Lux's Farewell

Chapter 405 [0401] It's been a long time, the capital of Demacia!

Chapter 405 [0401] It's been a long time, the capital of Demacia!

Riding on a bumpy horse, looking at the towering city walls of Xiongdu in Demacia in the distance, Di Li breathed a sigh of relief.

The weather in Xiongdu, Demacia, is frighteningly hot in August.

Unlike Dili's hometown, Miyin City, which has a high terrain and a cool climate, the sea breeze here is smoky, humid and hot.

In this hellish weather, as the captain of a small team, Di Li, who was tasked with guarding him, had to wear a full set of armor in accordance with the regulations.

Even though the set of rune steel armor on his body was high-quality, light and strong at this time, as the horse bumped, Di Li could still clearly feel the gusts of hot air in the gap of the breastplate under his neck. .

The hot and humid air hit his sparse stubble, almost condensing and dripping down.

Stretching out his hand to wipe the wet stubble on his chin, Di Li tried his best to take a deep breath, expelling all the hot air in the armor, and then inhaled the relatively cooler air.

The exchange of gas lifted Di Li's spirits. While controlling the reins, he let his mount move forward along the road to the right, and turned his head to look at the big man walking beside him with the bridle.

"Special Envoy Argen." Di Li said in a business-like tone, "We will arrive in Xiongdu soon."

"It's really not easy." The big man Arzhen nodded when he heard the words, "It's such a hot day... it's really hard for you."

"No hard work, no hard work." Di Li shook his head, and then seriously reminded, "According to the regulations, I need to emphasize the stone agreement again. The walls of Xiongdu are all made of forbidden magic stones. If you don't control Well, your talent is likely to cause some unnecessary problems."

"It's understandable." Al really grinned, with a look of indifference on his face, "This is not the first time I've come here, and besides, there are demon seekers in your team... Nokmo Something happened to Grand Duke Qi's favorite son, and everyone's nerves are very tense."

Di Li nodded slightly, but didn't say much—the son of Grand Duke Nokmochi was killed by unknown persons in the guild hall in the Xiongdu of Demacia. On the one hand, he exiled Tariq, the Shield of Demacia, who had just gained fame, but the waves caused by this incident still did not stop.

The Valoran Mutual Aid Alliance is over. Demacia, who had been showing off at the martial arts tournament, was severely slapped in the face in the blink of an eye. However, the whole kingdom tried hard and failed to find the murderer...

Although he was only a small captain of the Fifth Legion, Di Li could well imagine how much diplomatic pressure the Xiongdu of Demacia would be facing at this time.

As long as Jarvan III still wants to make achievements in the diplomatic field, he must find a way to solve this matter thoroughly—in addition to punishing the person in charge, he must also arrest the murderer.

But the question is, how can the murderer be so easy to catch?
The usual investigation methods were used all over, but there were almost no useful clues at all. The murderer seemed to appear out of thin air and then disappeared out of thin air, leaving no evidence—if it wasn’t for Demacia, there would be absolutely no reason to do so. I am afraid that even Jarvan III will fall into self-doubt.

Even because the circumstances of the case were too special and the means of committing the crime were too cruel, it was not easy to find a scapegoat. Grand Duke Nokmochi has been in a state of hysteria,
Under such circumstances, the person in charge of the Demon Seekers made a secret report to Jarvan III. The content of the report is unknown, but after the report, a special team composed of the Demon Seekers and soldiers of the Fifth Legion was dispatched. He was transferred to the border to meet the messenger of Abmac.

As the person in charge of the soldiers of the Fifth Legion, after receiving the news, Di Li thought it was the beginning of his promotion, but after seeing the messenger, he realized that he had been involved in a trouble among.

The reason is very simple, this Mr. Special Envoy is a real mage.

To be precise, this special envoy named Arzhen is not only a real mage, but also the chief mage of Abmark!
You must know that due to the problem of prohibiting demons, foreign envoys are usually not allowed to be spellcasters when conducting diplomatic affairs in Demacia, but this time, to welcome the arrival of a special envoy of a mage... I am afraid that the only possibility is It's time to deal with the murder that happened in Xiongdu.

