Lux's Farewell

Chapter 404 [0400] Demacia, your noble model chapter is here!

Chapter 404 [0400] Demacia, your noble model is back!

Although Demacia does not have the concept of "Shangfang Sword", this commanding sword that has accompanied Sentu all his life and is now separated from the sword and scabbard, and held in the hands of Lacus and Ino, has the same meaning as Shangfang Sword How many.

After a long period of erosion in the shadow world, although this command sword is still very sharp, the blade is no longer as clean as it was at the beginning—even though the main body of the sword is thousand-forged rune steel, it has been exposed to the erosion of shadows for a long time. Under the circumstances, it still brought indelible damage to it.

Holding the sword and the scabbard, watching the respectable king let go of everything, gradually becoming transparent, and finally disappearing into nothingness, Lacus and Ino fell into a rare silence.

For them, this old command sword can save a lot of trouble and provide a lot of help.

But at this moment, what they feel is more an indescribable responsibility and inheritance.

And Sentu's death was just the beginning.

After His Majesty the king finally healed his remnants and disappeared, many soul warriors who had followed him in the shadow world for many years also put down their weapons one after another, and their souls turned from fresh to dark.

They have accomplished their mission.

After confirming that the demon had been captured and sealed, and let His Majesty Sentu completely let go, an indescribable heaviness and exhaustion finally came to my heart. I don’t know who started it. These fearless pioneer fighters shouted loudly Sing the song of Demacia.

We have crossed the mountains, we have walked the grasslands, our home is by the sea of ​​conquest, Demacians who settle here, onward onward
We slay dragons, we conquer demons, our warriors go on, brave Demacians, onward onward

We build fortresses, we expand the land, our cities are thousands of thousands, hard-working and strong Demacians, move forward

We build the roads, we clear the fields, our tall granaries fill up, Demacians, hard-working Demacians, onward onward



The tune of this Demacian song, which was born in the labor chant, is very simple, and it is the first song that many Demacians learn in their lives.

But such a song with simple melody and popular lyrics clearly and clearly described the most beautiful vision and deepest desire of Demacians from generation to generation.

Perhaps for noble gentlemen, kindness, bravery, fairness, justice...all these qualities are just their self-proclaimed political correctness, but for the Demacians, all these are indeed their pursuit and desire .

The ancestors who left their hometown with their family and escaped from the Rune Wars sang this song and came to today's Demacia. In the singing, they built settlements from scratch, trained their own troops, and developed own city.

The first generation of children born in Demacia grew up listening to this song, and then, singing this song, they built the settlements into cities, opened up farmland around the cities, connected roads, drove out wild beasts and Evil mage.

After the founding of Demacia, the first generation of Demacians also grew up listening to this song. Under the leadership of Sentu, they built a fortress in the north and bordered the sea in the south, stabilizing the border of Demacia and truly realizing the soul of this country. Shape and build.

At that time, generations of Demacians added verses to this song. Some sang it to sow the wheat fields, some sang it to herd cattle and sheep, some sang it to forge swords, and some sang it to forge swords. Walking into the battlefield singing it - unlike the complicated and grand music of the Illuminati choir, everyone can sing this song, everyone can make up a simple lyric, and everyone uses it to record their lives.

The singing voices of the soldiers of the Fearless Pioneer were not neat, but they were loud enough. If someone sang out of tune, or forgot the words, they simply stopped and laughed, trying to start again from the beginning.

In this way, the loud and clear singing was soon filled with laughter; and amidst the laughter, the bodies of the soul warriors gradually dimmed one after another.

In the end, when the singing stopped, there were only three figures left on the wall that was originally full of fully armed fearless vanguard fighters.

Lux, Ino... and Jacka.


"Uncle, let's go." With a hoarse voice, Lux carefully put away the command sword and looked at Jacka, "Follow me back to Xiongdu, everyone's mission has been completed, you should come back too .”

"Me? Forget it!" Jacka waved his hand and leaned against the top of the wall, "I'm used to staying here, and I always feel that something is wrong when I go out to face the sun."

"I kept your body." Lux wanted to persuade again, "Come on, go back with me, I promise you will be like a normal person."

