Lux's Farewell

409 [0405] Demacia, a piece of history

409 Demacia, a piece of history [0405]

The establishment of Demacia has a lot to do with Karya.

It's just that Kalya is really reluctant to mention this period of history—for him, from falling asleep to meeting Lacus, it's a completely dark history.

The dignified Prince Regent of the Shurima Empire and the most important maintainer of the empire's orthodoxy, when he regained consciousness after self-sealing, he was dug out by someone. After several twists and turns, he even fell into a In the hands of antiquities dealers.

It can only be said to be quite desolate.

Due to being a dark descendant and eroding the host, during the rune war, when Kalya woke up again, even though the holder was a cultural relic dealer, Kalya still did not directly seize his body.

Although this cultural relic dealer has not experienced systematic magic learning, his own talent is not bad, and he has mastered some magic abilities through his own explorations, so Karya plans to teach one more student to see if he can use external magic power to supply it. Ways to keep yourself sane.

However, unlike Lacus, this cultural relic dealer and Kalya are not in the same way.

After Kalya woke up and saw some of Kalya's power, he completely made Kalya into a world rune-like existence.

Although he is relatively old and is not suitable for learning from scratch, even if Karya tries to teach him the quick content, he is still impatient and unwilling to learn.


Learn shit!
Carya is enough for you!

I will find a few suitable mage embryos now, and when I need to make a move, I will hand you over to him, and then you can directly control his body and make a move!

Obviously, this guy's way of thinking is similar to that of a giant god. In his opinion, since Kalya has extraordinary power, but lacks the magic power to activate, and will pollute the caster who provides the magic power, the best way is naturally to find Several disposable magic batteries.

Let me learn magic?

It will take years of monkeys and horses and moons to reach the level of an ascender!
In order to realize his ambition, the cultural relics dealer immediately dissipated his wealth, gathered a large number of orphans who might be mages, and took them away from Shurima.

He had made up his mind, relying on the "world rune" in his hand to break through the world.

Although he is a dealer in cultural relics, this guy still has some vision after traveling all over the world.

In his opinion, the Rune War is spreading like a raging fire centered on the Noxie Empire, and it is said that a whole continent has been bombed and sunk.

In such a situation, one should first find a place that is not affected by the flames of war, sit down as the grass head king, and then wait for the changes, and wait for Noxie to be besieged and finished, and strike later!

Although I don't know which one is stronger, Carya or World Rune, but when the power of World Rune is exhausted or no one can control it, then I will be the strongest!

With such thoughts in mind, after some investigation, the cultural relics dealer soon had a direction.

I heard that a powerful general in the Noxie Empire was dissatisfied with the abuse of world rune power, and led a group of people to leave the empire, intending to expand westward and avoid the vortex of war, so he brought his carefully selected "battery reserve" ", happily joined the team.

After learning about this idea, Karya really wanted to seize this bastard on the spot.

But the problem is, without going through systematic learning, if Kalya directly seizes him, it won't be long before Kalya will fall into a deep sleep again because of the exhaustion of magic power.

Charging for 300 years and acting for 5 minutes is really a loss for Carya.

Moreover, this guy brought a group of children with him when he acted. Without his protection, these children might all be finished.

Therefore, Karya chose to wait and see.

In this way, the antiquities dealer led a group of children full of expectations with ambition and Karya, and followed Oren's team into the current Demacia region.


As if trickling into the sea, the number of this team is growing.

Here are the remnants of the Blessed Island scattered all over the place, the Nokshi people who escaped from the war, the Rakkor people who got the oracle, the Shurima people who are full of ambitions, and even the people who abused the world runes because of the Nokshi Empire. After causing the land to subside and triggering a tsunami, the Ionians were taken to the ocean and could not return home...

Since Oren is a very prestigious general in the Noxi Empire, and there are a group of elite soldiers and a large number of family members under his command, after these people from various places gather together, they vaguely regard Oren as a I hope that Oren can lead them to establish a brand new utopia.