After realizing that he was involved in this case, Di Li felt a headache on the spot.

Even without considering how inauspicious Tarik was thrown to climb Mount Targon because of this incident, this case involves too much—whether it is the diplomacy of each principality, or the activities of mages in the capital of Demacia , none of which Di Li is willing to stick to.

Back then, after a lot of tossing by Lacus, although Di Li was not bitten by a snake once and afraid of well ropes for ten years, at least he finally had a clearer understanding of himself as a small person.

Clinging is not a problem, the problem is that in this kind of event of the game of the big man, it is difficult to take care of the overall situation from the perspective of the small man, and clinging rashly is a big gamble.

Even if it is mixed seniority in the army, it is better than being involved in this kind of trouble!
Di Li, who had learned a lesson, could not be as rash as before. After learning about the mission of his trip, he finally chose to do business honestly, without any personal purpose, and strive to finish the job quickly and get out quickly. .

Thankfully, it's been smooth sailing along the way.

This Mr. Arzhen did follow Shiyue's request, and was under the supervision of the magic searcher the whole time, and never used the power of magic.

Next, as long as I send this Mr. Arzhen into the capital of Demacia and check into the embassy, ​​my dangerous escort mission will be considered a successful completion!

Even if he didn't establish a relationship with the fellow demon seekers, Di Li still felt that this trip was already very satisfying.


Soon, Di Li led the team to the east gate of the Xiongdu of Demacia.

It was evening, and there were a lot of people lining up to enter the city. The summer trade in Demacia was coming to an end. Now is the time for caravans from all over the world to leave the capital of Demacia and return to their hometowns. Sometimes you need to line up honestly outside the door.

The waiting process was a bit long, Arzhen simply got off his horse, ran to the team of demon hunters behind, and told colorful jokes—I don’t know what the brain circuit of this mage was thinking, but he actually thought Di Li was dumbfounded when he saw that he wanted to have a relationship with the magic seeker.

Shaking his head, Di Li didn't care about this guy, but took the initiative to restrain the soldiers in his squad, and lined up obediently.

Although some of the soldiers didn't quite understand Di Li's thoughts and wanted to hear those sex jokes, they finally gathered near the city gate according to Di Li's request, waiting to line up to enter the city.

Then, just as Di Li finished his team and breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a familiar face in the queue of pedestrians entering the city next to him.

This is a beautiful young girl, she has smooth long golden hair, a pair of azure blue eyes shining in the setting sun, although she is only wearing simple clothes without any frills, but that kind of self-confidence from the inside out The temperament always makes people feel that she is either rich or expensive.

The first time he saw this girl, Di Li thought she looked familiar, but after thinking about it, he couldn't remember her identity—he clearly didn't know her!
Di Li, who was a little suspicious in his heart, couldn't help but looked at the other party carefully, but the more he looked, the more he believed that he had never seen her.

Where did this subtle sense of familiarity come from?
Seemingly sensing Di Li's gaze, the other party quickly turned his head.

After looking Di Li up and down, she seemed to recognize Di Li's identity quickly, couldn't help smiling, holding a saber, and waved to Di Li.

Di Li subconsciously wanted to nod politely, but when he saw the saber in the opponent's hand, his nodding stopped abruptly.

His gaze seemed to be attracted, and he was firmly locked on the guard grid of this saber, and on the exquisite crown guard coat of arms.

At this moment, he finally realized the other party's identity, and finally understood why he only felt familiar when he looked at the other party, but he couldn't remember the other party's identity...

She is the eldest lady of the Crownguard family, Laxana Crownguard!
Di Li's eyes widened in disbelief. He never expected that Miss Laxana would return to Demacia and come to the capital of Demacia!