"Resurrecting from the dead is not a normal person." Jacka shook his head, and then waved his hand to indicate that Lux could leave. "Although the demon is finished, there must be someone left to guard this Shadow Realm."

"Vayne will guard this place." Lux was obviously prepared, "She has completely transformed herself into a shadow form, and she can no longer leave, so she will guard this place to prevent any evil creatures from the Shadow Realm from passing through the gate. Into Runeterra."

"That's good." Hearing that, Jacka nodded seriously, "It means that I have a companion..."

"...Uncle!" Lux couldn't help raising her tone, "Stop making these messy excuses, why don't you want to go back with me?"

"Because I have made an oath to stay here forever." Jacka spread his hands, "Sentu told you before, that oath."

"But the devil is gone now!" Lux obviously couldn't understand Jacka's thoughts now, "There is no devil to imprison, why do you have to endure the long years in this dark world?"

"Lax." Seeing the attitude of the other party breaking the casserole and asking the end, Jacka could only sigh helplessly, "In this world, time is different from outside, do you understand?"

Lux nodded.

"Here, the time has become distant and long." Jacka looked at the chaos in the distance, "I have adapted to everything here, whether it is darkness, shadows, or fog... I am very clear, Now I am no longer a human being."

"No, you are!" Lux shook her head, denying Jacka's statement, "You just accepted a sacrificial ceremony—"

"But there is always a price for the sacrifice ceremony." Jacka turned around, put her hand on Lux's shoulder, with an extremely serious expression, "I also learned martial arts with His Majesty Sentu during the battle, but you know Well, Lux, no matter how hard I try, I can’t learn those seemingly simple movements—now that I have learned it, I will completely forget it in a short time.”


"Since the time of the sacrifice ceremony, my time has been frozen at that moment forever." Jacka forced a smile, "The oath of the sacrifice ceremony is not just as simple as dedicating everything to fight the devil...power There is always a price, and the immortality of the soul also means that there will be no progress, no change, this feeling, do you understand?"

Lacus fell silent.

"This little girl." Jacka smiled wryly and pointed at Ino, "I can't remember your name now."

She rubbed the hilt of the saber and put herself into the perspective of her uncle, but found that if Jacka chose to leave with her at this time, the result would be even more painful for him.

"But, if you stay here, won't you be too lonely?" Lux is still making the last effort, "Even if your time has been fixed and you can't remember more futures, at least you can go back to Crownguard Manor , you still know me, Galen, father, mother, aunt—”

"Silly girl." Jacka shook her head, brushing her hands over Lux's face, "for a soul fixed here, solitude is a rare enjoyment—don't persuade me, I'm absolutely Won't be leaving here.



In the end, when Lux and Ino left the Shadow Realm through the "main gate", they still failed to take Jacka's soul away.

The stubborn Jacka made up his mind to stay here, but Lux couldn't persuade him no matter what, and finally he could only entrust him to continue guarding the fortress that connects the Shadowlands and Runeterra, and monitor the development of the fortress in the Shadowlands by the way. Vayne on an eternal hunt.

That's right, apart from Jacka, Vayne ended up staying in the Shadowlands.

After taking down Nocturne, she accomplished her revenge as she wished—the shadow arrow completely pierced through Evelyn, who was sealed as a puppet, and made the demon completely lose its vitality.

Then, when Evelyn's body completely dissipated, the avenged Vayne fell into a subtle state between madness and rationality. While she asked Evelyn to leave quickly, she laughed After chasing after him, he was attracted by a group of shadow creatures on the way, rushed over and began to output a burst of full power.

Seeing this situation, Ino immediately asked Carya, wanting to know what was going on with Vayne, and concluded that "Vayne has completely become a chaotic shadow creature, and the desire for revenge and hunting is the chaos. source, driving her to seek her prey in the Shadowlands."

Considering that Wei En could no longer leave the Shadow Realm, Ino could only take a look from a distance in the end, then turned and left.


After leaving the Shadow Realm, although the two of them saw the bright sunshine again, Lux's mood dropped visibly to the naked eye.

Obviously, although she could understand Jacka's choice very well, the failure to save her uncle still caused her great pain - even if Kalya told her that the sacrifice ceremony could be canceled by the time spell, it didn't make Lacus feel better.

