around one after another. Although they didn't know the division of labor between Lacus and Ino, looking at Ino's posture, it was obvious that "everyone pays attention to me and I make an announcement". appearance.

And just as they expected, after Ino climbed onto the walls of the fortress, she did announce a big news.

"Nocturne has been eliminated by me. From now on, the nightmare demon Nocturne has completely become a thing of the past!"

After Ino announced the news, the soul warriors did not cheer, and everyone looked at her with incredulity in their eyes. this the end?
Aware of this emotion, Ino simply took out a thin "slice of paper", and openly revealed Motem, which was completely sealed, to everyone.

Holding Nocturne high with both hands, Ino made a big circle around the top of the fortress, and she clearly showed everyone this devil who was still grinning but didn't look scary at all.

Feeling the familiar nightmare breath, the soul warriors of the Fearless Pioneer quickly turned from looking at each other into ecstasy. They didn't dare to get too close to the demon, for fear of breaking the seal above, but this did not prevent them from sending out bursts of excitement shout.

This is the devil!

It has really been completely defeated and completely sealed up!
We...we won!

Among the cheering crowd, Sentu stared blankly at the sealed demon, his eyes full of disbelief.

As the former king of Demacia, Sentu's eyesight is naturally extraordinary compared to the fearless pioneer soldiers-in fact, as a true emperor on horseback, Sentu also followed his father Oren in Dema when he was young. Fighting east and west in West Asia, they have faced countless terrifying enemies unimaginable by ordinary people.

In today's Demacia territory, the biggest beast is no more than a vicious tooth beast, but this is not because of the unique geographical location of Demacia, but because the powerful creatures that once threatened the Demacia people have all disappeared. It was completely wiped out by the Demacians of Oren's generation.

Oren, wielding the warhammer, not only integrated the Demacians who had come all the way west to avoid the flames of the Rune Wars, but also his own footprints spread all over Demacia.

In the swamps of Tobysia, he fought dragons; in the foothills of the Green Tooth Peak, he shattered the boulders that caused the tide of elements; ; in Dornhold he took the oath of fealty from the remains of the Blessed Isles...  

Following in the footsteps of his father, although Sentu did not personally participate in all the battles, he knew them well.

At this moment, facing the demon Ino holding the "one sheet" high, Centu suddenly remembered when he was a child and when his father returned from Tobysia victoriously.

At that time, his father's face was full of red, and he held a heavy warhammer on his shoulders, riding a dragon and bird from the sky amidst the cheers of the people. Under the dragon and bird's neck, the ferocious heads of three evil dragons were dripping with dark red blood.

Sentu clearly remembered that the head hung in the middle was hit hard with a hammer on the side face—just like the Nocturne held by Ino now, it was completely flattened.

Looking at the excited fearless pioneer fighters, Sentu seemed to have some understanding at this moment.

Before, the former King of Demacia never thought about why he stayed here, would stay in this dark world of shadows, and fight demons day after day, perhaps in his heart, and Demons need no reason to fight.

But at this moment, without the threat of the devil, Sentu suddenly felt relieved.

Maybe since then, I have been chasing in my father's footsteps?

The body was completely relaxed, Sentu leaned back slightly, and finally leaned on the crenel - no need to be afraid of the nightmare created by the devil, at this moment, Sentu could finally relax and savor the feeling of relief alone, Feeling lost again.

Rubbing the hilt of the great sword, Sentu remembered what his father asked him at the last moment.

He hoped that Demacia would have long-term peace and stability, that this beautiful country would last forever, and that he could follow in his footsteps and rule Demacia with kindness, wisdom and strength.

How did I say it back then...

Shaking his head, Sentu finally realized that it seemed that because he didn't want to think about it for a long time, this memory was blurred like a faded oil painting.

At this moment, the only thing he still remembers is the biggest regret for him after his father passed away-the Holy Hammer disappeared, his father left the throne to him, but he did not leave the weapon to himself.

"It was given to a peerless hero of Demacia."

Maybe it was because he didn't get the holy hammer that after inheriting the kingship, Sentu would continue to maintain a pioneering state?

It's a pity, even if he built Forsbarrow Fortress and Mihril City Fortress, which completely blocked the opportunity for the barbarians in the north to go south, even if he accepted Needle Creek County and White Cliff City, allowing Demacia to have a border with the Valoran Strait. Even though he finally suppressed the Illuminati and established the authority of the royal family, he still failed to find the holy hammer.

Now, in the year of my destiny, I voluntarily choose to come to the Shadow Realm and fight with demons here. It is precisely because of this unwillingness and unconvincing in my heart?
Thinking of this, Sentu smiled and couldn't help shaking his head.

As the king of Demacia, there are many things that he cannot tell or be released by others. This awkward desire has always been suppressed in his heart, but it has become fresh with the passage of time, deep in his heart. At the same time, Sentu always hoped that he could become like his father.

But what is awkward is that Sentu knows very well in his heart that there is a lot of difference between himself and his father after all.

The resentment and fear of demons, the love and protection of Demacia, coupled with the desire and desire to become a true hero like his father, let Sentu survive a long time in the Shadow Realm, and the people who came here at the same time Almost all the people have been wiped out, only Sentu is still in good spirits, and as a commander, he leads the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard to face Nocturne's attacks again and again.

But now, when this subtle relief appeared in the bottom of his heart, when Sentu was finally relieved, he finally ushered in his biggest soul weariness.