Didn't she suffer the punishment of the stone crown?
Returning to Demacia at this time, returning to the Xiongdu of Demacia... If someone finds out, I'm afraid not only she will be unlucky, but even the entire Crown Guard family will have big problems!
How dare she?
Moreover, even if she really came back, she shouldn't appear carelessly on the street at this time, right?
Is it true that no one in Demacia can recognize her identity?
You must know that, as a family deeply trusted by the king, the Mianwei family has always been the object of the jealousy of many nobles. If possible, many people are very happy to make trouble for the Mianwei family...

To put it bluntly, Laxana's return to the capital of Demacia at this time is simply going to drag the entire Crown Guard family into the abyss!
Although he was tricked by Lux once, as a member of the Crown Guard family, Di Li's first reaction was still to find a way to cover up.

No, she must not be discovered!
With a sudden change of mind, Di Li asked the soldiers to wait in line, and at the same time excused his impatience, and temporarily left the line—he had to persuade Miss Laxana not to be so reckless.

However, just after leaving the reckless team, a slightly refreshing breeze blew, and Di Li's feverish brain quickly cooled down.

No, something is wrong.

This Miss Laxana is not a simple character, and Di Li, who has personally experienced the events of Misil City and the duel, knows this very well.

It is absolutely impossible for her to appear here swaggeringly now, without any preparations!
That's right, she must have her own ideas and plans...

Although Di Li didn't know what Laxana was relying on, he still stopped walking towards Lax and turned around to the outside of the city, as if he really planned to find a place for convenience.

Calm down, Di Li, calm down, this kind of thing is not something you can casually participate in, before you know the whole situation, acting rashly will only cause trouble—you don’t need to gamble anymore!
In this way, while trying to calm down his mood, Di Li went outside the city to "solve the physical problem" by force.

When he returned to the team with a feeling of apprehension, it was their turn to enter the city.

"Oh, Di Li, you're back." Alzhen winked at him and said, "Although middle-aged people have no choice but to do this too frequently, don't you?"

When the young soldiers under Di Li heard this, although they couldn't laugh outright, they still winked at each other purposefully. Obviously, for them, it was always welcome to tease their superiors.

I can't open my mouth to make jokes, but that Mr. Messenger can be unscrupulous. It's really interesting.

Hearing Arzhen's words, Di Li's face became visibly darkened.

However, he didn't open his mouth to distinguish, but snorted angrily, as if he was angry, he squeezed away the soldiers, strode to the front of the line, and started to communicate with the guarding soldiers while leading his horse. , show the official document, and prepare to enter the city.

During this process, although Di Li kept his head down, he kept looking around with the corner of his eyes.

Seeing that he didn't see Lux's figure again, he was slightly relieved.

Maybe she was picked up by a special person, and the behavior of greeting herself before was just a test?
Thinking of Lux's performance in Miyin City before, Di Li felt a little uneasy at this moment.

I hope I passed Miss Laxana's temptation...

However, what is she testing this time?

Also, why did she choose to return to the Xiongdu of Demacia at this time?

Di Li, who was full of doubts in his heart, finally came to the defenders of the city, showed them the documents for entering the city, and led them to count the number of people in the team.

After confirming that it was correct, the team finally started again and slowly entered the capital of Demacia.

Then, just as the team entered the city gate, Arzhen, who was leading the horse, passed the crowd and came to Di Li, who was also leading the horse.

"Sorry, Mr. Dilly, I didn't mean anything malicious." Al Zhen put on a sincere look and said to him, "I was just joking..."

The soldiers who had pricked up their ears before heard Arzhen's apology, all showed expressions of "that's it" on their faces.

However, what they didn't know was that after apologizing, Arzhen whispered something to Di Li that made him almost unable to suppress his emotions.

"When I entered the city just now, I found a powerful spellcaster." This time, Arzhen's tone was no longer teasing, "She seems to be waving at you...Mr. Dilly, do you know her? ?”

 Carya's Small Classroom·Stone Covenant:

  The law of Demacia stipulates that any spellcaster who comes to Demacia must accept the supervision of the magic seeker, and the use of magic is prohibited. This law is engraved on the forbidden magic stone tablet of each border fortress, so it is called the stone about.

(End of this chapter)

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