There is no way, time spells are too obscure and profound, even Kalya himself doesn't understand. Under such circumstances, how easy is it for Lux to cancel the sacrifice ceremony?
Sitting in the rickety carriage, watching Lux's lost appearance, Eno could only reluctantly start a new topic, trying to cheer her up a little:

"Speaking of which, Teacher Kalya, is that demon named Evelyn really dead?"

"No, Evelyn didn't really die." Kalya gave a negative answer, "As long as the pain is still there, Evelyn can't really be killed—this is the most troublesome part of the devil, it was born from pain Among them, even if the body of the demon is dead, as long as there is a chance, it can be reborn in pain, and in comparison, it is easier to seal it."

"Then you still let Wei En kill it?" Ino was a little confused, "Why didn't you stay and seal it?"

"Evelyn is indeed in a sealed state now." Kalya laughed when she heard this, "It's locked in my world, right next door to Nocturne."

"Ah?" Ino's eyes widened, "But, I clearly saw Wayne's arrow piercing through and melting Evelyn..."

"It's just a demon clone, a part of the demon's body." Kalya said with a relaxed tone, "I also made a deal with Evelyn."

"How could it agree to trade with you?" Ino was still a little confused, "Compared to temporary death, I think it would be worse to be sealed forever, right?"

"I threatened it that if it doesn't obey, I'll feed it to Nocturne." Kalya chuckled, "Evelyn was in a hurry at the time, and said that as long as I don't give it to others Demon, what I say is what I say."



Ino couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief for Kalya's more demonic appearance, and Lacus, who had been very disappointed, couldn't help but roll her eyes to show her respect after hearing the words.

"Okay, these two chicken demons are not a problem at all, so you don't have to worry about it!" Seeing that Lux finally reacted, Kalya also heaved a sigh of relief, "Compared with demons, you should think about it now." What should I do after returning to the Xiongdu of Demacia!"

"Wait!" Eno said strangely when he heard the words, "Didn't we agree to build a public foundation in Fossbarrow first? Why did we suddenly jump to the capital of Demacia?"

"The plan can't keep up with the changes." Carya's tone was a little more subtle gloating, "You are not in Fossbarrow now!"

Not at Forsbarrow?

Lacus and Ino looked at each other, with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

"There isn't even a snow mountain in the north, and the temperature is still so high, how could this be Fossbarrow!"

"Wait, why is this happening?" Lux finally took the initiative to ask, "When we entered and exited the Shadow Realm...were not all near Fossbarrow?"

"The space laws of the subplane are naturally not the same as those of Runeterra." Carya explained, "Do you think that the Shadow Realm is the same as the simulated training world, with only one fixed entry and exit point?"

Lux nodded.

"Wrong, as big as Runeterra is, the Shadowlands is as big, but the space correspondence between the two sides is distorted." Carya continued, "About this aspect, your follow-up courses will talk about it-space distortion, space Folding and space shuttle, this is a compulsory course for advanced spellcasters!"

"What about now?" Listening to this string of proper nouns, Lux instinctively felt her temples swell, and decisively changed the topic, "Where are we now? Near Xiongdu?"

"In terms of plants and sunlight, yes."

"So, we need to find out if there are any nearby cities or villages?"


"Choose one direction and keep walking?"

"It is recommended to go west, and you can go along the coast when you see the coast."

"Okay." Lux finally let out a long breath, "Then go straight back to the capital of Demacia!"

"That's right!" Seeing that Lux's mood seemed to improve a lot, Ino also clenched his fists, "Demacia, your noble model is back!"

"You're going to die!" Lux blushed when she heard the words, she couldn't help stretching out her hand, and covered Ino's mouth, "What kind of noble are not allowed to say it!"

"Uh, woo woo woo—"

 Carya's Small Classroom Anchored Soul:

  Souls who have undergone a sacrificial ritual are anchored to the moment the ritual was performed.

  Jacka first learned the mission of the fearless pioneer soul warrior before accepting the sacrifice ceremony, and after accepting the sacrifice ceremony, he would quickly forget the information received after the ceremony just like Alzheimer's disease.

(End of this chapter)

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