Amidst the cheers of the fearless vanguard soldiers, the body of the second emperor of Demacia began to dim and become transparent. He raised his head and looked at the demon caught in Yinuo's hand for public execution. Showed a relieved smile.

After persisting for countless years, I couldn't really destroy the demon. Instead, these two little girls took down Nocturne directly...

Over the years, what have I been obsessed with?
On the edge of the city wall not far away, Lacus and Jacka, who were still talking just now, noticed the bleakness of Sentu almost at the same time.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Amidst the exclamation, the two quickly ran over one after the other, holding Sentu from left to right, who was gradually dimming and becoming transparent.

The excited fearless pioneers heard the movement, and turned around one after another, looking at His Majesty the King who had led him to fight in the Shadow Realm for countless years.

The soul warriors who were still around Ino a moment ago quickly came to their king's side at this moment, watching His Majesty the king worriedly, who seemed to disappear completely in the next moment.

The excitement of defeating the demon completely disappeared at this moment, and the surprise on everyone's faces had not even had time to dissipate, and it had already turned into mourning.

Looking around at these loyal soldiers, Sentu finally grinned and laughed silently.

Yes, maybe I will never be like my father and become a hero who can defeat the dragon, maybe I will never find the holy hammer that I have longed for since I was a child.

Looking at these warriors, seeing Lux and Ino who put away the demons and looking at him worriedly, seeing their mourning and worry, at this moment, Sentu only felt that everything was worth it.

Inadvertently insert willows and willows.

Looking back on my life, it seems that since the death of my father, I have been foolishly chasing his footsteps, like a fool wrestling with my own shadow, pursuing things beyond my ability.

But fortunately, although he failed to reach the finish line, he still gained something along the way.

Looking at the different faces, looking at the costumes and armors from various eras of Demacia, many things that Sentu had quietly hidden in the depths of memory came to the fore at this moment.

That's right, that's right!
Sentu is not the most powerful hero in Demacia, and he has never been able to pick up the sacred hammer that he has dreamed of since childhood.

But he was one of Demacia's greatest emperors.

He established the fearless vanguard, established the elite soldier system, and regulated the noble meeting for the first time.

He built Fossbarrow, Mithral City, and accepted White Cliff City, almost completely establishing the territory of Demacia today.

He stipulated the norms and responsibilities of the nobles. While granting the nobles fiefdoms, he also stipulated the missions of the nobles and established a noble meeting.

He presided over the construction of the current capital of Demacia, built the Castle of Dawn and the Hall of Valor, and made speeches in the magnificent square a necessary procedure for the king of Demacia to ascend the throne.

In his sixtieth year, after learning the news of the raging evil, he led a group of truly fearless pioneers, resolutely rushed into the shadow world, and after reforming the sacrifice ceremony, he was the first to perform self-sacrifice .

After he became a soul warrior, as a commander, he fought a protracted war against the nightmare demon Nocturne in the Shadow Realm. Even though many soul warriors who came after him were exhausted, he still persisted tenaciously.



Perhaps in Sentu's own opinion, looking back on his life, failing to find his father's holy hammer is the greatest regret.

But for anyone who knows the history of Demacia, for this great King, after reading his deeds, there is only respect in his heart.

In a daze, Sentu's gaze swept over the faces of many fearless pioneers, and finally settled on Lacus and Ino.

Sentu, who let go of his obsession, suddenly understood his father's choice.

So, he smiled and stretched out his hand, picked up the long sword that had accompanied him for countless years, and beckoned to Lacus and Ino.

Both Lacus and Ino froze for a moment.

Although they didn't know what they were doing, the two obediently came to Sentu's side.

Pulling out the sword, Sentu handed the long sword to Lux and the scabbard to Ino.

"Take it, kid." The determination on his face faded little by little, and he looked like a kind grandfather next door, squinting his eyes with a smile, "Take it and go out for me to have a look."


"It's a pity, I'm not His Majesty the Father, and this saber is not his holy hammer." Sentu said regretfully, "You are mages, and mages are in Demacia. Life may not be easy..."

"It's okay, it's okay, Your Majesty." Lux didn't take the long sword, but shook her head again and again, and hurriedly explained, "I have received the punishment of the stone crown, and I have reached the pinnacle. What's the problem..."

"Silly girl, that's different." The smile on Sentu's face became even stronger, "Aristocratic affairs are never as simple as the rules and regulations on paper. You belong to the Crown Guard family, right? Take it, it can Help you avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Lux really wanted to explain her experience to this respected majesty the king, but after seeing everything away, Sentu's body was becoming transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye - in this case, she could only sip Pursing the corners of his mouth, he stretched out his hands and took the saber.

Beside her, Ino also stretched out his hand and took the scabbard.

Seeing this scene, Sentu finally nodded with satisfaction, opened his mouth, and laughed out of breath.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the laughter, his figure became darker and more transparent, and even disappeared before the laughter dissipated.

And with the disappearance of Sentu, in the depths of the fortress, a tight door suddenly opened—the laughter flew out of the door, traveled through time and space, turned into a howling wind, and blew over Fossbarrow .

Roll like thunder.

 Karya's Little Classroom: Holy Hammer:

  What Sentu didn't know was that Oren's warhammer was given to a yordle by him, and the name of this yordle was Poppy—just as Sentu had proved throughout his life that he was qualified to take it Like the Holy Hammer, Poppy has been looking for someone who can hold the Holy Hammer for hundreds of years.

(End of this chapter)

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