This can be very anxious Mr. cultural relics dealer.

Although he came here taking advantage of the momentum, he never expected Oren to be so charismatic.

According to his thinking, although an officer from the Noxi Empire like Oren can lead the team, the people who are deeply hurt by the rune wars should not be willing to support him!

Why is this guy with a hammer able to get along with anyone and have a good relationship with everyone?

No wonder you can't stay in Nokshi any longer, you are totally different from normal Nokshi people!
But no matter how much he gritted his teeth, Oren's prestige is still getting better day by day - when encountering danger, Oren is always the first to charge with his hammer; usually in the process of marching, he is always the most demanding of himself Strict; for his own family members, he does not even have any preferential treatment. The 12-year-old Tucson also needs to give up the carriage and walk on both feet like other peers.

So, no doubt, he was in a hurry.

Seeing that Oren has almost become a real leader, and even the orphans he brought are getting closer and closer to Oren's son, the cultural relics dealer finally made up his mind to use his "world rune" once, and Karya Come forward and kill Oren.

After being asked to make a move, Karya finally had the opportunity to gradually come into contact with this large migration team under the pretext of "looking for a reliable source of magic power".

Kalya was delighted to see these people from all over the world united to face all kinds of difficulties, and watched them struggling to find a new home. In these people, he seemed to see the former Shurima tribe. batch of pioneers.

Then, when Kalya planned to seize the cultural relics dealers and give them some help as a prophet, he was surprised to find that in this huge team, there was actually a protoss who was not visible. .

Justice Protoss!

Since he didn't dare to get in close contact, Kalya didn't know why there was a protoss in this team, but this righteous protoss would not be here for vacation anyway.

Even if this was a female protoss with a child, Kalya still didn't dare to underestimate her in the slightest.

In Kalya's view, compared to the Twilight who likes to play tricks, the scorching sun and bright moon who are obsessed with religion and imagery, and the mindless war and protection, this righteous protoss is the most troublesome.

After all, for mortals, whether it is the final twilight reincarnation, or the turbulent war and peace, there is no "justice" that is easy to understand and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people-it is not wrong to uphold justice, the real problem lies in the stars. Spiritual justice and mortal justice are not the same kind of justice.

Now, a righteous protoss supporting the old and the young appeared in this migrating team, and he has not taken the initiative to reveal his identity. For Kalya, this is simply a thorn in his throat.

Could it be that the giant god who lives high in the heavens has already set his sights on places beyond Targon Peak and Shurima.

As a professional with a wealth of "experience in fighting protoss", Kalya's attitude towards protoss has never been friendly.

But for the current team struggling to survive in the waves of Rune Wars, at least at the current stage, the protection of the protoss is still very important.

Just like the situation in the early days of Shurima, Kalya didn't want to give up protoss combat power for nothing, and he didn't want this new country to become the back garden of the giant god like Mount Targon. What should we do at this time?

After some thought, Kalya quickly came up with the answer - taking advantage of God's advantage in the dark, he arranged a plan to kill three birds with one stone.

The first is the cultural relic dealer who controls his own "body".

This guy is easy to deal with. Karya only needs to take him away at critical moments. Although he thinks he can control Karya, in fact, like most people who know nothing about power, they can't get rid of Karya's control at all. .

The second is the Protoss of Justice whose purpose is unknown.

Through follow-up observations and investigations, Kalya was pleasantly surprised to find that she herself was not devoid of personal will. Unlike those Protoss who had been reduced to puppets, the always strict God of Justice seemed to have given her a lot of freedom. His purpose is not to establish the kingdom of God on earth, but to send his last concern away from Mount Targon and cut off his last bond as a mortal.

Finally, there are these displaced refugees.

Anyway, not far away is one of Kalya's plant laboratories. If these people can build a new home under the shelter of those forbidden trees, Kalya himself is happy to see it. He believes that as long as they can Knowing that there is a forbidden magic tree ahead that can protect them from being harmed by magic, they will have the ability to move forward!
After sorting out these points, Kalya finally had a bottom line in his heart.

