Lux's Farewell

Chapter 408 [0404]

Chapter 408 [0404] Threesome

No matter Lacus, Ino or Sona, they didn't have much appetite at this moment, so the three of them simply ate something, left the restaurant hand in hand, turned and went upstairs, and entered Lacus' bedroom.

Looking at the familiar bedroom, familiar furnishings, and everything familiar, Lacus finally couldn't help but open her arms, turned around in a circle, and then pulled Ino and Sona together, and lay down directly on the quilt. Three queen beds.

"I'm finally back." Lux murmured, looking at the familiar ceiling in her bedroom, "Sona, Ino, I'm really back!"

"Yeah, I'm back." I don't know why, hearing Lacus say this, Ino, who had been nervous before, gradually relaxed, "Speaking of which, you once slept in my bedroom, now it's my turn Your bedroom."

Lux was taken aback by Ino's words, and then she couldn't help but smile.

"That's true." Lux laughed, "When I went to Mihril City that time, in order to inquire about the frost situation, I lived in a farmer's house outside the city, but by coincidence, I chose your house. "

"Although Teacher Kalya hates to talk about fate, I always feel that there is always God's will." Ino sat up and looked at the quiet Sona, "Senior Sister Sona, this is the first time we meet, I am Yi promise."


Sona pursed her lips slightly and sat up quickly.

With a wave of his hand, the Kuihua guqin floated beside him. With a flick of his jade fingers, a low trembling sound sounded—the sound of the piano fell into Yinuo's ears like a psychic, and it naturally became a gentle sound. respond.

"I've heard of Ni a long time ago, but I've never seen it before. I saw it today, and found that Lacus was right."

"Did Lacus ever talk about me?" Ino didn't know about it, "At that time, I probably didn't know Teacher Kalya, right?"

"Yes." Sona nodded with a smile while playing the piano, "But she said at that time that you will definitely become a junior sister in the future."

"Just catch up on the old days, don't arrange me here." At this moment, Kalya's voice came, "Sona, I haven't checked your homework yet!"

"Teacher Kalya!" Sona's eyes lit up, and she stretched out her hand to hold the hilt of the sword in disbelief, "You...can you speak?"

"It's done now!" Kalya said in a relieved tone, "Let me feel... Well, it should be that I haven't relaxed my studies, the magic power is running smoothly, and it seems that I have communicated with Yuhua, let go, you haven't bathed in the sky , it’s not good to contact me for a long time.”

"Then Lux and Ino, are they already gods?" Sona plucked the strings a little happily and enviously, "When Tariq came back, I asked my mother to find out about the climbers. , I heard that as long as a mortal climbs Mount Targon, he is a god."

"Then what do you think?" Before Ino and Lux ​​could speak, Kalya took the initiative, "Is Tarik a god?"

"He...he's weird." Being asked by name suddenly, Sona's finger that plucked the strings also became hesitant, "His posture, the strength he displayed, and the feeling he gave me all resemble A god who is high above and overlooks all living beings, but I don't think that a god should look like him."

"Tariq is gone, and the one who really controls this body is now the Guardian Protoss." Kalya didn't make a fool of himself, "Sona, when you and Lacus were young, there were many stories about gods and gods. I haven't even talked about the world runes in detail, and now it's time to make up for you."

Hearing the make-up lesson, Sona subconsciously sat up straight, pulled Kuihua who was floating beside her to her face, pressed the strings with both hands, and looked like she was ready for battle.

Seeing how nervous she was, Lacus and Ino couldn't help but smile at each other—Kalya had already told them about this part of the course, and now it's not too pleasant to watch other people attend the class and be trained.

However, as an experienced teacher, Kalya would definitely not favor one another at this time: "Lax!"


Lux, who was suddenly named, couldn't lie down anymore, and finally sat up—I don't know if it was her illusion. After she was able to speak, the pressure Karya put on herself seemed to be greater than when she communicated with her mind before. much.

She was obviously quite used to being asked questions suddenly, but after being called by this voice, Lacus still couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Talk about the definition of a god."

"There are many definitions of gods." While buying time with clichés, Lacus quickly recalled the lesson Kalya taught herself, "It can be divided in terms of combat power, in terms of immortality, or in terms of original rules or folk customs. division in cognition."

"So, if Tariq is said to be a god, tell me, from what aspect is this being said?"