Soon, the time for action arose.

Near the Green Tooth Peak, this huge team suffered a fatal attack. Oren, who has always been in the lead and invincible, was calculated by a mage holding a fragment of the world rune, and was suppressed by the summoned mountain rocks. His life and death were unknown. .

Amidst the strange laughter of the mage, invisible fear seized everyone's heart. Oren, who had always been invincible, was suppressed by the backhand, and the life and death of several guards who followed him along the way were unknown...

Everyone in the team looked at me and you, and they all came to the brink of despair.

Under such circumstances, the cultural relic dealer immediately asked Carya to take action: "As long as we defeat the mage and compact the mountain on Oren, I will be the leader of these people for the rest of the journey!"

"Well, you're right." Faced with his urging, Kalya said in a relaxed tone, "However, I think Oren is more of a qualified leader than you."

The next moment, amidst the astonishment of the cultural relic dealer, a force surged from his body and completely took over his body.

"Oren, here I come!"

Under the astonished gazes of the refugees, the antiquities dealer, who usually seemed shady and heavy-hearted, rushed towards the seemingly invincible mage as if he had ignited his own life.


Carya stopped suddenly when she was talking about this, and the three little girls who were listening happily urged immediately: "What is the result of the battle?"

"Of course I won." Kalya said in a natural tone, "Although his own magic power is not very good, the mage on the opposite side is also a second knife who picked up world rune fragments, and he doesn't know how to use it at all. It's just his bad luck that Oren was hit."

"So, you told the location of the rune tree through the mouth of the cultural relics dealer?" Enuo thought thoughtfully, "A person who is about to die, is his words good?"

"And definitely said bad things about the Titan and the protoss by the way." Lux added, "Well, there is no need to say bad things, as long as the truth is true."

"I'm not someone who speaks ill of others behind their backs." Kalya chuckled, "Actually, after I revealed my strength, that Miss Mihira couldn't take it anymore, and she was about to judge me on the spot—don't Forget, to the Titans, it is far more righteous to destroy a person who has ties to the Darkin or the Void than to save a group of mortals."

Lacus, Ino, and Sona looked at each other, and they all understood Kalya's meaning.

"At the last moment, I informed Oren of the Rune Tree Free Growth Laboratory, which should be named Renwall now." Kalya continued to tell her story, "Later, I woke up intermittently a few times, and it seemed that I lost consciousness. Sheila finally left the team because of this incident, while her husband and two daughters stayed here and made great contributions to the establishment of Demacia. Their story is the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters .”

"As for why I have a better understanding of some things inside the Silent Man, it is mainly because I found out later that the main members of the Silent Man organization are almost all the children who were brought over from Shurima—they all have good Magic talent, but the identity of a mage in Shurima is quite subtle, so even if you don’t know why they merged with the Illuminati, this group of people is still relatively independent, and even many internal rules have not changed much. Responsible for the work related to the Demacian Demon Stone, and inheriting the most secret knowledge since the Rune Wars."

Speaking of which, Kalya's story came to an end.

After giving the three of them a few minutes to think, Karya quickly asked the next question.

"Now that you know the positions of the Illuminati and the Silencers, and understand Tarek's identity at this time, then it's time for brainstorming." Kalya's tone was subtle, full of expectation, "Let's discuss, then How do we deal with the current situation?"

 Carya's Little Classroom Confluence of the Illuminati:

  Kalya, who soon fell into a deep sleep, didn't know why the children from Shurima joined with the worshipers of the Flying Sisters to form the Illuminati, and she didn't know why Demacia had such a strict attitude towards magic— —According to his initial thought, after the episode of "fighting to save Oren", Demacia should be more open to magic.

  It seems that something happened after the founding of Demacia, which caused the country to tighten its control over magic. Unfortunately, this incident is not found in the historical records. Karya was sleeping when it happened.

(End of this chapter)

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