"Should it be combat power and folk customs?" Lux blinked her eyes, her tone was a little uncertain, "We fought against each other before, and at that time Taric had already accepted part of the power of the protoss, it was smelly and hard, now Now that he has climbed Targon Peak and returned, I am afraid he will definitely go one step further."

"Why isn't he an immortal god?"

"Because the power does not belong to Tariq himself." For this question, Lux answered without thinking, "He is the protoss body chosen by the giant god, and his will is completely manipulated by the giant god. Once the power of the giant god fades, he will be reduced to a mortal. , or even annihilate directly.”

"Very good." Lux's answer made Kalya very satisfied, "Got it, Sona, you feel that Taric is indeed a god, that's because he fits the definition of a god in Demacia, and his own Some aspects have also reached the definition of a god, but this power is imaginary and borrowed, so according to your original heart, he still cannot be called a true god."

Kalya's words made Sona a little stunned - she has been in Demacia for many years, even if she is a mage, even if she has been carefully taught by Kalya, when she thinks about the gods, Sona can't help but understand some folk customs. Part of it is substituted into it.

This was the source of her awkwardness with Tarek.

For Karya, gods are a cold and objective definition. When thinking about gods, one must remove their awe-inspiring sanctity. Only in this way can the deceptive cloak be truly stripped off.

"Tariq's power is not his own, but the guardian god, but what is the guardian spirit?" Sona plucked the strings and asked her own question, "the teacher mentioned the giant god in the past, mentioned Protoss, but I never talked about it in detail, and every time I ask you, I say it's not the right time."

"Giant gods are extraordinary beings born outside of Runeterra, in the heavens." Kalya said in a relieved tone, "There are actually very few studies on them, but what is certain is that the laws of the heavens are different from the laws of Runeterra, and they cannot Enter our world at will—either by taking a mortal body, or by giving up one's own immortal celestial body."

"So, the chosen body is the protoss?"

"That's right!" Sona's answer made Kalya very satisfied. "Now Taric has gained the power of the Guardian God and has become the Guardian Protoss, and this is the main reason why you have separated his senses from him."

"However, just now Lux said that Tariq conforms to the concept of gods in folklore." Sona was still a little puzzled, "But, I asked my mother, but she couldn't explain why it happened...Obviously Demacia Those who don’t pay attention to beliefs, even if they are the Illuminati, are just persuading some ideas to be kind to others!”

When Sona asked about this topic, Lacus and Ino also showed curious expressions at the same time—the two of them traveled all the way across Shurima. The kindness and resentment between the giant gods and the protoss.

However, Kalya did not explain the relationship between the giant god and Demacia in great detail. Only when Lux asked about it, he would vaguely say that "the establishment of Demacia also owes a contribution to the giant god." Such words.

As for the credit, Carya is unwilling to elaborate.

Moreover, judging from the duel designed by Karya before, he can be said to know quite well about the Illuminati—especially the Silent Man of the Illuminati.

So why is this?

"I know that you will be interested in this matter sooner or later." Kalya laughed when he heard the words, "I didn't want to talk about this part before, on the one hand because you have not yet learned about the giant gods, on the other hand it is also because of this matter It has a lot to do with me, at that time there were always some things I couldn’t figure out, so I didn’t want to talk about myself.”

Hearing what Kalya said, the eyes of which girl obviously became brighter - even if they get along day and night, Kalya still maintains her sense of mystery in many aspects. Now it seems that Kalya is going to talk about herself again. They are simply full of anticipation.

"The story starts when Demacia was established." Under the gaze of three pairs of eyes full of curiosity and expectation, Kalya finally said in the calm tone that he has always taught, "Rune During the war, a group of people who were unwilling to participate in the war left their homes to escape the flames of war, hoping to find a safe place. At that time, the Noxian Empire—the predecessor of Noxus—was the most terrifying symbol of the world. text users, so these people chose to stay away from Noxie and fled all the way west, hoping to find a safe place that would not be affected by the war."


"And these people are the predecessors of today's Demacia. Among these people, there are refugees from Noxie, survivors from Blessed Island, and disaster victims from Shurima. The peddler was brought among such strange amulets among such a crowd."

 Carya's Small Classroom·Studies of Gods:
  This is something Kalya is very concerned about, and it was also a compulsory course at Shurima University.

(End of this chapter)

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